Backtracking to the Age of Literature and Art

Chapter 463 Do You Know Li Youxue?

Chapter 463 Do You Know Li Youxue (Second Update)
Although what Mo Yan and the others said were normal, they sounded abnormal, and Yu Dong also knew that the three of them did it on purpose.

It has to be said that the writer's mind is not bigger than others.

Including Yu Dong himself.

He also wanted to imitate Yu Hua's eccentricity, but in front of Liang Haoran, he decided to restrain himself a bit.

"Mr. Liang, are you here for dinner?"

"No, it's not time for dinner yet. I just know that there must be a lot of people coming to the restaurant, so come and have a look. I saw you when I just came in."

Han Shaogong smiled and said: "Mr. Liang, you must be looking for your Beihe delegation? I saw Tielin, let's go there together?"

Liang Haoran said with a smile: "I saw it just now, let's go there."

Fang Yanwu suddenly said at this moment: "Teacher Liang, you go over first, I saw a friend, so excuse me."

Liang Haoran didn't think too much, nodded and said: "Okay, you can do your work."

On the other side, Wang Anyi and the others had already seen Yu Dong and the others, but Liang Haoran called Yu Dong and the others to stop them, so Wang Anyi and the others did not rush over.

Now seeing Liang Haoran coming with Yu Dong and the others, Tielin and Wang Anyi stood up.

Liang Haoran is an old-timer in the literary world, everyone knows him well, naturally there is no need to introduce more, after Wang Anyi greeted Liang Haoran, he looked at Yu Dong, "I was chatting with Tielin just now, where have you been, now it seems Are you looking for Shi Tiesheng?"

"Well, they sat with me for a while." Shi Tiesheng said.

Wang Anyi nodded with a smile, and then greeted: "Let's sit down and chat."

After everyone was seated, Tie Lin first asked about Liang Haoran's health, "How is Teacher Liang recovering recently? Judging by your state, you should be fine, right?"

Liang Haoran said with a smile: "No problem, if there is a problem, I will not go back to Yanjing."

Mo Yan asked curiously, "What happened to Mr. Liang?"

"I have a physical problem. I was recuperating and writing in Chang'an. One day at the beginning of last month, I suddenly passed out. I was sent to the hospital for three days and two nights. The hospital even issued a critical illness notice. Fortunately, I was lucky. , rescued back."

Liang Haoran spoke lightly, but Yu Dong and the others were shocked. He was in a coma for three days and two nights, and the hospital issued a critical illness notice, which showed the seriousness of his condition.

Yu Dong felt the deepest. He struggled with the disease for more than ten years. In the later stage, he could meet the god of death basically every day.

He can understand Liang Haoran's mentality. In the late stage of his illness, he, like Liang Haoran, has become a little numb to death.

It's not that I no longer fear, but that there are only those things that I have to face every day. After a long time, I no longer know what fear is.

Liang Haoran asked Tielin a few things about the North River delegation, and then looked at Yu Dong, "Yu Dong, you are younger than I imagined, I rarely watch TV, and I rarely read newspapers, so I don't care about you." I know very little personal information. However, I have read more of your "Xiang Xi" and "The Crowd", and I have also seen your two short stories by chance, which are also very good. The young people nowadays are getting more and more powerful .”

Yu Dong was about to say a few words of modesty, Han Shaogong said with a smile: "Mr. Liang, I remember that you wrote "The Magpie on the Branches" in your early 20s, and "Sunny Sky" when you were 30. Today's young people, It's not even comparable to yours back then."

Liang Haoran waved his hand: "Don't give me such a high hat. The times we live in are very different. Many people say that domestic literature is dying, but I don't agree with it. In this era, it is precisely Let you get out of the world. I usually pay attention to the works of several of you, and the level is very high. I feel ashamed."

"Teacher Liang is too modest..."

"I'm not humble, but I'm telling the truth. In recent years, many foreign works have been introduced to China, which opened your eyes. This is something that the authors of previous years lacked. Our Chinese literature is rooted in Good stuff, but it’s not advisable to build a car behind closed doors. It needs to absorb some of the strengths of foreign literature. Of course, it’s also not advisable to put foreign things too high. Now some writers only know foreign things, forgetting that we in China have Good stuff, blindly..."

Liang Haoran's appearance is very deceptive. His appearance makes people feel that he is a dull and simple farmer, but when he talks freely, the literati in him will be revealed again.

This may be related to his past experience.

Liang Haoran joined GM at the age of 16. After the founding of New China, he worked as a local grassroots cadre for eight years. In terms of literature, he can be regarded as a "half-way monk".

Hearing Liang Haoran talk about the literary confrontation at home and abroad from learning foreign experience, Yuan Shen said with a smile: "Mr. Liang is in Sanhe, didn't even Yu Dong and the others in Paris before read about it in the newspapers?"

"I've seen it, and I've also seen the photo of Yu Dong, but the photo shows that Yu Dong is not the same as the real person, and he is quite mature, so I said just now that he is younger than I thought."

In fact, the reason why Liang Haoran looked at Dong and the others differently was not only because of their excellent works, but also because of the incident in Paris.

From Liang Haoran's point of view, if they can show such integrity abroad, these few people deserve a high regard from all of them.

After chatting for a while, Liang Haoran had something to do, so he left first. Before leaving, he told Yuan Shen: "Xiao Yuan, you can chat with them for a while."

After Liang Haoran left, Yuan Shen said to Yu Dong: "Mr. Liang has not been in good health these years. He has been staying in Sanhe. Apart from reading books, he rarely pays attention to the news from the outside world. The matter between Mr. Fang and you, he I really don't know."

Yuan Shen was afraid that Yu Dong and the others would think too much, but Yu Dong and the others didn't care at all.

Besides, even if Liang Haoran knew about it, he probably wouldn't take it too seriously. The fight between Yu Dong and Fang Yanwu was actually nothing at all.

After helping Liang Haoran finish speaking, Yuan Shen mediated for Fang Yanwu again, "Actually, Teacher Fang is a good person in all aspects, but sometimes he is too impulsive, even if it is an academic dispute, he can't control his methods. "

In fact, I don't have much opinion on Yu Dong's dialect. The conflicts between them can be written in literary magazines and scolded a few times, and they won't tear their faces when they meet.

But according to Yu Yu's investigation, Fang Yanwu's affairs are not that simple, and there is someone behind him.

"Teacher Yuan, do you know someone named Li Youxue?" Yu Dong asked suddenly.

"I know him. He's also from the Yanjing Writers' Association. I've met him a few times before, but I forgot which unit he works in. You know him?" Yuan Shen asked strangely.

"I don't know you well, just ask."

(End of this chapter)

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