Backtracking to the Age of Literature and Art

Chapter 459 You are very famous

Chapter 459 You are very famous

Because both Liu Heping and Yang Xiaoxiong lacked interest in "Looking for the Qin Dynasty", Yu Dong didn't talk any more after "Oolong Breaking through Love" was initially finalized.

In fact, he also wanted to keep the two of them, let them stay in Jinling retreat and write the script quickly, but this is obviously not realistic.

Liu Heping is easy to handle, although he also has a full-time job, but he is relatively free, and there is no problem at all when he travels for a period of time.

But Yang Xiaoxiong is different. He is still the editor-in-chief of "Drama and Film News", so it is impossible to stay in Jinling for too long.

"Drama and Film News" has been published for more than ten years, but it does not have much influence nationwide. Although it is distributed nationwide, it is essentially a local newspaper in Yanjing, and its audience is basically people in Yanjing and surrounding areas.

At the beginning, it was called "Yanjing Drama News". From the name, we can see its characteristics, and its main content is also around Peking Opera.

After the expansion in the past few years, the content of the movie has expanded. In the past two years, there have only been one or two editions of Peking Opera.

Because of Yang Xiaoxiong's relationship, "Drama and Film News" also has some sporadic cooperation with Deep Space Company, and occasionally provides them with some news.Of course, in turn, "Drama and Film News" will also reciprocate and help Deep Space Company do some publicity.

This time, if the "Not One Less" plan is confirmed, the "Drama and Film News" will also get first-hand information.

So Yang Xiaoxiong came here not only for Yu Dong's face, but also for some commercial considerations.

Now, on the scale of deep space, who in the industry would not want to have a little contact with them?
After talking about the business, Yu Dong led Yang Xiaoxiong and the others to the room where Clezio and the others were staying, and asked them to get together and have a chat.

While the two parties were chatting, Yu Dong pulled Wang Hailin out of the room.

Wang Hailin was busy pouring water for service, and after being dragged outside by Yu Dong, he felt a little guilty: "Brother Dong, it's not that I'm not active today, the main reason is that I see Teacher Liu and Teacher Yang chatting so passionately, I'm not ashamed to interrupt .”

Yu Dong curled his lips and laughed, "I didn't want to tell you this, I just wanted to ask you if you are interested in "Looking for Qin Ji"."

Seeing that Yu Dong didn't want to criticize himself, Wang Hailin was relieved.

When he was in school, he was scolded by Yu Dong every day, and he was scolded out of his psychological shadow, so every time he was alone with Yu Dong, he felt a little apprehensive.

"I've also read the novel "Looking for the Qin Dynasty". The content is a bit unsuitable for children... But I also read the materials you gave me, Brother Dong. These things need to be changed. I think this is right, after all, the TV series is... "

Hearing a lot of nonsense from him, Yu Dong frowned, "Where are there so many chattering, I just ask you, are you interested in "Xun Qin Ji", yes or no, is it so difficult to answer?"

Wang Hailin scratched the back of his head embarrassingly: "If you say you're not interested, then it must be..."

Halfway through the talk, he saw Yu Dong's unfriendly eyes, and quickly said, "Yes, yes, brother Dong, I'm interested."

Yu Dong nodded: "Since you're interested, I'll leave this plan to you. Give me the first draft within a month."

Wang Hailin murmured, "Why do I suddenly feel like I haven't graduated yet?"

Just now Yu Dong said that handing "Looking for Qin Ji" to him is like a teacher assigning homework to a student.

Yu Dong also heard what he said, didn't pay attention to it, and said again: "Also, there is one more thing, find some time in these two days, you go back to school, and pass on the experience to the brothers and sisters of Xichuang."

"Me?" Wang Hailin pointed to his nose in surprise, "Brother Dong, what experience can I impart to them?"

"You are their senior brother, so why can't you impart experience. Besides, you are still very famous in Xichuang now, and all your juniors and sisters know you."

"Am I famous in drama?"

Wang Hailin was stunned for a moment, and then thought of "Bring Her Eyes", so he didn't think too much about it, thinking that it was probably because he won the award in the short film competition that he received the attention of his younger brothers and sisters.

Yu Dong noticed the change of expression on his face, and smiled meaningfully: "You are more famous in Xichuang than you imagined, so that's settled, tomorrow happens to be Monday, you will go back in the morning, and I will wait for you You'll know when you get back."

After finishing speaking, Yu Dong turned around and entered the reception room, leaving Wang Hailin alone in the corridor with a dazed expression on his face. He couldn't figure out the meaning of Yu Dong's last sentence.

What is "You are more famous in Xichuang than you imagined"?

After going to the club, Clerzio and Monroe were not in a hurry to return to China. Deep Space Company sent a tour guide to take them to Jinling.

The next day, Wang Hailin returned to Jinyi.

It happened that Yu Dong was giving Xichuang 96 a writing class, so Yu Dong dragged him into the classroom and introduced him to his younger brothers and sisters.

As soon as it was Wang Hailin, the juniors and juniors screamed.

"Welcome Senior Brother Wang."

"Warm welcome, warm welcome."

"Once heard is worse than once seen!"

Seeing the enthusiasm of the juniors and juniors, Wang Hailin was a little confused.

What's happening here?When did you become a big star?
A "Take Her Eyes" would not have such an effect.

Speaking of the short film contest, that guy Jia Zhangke should be the big winner. After all, "Tuner" won the special prize and came out on top.

Yu Dong raised his hand and pressed down, signaling the students to calm down.

After there was no sound below, Yu Dong said: "You have always been curious about what Senior Brother Wang Hailin looks like, you have seen it today. He is here today, you should thank him well. Without his lessons learned, how could you be so fast?" Growth? If it wasn't for your senior brother to step on all the pits that should be stepped on for you, how could you avoid these pits in advance? So..."

Wang Hailin blinked aside, the more he listened, the more something went wrong.

After hearing this, he finally understood that when Yu Dong taught the freshmen, he would share the homework of the previous students, many of which were negative teaching materials.

Among these negative teaching materials, Wang Hailin contributed the most.

Especially the mystery novel he wrote before was made a typical case by Yu Dong.

At the end, Yu Dong patted Wang Hailin on the shoulder and continued, "I always mention Wang Hailin, and I want to tell you that making mistakes is not terrible, especially when you are in school. The more problems you expose, the more problems you will have after graduation The road will go smoother. Wang Hailin has made many mistakes, but now he is definitely a role model for you to learn from."

Originally, when Wang Hailin heard that Yu Dong used his homework as a negative teaching material, he felt a little embarrassed, but he was a little moved when he heard what happened next.

That's right, if it weren't for Yu Dong's strict requirements on him in the past few years, he might have gotten here, anyway, he would definitely not be as good as he is now.

Although Dong Ge is usually very strict, he is also very serious and responsible.

When I was writing a novel by myself before, although Dong Ge said he had a headache every time he saw him, he gave himself serious guidance every time.

(End of this chapter)

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