Chapter 426 Some Kindness
"Sprout" magazine, Zhao Yan walked through the lobby of the editorial department with a schoolbag in his arms, saying hello to the acquaintances of the editorial department along the way.

He is currently studying at the Customs School, and he usually comes to the magazine office to stay for a while when he has nothing to do. It may be because he grew up here, so he likes the atmosphere here very much.

At the door of the editor-in-chief's office, Zhao Yan knocked on the door and called out, "Dad."

Zhao Changtian was reading a manuscript at his desk, when he heard Zhao Yan's voice, he replied without raising his head: "Yes."

Seeing his father so focused, Zhao Yan approached slowly, and asked in a low voice, "Dad, are you reviewing manuscripts? Whose manuscript do you want to review in person?"

"Yu Dong's."

"Yu... no wonder." Zhao Yan moved a little closer, "Have you seen any of them, give me some to look at."

Zhao Changtian looked up at his son, but said nothing.

Although he didn't speak, Zhao Yan also understood, and took two steps back awkwardly, and didn't mention the matter of reading the manuscript.

In this regard, Zhao Changtian was very strict with him, and he would not show such unpublished manuscripts at all.

Zhao Yan found a chair and sat down. He originally brought a book and wanted to read it here, but now he has no such thoughts, and his mind is full of thinking about Yu Dong's manuscript.

He is Yu Dong's loyal reader and also the first batch of readers. He was happy for several days when he saw Yu Dong in his father's office.

Is Yu Dong writing mystery novels again?

That's how it should be, his "Fatal Identity" is so well written.

There is a large stack of manuscripts, which should be a long novel.

Zhao Yan rubbed his hands. Although he couldn't see it now, he was still very excited when he learned that Yu Dong was about to publish a new book.

Compared with other writers, Yu Dong is already a very prolific writer, but Zhao Yan still feels that he hasn't published a work for a long time.After all, who would want too few good books?

After sitting on the chair for a while, Zhao Yan couldn't sit still, and walked back and forth in the office.

Zhao Changtian raised his head and said sharply, "A thorn in your butt?"

Zhao Yan was taken aback, and quickly sat back down.

In this way, after waiting anxiously for more than two hours, Zhao Changtian finally finished reading the manuscript.

Zhao Yan asked eagerly: "How is it, Dad, is Yu Dong's new book good?"

"Still asking?" Zhao Changtian rolled his eyes.

Zhao Yan scratched the back of his head: "That's right, there is nothing bad about his works... Is it reasoning?"

"It's not a reasoning either." Zhao Changtian shook his head, "Actually, the previous "Fatal Identity" can't be considered a reasoning novel, at least not a conventional mystery novel. But this new novel, compared with "Fatal Identity", is more tender .”

"Warmth." Zhao Yan said in astonishment: "There is no murder or anything in it?"

"Yes, and it's a big case. The president died at the beginning."

"A president died? So the novel is not set in China?"

"En." Zhao Changtian nodded: "Okay, don't ask any more questions, and I won't tell you too much. After the novel is serialized, you can read it yourself."

At this time, Zhao Yan's appetite had already been whetted, but he didn't dare to ask any more questions, so he could only think wildly.

"Don't talk, I'll call Yu Dong."

Zhao Changtian gave some instructions, then picked up the phone and called Yu Dong.

"Hello, hello." Yu Dong answered the phone quickly.

Zhao Changtian smiled and said, "Yu Dong, I am Zhao Changtian."

"Editor Zhao, you are calling me at this time, are you talking about "Golden Dreamland"?"

"Well, that's right. I read the manuscript, and it's very exciting. To be honest, I feel that even if this novel is sent to "Shanghai Literature", they will definitely be willing to ask for it. The literary quality is very strong. It was mesmerizing to watch."

Yu Dong laughed and said, "So, I have to send the manuscript to Jin Yucheng for a try?"

"Don't, don't, I'm just telling you a word of emotion, don't take it seriously, their "Shanghai Literature" doesn't have enough appetite for such a long manuscript, I'm afraid they can't digest it."

"Haha, I was just joking."

"Okay, I won't say more. I just called you to tell you that the manuscript is over, and we will send it out as soon as possible."

"No problem." Yu Dong paused for a moment, then suddenly said, "Editor Zhao, is your Zhao Yan also writing novels?"

When Zhao Yan heard Yu Dong mentioning him, his eyes widened, and he couldn't help getting closer, for fear of missing something.

Zhao Changtian looked at Zhao Yan, and replied: "He usually writes some short essays, just doodling, and it's worth your worry."

"The last time I saw him writing something, I was a little curious, so I asked. What type of writing does he usually write?"

"Write everything, anyway, it's not my way."

Zhao Changtian glanced at Zhao Yan again, he was not very optimistic about Zhao Yan's writing.

In fact, he was not very optimistic about many things about Zhao Yan.

Zhao Yan loves to play and sleep, and doesn't study well, so he went to a technical secondary school.

As for literature, although Zhao Yan likes to read books, he doesn't have much to do with literature.

Take his favorite Yu Dong as an example. Although he has read all of Yu Dong's works, his favorites are "Fatal Identity" and "Resident Evil", but Yu Dong's serious literature does not attract him much. .

When he read the book "The Crowd" before, Zhao Changtian was extremely shocked and lamented that there is actually a writer who can write such a flavor of Shanghai, but Zhao Yan couldn't understand this novel at all.

At this time, Yu Dong on the other end of the phone smiled and said: "After all, he is a young man with a wild mind, so I just ask casually. When I have a chance, I will go back to Shanghai and let's talk face to face."

"it is good."

After hanging up the phone, Zhao Changtian asked strangely, "Why did Yu Dong remember to ask you?"

"Maybe it's because I saw me writing something before, so I was a little curious. Didn't he say it himself?" Zhao Yan guessed.

Zhao Changtian shook his head, "Will you pay attention to a primary school student because he writes something?"

"I'm not a primary school student either." Zhao Yan muttered.

"In front of him, what's the difference between you and a primary school student? How much better do you think the things you write are compared to a primary school student?"

What Zhao Changtian said was very hurtful, but Zhao Yan didn't refute it. He also knew that the level of his writing was not high, and his father didn't like it.

It's not just the father who doesn't like it, but everyone else also doesn't like it.

Because his father is a great writer and the editor-in-chief of "Sprouting", others will always be disappointed when they see what he writes, thinking that what a son of a great writer writes should not be of this level.

But he still wants to write. He always feels that one day he will be able to write something famous, which is different from his father.

Probably knowing that what he said was a bit heavy, Zhao Changtian softened his tone and said, "If you want to write something, read more of Yu Dong's novels. You should read his popular novels, especially traditional novels."


(End of this chapter)

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