Backtracking to the Age of Literature and Art

Chapter 477 Live Streaming of the Deep Space Annual Meeting

Chapter 477: The Live Broadcast of the Deep Space Annual Meeting (First Update)
[At [-]:[-] in the morning, Spielberg and Doug Liman entered the gate of Jinyi School. 】

On the Chinese website of Deep Space, such a new comment was updated in the "Deep Space Annual Conference Live Post".

Not long after this comment came out, a bunch of netizens responded below.

Shangguan Luojun: [Spielberg, I know, but who is Doug Liman?Any professionals please tell me? 】

Wuliangye against spicy oil: [Wait a while, the official will definitely introduce him. 】

The third prince of automation: [The official speed is not good, Spielberg and the others went in at 21:[-], and now they come out at [-]:[-]. 】

Chen Mobai: [Yes, when Joyce Carol Oates came before, he came out in 2 minutes. 】

Drama Film News official: [Doug Liman is an American director, 32 years old, born in New York, USA. 】

Jinling Xiaomailang Noodle Restaurant: [I knew that the official drama and film newspaper would never disappoint——welcome everyone to dine at Jinling Xiaomailang Noodle Restaurant, there will be discounts for friends from the deep space. 】

The duck at the foot of the Five Elements Mountain: [Xiao Xiaolang upstairs, I have tolerated you for a long time. I have advertised for so long, and I will not give you a specific address. 】

Fugui: [The drama and film newspaper official, is it really made by the people from the drama and film newspaper? 】

Liu Jinfa: [You are new here, this is the official website, and has introduced us to many famous people. 】

Xu Erle: [Official, talk more, talk more, what did this Doug Liman shoot, why did Deep Space invite him, and why did he come here with Spielberg? 】

Chen Mobai: [There are already more than a dozen celebrities coming to Jinyi right now. 】


In Deep Space Corporation, Jiang Jie was in a good mood as he stared at the data constantly flashed out on the computer.

The "Live Broadcast of the Deep Space Annual Conference" was handled by Jiang Jie.

Since he was transferred to Deep Space Chinese Website, he has been under great pressure, because he knows that the owner of this website values ​​it very much, so he spends every day thinking about how to make the website better.

Sometimes he would go to Yu Dong for a chat, and wanted to learn from Yu Dong. Although Yu Dong was not a professional, an idea that popped up occasionally could make people suddenly enlightened.

For example, this live broadcast was what Jiang Jie heard from Yu Dong when he was chatting with Yu Dong.

Later, Jiang Jie has been groping, how to realize a "live broadcast" on the website.

The method is very primitive. The staff of Deep Space will send the news to the company by calling at any time, and then the company will upload the news to the website.

In order to make the live broadcast faster and richer in content, Jiang Jie called [-] people this time, and there are also some non-staff personnel.

For example, Jinyi's communication room.

The news that Spielberg and Doug Liman arrived at the school just now was sent by the Jinyi Communication Office after Spielberg and the others registered.

I have to say that the adaptability of netizens is really strong.

A few days ago, when the website announced that there would be a "live broadcast of the annual meeting", most netizens were very confused.

Because in their eyes, live broadcasting is live TV broadcasting, the form of transmitting pictures to TV through satellite signals.

But now, they are used to this kind of live broadcast via text on the website.

And their demands are getting higher and higher.

At the beginning of the live broadcast, netizens were amazed that the efficiency of Deep Space Company was really fast, and the news could be transmitted to the post within 10 minutes.

But it didn't take long, and news in 5 minutes was no longer enough to satisfy them.

Another thing I have to say is that now more and more officials are stationed on the Deep Space Chinese website, such as "Drama and Film News". .

And precisely because of the cooperation with Deep Space, we got the list of guests for this annual meeting from Deep Space from the very beginning.

Because they got the list in advance, they were able to introduce the identities of the guests to the netizens so quickly. They collected these identities early in the morning.

Seeing more and more officials come in, Jiang Jie's idea is that when the time is right, he will separate the literature section and set up a separate website, and then turn the main section into a comprehensive section integrating social networking and news.

"Mr. Jiang, many netizens want to know how these celebrities are doing in school."

Jiang Jie looked at the time, then looked at the data, nodded and said: "Yes, I will integrate a group of incoming messages and post them."


Soon, a new piece of news appeared in the "Deep Space Annual Conference Live Post".

[Because there are too many guests, they have already begun to transfer from Yu Dong's office to Jin Yi's small auditorium.In order to welcome...]

There is no water in the bottle: [Okay!Finally something inside. 】

Young Ronald: [Why do you feel like a war reporter? 】

Dim Fragrance Fluctuation: [It's broken, I can't get out, I seem to know what's going on. 】

Liu Jinfa: [Me too, I keep refreshing the page. 】

Tomorrow's Red Flower: [This year's annual meeting hasn't even started yet, so I'm getting nervous. If tomorrow's annual meeting starts, I won't pass out? 】

Jin Kefan: [It's a pity that only text can be seen. It would be great if there were photos or videos. What a pity, it would be great if there was a live broadcast of the Deep Space Annual Meeting on TV. 】

Tomorrow's Red Flower: [You really dare to think, I am already very content with words.And even if there is a live broadcast on TV, it is impossible to be so comprehensive. 】

Liu Jinfa: [Team leader, aren't you from Jinling University? Didn't you go to have a look? 】

Jin Kefan: [I can’t get in, but I’m going to apply for a job at Deep Space Company after graduation, and I’ll have everything I want to see. 】


[At 56:[-], Liu Cixin had arrived at the Jinling Hotel, but was stopped by reporters at the door and was being interviewed. 】

Princess Yueshi: [Oh hoo, it's still multi-angle, I'm Liu Mighty. 】

Tomorrow's Red Flower: 【Is Liu Cixin the original author of "Bring Her Eyes"? 】

Ronald Shao: [Yes, yes, his science fiction novels are very good. I personally think that he can definitely become the leading figure in Chinese science fiction after Yu Dong. I recommend you to read his novels. 】

Jin Kefan: [After Yu Dong... our teacher Yu is a few years younger than Da Liu, okay, but Da Liu's novels are really good. 】

Chen Mobai: [Woohoo, Da Liu is so miserable, he was the only one stopped by the reporter. 】


[At 36:[-], Zhang Yimou broke through the siege and entered the Jinling Hotel. 】

Blue Dreamland Wanderer: [Director Zhang! 】

Jiu'er's younger sister, Ba'er: [Thank you, Director Zhang, for taking such beautiful pictures of my sister. 】

Chen Mobai: [Upstairs, logically speaking, isn't Ba'er Jiu'er's sister? 】

Lu Ruize: [Why didn't Director Zhang go to Jin Yi? 】

The flickering candlelight: [Can't you take a break first? 】


Jiang Jie kept paying attention to the responses of netizens and the data given by the background. At eleven o'clock, he asked the team members to start the interview mode.

The so-called interview mode is to let colleagues from Deep Space go to the guests to ask a few questions, conduct a simple interview, and then post the interview content on the website, and let the guests talk to the netizens of Deep Space. sentence.

In this way, not only can the content of the live broadcast be greatly enriched, but also the distance between guests and netizens can be shortened, making netizens feel more immersive.

(End of this chapter)

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