Chapter 479 Isn't it? (first update)
Doug Liman saw Yu Dong walking towards them from a distance. He thought Yu Dong was looking for Spielberg. Unexpectedly, Yu Dong came to him, nodded at Spielberg, and started talking to him. Talk: "Mr. Li Man, how does it feel to come to China for the first time."

Doug Liman said truthfully: "It's a pity that we were in the car all the way and didn't have many opportunities to watch it up close."

Yu Dong smiled and said, "It's okay. After the annual meeting is over, I'll have someone accompany you for a stroll around the country. I heard from Jimmy that the preparations for "The Man From Earth" and "The Butterfly Effect" have already started?"

"That's right." Doug Liman nodded, "It will officially start soon."

Spielberg smiled and said: "Maybe, YU, if you have time, you can go to the scene to see it. I think Doug definitely needs your opinion very much."

"Yes, if possible, I certainly hope that YU can go to the scene." Doug Liman hurriedly said.

"After your shooting time is fixed, I'll see the situation." Yu Dong looked at Spielberg again, "If you cared so much, when Jimmy invited you to be the producer, you wouldn't should be rejected."

Spielberg said helplessly: "Of course I don't want to refuse, but I have been too busy in the past two years, and I have no energy to take care of the new plan. If I agree casually, it may not be helpful, but harmful."

Yu Dong knew that Spielberg was telling the truth, he was really busy these two years.

"Jurassic Park 2: The Lost World" will be released in May this year, followed by "Men in Black" will also be released in July.

In addition, he took on "The Lockdown", "The Mask of Zorro" and "Saving Private Ryan".

In addition, "The Martian" has not yet started, but it has been the past two years. When "The Martian" starts, Spielberg will be even busier.

Yu Dong looked at Doug Liman, the future director, with thick black curly hair. It seemed that Doug Liman should not take care of it and let it grow wantonly.

He was tall and strong, and he looked less like a director than a basketball player.

"Mr. Li Man, even if I can't go to the scene, if you need help during the filming, you can contact me at any time. I will definitely help with things within my ability. Your "Swingers", I I also saw that your shooting skills are very mature and you are very thoughtful. So I believe that the two films that are about to start shooting should not be difficult for you." Yu Dong said with a smile.

"Thank you for your approval." Doug Liman said happily.

Then he suddenly said, "Mr. Yu, after the filming of "The Man From Earth" and "The Butterfly Effect" are finished, can you consider entrusting me to shoot "Golden Dreamland"?"

Spielberg knew what Doug Liman was going to say when he heard half of it, but it was too late to stop him, so he could only look at Doug Liman angrily. He clearly told Doug Liman on the plane Li Man don't mention this matter yet, unexpectedly this kid did.

But since it was mentioned, there was no way to take it back, so Spielberg looked at Yu Dong again, wanting to see his reaction.

Yu Dong just smiled, "There is an old saying in China that haste makes waste. I think it's better for you to focus more on the two movies in front of you now."

Doug Liman understood Yu Dong's meaning, so he couldn't say anything more.In fact, it's not that he didn't take Spielberg's words to heart, but he really wanted to make "Golden Dreamland", so he couldn't help but ask.

In fact, this matter still depends on Jimmy. In order to save money and trouble, he packaged two movies to Doug Liman, which gave him more ideas.

What Yu Dong thought before was to let Doug Liman finish filming "The Man From Earth" first, and then completely hand over "The Butterfly Effect" to him.

If he followed Yu Dong's plan, Doug Liman would not be thinking about other things now, but he must be thinking about shooting "The Man From Earth" first.

As for the script of "Golden Dreamland", Yu Dong actually wanted to give Zhang Yimou to Hollywood to test the waters. Then he would polish the script and give Zhang Yimou a better team. Even if the movie can't be a big hit, it can Upgrade Zhang Yimou's directing level.

Although Yu Dong is also very optimistic about Doug Liman, Doug Liman is still an American after all, and what Yu Dong hopes is to bring more Chinese directors to the world platform.

As for Doug Liman, there are still many opportunities for cooperation in the future, such as "Bourne's Identity" and "Mr. and Mrs. Smith". These films were originally made by him, so he is also good at them.

"Mr. Li Man, I heard from Jimmy that you like military and crime themes?" Yu Dong asked.

Seeing that Yu Dong changed the topic, Doug Liman also nodded cooperatively: "Yes, I really like these two themes, of course, I also like science fiction themes. I have always wanted to shoot movies with these types of themes , Of course, it would be even better if these themes can be integrated together.”

"Actually, I think you are also very talented in romantic comedy genres, and "Swingers" is proof."

Yu Dong was praising Doug Liman, but he was frustrated because he had just been declined by Yu Dong just now, so what Yu Dong said now seemed to be explaining why he had to decline him.

In YU's opinion, am I more suitable for making romantic comedies?

Before he could speak and ask, a staff member came to Yu Dong, and Yu Dong could only say goodbye to them with an apologetic face.

After Yu Dong left, Spielberg looked at Doug Liman with a smile, "Are you disappointed because you were rejected?"

Spielberg noticed Doug Liman's mood changes just now, but when Yu Dong was around, he had nothing to say.

Doug Liman smiled and shook his head: "It's nothing, I should be able to think of such a result. It's just that I feel that YU seems to think that I am more suitable for making romantic comedies."

Spielberg patted Doug Liman on the shoulder: "Maybe you are thinking too much. If he really thinks you are more suitable for making romantic comedies, why would he give you "Butterfly Effect"? "Butterfly Effect" is not a romantic comedy."

"Maybe it's because of Jimmy?" Doug Liman guessed.

Spielberg smiled and shook his head, "Do you think Jimmy can influence YU's thoughts? Do you think that YU and Deep Space Company are just a cooperative relationship, and he is just an author?"

"Isn't it?" Doug Liman wondered.

(End of this chapter)

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