Chapter 449
That night, Yu Dong, Zhang Xian, Bi Feiyu, and Cui Xinqin, the backbone of the drama department, gathered in Dong's office.

After hearing Yu Dong finish the homework he assigned to the students, Cui Xinqin said with some doubts: "Mr. Yu, isn't this kind of homework too embarrassing for students in the acting department? This kind of homework is actually more suitable for drama creation." Students majoring in or directing are the right ones, and acting students are only freshmen now, so it’s too early to engage in these things.”

Yu Dong looked at Zhang Xian: "Old Zhang, what do you think?"

Zhang Xian frowned and thought for a while, then said: "I also agree with Director Cui, this homework is too difficult for acting students. These students have not even started acting yet, so let them touch the script The creation of ... Old Yu, to be honest, he put the cart before the horse."

Seeing that the two of them disagreed, Yu Dong nodded, "You are all thinking right, so this time the homework is still mainly for the students of drama creation. The reason why I proposed to let the students of acting join in the form of a group is not It is to test them, but to let them have a rough impression of the script earlier."

Bi Feiyu on the side said, "I understand what Yu Dong means. He just wants the acting students to have more exposure to other aspects of work in the film and television industry and to accumulate some experience. Moreover, as a whole, the Department of Drama is closely related to each other. We should have sincere cooperation in the first place, and it is a good thing to let them get in touch more. Now they are classmates, and when they leave school in the future, they are likely to be colleagues who work together. Getting in touch early can also pave the way for future work together."

When Bi Feiyu said this, Cui Xinqin was somewhat persuaded, "In this way, it is indeed beneficial to let the students spend some time on this aspect, and I see that several students are really interested in the writing class. "

"Actually, the inspiration for this homework comes from Zu Feng's homework, which is also the main reason why I asked them to participate in this homework." Yu Dong clapped his hands and said with a smile: "If you all have no objections, then we will start giving students By the way, there is one more thing I want to tell you, if the performance of this homework is very good, I will consider finding Deep Space to make him into a movie and go to the cinema."

Zhang Xian raised his eyebrows unexpectedly, "Really?"

"Of course." Yu Dong smiled and nodded.

"In that case, that would be really nice."

Zhang Xian didn't doubt Yu Dong's words, let alone a movie, Zhang Xian believed that even if Yu Dong asked Shenkong Company to help make ten movies, Shenkong Company would definitely agree.

Cui Xinqin hadn't had much contact with Yu Dong, and she didn't know much about Dong's situation, but seeing the reactions of Zhang Xian and Bi Feiyu, she knew that Yu Dong's words were definitely not bragging.

"Okay, okay, it's getting late, let's divide the students into groups."


On the second day after the homework group was organized, Yu Dong contacted Jimmy.

After receiving Yu Dong's call, Jimmy asked with a smile, "My Dong, aren't you resting these days? What can I do for you?"

"You can help me contact Doug Liman."

"Doug Liman?" Jimmy was a little surprised, "Don't tell me that you have already written the script of "The Butterfly Effect."

"The script hasn't been moved yet. I'm looking for him for another matter."

"whats the matter?"

"I want him to help me make another movie."

After Yu Dong finished speaking, there was no sound from the other end of the phone for a while, Yu Dong thought it was a bad signal, and said, "Can't you hear me?"

"I can hear you." Jimmy said from the opposite side, "What movie is it? Why did you ask him to make it?"

Jimmy really couldn't figure out this question, because Yu Dong and Doug Liman didn't know each other at all.

"A movie that doesn't cost too much and allows him to try and make mistakes."

When Yu Dong said this, Jimmy understood: "You want to test him before handing over "Butterfly Effect" to him? So, you still don't feel at ease with him. Okay, I will talk to you about this matter." He said, but before that, you have to let me know what the script is?"

"The script hasn't been written yet, but I'm sure he'll be interested."

Jimmy smiled and said, "I've convinced you. I started looking for a director before I even wrote the script. I won't ask you about the specific story, just tell me the approximate cost."

"It can range from tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands of dollars..."

"Tsk tsk, that's really a small cost, and our own company can digest it. But this kind of film is not easy to go to theaters. Are you going to release the disc directly? Or are you going to win an award?"

"Let's shoot it and talk about it."

It's not clear whether "The Man From Earth" can make a lot of money for Yu Dong, but it will definitely not lose money. After all, the cost is low enough, and he can earn back no matter how he sells it after holding the copyright.

The reason why Doug Liman was asked to make this movie, on the one hand, as Jimmy said, Yu Dong wanted to test whether Doug Liman's current level can make "Butterfly Effect", on the other hand, he also I want Deep Space to have more word-of-mouth movies.


After talking on the phone with Yu Dong, Jimmy went to contact Doug Liman.

Doug Liman had been waiting for news from Jimmy, and when he received a call from Jimmy, he almost jumped up from the sofa happily.

"Mr. James, is there any news about the script?"

Ever since he knew that YU was willing to write the script for him, he has been in a state of anxiety waiting for the script.

During this period of time, he also turned down all social activities, and read the Chinese version of "Butterfly Effect" and "Chaos Diary" over and over again, hoping that he would be fully prepared when he got the script.

Jimmy heard the enthusiastic expectation from Doug's voice, and he said with a smile: "Doug, I'm sorry to disappoint you, YU hasn't started writing the script of "Butterfly Effect" yet."


Before Doug even had time to be disappointed, Jimmy continued: "But I'm calling you this time to tell you good news. Although the script of "Butterfly Effect" has not yet been written, YU hopes to cooperate with you. a movie."

"Another movie?"

"That's right, another very good script, YU put a lot of effort into it."

Doug Liman didn't quite believe Jimmy's words, he said with some loss: "I understand, YU doesn't quite believe in my ability."

"No, no, Doug, don't get me wrong, YU didn't mean that at all. And the filming of this movie will not affect "The Butterfly Effect."

Doug Liman's eyes widened. "You mean, I can still make The Butterfly Effect, don't you?"

"Of course, that's what it means."

"Then when will the filming start?" Doug Liman rubbed his hands, "Should I go to your place to read the script now?"

"...Actually, the script hasn't been written yet, and I don't have one here either."

"Is such that……"

Afterwards, Jimmy briefly explained the situation to Doug Liman, and also told him that the cost of the movie was very low.

Originally, Jimmy thought that Doug Liman would be disgusted when he heard that the cost was low, but he didn't expect Doug Liman to agree directly after confirming that the script was provided by YU, and he didn't even know what story to shoot.

In his opinion, as long as it is YU's script, there will be no problem.

As a rich second generation, sometimes doing things is so casual.


In mid-November, autumn is strong.

Liu Ye was walking on the way to the government affairs building. Along the way, he lowered his head and kept kicking the fallen leaves on the ground with his toes.

He is a class representative, so he often has to go to Yu Dong to talk about some academic matters.

But he was very afraid of seeing Yu Dong.

Yu Dong is not much older than him, but he is very oppressive. Every time he sees him, he will ask him about his recent class.

Taking three steps at a time, it took about twenty minutes for Liu Ye to walk from the dormitory to the door of Yu Dong's office.

The door of the office was open, Liu Ye first saw Yu Dong sitting on the sofa, and then saw a man sitting opposite Yu Dong.

The man's back was facing the door, and Liu Ye could only see his back.

Seeing that there was a visitor in Yu Dong's office, Liu Ye stopped his hand that was about to knock on the door, and was about to retreat when Yu Dong found him.

"Liu Ye."

Yu Dong shouted, Liu Ye could only bite the bullet and take a step forward, "Teacher Yu."

"Well, are you looking for me?"

"Ang, Mr. Yu, you have guests, I'll come back later."

But Yu Dong waved his hand, "No, you can come in."

Liu Ye licked his dry lips, and took a few steps in the direction of Yu Dong. At this moment, the man with his back turned around and looked at him with a smile.

When Liu Ye saw the man's face, he was stunned.

This man is none other than the great director Zhang Yimou.

As an acting major, it is impossible not to recognize Zhang Yimou's face.

Yu Dong looked up at Liu Ye who was stunned, "Why are you in a daze, won't you call someone?"

Liu Ye hurriedly said hello, "Hi, Director Zhang."

Yu Dong nodded and introduced to Zhang Yimou, "Liu Ye, a student majoring in acting, has a bit of a poor background and is relatively dull, but he still has some potential."

Zhang Yimou said with a smile: "I'm only a freshman, and I'm still young. I have a bright future in the future."

"It still needs to be polished." Yu Dong looked at Liu Ye again, "What do you want from me?"

Liu Ye blinked and said, "This homework is very difficult for the students, so let me ask if it is possible to postpone the time for handing in the homework."

"When will it be postponed?"

"Push it back..." Liu Ye stretched out a finger and said weakly, "One week, okay?"

"Okay, is there anything else?"

Liu Ye was stunned again, he didn't expect Yu Dong to agree so quickly.

"No, nothing else."

"There is nothing else, you go out first, I have something to talk to Director Zhang."

"Okay, okay, I'll go first."

As he said that, Liu Ye hurriedly wanted to leave the office, but Yu Dong called him again: "Do you know how to say hello if you want to leave?"

Liu Ye blushed again and said to Zhang Yimou, "Director Zhang, I'm leaving first."

Zhang Yimou nodded with a smile, "Well, goodbye."

When Liu Ye fled out of the office, Zhang Yimou looked at Yu Dong: "I didn't expect you to be so strict in front of the students, but it kind of subverted my understanding of you. I thought that when you were with the students, you would be like you." Like a friend."

Yu Dong smiled and got up to add some hot water to Zhang Yimou's cup, "I can make friends with them, but first of all we are teachers and students, and I have to be responsible for their studies. In fact, I am stricter with them, you should be happy, Because I am doing my best to produce excellent actors for a director like you."

Zhang Yimou laughed: "So, I have to thank you?"

"As it should be."

Zhang Yimou shook his head with a smile, Yu Dong, this guy, just happened to be able to speak this kind of robber logic so confidently.

"Okay, let's stop talking nonsense and get back to business. You told me on the phone last time that you asked me to go directly to Hollywood to make a movie. Is it really not just talking?"

When it came to business, Yu Dong also became serious, "Of course it's not just talking. If you want, I can arrange it for you. But there is no rush. After all, the Chinese version of the novel has just come out and has not yet been published abroad. This time you come , I want to talk to you about another matter."

Zhang Yimou nodded. Regarding another matter, Yu Dong had already mentioned it before, but Yu Dong didn't say anything specifically on the phone.

"What do you think."

"I want to make a film about rural education." Yu Dong said directly.

Zhang Yimou was not surprised at all. As far as he knew, Yu Dong had always paid more attention to basic education in China. Before that, they donated the manuscript fee of "Cucumber Garden Essays" to support rural education, which was in the news.

"Have any specific ideas?" Zhang Yimou spit out tea leaves, "I mean, has the script been written?"

"Not yet, it's just a general idea. If the script has been written, I don't have to go to such trouble, just bring the script to you, and just ask you if you want to shoot it or not."

"That's true, but you don't have anything here. What are we talking about? Could it be that you want me to find the script by myself?"

"No, if you find a suitable script by yourself, there is no need to talk to me, you can just shoot it yourself."

"That's right, if I have a script, I'll shoot it right away. I told you before that I want to help Guangying make a few movies, and now I'm worried that I don't have a good plan at hand."

"I know that." Yu Dong nodded.

In fact, if Zhang Yimou came later, perhaps Yu Dong could give him a specific answer, because Yu Dong had sent someone to ask Shi Qiangsheng, but he had not received a reply from Shi Qiangsheng yet.

If Shi Qiangsheng replied that there was already a plan, then buy the copyright of Shi Qiangsheng, if Shi Qiangsheng didn't have a plan, then Yu Dong would do it himself.

Zhang Yimou came suddenly, and he didn't even greet Yu Dong in advance.

"You came too hastily this time, otherwise I would have been prepared."

Zhang Yimou said with a smile: "I happened to have something to do in Shanghai, so I came here not far away. But then again, I thought you would go to participate in the Magnolia, and I thought I could meet you in Shanghai, how could I know? You didn't even go."

 Thank you [Book Friend 20181117120137871] for the 100 reward of the boss
  Thank you [Mianmian Caishi] for the 100 tip
  Thanks to [Kiana Lucia] for the 1500 reward
  Thank you [I will definitely go ashore] for the 500 reward
(End of this chapter)

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