Backtracking to the Age of Literature and Art

Chapter 435 You Are Not For You

Chapter 435 You Are Not Suitable For You (Part [-])
Yu Dong also got news from Jimmy about the box office of "Two Smoking Barrels".

Yu Dong was actually quite surprised, because the box office performance of "Two Smoking Barrels" was better than he expected.

Yu Dong doesn't know exactly how much box office "Two Smoking Barrels" made in the previous life, but it shouldn't be that high, and it must be within 5000 million US dollars.

The reason why it is called a dark horse is because of its cost of less than 200 million U.S. dollars and the subsequent continuous fermentation of word of mouth.

Based on the data reported to him by Jimmy now, the global box office of "Two Smoking Barrels" is very likely to exceed 5000 million US dollars.

It may have something to do with the schedule. There are no good movies coming out during this period, and Paramount has "The Ex-Wife Club", which is still somewhat competitive.

It may also be related to the deep space. Although the deep space did not spend too much attention on publicity, the intensity of publicity must exceed that of the previous life. In addition, the high quality of the movie triggered a chain effect.

Anyway, a high box office is a good thing. Yu Dong asked the company to win the movie mainly to make money, and now the goal has been achieved.

The money he made on "Two Smoking Barrels" this time is enough for Yu Dong to do many things.

Among other things, it shouldn't be a problem at all to film a dozen TV series in China.

The money in Hollywood may only be enough to make a movie, but if it is brought to China, it can quickly revitalize the film and television industry, and at the same time establish the dominance of Deep Space Corporation in the film and television industry.

The screenwriter, Yu Dong, has already been contacted. If everything goes well, the script will come out this year, and then the plan for two TV dramas will be launched. Next year or the year after, these two TV dramas will be able to meet the audience.


At the beginning of October, Zhang Yimou returned to Guangying Studio after a tour in other places. Before he returned to his residence, he was stopped by his good friend He Jun.

Seeing He Jun, Zhang Yimou was very surprised.

"He Batiao, why are you back?"

He Jun was seconded to Zhujiang Film Studio ten years ago. After working there for three years, he was officially transferred, so Zhang Yimou was very surprised to see him.

In fact, Zhang Yimou was also seconded by Xiying Studio, but he was different from He Jun. His working relationship and household registration were still with Guangying, and he was allocated a house in the factory.

He Batiao is a nickname given to He Jun by others. This guy is quite strict as a director. It usually takes seven or eight shots to pass a scene, so he was nicknamed He Batiao.

He Jun hugged Zhang Yimou: "Old Mouzi, I was thinking about when you will come back. It took me so long to come here. It's a pity that I didn't see you."

Zhang Yimou shook his shoulders, moved away, and said, "I knew you were here, but I didn't come back."

"That's hurtful."

"That can't be helped, it's really true, don't spit it out quickly."

"Come on, let's talk in your room."

After all, He Jun took Zhang Yimou and ran upstairs.

Entering Zhang Yimou's house, He Jun waved his hand in front of his nose, with a disgusted expression on his face: "It's been a long time since I came back, the smell is so strong."

"Okay, if you're being hypocritical, I'll throw you out."

"Okay, okay, I won't mess with you anymore." He Jun smiled, "I'll tell you something, I met Teacher Guo Baochang two days ago, guess what Teacher Guo is doing now?"

"Are you preparing for the TV series "The Mansion Gate"?"

He Jun was taken aback, and asked in surprise, "How do you know?"

"Not only do I know this, I also know that this TV series is led by Deep Space Company." Zhang Yimou said.

He Jun suddenly understood: "I know, based on your relationship with Shen Kong Company, there must be some news about this. Mr. Guo is going to shoot "The Mansion Gate", which is a good thing, and I even asked him for a role , and he agreed."

"I want it too."

"Okay." He Jun rolled his eyes, "I knew it, you must be responsible for this matter. But tell me the truth, have you signed a contract with Deep Space Company? I heard that their company is now everywhere. I'm signing actors, directors and screenwriters. You have such a good relationship with them, it's impossible not to pull you."

"I did." Zhang Yimou nodded, but he didn't hide it, "But I only said that I thought about it, and I didn't directly agree."

"Why don't you agree? Their company is developing so well now. You are not unaware of the current situation in China. In the future, it will definitely be the world of companies like Deep Space." He Jun asked curiously.

Zhang Yimou didn't explain, just said, "Let's see in two years."

He Jun didn't ask any more questions, and after thinking about it, he said, "How about it, what's the plan for the next movie, what are you going to make?"

Zhang Yimou rubbed his hair and said, "I don't have any idea yet, I'm just watching. What about you, what's your plan?"

"I have no plan. I'm not like you. I have to release a movie every year before giving up. If I don't have a suitable book, I'm going to rest."

"Then rest."

"I want to take a break, but you definitely won't. Having said that, it shouldn't be difficult for you to find a script. You just need to tell Deep Space Company that you can't. They have so many authors. If they don't have ready-made novels, who can find them?" It’s okay to write one for you now.”

"Easy to say."

"Why is it not easy, especially Yu Dong, how prolific he is, it's still a matter of writing a script for you? How long has it been since he published another novel."

Zhang Yimou was startled, "What novel?"

""Golden Dreamland", it came out two days ago, you haven't seen it yet?"

"I didn't hear that he's going to publish a novel." Zhang Yimou scratched his head, "He's going to publish a new book, so it's not like there's no publicity at all."

"Maybe it was advertised and you didn't see it, and it wasn't a separate book, it was serialized on "Sprouting"."


Zhang Yimou frowned. Although he didn't think highly of the magazine "Sprout", he still remembered that "Fatal Identity" was serialized in this magazine.

So when He Jun said that Yu Dong had published a novel on "Sprouting" again, he immediately became interested.

"Have you read the novel? How is it?"

"Serialization, I only watched the first half, the plot is quite compact, and I feel very good watching it, but it's only half, so it's not easy to comment." He Jun looked at Zhang Yimou and smiled: "Old Mouzi, don't you want to Pay attention to this new book? I advise you to give up this idea as soon as possible."

"Why, you think I can't take pictures?" Zhang Yimou asked strangely.

He Jun shook his head, "It's not that you can't make it, it's that we can't make it. The background of this novel is America, and it can't be changed."

"Can't change it?"

"Well, it can't be changed. If the background is changed to China, let alone your movie can't be made, his novel can't even be published."

"so serious?"

"Nonsense, the president dies first in the novel, do you think it's serious?" He Jun laughed.

Zhang Yimou pondered: "Can't this part of the plot be removed? Is it important?"

He Jun nodded, "That's right, it's very important. If there is no such plot, the follow-up story will not be able to unfold. The president must die... Even if the person who dies is not the president, he must be a high-ranking official, otherwise the story will not move forward. Anyway. After reading half of it, I think so, if you don’t believe me, you can find time to see it yourself.”

"That's it." Zhang Yimou rubbed his face, then stood up and ran out the door.

He Jun was stunned for a moment, then ran out and shouted, "Old Mouzi, why are you going?"

Zhang Yimou said without turning his head, "Go buy "Sprouting", and sit alone for a while."

(End of this chapter)

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