Backtracking to the Age of Literature and Art

Chapter 420 One Piece of Nonsense

Chapter 420
Yu Dong was not too affected by jet lag, and slept well that night.

Maybe after staying outside for such a long time, I always feel a little uneasy, but now that I am back home, my heart has settled down.

The next morning, Yu Dong took Mo Yan to find Wu Changxin and signed his residency contract.

When Wu Changxin saw Mo Yan, he was smiling. He and Mo Yan were old acquaintances. Some time ago, Mo Yan and Yu Hua wandered around the school every day, and they saw each other almost every day.

After handing over a cigarette, Wu Changxin said, "Teacher Mo Yan, let me just say, you will definitely stay. As for Jinyi, although the treatment is average, the atmosphere is relatively free, and the writers in school are also very respectful. It's the contract of the school, you have to read it."

Mo Yan took the contract, flipped through it, took out a pen from his pocket, and signed it.

"Principal Wu, you are too modest. Jin Yi's writer-in-residence treatment is already very good."

Mo Yan's words were not simple compliments, but his sincere words.He would agree to come to Jin Yi, Yu Dong and the others were of course the main reason, but Jin Yi's treatment also moved him.

Compared with when Yu Hua first came and the writer-in-residence system was first established, Jinyi's writer-in-residence treatment has been doubled.

For a writer like Mo Yan who has a family, the school will give him an apartment to live in, and in addition to salary, there are various subsidies every month, which basically solves his worries.

Even if he went to Rongcheng, he would not be treated so well.

The most important thing is that last year he just took his wife and daughter to Yanjing, and he hasn't settled down completely yet, so this happened this year.

After the accident, his wife and daughter returned to their hometown, and now that he has settled down in Jinyi, he can take them over again.


After coming out of Wu Changxin's office, Yu Dong asked with a smile, "When are you going to bring my sister-in-law and niece over? I'll make arrangements to clean them up."

"It will take a while. Xiaoxiao will be in the third year of junior high soon. The school is not easy to find. I want to wait for the school to be found before taking them over."

"Is this also a matter?" Yu Dong laughed, "Let Shenkong help with this matter. Isn't there a few days before school starts? There is enough time, just take them over."

"It's not good to bother the deep space all the time."

Yu Dong patted Mo Yan on the shoulder, "Don't think too much, it's only natural for the brokerage company to help with some life-related matters. Don't worry about this, I'll tell Yu Yu and them. Call home and tell them what happened."

Hearing what Yu Dong said, Mo Yan didn't feel shy anymore, "Okay, I'll pack up and go back to my hometown to pick them up these two days."

"Well, go to Luoyuan for lunch at noon, and I'll call you later."

"it is good."

After separating from Mo Yan, Yu Dong called Yu Liang and told him about Mo Yan.

"No problem, Boss, I'll make arrangements right away." On the phone, Yu Yu said with a smile, "Teacher Mo Yan has also come to Jinling, and our company's business will be better developed from then on."

"Well, also, my new book "Golden Dreamland" has been written."

"Should I post it directly, or submit to a magazine first?"

"Let's vote for a magazine first." Yu Dong thought for a while, and then said, "By the way, there is a best-selling book in the United States called "Lying". Ask your colleagues in the United States to get some copies."

"Lying?" Yu Yu was a little surprised, obviously he had never heard of this book.

"This book is quite popular, and my colleagues in the United States must know that it was written by a psychologist." Yu Dong said.

"Oh, okay, I'll contact there right away. I'll ask Jiang Jie to get the manuscript of "Golden Dreamland"."

"I'm about to tell you about Jiang Jie. Hurry up and recruit a new assistant for me. Jiang Jie should let him stay in the company. Didn't you say before that the Deep Space Chinese Website should be independent? Throw Jiang Jie over there for training. exercise."

Yu Yue smiled and said, "Okay, I understand. However, being your assistant to the boss is really promising. If I were ten years younger, I would be your assistant without any salary."

"Okay, don't be poor, hurry up and finalize the matter of the assistant."


After hanging up the phone, Yu Dong went to the bachelor's dormitory again. He was going to Luoyuan for dinner at noon, and his parents called for Xiaohu to go with him.

On the second floor, the doors and windows of Ruan Xiaohu's dormitory were closed, but the curtains were drawn. Yu Dong leaned close to the window and looked inside, but there was no one there.

Yu Dong went to Zhang Xian's dormitory again.

Zhang Xian was writing at his desk, while Yu Dong leaned against the door frame and asked with a smile, "Old Zhang, what are you doing?"

He spoke suddenly, which startled Zhang Xian. Seeing that it was Yu Dong, he rolled his eyes: "You are back, no matter how you walk, there is no sound."

"It's not that I walk silently, but that you are too focused. What are you busy with? When did you come to school?"

"What else can you be busy with, teaching materials." Zhang Xian stretched his waist against the chair, and complained: "You and Lao Bi have traveled around the world, leaving me alone at school, so the matter of teaching materials will fall to me alone." On? Originally, I wanted to stay at home for a while, but when I thought about the textbooks, I couldn’t stay anymore. I arrived at school a week ago.”

"It's a lot of work for those who can. You are the pillar of the drama. If you don't count on the textbooks, who else can you count on? The two of us are still laymen after all."

"Don't be humble, the class of the two of you is the most popular in the whole department. What are you doing here now?"

"I invite you to dinner, we are going to Luoyuan in a while, will you go?"

"Nonsense, if someone invites you to dinner, of course I'm going." Zhang Xian raised his eyebrows, then remembered something again, "You come back, Xiaohu doesn't know."

"Ang, I didn't tell him. I went to his dormitory to look for him just now, but I didn't see him either."

Zhang Xian chuckled, "Then you missed him. When I went down to fetch water in the morning, I saw him going out with Li Yu. They hooked their little hands at first. They were a little embarrassed to see me. Hurry up. Let go, I guess I have an appointment to go out to play today."

Yu Dong raised his eyebrows, he didn't expect Xiao Hu to be with Li Yu.

Zhang Xian looked at Yu Dong's expression and guessed what he was thinking, "Let's talk about this kid Xiaohu. He usually looks dull, but he is not ambiguous at all when he is in love. That's why I often say, you writers, you have this one." talent."

"Don't talk nonsense, what talent does a writer have."

"The talent to talk about love, do you think there is any writer who can't find a wife? I have studied it. There is a special attraction in writers, which is very useful for women, so even if the writer is ugly , can also attract many beautiful women.”

Zhang Xian said it seriously, Yu Dong grinned, "It's just nonsense."

(End of this chapter)

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