Chapter 487 A Different Sky
As soon as Jimmy said this, Han Shanping, who was sitting in the front row, reacted the most. He looked at the stage with a dazed expression, and what appeared in his mind was the scene of him chatting with Yu Dong just now.

Han Shanping turned his head and looked at Spielberg, seeing that the other party didn't respond, he wondered if many people knew about this?

No, he heard the people around him whispering again.

"Yu Dong is actually the boss?"

"I said he must have shares."

"What about him and Jimmy? Who is the big boss?"

"It should be Jimmy."

"It's not like Jimmy is joking with us."

"How could this be a joke."


In fact, Spielberg was also very surprised. Although he had already guessed that the relationship between YU and deep space was not that simple, what he didn't expect was that Jimmy would come on stage this year and specifically talk about it.

Since Jimmy was able to go on stage and publicly say that YU is the other boss of the company, then YU must have shares in the company, and there must be a lot of them.

Could it be that YU is the big boss behind the scenes?

Such a thought flashed through Spielberg's mind.

Then he himself denied that it should be impossible. Before Yu became famous, he was just a teacher at Jinling Academy of Art. How could he have the money to start a company?

Spielberg also knows a little bit about the situation in China. The annual salary of a university teacher like YU is at most a few thousand dollars, and it was even less in the past few years.

I chatted with a few Chinese people before, and they all said that anyone who can spend one or two thousand dollars a few years ago is a wealthy family.It seems that Harold sold the film and television adaptation rights of YU's novel "One Day" before, and only received less than [-] US dollars for the adaptation fee. Even if the money is enough to start the company, it is impossible for Jimmy to sell most of the shares.

Although Jimmy is an unsuccessful screenwriter, he should have some money on hand. He wouldn't share shares with a Chinese for tens of thousands of dollars.

Therefore, it should be that when the company started, it relied on YU to make money. In order to win over YU, Jimmy gave some shares.

Spielberg thinks, like most people think.

But what Jimmy said next made them dumbfounded.

"Actually, I only hold 20.00% of the shares in Deep Space China, and Yu Dong owns the rest."

In fact, no matter which deep space it is, the proportion of equity is the same, but Jimmy only mentioned Deep Space China because it is best for Deep Space.

But even so, it was enough to surprise the audience.

Zhao Baogang looked at Zhang Yimou and whispered, "Did you know about this before?"

Zhang Yimou spread his hands, and also whispered back: "I don't know."

"You know Yu Dong so well that you don't even know?"

Zhang Yimou curled his lips. If he knew that Yu Dong held 80.00% of the shares of Deep Space China, he might have signed a contract with Deep Space China long ago.After all, a company controlled by Chinese people is completely different from a company controlled by foreigners.

In fact, Zhao Baogang had already guessed that Yu Dong had shares in Shen Kong when Yu Dong was discussing cooperation with him before, but he was surprised that Yu Dong actually accounted for the majority, but Jimmy only accounted for 20.00%, which means, All of them are working for Yu Dong.

In fact, Jimmy not only has 20.00% of the shares, but also wages and bonuses, which add up to a lot of money every year.As long as Jimmy still serves as the company's CEO, there will always be salary and bonuses, which are basically equivalent to nearly ten points of dividends.

Seeing the discussion below, Jimmy didn't speak, but raised his hand to signal Yu Dong to say a few words.

Yu Dong nodded, raised the microphone and said, "Uh, let me say a few words."

As soon as he spoke, the discussion in the audience stopped, and everyone wanted to hear what he had to say.


In Xinjiekou, there are a total of 33 computers in the Deep Space Network club, and besides the guests who are currently on the computer, there are several people standing behind each computer.

Internet cafes are a new thing. Although there are not many netizens in China, but because there are few computers, basically as long as you open an Internet cafe, the business will definitely be very hot.

The Deep Space Network Clubhouse is no exception. As the first Internet cafe in this city and even in the whole country, it has an extraordinary historical status.

And different from other Internet cafes, the Deep Space Network clubhouse has a large space, and there is a lot of space between every two machines. The seats are also very comfortable chairs with backrests, and there are even Several computers are equipped with sofas.

In addition, the Internet cafe also has a leisure place to provide guests with tea.

The most important thing is that compared with other Internet cafes, the charges at the Deep Space Internet Club are not much higher, so everyone likes to come here to surf the Internet, but there are often no machines.

Ma Zhenyong walked into the Internet cafe with his camera on his shoulders. Seeing the environment inside, he secretly sighed. He has been to many Internet cafes, but the Deep Space Internet Club is the best Internet cafe he has ever seen, not one of them.

It's just that there are too many people in the Internet cafe. Ma Zhenyong looked around and frowned. It should be a useless machine.

He walked to the front of the bar in three steps and two steps, and asked, "Boss, are there any machines?"

The cashier at the bar is a young girl. She has to hear such questions many times a day. She smiled and said, "Sorry, sir, there is no free machine at the moment. If you want to board the machine, you can get a number and queue first. When there is a free machine here, we will call the number and you can get on the machine when it is your turn. While waiting, you can go to the rest area to rest first, and if you have other needs, feel free to contact the bar.”

Hearing that there is no machine, Ma Zhenyong was a little disappointed.

He is a reporter from the "Weekend Evening News". He came to Jinling this time to follow up the big news of the Deep Space Annual Conference. He was at the Great Hall of the People in Jinling just now.

They were not allowed to enter the annual meeting, so he thought about going to the Internet cafe to see if he could find a machine and find some useful information from the Deep Space Chinese website, so that he could go back and write reports.

"Give me a number first."

The cashier nodded, wrote him a number, and then stamped the note.

After receiving the number, Ma Zhenyong was ready to go to the rest area with the camera in his arms. He was exhausted these two days.

But before he got to the edge of the sofa, there was an exclamation in the Internet cafe.

"what's the situation?"

Ma Zhenyong looked at the hall in surprise, and then heard someone say: "This is big news!"

As soon as he heard the words "big news", Ma Zhenyong moved involuntarily and walked towards the hall.

Those guests are still discussing.

"Who would have thought that Yu Dong was the boss of Shen Kong? Who could?"

"Yeah, who would have thought of that?"

"I said that Deep Space must be our own company in China, otherwise we can be so kind and do charity everywhere?"

"Actually, I've known for a long time that Shenkong belongs to Yu Dong. I come to Shenkong Internet Cafe every day, isn't it just to support Yu Dong?"

"Blow you."


Amidst a burst of laughter, Ma Zhenyong rushed to the scene, only then did he realize that several machines connected together displayed the pages of the Deep Space website.

And the people around were gathered around these machines, discussing the live broadcast.

"Everyone, what do you mean when you said that Yu Dong is the boss of Shen Kong?" Ma Zhenyong asked in a hurry.

Among them, the young guests in their twenties glanced at Ma Zhenyong, and also noticed the camera on his neck, "Are you a reporter?"

Ma Zhenyong nodded: "Yes, I am a reporter from Weekend Metropolis Daily, and my name is Ma Zhenyong."

In order to convince them of himself, he also took out his work permit.

"Are you here to follow the news of the Deep Space Annual Meeting?"


"Then why aren't you there?"

Ma Zhenyong said with a bitter face: "I also want to enter, but they won't let me in."

"Haha, you're not doing well."

"Brother, what did you say that Yu Dong is the boss of Deep Space..."

Before Ma Zhenyong finished speaking, a person pointed at the computer screen and shouted: "Look, Yu Dong has spoken."


"I'll take a look."

In an instant, everyone gathered in front of the computer, Ma Zhenyong's heart was on fire, and while protecting the camera, he ducked into it with a low body.

After much effort, Ma Zhenyong finally got inside and saw a line of words appearing on the computer screen.

【Yu Dong said: First of all...】


Seeing that everyone was quiet, Yu Dong said with a smile: "First of all, I am very happy to be able to gather with you on a day like today. Everyone present today is my friend and a friend of Deep Space. Deep Space Corporation What we are able to do today depends on your support and trust.”

"As Jimmy said, Deep Space China is run by me and him... I am ashamed to say that most of the time, Jimmy maintains the company, and I am more often a hands-off shopkeeper. My fate with Jimmy, I have to say Until the novel "One Day" I wrote five years ago, it was published in "Science Fiction World" and it happened to be seen by Jimmy. I still remember that afternoon, I was playing basketball with a group of students, and I was in good shape that day. Less points..."

"Later, he sent my novel to director Harold, and helped me win the first film and television adaptation fee in my life. From then on, our cooperation officially began. Then one day, we Started a company, which is now Deep Space China..."

Yu Dong babbled a lot, but the guests listened with interest. They were very interested in the story between Dong and Jimmy.

When Yu Dong had almost finished speaking, Jimmy said with a smile: "Okay, everyone, after listening to Yu Dong's version, you can also listen to my version."

The guests were all taken aback, what, there are two versions?

"I remember I was in Yanjing at that time, because I stayed in Yanjing for a long time when I was a reporter. Even after returning to the United States, I would still go to Yanjing from time to time. It was very cold that day. I had breakfast in the morning and was going back to Beijing. When I was in the hotel, I passed by a newsstand and saw "The World of Science Fiction"..."

"Without contacting in advance, I went to Jinyi. The gatekeeper, Uncle Zhou, was very enthusiastic and led me to Jinyi's basketball game. Uncle Zhou pointed to Yu Dong on the court and told me that the white, thin The one who is thin, tall and not good at playing is Teacher Yu."

When Jimmy said this, there was a burst of laughter from the audience, because Yu Dong just said that he was in good form that day and scored a lot of points.

But it seems that from Jimmy's perspective, this is not the case at all.

"You must have misremembered."

Jimmy smiled and said, "Of course, Yu Dong did score a lot that day, because everyone gave him the ball. That's right, everyone, including his opponent..."


The people in the audience did not expect that it would be so interesting to hear Jimmy tell it again. Although it is the same story, from the perspective of the two of them, the feeling is completely different.


"Are these two people talking about cross talk?"

In the Deep Space Network Clubhouse, the guests couldn't help laughing while watching the speeches of the two on the live broadcast.

Ma Zhenyong didn't have time to discuss with them. While taking pictures, he took a pen and paper to record the content of the live broadcast on the website.

Someone saw that he was indifferent, and kindly reminded him: "These live broadcast records will not disappear. You can find a computer and copy them later. There are still many interesting live broadcasts in the past two days."

Ma Zhenyong thanked him with a smile, but he didn't stop his hands. He was used to this movement, and he couldn't change it. If he didn't record any news in his notebook, he would feel uncomfortable all over.

Although there are records on the computer, he always feels that the things on the computer are not reliable, and he is not as reliable as writing them down by hand.

"I feel that the story between Yu Dong and Jimmy can be made into a movie."

"That's right, and just interspersed with these two perspectives, there is still a sense of conflict and a comic effect."

"The name of this movie is "Sino-American Entrepreneurs", how about it?"

"Your name is so boring. I think it's called "A Different Sky". It can not only represent the differences between the two countries, but also imply the surprise of their perspectives."

"This name can no longer be used. There was a movie in the United States called "A Different Sky" before."

"And this movie?"

"It seems to be, but it's a translated name, and the original name doesn't seem to be this."


After Jimmy finished speaking, Yu Dong spoke again: "After talking about my story with Jimmy, let me talk about my personal plan for the new year. In the new year, I should have at least one novel to share with you Meet, this novel has been brewing for nearly a year, and it will take a lot of time to actually write it. As for whether there will be other novels to meet with you, it depends on fate."

"In addition, I will also participate in the production of several movies and TV series. I will keep a close eye on the specific movies and TV series for the time being, and I will tell everyone after the plan officially starts. Well, the annual meeting has lasted for so long. You are all a little tired, so I won’t waste your time. After a while, under the arrangement of the staff, everyone will go to the hotel in an orderly manner and start the dinner. I announce that the [-] annual meeting of the Deep Space Corporation has come to a successful conclusion.”

Following Yu Dong's last sentence, the applause in the auditorium also rang out.

Today's annual meeting was obviously successful. Most people heard what they wanted to hear, and they also heard special news unexpectedly.

The staff here arranged for the guests to go out, and Yu Dong also returned to his seat and sat down, waiting to be arranged.

Han Shanping said with a smile: "Am I going to call you Boss now?"

Yu Dong smiled and waved his hands: "No, no, just call me Yu Dong."

"You can hide it deeply enough."

Spielberg also smiled and said: "YU, you are too low-key, it seems that if I find a chance, I will have a good chat with you."

"I will accompany you at any time, but tonight, let's have a happy meal together."

"No problem, I am not in a hurry to leave this time, I will stay in Jinling for a few days."

Spielberg wanted to find Yu Dong to have a good chat with Jimmy. Before Jimmy told him about importing foreign films, Jimmy meant that he wanted Deep Space Company to take over the work of importing foreign films from China. Spielberg Very interested in this.

(End of this chapter)

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