Chapter 489 Killing three birds with one stone

On the second day after the annual meeting, Spielberg went to Jinyi early in the morning.

Uncle Zhou had just gone to work, and before the hot water was filled in the thermos, he saw Spielberg and his car driving to the school gate.

"Who is this, come so early?"

Uncle Zhou put on his hat and walked out of the reception room. Spielberg stuck his head out of the car and said in English, "Hi, Mr. Zhou."

"It's you." Uncle Zhou couldn't pronounce Spielberg's name, but he was familiar with him after seeing him here many times, "Let's find it from Teacher Yu."

One of the two chatted in Chinese and the other in English.

Then the driver in front helped to register, and Uncle Zhou let them in.

Watching the car drive towards the back of the school, Uncle Zhou shook his head with a smile, and walked back to the reception room, muttering, "This foreigner came really early."

He was just about to pick up the kettle to pour a glass of water when he heard the sound of the car again.

"Who is this?"

He opened the window and stretched his head to look, only to see Jimmy getting out of the car, and said with a smile, "Oh, Mr. Zhou, you are such a big leader, you arrived so early."

Seeing that it was Jimmy, Uncle Zhou was also very happy, and said with a smile: "Xiaoji, don't make fun of me. What kind of leader am I? Besides, no leader can compare to you. You came so early, how can we Dare to be late?"

Jimmy gave Uncle Zhou a cigarette with a smile, and Uncle Zhou took a look, "Hey, Zhonghua, it's easy to go from frugality to extravagance, but difficult to go from extravagance to frugality. If you smoke your Zhonghua, I will still smoke my red plum." Do you have to go down?"

"My lord, your literary quality is getting better and better." Jimmy gave a thumbs up, then looked at the table again, "Where's the book? I'll register it."

Uncle Zhou waved his hand, "You go in first, I'll register for you. By the way, that great American director just came, did you make an appointment?"

"Well, I made an appointment yesterday. That's okay. I'll go in first. I'll trouble you about the registration." Jimmy threw the pack of Zhonghua cigarettes on the table again: "This cigarette is left for you, take care of it." It’s extravagant, if you really can’t smoke it back, I will approve a note and ask the company to supply you with cigarettes.”

"Hey, this is bribery, let Principal Wu know that he is going to trouble you."

Jimmy laughed: "I'm helping him test the cadres, and it's too late for him to thank me."


Just as Yu Dong woke up and was brushing his teeth, he heard someone knock on the door. He gritted his toothbrush and went to open the door, only to see Spielberg standing at the door.

"Steven, why are you here?" Yu Dong asked vaguely.

Spielberg smiled and said, "Didn't we make an appointment last night to meet today? Did you forget?"

Yu Dong frowned and thought about it. It seemed that there was such a thing. He said it during dinner last night, but afterward he was given a lot of alcohol, so he was in a daze and couldn't remember clearly.

He patted his forehead: "You can't drink too much of this wine, it will delay things, come in, have you had breakfast?"

At this time Cheng Yanqiu also came out of the kitchen, greeted Spielberg with a smile, and asked him if he had eaten and if he wanted to have a bite here.

"No, I ate at the hotel." Spielberg laughed.

"Yeah." Yu Dong nodded, invited Spielberg into the room, and asked while running back to the bathroom to wash, "I remember that I also made an appointment with Jimmy last night, didn't you guys come together?"

"When I knocked on the door of Jimmy's room, he hadn't gotten up yet. It might take a long time to wait for him, so I came here first."

"He also drank a lot of wine last night. He probably hasn't sobered up yet. However, you came so early."

After washing his face, Yu Dong ran out to pour tea for Spielberg, "It's cold now, it's not easy to get up in the morning."

"I heard you said that you still have something to do this afternoon, so I came here earlier so that I can talk more."

Yu Dong did have something to do in the afternoon. He had made an appointment with Wu Changxin before, and this afternoon he would help them watch the video materials of the acting candidates.

"Come on, have a cup of tea."

Spielberg took the teacup and was about to speak when there was another knock on Yu's door.

Yu Dong went to open the door, and Jimmy rushed in, and when he entered the room, as soon as he saw Spielberg, Jimmy complained, "Steven, you woke up too early, when I came in just now I see, even Feng Ming's dog is still sleeping. Can't you let me sleep in bed for a while in the winter?"

Spielberg was surprised when he saw Jimmy: "Why did you come so fast? When I went to find you, you were still sleeping."

"Why not, I haven't had breakfast yet."

Cheng Yanqiu came out with a rice cooker, "It's just right if you haven't eaten. I made a pot of porridge and some salted pig's knuckles stewed with soybeans. You can eat it."

Jimmy was not too polite, he found a bowl to serve by himself, and he blew on the porridge just out of the pot, mixed it with a few spoonfuls of cold soybeans, and then picked it up.

After taking a few bites, he stroked his stomach and let out a long breath: "I'm alive."

Holding the porridge, Yu Dong first asked Spielberg, "How about some more?"

Seeing that Jimmy was eating so deliciously, Spielberg was quite interested in stewed soybeans with pig's feet, but he still shook his head, "It's okay, eat it, and leave me alone."

"Then we're welcome."

After Jimmy finished cooking the porridge, he hiccupped first, then looked at Spielberg and said, "I've already asked about the introduction of foreign films, and there's something going on."

Spielberg raised his eyebrows, "Does this mean that in the future, you can freely choose the movies that will be released in China?"

Jimmy smiled and said: "How is this possible, Steven, you still don't understand China, how can this kind of thing be completely handed over to a private company like us?"

"Isn't there a reform in China's film distribution? Private companies can already participate in the production of films, so why can't they be responsible for importing foreign films. Besides, didn't you say it's okay?" Spielberg asked puzzled.

Jimmy shook his head, "Steven, you misunderstood me. It is impossible to hand over all the rights to import foreign films in China to private companies, but that doesn't mean we can't help."

"Help? What do you mean, please tell me specifically."

"Okay, I'll explain it to you carefully." Jimmy got up and poured tea for himself, and said, "Steven, do you know how China imports blockbuster movies and how they divide the bills?"

Spielberg nodded: "Of course, after all, "Second World" is the first off-the-books film imported from China. If a film wants to enter China, it must pass the inspection of China Film Group, and they will select suitable films to be screened in China. , As for the distribution of accounts, the producer is actually at a disadvantage, since it has to be responsible for the publicity and distribution, the proportion of the accounts is far lower than that of the North American release, which is only a dozen percent."

"Well, although the share of the bill is small, everyone is willing to send the movie to China for release."

"This is for sure. No matter how much the account is divided, the money is equivalent to excess. Even if it is not released, there will be no way to make money for the CD in China." Spielberg said.

"That's right." Jimmy nodded, "And now China only imports up to ten Hollywood movies a year, so the competition is relatively high."

"It's not just a matter of competition. China's review of movies is relatively strict, and many movies can't pass the test." Spielberg sighed slightly. His "Jurassic Park 2" wants to be released in China. It has not been decided not to go, because of the review.

After "Second World", several blockbuster films imported from China performed very well, with the highest box office exceeding RMB [-] million.

This kind of box office may be rare for the North American box office, and there are not many people who get a share of the account, but it is very likely to give a boost at a critical moment.

Moreover, after being in contact with Jimmy and the others for a long time, he also inexplicably has full confidence in the Chinese market and believes that the market prospect of this market is very good.

"It's like this. I have contacted several leaders of China Film Group, and they all said that the current mode of talking about films by themselves is too simple, and the cooperation is also with relatively high-cost Hollywood blockbusters, which is not conducive to enriching the market."

"What do they mean?" Spielberg asked.

"What they mean is that we can recommend movies to them in deep space, and recommend past movies can be cooperated in two forms. The first is to follow the original account sharing model..."

Spielberg frowned: "Is it necessary? At most ten movies are imported every year, and they still need your recommendations? Share the profits with you?"

"You are wrong, Steven, even if the original account sharing model is adopted in the end, China Film will not have to pay us any fees."

"That is to say, the producer needs to pay you?"

Jimmy snapped his fingers: "Bingo, you guessed it right. If the original account sharing model is really followed, China Film will still take their share, and the profits of my deep space will be paid by the producer."

Spielberg opened his mouth to question something, but Jimmy raised his hand to stop him and said, "Steven, don't worry, listen to me first. I know, you must be thinking, the producer didn't make much money in the first place. If we want to give us deep space points, the producer is definitely not willing."

Spielberg nodded, indicating that Jimmy was right.

"But what if the movies we recommend are more likely to pass the review, and our company pays for the movie's publicity in China?"

Spielberg pondered, he was thinking about whether what Jimmy said was feasible.

After a while, he said, "Things like the pass rate are too abstract, and the producer may not buy it. As for publicity, to be honest, the investment in publicity in China is not large. Even if you do it, you won't make much money." money."

Jimmy shrugged indifferently, "It doesn't matter if you earn more or less, as long as you leave it to us. What I want to focus on is the second mode. If you can't follow the first mode for various reasons, And our company is more optimistic about a certain movie, so we can use the method of buyout to cooperate with the producer."

"Buy out?"

"That's right, a buyout." Jimmy looked at Yu Dong and said with a smile: "YU proposed this model to me. The so-called buyout means that we are responsible for buying the movie, and then release it under China Film's index. The follow-up movies will be released in China. The release has nothing to do with the copyright owner, the box office is shared between our company and China Film and cinemas.”

Spielberg raised his eyebrows and said, "In this way, you can buy some less costly movies and distribute them with China Film's index, and earn the difference. But in this case, the risk is greater than the first model."

He still didn't say a word, that is, according to this model, it has nothing to do with him, and his movies are not low-cost.

Of course Jimmy knew what Spielberg was thinking, he said with a smile: "Not necessarily all low-budget movies, sometimes some big-budget movies may follow this model, after all, our deep space promotion channels in China are quite solid .Besides, I want to cooperate with you when I tell you about this matter."

"How to cooperate?"

"We, Deep Space, can fund a joint venture with you to collect North American movies. We first screen out the movies that we think can make money, and then hand them over to China Film for review," Jimmy said.

"You make me think about it."

Spielberg took a sip from his teacup. The tea was a bit bitter, and he couldn't drink it after taking a sip.

The model Jimmy mentioned still has its own ideas. Whether the company can make money depends on two points.

The first point is that Deep Space needs to establish a good relationship with China Film Group, and ensure that it can be affiliated with China Film Group, otherwise there will be no discussion.The second point, since it is a buyout model, the most fundamental thing is to be able to buy out at a low price and then sell at a high box office, which requires them to have a very good ability to grasp the market.

However, even if these two points are satisfied, there is still one problem...

"Jimmy, there are only ten quotas for importing foreign films in China every year. If we get rid of the old account-sharing model, there may not be many left. We don't have much to do."

"Haha, it's ten now, can it always be ten in the future? But when there are more places in the future, others will definitely think of this model, and we may not have our chance by then, so now we have to seize the opportunity " Jimmy looked at Spielberg with a smile, "Steven, why are you hesitating? You won't be asked to pay too much money, and you won't be given less points after you make money."

Spielberg looked at Yu Dong: "YU, what about you, since just now, you haven't said a word, what do you think about this matter?"

Yu Dong was still eating porridge slowly. He didn't like eating beans like Jimmy, but he liked to eat them one by one with chopsticks. He felt that the beans on the plate could be picked up accurately with chopsticks. This process is very interesting.

Hearing what Spielberg said, he smiled and said: "Steven, Jimmy has already told you what to say, and what I can tell you is that our cooperation will never stop at this company. I Let me tell you the truth, the reason why we want to promote this matter is to earn the price difference is only secondary, and more importantly, we want to facilitate the promotion of our own company's movies in the future, no matter whether it is a big-cost or a small-cost movie, we have the opportunity to enter Come to China."

In fact, Spielberg has already been tempted. The key is that the cost and risk are not too high for him. If he can do it, he will earn a lot of profits.

Moreover, in the past two years, Deep Space Company has had many successful cases with small and large scales, and he also believes that Deep Space Company can do it.

"Of course I am willing to participate, but the matter of starting a company has to wait until I return to the United States. You know, I don't like those contracts."

"Of course no problem. The three of us have just reached a preliminary cooperation intention today, and we need to talk about it in detail later." Jimmy picked up the teacup and said, "Come on, I wish our cooperation success."

Spielberg also picked up the teacup, but Yu Dong didn't have a teacup, so he had to pick up the rice bowl.

"I wish our cooperation success."

After talking about the cooperation, Yu Dong had almost finished his meal. He got up to clean up the dishes, Cheng Yanqiu waved his hand: "Go and chat with them, I will clean the bowls, by the way, the melon seeds and peanuts are in the cabinet, use a plate Dress it up."

Yu Dong ran to look for melon seeds and peanuts again. Spielberg looked at Cheng Yanqiu who was cleaning up the dishes, and said with a smile: "Mrs. Yu, I heard from Giuseppe that you wrote a song for his new movie, and Participated in other soundtracks?"

When Cheng Yanqiu heard him mention this matter, he stopped cleaning the dishes and said modestly, "I tried to write a song when I saw the script, but I didn't expect Director Giuseppe to use it. As for the other soundtracks, I just went to educational."

"You are too humble. I also listened to that piece live. The melody catches people's ears very well, and your performance level is also very high."


Cheng Yanqiu only regarded Spielberg as a polite compliment, and didn't take it too seriously, but Jimmy heard something different, and he said with a smile, "Steven, don't you want to cooperate with our boss lady?" Bar?"

Spielberg smiled, "Indeed, I want Mrs. Yu to try the soundtrack of The Martian."

Cheng Yanqiu said in a daze: "Mr. Spielberg, I have no experience of independently scoring such a big movie. The soundtrack of "The Pianist on the Sea" was mainly produced by Mr. Morricone's team before. I just helped Just a little favor."

"But I heard from Giuseppe that Ennio praised you for being very talented. I can see that you must have done more than help a little. And "The Martian" is YU's work, you are his wife, yes This novel definitely has feelings that others don't have, and it has more advantages when it comes to soundtracking. In addition, I never thought of letting you undertake too heavy a task alone, and I will definitely find some helpers for you."

Cheng Yanqiu didn't know what to say, Jimmy blinked and said, "Mr. Cheng, you can agree to this matter. Don't forget that the music company has not signed anyone, and those employees depend on you to support them."

"You are exaggerating too much." Cheng Yanqiu smiled, and said to Spielberg, "I will try my best."

Hearing Cheng Yanqiu's promise, Spielberg said happily, "Thank you very much."

Of course he was happy, it was not just about finding a soundtrack artist, Cheng Yanqiu became the soundtrack artist of "The Martian", and when the movie was filmed, YU would definitely take it very seriously.

And he didn't doubt Cheng Yanqiu's ability, after all, people who can be praised by Elio are not bad, so inviting Cheng Yanqiu can kill two birds with one stone.

No, it should kill three birds with one stone. The cooperation between the husband and wife is itself a gimmick that helps publicity.

 The keyboard is broken, the N and A keys are out of order, and the words coded by the mobile phone are five thousand today.I don't know when the newly bought keyboard will arrive, and it is really uncomfortable to code on the mobile phone.

(End of this chapter)

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