Chapter 471 Filming Two Movies Together (Second Update)

Matthew McConaughey has gained some fame with "A Time to Kill" and "Phone Booth," especially "Phone Booth," where he played the absolute lead and gave a very good performance.

"Sniper Phone Booth" is getting better and better at the box office, and more and more people are looking for Matthew McConaughey to film.

What disappointed Matthew McConaughey was that the scripts sent were very average, and the characters he was asked to play were basically handsome, young and rich playboys.

If it was before the filming of "Sniper Booth", he might be forced to take such roles for his livelihood, but now he has higher pursuits.

Matthew McConaughey's previous agent was an independent agent who cooperated with icm. He didn't have many resources and didn't pay enough attention to him.

But the latter situation will be better, because this summer he has switched to the brokerage company of Deep Space Corporation.

"Stu, what are you thinking?"

Seeing Matthew McConaughey in a daze, the bar owner came over with a bottle of wine.

Matthew McConaughey looked up and smiled, "Harry, don't call me that."

The boss laughed and poured some wine into his glass, "I knew you would definitely become an excellent actor. The role of Stu is very good. Is there any new movie recently?"

Matthew McConaughey took a sip from his wine glass, then shook his head and said, "I have a few scripts looking for me, but I didn't answer them."

"Didn't you sign with Deep Space Corporation? Didn't they arrange a script for you?"

"You actually know Deep Space Corporation." Matthew McConaughey was a little surprised. "I thought you knew nothing about alcohol except wine."

Harry also poured himself a glass of wine, "I didn't understand it at first, but since I have an actor friend like you, of course I need to learn more. You haven't answered my question yet. Didn't deep space arrange a script for you? ? I heard that Deep Space Corporation is very powerful, and their company also owns "Second World" and "Resident Evil."

"It's not that simple. Deep Space Company is also separate. I signed a contract with Deep Space's agent company. They are only responsible for helping me with performing arts matters. It doesn't mean that if there is a script, they will arrange for me to act."

"That's not the same? Otherwise, why did you sign you?" Harry curled his lips, then approached with a smile and said, "Matthew, since you are also from Deep Space Corporation, have you met JK Rowling? Can you help me?" Asking her for an autograph? You know, Tommy loves Harry Potter."

Tommy is Harry's son. He is 11 years old this year. He is still a primary school student. He is very obsessed with "Harry Potter". Before JK Rowling held a signing in New York, Tommy clamored to go, but because of some things he couldn't go into.

This kid's obsession with "Harry Potter" has already given Harry some headaches. A few days ago, Tommy asked Harry very seriously if he could change their father and son's names and let him be called Harry .

Because he is very envious that his father can have the same name as the protagonist...

Matthew McConaughey shook his head with a smile, "Harry, although we have both signed contracts with Deep Space, I am not very familiar with Rowling. The only time I met Rowling was at the Deep Space Annual Conference in China last year. I don't know if she will participate in this year's Deep Space Annual Meeting, but if she does, I will try my best to get one for you. However, I can't guarantee it."

"No problem." Harry patted Matthew McConaughey on the shoulder, "I'm waiting for your good news... When will the Deep Space Annual Conference be held?"

"At the end of January, I will go to China in a while." Matthew McConaughey laughed.

"How about China, isn't it very poor? Is there a bar like ours there?" Harry was a little curious.

"I went to Jinling. Although it is not very prosperous, it is not very poor. As for the bar, they drink a lot of baijiu...they have a kind of liquor called Moutai, which tastes very strong..."

Speaking of baijiu, Matthew McConaughey remembered the strong taste of Moutai. He was about to describe the taste of Moutai to Harry, but the phone in his pocket rang.

It was Lewis, the agent in charge of him. After the call was connected, Lewis asked on the other end of the phone, "Matthew, where are you?"

"I'm in Los Angeles."

"I know you're in Los Angeles, but I'm asking where you are in Los Angeles."

"I drank at the bar where I used to work, is there anything important?"

Lewis said with a smile: "It's a good thing. The boss is looking for you. There should be a new script."

"New script?" Matthew McConaughey sat up straight, "What script?"

Harry, the bar owner, heard that Matthew McConaughey was busy, smiled and added some more wine to his glass, then made a gesture and left.

Lewis on the other end of the phone said: "I don't know the specific script, but recently YU released "Golden Dreamland", I don't know if it will be adapted into a movie, if it is true, then you are very lucky, this This book has been very popular with readers recently. If it is adapted into a movie, the box office will definitely not be bad. Of course, this is just a guess, and the specifics will not be known until you go to the company to meet the boss, so hurry up, we will go there tomorrow."

"Okay, I'll be leaving in a minute."

"Matthew, have you read the book "Golden Dreamland"?"

"Yes, and to the Beatles' music."

"That's good. Although I don't know if it's "Golden Dreamland", it's better to make some preparations. Well, you can study the novel on the way."

"no problem."

"Okay, contact me tomorrow."


After hanging up on Lewis, Matthew McConaughey took a sip from his glass, a fire burning in his chest as the spirit drank.

He knew that this flame was not only because of the wine, but also because of the script.

If it was really "Golden Dreamland", then he would laugh in his dreams.

Not only because the novel was popular, but also because he really liked the story.

He had an unfortunate childhood, and he hasn't had many friends over the years, otherwise he wouldn't have gone to the bar where he worked before to chat with the boss during his break.

The book "Golden Dreamland" gave Matthew McConaughey a warm feeling. Although the protagonist was framed, his friends trusted him unconditionally. This was what he envied and what he longed for.

Thinking about the script, Matthew McConaughey couldn't sit still anymore. He raised his head and drank the wine in the glass, left a piece of money, then turned and left.

Lewis was right that he should re-study novels seriously.


Matthew McConaughey's preparation didn't work out.

When he met Jimmy, Jimmy gave him two scripts, neither of which was "Golden Dreamland".

He looked at the two scripts in his hand and asked in confusion, "This is it?"

Jimmy smiled and said, ""The Butterfly Effect" and "The Man From Earth", I think the script should be very clear, right?"

Seeing that Matthew McConaughey had only doubts but no surprises on his face, Jimmy said again: "These two scripts were both written by YU, and "Butterfly Effect" is "Chaos Diary"."

Sure enough, as soon as Jimmy said this, a smile appeared on Matthew McConaughey's face.

Although it is not "Golden Dreamland", "Chaos Effect" seems to be good. As for the other "The Man From Earth", since it is written by YU, there should be no problem.

While Matthew McConaughey was flipping through the script, Jimmy introduced him: "If possible, we hope to use the same protagonist in these two films."

"Is this a series?" Matthew McConaughey asked.

Jimmy shook his head, "No, the reason why we use the same actor is to save trouble."

In fact, Jimmy’s idea is very simple. Since it’s going to be filmed, let’s shoot the two films together. Anyway, the scene of “The Man From Earth” is simple, so I shot it while filming “The Butterfly Effect”, which not only saves trouble, but also saves money. .

Matthew McConaughey hadn't read the script yet, so he was a little puzzled, "Save the trouble?"

"That's right, it's easy. "The Man From Earth" is very simple and doesn't take too much time. Shoot this first when the time comes, and it will also allow you to get in touch with Doug Liman."

"Doug Liman?"

"The director of these two films."

Matthew McConaughey searched his mind for a while, but couldn't remember who Doug Liman was.

Jimmy saw that he was confused, but didn't explain much, "You should read the script first, and we'll talk about the specifics later."

Then Jimmy said to his agent, "Lewis, let Matthew read the script and we'll talk for a while."

Jimmy and Lewis ran aside to chat, and Matthew McConaughey looked at the script seriously.

Because he had read the novel "Chaos Diary" and had a general understanding of the plot, he read "The Man From Earth" first.

Jimmy said that the shooting of this film will not take too much time, so he is a little curious to see if it will be the same script as "Sniper Phone Booth".

After about half an hour, Matthew McConaughey finished reading the script of "The Man From Earth", and then let out a long breath.

To be honest, if "Sniper Phone Booth" and this script were put in front of him at the same time, he would choose the former without hesitation.

It's not that the script in front of me is not good, it's just that the cost of this drama is destined to be very low, and the protagonist is not very good. Compared with other supporting roles, the protagonist's lines don't have many lines.

He can also understand what Jimmy said. This movie really doesn't take too much time. If the director has experience, it can be done in two or three days.

Putting "The Man From Earth" aside, he picked up the script for "The Butterfly Effect".

When he picked up the script, his hands even trembled a little, because he thought of the original novel, in which the protagonist had an unfortunate childhood just like him.

Although their misfortunes are completely different, the pain they feel is similar.

(End of this chapter)

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