Backtracking to the Age of Literature and Art

Chapter 503 Being Targeted Everywhere

Chapter 503 Being Targeted Everywhere

When Xu Zheng left Jinling, Yu Dong had already written one-third of the script of "Love Through Time and Space", and it would be completed in a week or two.

But when he finishes writing this TV series, it will be May, and he needs to hurry up and start writing "The Da Vinci Code", otherwise he won't have time to work on it in the first half of this year.

April NO.20, Yu Dong was revising the script of "Love Through Time and Space" at home when Ning Jing suddenly called.

After the call was connected, Yu Dong spoke, and Ning Jing said, "Where's my sister?"

"She should be in the piano room right now, what's the matter with you?"

"I have good news for her."

"Oh." Yu Dong nodded, "Then you can call when she comes back."

"Hey, brother-in-law, don't hang up, aren't you curious about the good news I told you?"

"Well, curious, what good news?"

"Brother-in-law, you're so perfunctory... But I'm in a good mood, so I'll tell you, I passed the audition for "Party A and Party B"."

"What role did you play? The heroine?"

"No, I lived with the female star inside."

"Oh, that suits you quite well." Yu Dong nodded, and asked again: "Do you know who played the other roles?"

"I'm not sure, but I heard that Ge You will be in the role. As for who he will play, I don't know. In fact, I really wanted to audition for the heroine at the beginning. After all, this team is only this woman. How outstanding, what a role, but they all said that I am too beautiful to be suitable for this role, I think they are quite right..."

Hearing Ning Jing's ramblings, Yu Dong moved the microphone aside. This girl has a bad mouth, and she can't stop talking.

It just so happened that Cheng Yanqiu opened the door and came back at this moment, Yu Dong raised the microphone with a smile: "Your good sister."

Cheng Yanqiu smiled while slipping his shoes: "Why is Jingjing calling at this time?"

Ning Jing heard Cheng Yanqiu's voice on the other end of the phone, and replied with a smile: "Sister, I have some good news for you."

Yu Dong twisted his mouth, put the phone on the cabinet, got up and went back to the study.

Sitting at the desk, he thought about "Party A and Party B" again. After the script of this movie was finalized, they were still looking for a director and asked Yu Dong who to recommend.

At first, they wanted to find a few well-known directors, but Yu Dong recommended Lu Xi, who majored in Jinyi directors.

This surprised Yu Yu and the others. After all, Lu Xi was young and had no outstanding works. He hadn't even graduated from Jinling Academy of Art yet, and was still a student.

But Yu Dong thought there was nothing wrong with Lu Xi.

If it is a literary film, Lu Xi is definitely not as good as Zhang Yimou and others, or even his senior Jia Zhangke, but when it comes to commercial films, Lu Xi may be better than them all.

Lu Xi has been in contact with many internationally renowned commercial film directors and the most advanced film shooting concepts in Hollywood since his freshman year.

Although he hasn't made any big hits yet, it can be seen from some of the short films he has made before that he has great potential in shooting commercial films, and he is a director with a very good sense of rhythm.

For example, "Bring Her Eyes", which he participated in before, although the production was not large and the story was simple, the overall rhythm was not a problem at all, and it was even surprisingly good.

Among them, Lu Xi had a lot of credit, otherwise it would have been impossible to rely solely on Qu Aiguo and Wang Hailin.

Let him shoot "Party A and Party B", he should be better than Feng Xiaogang.The original "Party A and Party B" relied on stories and lines to shine. The shooting technique itself was very crude, and the rhythm of the storytelling was not interesting.

In addition, what made Yu Dong interesting was that Ge You was still selected.

When they made the preliminary list of roles before, Yu Dong saw Ge You in it, and they didn't talk too much at that time, fearing that they would influence their judgment.

Now it seems that Ge You is indeed suitable for this movie.


Feng Xiaogang felt that there was no meaning at all. During this period of time, everything he did felt very uncomfortable.

Originally, Zhang Heping from Forbidden City Films called him and asked him to write a movie to participate in the competition for Lunar New Year movies.

He was quite happy at first, thinking that as long as this is done, his name will be left in the Chinese film industry in the future.

He racked his brains to think of ideas, but his mind was full of those things of Wang Shuo, so he called Wang Shuo specifically, wanting to adapt "You Are Not an Ordinary Man".

Originally, he thought that this matter should be fine, after all, he has a good relationship with Wang Shuo, and Wang Shuo's current situation is not good.

But he never expected that the film adaptation rights of "You Are Not an Ordinary Man" had already been bought. He asked Wang Shuo who bought it, but Wang Shuo didn't tell him.

Feng Xiaogang was not discouraged, he wrote another script and showed it to Zhang Heping. Although Zhang Heping was not very satisfied, he still agreed to cast the film.

But a new problem came up again. Previously, the Forbidden City Films cooperated with Yanjing Studios, and they planned to invest about 350 million yuan to shoot this movie. Now Yanjing Studios no longer cooperates with them. The budget suddenly changed from 350 million to 250 million.

Originally, 350 million was tight, but now that it is less than 100 million, it becomes more difficult to shoot.

Later, the Forbidden City Films did not know whether it felt that the investment was really low, or that the number of 30 was not very good, so they added another 280 yuan to increase the film's budget to [-] million yuan.

Alright, now that we have the script and the funds, we need to start organizing the team and casting, right?

Due to time constraints, Feng Xiaogang took a two-pronged approach, building a filming team while casting roles.

When it comes to casting, the first thing he thinks of is Ge You, and they have collaborated many times together.They were still chatting together not long ago, and Feng Xiaogang also knew that Ge You had no other job besides playing a supporting role in "Half Life".

Feng Xiaogang thought, they are all buddies, and Ge You has no reason to disagree.

But after the call was made, Ge You immediately refused as soon as he heard the time.

He asked Ge You why, Ge You only said that he wanted to participate in another movie, and did not disclose the name of the other movie.

Today he went to the Forbidden City Films to find Zhang Heping, and finally learned everything from Zhang Heping.

It turns out that Deep Space Corporation bought the film adaptation rights of "You Are Not an Ordinary Man", and it was also Deep Space Corporation that dug Ge You away. Yanjing Studio's new partner is also Deep Space Corporation.

"Mr. Zhang, why does the Deep Space Company target us everywhere?"

Feng Xiaogang asked cautiously. He was not sure whether the Deep Space Company knew what he had done before, and that's why they targeted it like this.

Zhang Heping smiled and said, "This matter has nothing to do with you, it's because the Deep Space Company is too greedy. Originally, the New Year celebration had nothing to do with them, but they insisted on getting involved. It's just a bit of a coincidence, their The new movie actually uses Ge You."

Feng Xiaogang pouted secretly, not only that, "You Are Not an Ordinary Man" was also bought by Deep Space.

"Then what shall we do now?" Feng Xiaogang asked.

Zhang Heping glanced at Feng Xiaogang, "Why, no confidence?"

Feng Xiaogang said with a sneer: "It's not that I don't have confidence. The main reason is that the deep space company has developed too fast in the past few years. It is impossible to say that it is useless. Now we are opponents with them. Of course I am not afraid of being fair and honest. I am afraid of it." I’m afraid that they will make trouble in the dark. They still have a deep space Chinese website now, and there are more and more netizens on it. If they post something unfavorable to us on the website, we have no place to retaliate. We can only suffer from being dumb. what."

Zhang Heping pondered: "They probably won't know that."

"You can't think too well of people, Mr. Zhang."

"But if they really want to do this, there's nothing we can do. After all, they founded this website." Zhang Heping frowned.

Feng Xiaogang said with a smile: "It's not that there is no way at all. The website they created is just a sideshow. As long as we find the media to give them..."

(End of this chapter)

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