Backtracking to the Age of Literature and Art

Chapter 474: The Harmless Jimmy

Chapter 474 The Harmless Jimmy (Part [-])
After Jimmy learned the news about the Lunar New Year holiday, he attached great importance to it. Originally, he was going to Jinling with other colleagues from Deep Space America on February [-]st.

But in order to finalize the Lunar New Year file as soon as possible, he took his assistant to Yanjing Rang three days in advance, on January 29th, and then went directly to Yanjing Film Studio.

Han Shanping didn't expect that the boss of Deep Space would be so concerned about the New Year's Eve. Although he didn't want to admit it, Chinese movies are far behind the United States in terms of production level and market.

Among the films that Deep Space America participated in, each has a higher box office and more influence than the other, especially "Second World", which still occupies the position of the box office champion in global film history.

The global box office of "Second World" is close to 100 billion RMB. What kind of concept is this?Last year, the total box office revenue of China's movies was only one billion yuan, which means that the box office of one movie is worth the sum of China's box office in ten years.

Just think about it, with such a huge gap, is it necessary for the boss of a dignified company to be interested in their New Year's stall?
But people are just interested, and even made a trip in person.

Han Shanping also attached great importance to Jimmy's arrival, and specially found someone to get some better quality coffee to entertain Jimmy.

But what he never expected was that Jimmy was not interested in coffee at all and said he must drink tea.

When the tea was ready, Jimmy sat comfortably on the sofa with the teacup in his arms. This time the journey was rather urgent, and he didn’t rest after arriving in Yanjing, so he was a little tired. Now drinking a cup of hot tea is really very comfortable .

He said to Han Shanping with a smile: "Director Han, you don't know something. I really don't mean to save you. I'm used to drinking tea, but now I'm not used to drinking coffee."

Listening to Jimmy's fluent Beijing movies, Han Shanping felt unreal. If he was blindfolded, he couldn't tell that the person sitting in front of him was a foreigner.

"I don't have any good tea here, you just drink it."

"You are welcome, this tea is very good." Jimmy waved his hands with a smile, and then sat up straight, "Director Han, you have a lot of work every day, so I won't waste your time. You talk about the Lunar New Year holiday. I heard from Yu Liang that the Forbidden City Films took the lead in this matter?"

"That's right." Han Shanping nodded: "Our preliminary plan is to screen out a good script first, and then our Yanjing Film Studio and the Forbidden City Films will each invest a little money to make the film and put it next year. It will be released around New Year's Day."

"Are there any specific requirements for the movie?" Jimmy asked.

"That's not true. It depends on the specific story. But one thing, no matter what the subject matter of the movie, the core values ​​must be correct and positive."

Jimmy patted his chest and said: "Don't worry about this. The movies or TV series produced by our deep space company must be positive. We have always paid attention to humanistic care and strive to guide people to be good. Of course, this is only the most basic for us. Yes, the key is that we need to build on these foundations to create movies that can attract audiences to watch in cinemas."

Han Shanping smiled, and Jimmy's words reached his heart.

The reason why they set up this Lunar New Year file is, in the final analysis, not because the domestic film market is sluggish, and the market needs to be revitalized so that more audiences are willing to enter the cinema to watch movies.

Seeing that Jimmy got to the point as soon as he came up, Han Shanping really felt that he was on the right track to find the deep space.

Seeing Han Shanping smiling, Jimmy knew what he wanted to hear, so he struck while the iron was hot, and continued: "Director Han, when it comes to the box office, it's not that my mother-in-law is selling melons and boasting about it. Our deep space company has always performed very well in the box office. Let’s not talk about it, let’s just talk about the recently released "Sniper Phone Booth", when I left New York, the box office of this movie had exceeded [-] million US dollars."

[-] million US dollars... Han Shanping took a deep breath. He had noticed the box office of "Sniper Phone Booth" before on "Reference News". The box office in US dollars.

"Director Han, do you know how much the movie cost?"

"How many?"

"Including the advertising fee, it's less than 1000 million US dollars. You are a film maker, so you should know what this number represents." Jimmy laughed.

Of course, Han Shanping knew what this meant. With a cost of less than 1000 million US dollars, he got a box office of more than [-] million US dollars, which means that the producer has made a fortune.

All the movies released in China this year are lumped together, and none of their movies make money.

"Cough cough." Han Shanping coughed lightly, "Mr. Jimmy, I'm afraid our domestic movies can't reach such a scale. To tell you the truth, we can only invest a few million yuan at most in this movie."

Jimmy smiled and shook his head, "Director Han, you misunderstood me. I told you this just to express that we, Deep Space, have the ability and experience in the market. As for the cost of the movie, there are many ways to do it. , there are less ways to do it.”

"It's good if you are willing to do it, but I can't decide on this matter. In the end, it depends on the quality of the scripts you submit."

"Naturally." Jimmy nodded, "If the quality of the script is not good, we won't shoot it."

Jimmy picked up his teacup and took a sip. Although he didn't talk a few words, he had almost figured out the situation.The Han factory manager should still be very sincere, otherwise he would not have called their company on purpose.

It's just that, as Han Shanping said, he shouldn't be able to make decisions on cooperation alone.

After pondering for a while, Jimmy continued: "Director Han, actually, I think that since it's a Lunar New Year show, it's not enough to watch just one movie."

Han Shanping sighed, "We are also aware of this, but the funds are really limited. We have worked hard to squeeze out one movie, and another one is beyond our ability."

"It's okay. We, Deep Space, can help with this matter. Even if the movie you invested in didn't choose to cooperate with us in the end, our company can also make a few other movies and put them in the Lunar New Year file. Give you this Create momentum during the Lunar New Year." Jimmy said with a smile.

Han Shanping's eyebrows twitched, and he looked at Jimmy's smiling face seriously, not sure whether the foreigner said this sincerely, or deliberately put pressure on him.

On the surface, Jimmy's words sounded like he was trying to do something good and help keep the New Year's Eve in a daze.But if you take a closer look, you will find that there is another meaning, that is, even if they did not choose to cooperate with Shen Kong this time, Shen Kong will also step in. No, it may not be one kick, but several kicks. .

After all, deep space has money, and making two or three movies is easy for them.

If Deep Space really does this, the Lunar New Year file may be stunned in the end, but the box office they invest in this movie is likely to be affected.In the end, this New Year's Eve file is not their New Year's Eve file, but the New Year's Eve file of Deep Space Corporation.

Han Shanping secretly sighed, this Jimmy looks harmless to humans and animals, but the method is not simple.

Also, how could it be easy to run a big company like Deep Space.

(End of this chapter)

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