Backtracking to the Age of Literature and Art

Chapter 466 Writer's History and Writers in History

Chapter 466 Writer's History and Writers in History
It was the first time in 12 years that the congress was held again, but it was actually nothing special.

Many people have not participated in the last meeting, and those who have participated have almost forgotten, and everything is carried out according to a fixed process.

Except for the leader's speech on the first day, everyone read it in meetings and listening to reports in the next four days.

In fact, these conferences had little to do with Yu Dong and the others. There were neither literary discussions nor academic exchanges.

Unsurprisingly, Mr. Ba Jin was re-elected as the chairman of the Chinese Writers Association. Because it was no surprise, everyone didn't care. On the contrary, Ma Feng and other 14 people were elected as vice-chairmen, which attracted more attention.

After the five-day meeting ended, Yu Dong and the others finally breathed a sigh of relief.

After leaving the conference hall, Yu Dong discussed the itinerary for the next two days in Yanjing with Yu Hua and the others.

After finally coming to Yanjing, it is natural to do more things.

What Yu Dong thought was to go to Yan Normal University to see his teacher first, and then to meet Wang Xiaobo.If you still have time, go see Zhao Baogang, Feng Yuanqi and Yu Yunlong again.

They hadn't walked a few steps when Jiang Zilong, the newly appointed chairman of the Chinese Writers Association, stopped them.

"Several, do you have time to chat?"

Standing in front of Yu Dong and the others, Jiang Zilong was in his fifties, his face was full of dimples, his expression was serious when he spoke, and the sides of his mouth were bent downwards. His face gave people a very unfriendly feeling.

Han Shaogong followed Yu Dong and the others, looked at Jiang Zilong in front of him, and asked with a smile, "Chairman Jiang is looking for us, or who among us?"

Jiang Zilong laughed, he should be smiling, but the smile still didn't look very friendly, because the grooves on his face were too deep, like chains binding the smile.

"If you all have time, I would naturally like to chat with you."

Facing Jiang Zilong's invitation, Yu Dong and the others couldn't refuse, so they nodded in agreement, and then everyone walked towards the restaurant.

When we arrived at the restaurant, Jiang Zilong asked someone to find an empty table, and everyone sat down.

After sitting down, Jiang Zilong spoke first, "The meeting these few days must have been a bit torturous for the few of you."

Su Tong replied with a smile, "Chairman Jiang was joking. It is our honor to be able to participate in the representative meeting. Only on such days can we see so many outstanding writers at once. This meeting also let us I have benefited a lot, especially Chairman Jiang's closing speech at the end, which really expressed everyone's aspirations."

As soon as his words fell, Yu Dong, as a younger brother, followed up: "Yes, we are not only happy for the successful holding of this literary event at the turn of the century, but also feel great pressure. We have a long and splendid history. We live In the generation that China has attracted the attention of the world, we have a strong team of old, middle and young writers of three generations to create literary masterpieces for generations and open a new chapter in the history of literature.

What Yu Dong said to Su Tong was a summary and analysis of Jiang Zilong's closing speech. After Jiang Zilong heard it, he felt good in his heart, but his expression was still serious.

He nodded and said, "The reason why I stopped a few of you is because I want to say this. When it comes to opening a new chapter in the history of Chinese literature, I think you young writers cannot be ignored."

Han Shaogong smiled and said, "Chairman Jiang, I'm not too young."

"You are still young in your early forties." Jiang Zilong continued: "Actually, I stopped you because of another matter. Your works have been criticized before. In fact, it is normal. If a work is written, if you do not It is not normal to be criticized, so I think, even if you receive some criticism, you should not take it to heart, but do your own thing with peace of mind. Even if you go back 20 years, this kind of criticism cannot It is even more impossible to beat people up today."

Yu Dong and the others looked at each other, and said to themselves that Chairman Jiang stopped them to comfort them.

When Jiang Zilong said such words, Yu Dong could understand, but was also surprised.

I understand it because Jiang Zilong did have the same experience. Since the 70s, Jiang Zilong basically wrote a work and was criticized from top to bottom.

The accident is because Jiang Zilong doesn't seem like a person who can comfort others.

But he did come over to comfort him.

Before Dong and the others expressed their gratitude, Jiang Zilong said, "The judging for the Lu Xun Literature Award will begin next year."

This unreasonable sentence made Yu Dong and the others confused.

Jiang Zilong smiled and stood up, "Although the conference is over, I still have some business to do. I'm afraid I won't be able to accompany you. If you don't leave these two days, I'll treat you to dinner later."

After that, he took his leave.

After Jiang Zilong left, Yu Hua rubbed her chin, and looked at Han Shaogong suspiciously: "Mr. Jiang stopped us just to say these few words? Boater, do you know any special meaning?"

Among them, Han Shaogong had the deepest relationship with the Writers Association, and he was also the closest to Jiang Zilong, so Yu Hua asked him, thinking that he might know more information.

Han Shaogong shook his head, "I'm also baffled. I can understand what I said earlier. Why did you suddenly mention the Lu Xun Literature Award in the end? This is not related to what he said earlier. I still want to ask you Well, is there something between you that I don't know about?"

"If you don't know, we don't even know." Su Tong said.

"Don't think about it if you don't know. What are your plans for these two days? I'll treat you to dinner tonight? I haven't had a good drink because of the meeting these few days." Han Shaogong said.

"When can't you drink alcohol? Aren't you going to Jinling at the end of the year? When the time comes, let Yu Dong be the host. Let's have a good drink with you." Yu Hua said with a smile.

Yu Dong rolled his eyes, "If you want to be a favor, just ask for it yourself, don't rely on me every time."

"It's not that I don't want to invite, mainly in Jinling, you are the host, and it's not our turn to invite, is it?"

"What do you mean I am the host? Aren't you?"

Yu Hua snapped her fingers and said, "Come on, let me do the math for you. I'm from Zhejiang Province, Mo Yan is from Gaomi, Su Tong is from Suzhou City, Fei Yu didn't come, even if he did come, he is also from Yangzhou. You Well, although he is from Shanghai, Mr. Cheng is from Jinling."

Hearing Yu Hua's calculations one by one, Yu Dong waved his hands helplessly, "All right, all right, I'll be the host in Jinling, anyway, I'm used to you."

After listening to their quarrel, Han Shaogong waved his hands and said, "It's still early to go to Jinling, but it's better to drink sooner rather than later. Anyway, you have nothing else to do today, why don't you have a drink first."

Mo Yan, who hadn't said much all this time, suddenly said, "It's nothing."

Yu Dong glanced at Mo Yan, this seemingly honest man was actually very listless, he must have wanted to drink by himself, that's why he said "in due course" that he could go to the banquet.

Yu Hua and Su Tong also said, "I have something to do tomorrow, but nothing tonight."

Han Shaogong nodded, "That's it. Drink tonight, but who will be the host? According to what Yu Hua just said, should Mo Yan be the host? After all, Mo Yan, you have stayed in Yanjing the longest. Here, you should be the host."

Mo Yan nodded quite calmly, "It's not impossible to say that I am the host. But if you want to say that I am the host, this is outrageously wrong. Really counting, it should be Yu Dong and Su Tong, the two of them But the students at Yan Normal University, unlike me, spent most of their time in the army."

Seeing the fire burning on him, Su Tong said quickly: "Although he also studied at Yan Normal University, Yu Dong is an outstanding student in our Chinese Department, which is incomparable. Dean Hu of our school, who is waiting for Yu Dong He is no different from his own son, and it would be unreasonable to say that he is not the host."

Yu Dong pursed his lips, yes, he went around and around, and finally it came around his head.

"Okay, I won't invite you alone, but call some friends, and let's go out to have a good meal at night."

Yu Dong said that he wanted to treat guests, but of course they had no objection to whom to invite.

At the beginning, I said that I would call a few more friends, but I couldn't hold back the call.

Wang Anyi, Tielin, Zhao Lihong... Call them whatever you want, and they are 20 younger.

Everyone didn't go anywhere else, so they booked a large private room in the hotel where they were staying.

Nearly [-] writers sit together, and it is inevitable that they will talk about literature.

Although this writing conference was lively and lively, and the reports at the meeting were very well done, many writers are still a little worried about the situation of writers.

Zhao Lihong is one of them.

"Ten years ago, everyone thought it was the golden age of new age literature. There were many works and many readers, and everything was prosperous. But after only ten years, the situation has changed. Nowadays, writers produce fewer and fewer works, and readers There are fewer and fewer. Novels are slowly being marginalized."

When talking about this, Zhao Lihong looked at Yu Dong and the others: "Yu Dong and the others have performed very well in the past few years. It seems that a new wave of prosperity will appear. But a collective prosperity is difficult for a few people. In my opinion, it is not the writers who made the golden age, but the golden age made a group of writers including myself. We are writers in history, and history is not the history of our writers.”

Su Tong said: "Good things and emotional things transcend time. Reading after 2000 years can also evoke emotional memories. Nowadays, literature is becoming more and more marginal and losing readers more and more, because many works have no To provide history, there is neither personal nor collective memory. Literature retains time and memory, which is an attitude of writers responsible for history.”

"I don't quite agree with Su Tong's words." Han Shaogong said, "There are two kinds of writers' histories. One is the history of the revolutionary stage, which is hard to come by. A writer is so lucky to meet this era. Many writers catch a small tail. In fact, more historical stages are a kind of cumulative work. What we are facing today may be the dull beginning of literature. Of course, this also means that we can do a lot of work. If literature is long-term, then it does not necessarily need to provide history.”

After Han Shaogong finished speaking, he looked at Su Tong, waiting for him to refute, but Su Tong held his chin but did not speak.

On the other side, Tie Lin said: "Su Tong has a saying that I agree with very much. Literature retains time and memory, which is an attitude of writers responsible for history. What I understand from this sentence is that we are not history. Scholars don’t need to record history, but the words we write will definitely show the history we live in. But Chairman Han’s words are also very reasonable, most of the historical period is a kind of cumulative work.”

Tielin has just been promoted to vice-chairman of the Chinese Writers Association this time. Although no one cares about her official position on such an occasion, she must pay attention to the unity of writers after all, so she will speak some balanced words appropriately.

Then, she looked at Yu Dong again: "Yu Dong, what do you think?"

Although Yu Dong is the youngest among all the people present, but the host of this dinner, and Yu Dong has been famous in the literary world in recent years, especially in the field of going abroad, it is appropriate to ask him to come out and say a few words.

Being caught by Tie Lin cue, Yu Dong didn't back down, nodded and said, "I agree with Su Tong's statement that writers need to provide history, and I also agree with the boatman who said that literature may be in a dull beginning period. But I am more pragmatic, no matter what In the same way, what we writers need to do now is to let more people see our works. I have always believed that no matter what period it is, there is no shortage of good works in China, and good works in China will also be recognized by the world. Good work."

"You mean, we have to work hard to go abroad?" Zhao Lihong asked.

Yu Dong shook his head, "Mr. Zhao, you misunderstood me. I mean, we can go abroad instead of taking it as our goal. I say this to give you some confidence. Our Chinese culture , literature, and there are many things worthy of our exploration. Readers don’t like reading anymore. There are reasons for writers, readers, and the times, but this will pass. What we have to do is to calm down Creation. Even if, as the boatman said, now is the stage of precipitation, then what we have to do is to precipitate, not to leave and give up.”

This time Zhao Lihong didn't ask any questions, but he still thought that Yu Dong was a little idealistic in his heart.In other words, Yu Dong is favored by readers because of his popular works, which makes Yu Dong think that the decline of literature can be easily reversed.

In fact, this is a misunderstanding of Yu Dong.

Yu Dong knows better than anyone how difficult it is to reverse the decline.

But just like this, Yu Dong understands that if he does not come to do something, but just follow the trend and do everything according to the trend, it will be more difficult to reverse the decline of Chinese literature.

Moreover, the efforts of the past few years have achieved some results, which also gave him more confidence in what he was going to do.

As long as the writers in front of him can stand firm, he has the confidence to accomplish what he wants to do.

Seeing that no one spoke again, Yu Dong said with a smile: "This year's Deep Space Annual Conference, I sincerely extend an invitation to you on behalf of the Deep Space Company. I believe that with your support, our Deep Space Company can overcome all difficulties. Achieve all goals."

 Thank you [The North Wind of Crouching] for the 100 reward
  Thank you [Star Bow] for the 100 reward
  Thank you [20170302232745892] for your 500 reward
(End of this chapter)

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