Chapter 505 Meeting a Child
"Hey, it's not that's just a marketing gimmick...OK, you can come to Jinling for a gathering when you have time..."

Yu Dong had just finished dealing with Han Shaogong's call when he looked up and saw Liu Ye standing at the door.

"Teacher Yu, I'm here to submit my post-reading reflections."

Yu Dong beckoned, "Come in."

After Liu Ye came in, Yu Dong added water to his teacup and said with a smile, "You have read this book carefully enough. It's been a month since I handed over the magazine to you. Sit down and just put your impressions on the tea table." .”

"I was afraid that the writing was not good enough, so I revised several drafts." Liu Ye put down the manuscript and said awkwardly.

Yu Dong nodded, walked over to pick up Liu Ye's post-reading review, and couldn't help but weigh it: "Hey, it's so thick... The original text of "The Man in That Mountain, That Dog" is not so long. You must have..."

Liu Ye scratched his head, and replied: "Adding punctuation marks, there are more than 8000 characters in total. There were originally more than 1 characters, and I deleted some."

"Okay, sit down for a while, I'll take a look."

In fact, after getting this post-reading review, Yu Dong felt quite satisfied before reading it. At least it shows that Liu Ye is not procrastinating this month, but really read the novel seriously. He couldn't even come up with more than 8000 words.

Putting down the teacup, Yu Dong began to take a serious look at Liu Ye's post-reading impression.

In the afternoon of April and May in Jinling, the chirping of insects and birds mixed with the sound of playing and playing on the playground, swaying into the office, it can make people feel a sense of silence and serenity.

But Liu Ye's heart was not peaceful at all.

Yu Dong was carefully reading the postscript, and Liu Ye was sitting opposite him, with his upper body straight, rubbing his thighs with both hands, as if trying to get rid of the tension and uneasiness in his heart.But the more he rubbed, the uneasiness in his heart not only did not decrease, but the more he rubbed, the more he rubbed.

He didn't lie to Yu Dong. In order to write this post-reading review well, he read "The Man in That Mountain, That Dog" many times in the early stage, and he was almost able to recite the full text.

He didn't start to write after reading it until he was familiar with it. After writing several drafts, he was not satisfied, and he always had new ideas and new insights while writing, and he had to start writing again.

Later, he wrote and wrote more than 1 words at once, but he felt that it was too much, so he got more than 8000 words by deleting, deleting, and subtracting.

Before coming to Yu Dong's office, he read and re-read his post-reading reflection in his dormitory, for fear that something might go wrong and he would make a fool of himself after sending it to Yu Dong.

It wasn't until he almost couldn't recognize the words on the reflections that he finally plucked up the courage to show Yu Dong the reflections.

In less than 10 minutes, Yu Dong put down Liu Ye's after-reading impressions, and then looked at Liu Ye with a smile: "The writing is very serious, and it can be seen that you have really read the novel carefully. How to choose words and make sentences On the other hand, I won’t say much about you. You still have to read more. Only when your reading ability improves can you have a good sense of language and write good things. Although you may not need to write in the future, I believe that there is Once you have a good sense of language, you will be more comfortable in understanding the script and mastering the lines in the future.”

Liu Ye nodded again and again: "Yes, yes, I understand. I will definitely continue to study hard when I go back. Not only will I know how to study hard, but I will also urge other students to study hard. All the students in our class have joined the Cucumber Garden Reading Club , and go to the book club on weekends.”

"It's a good thing."

Speaking of reading clubs, Yu Dong hasn't participated in activities for a long time.

The development of the Cucumber Garden Reading Club is different from that of the Cucumber Garden Science Fiction Association. The Science Fiction Association has now developed into colleges and universities across the country, and the scale is very large.

However, the Cucumber Garden Reading Club has only developed in a few colleges and universities in Jinling, and its members are mainly concentrated in Jinyi and Jinling University.

It is understandable that the book club did not develop and grow. After all, the scope of the book club is too wide, and there are so many book clubs in the world, and the Cucumber Garden Book Club is not significantly different from other book clubs.

In the beginning, many people joined because writers like Yu Dong were in the reading club, but for students from other schools, joining the reading club did not give them more opportunities to get in touch with Yu Dong and the others.

"Take the manuscript back. Also, go back and think about how you would behave if you were to play the young postman from the countryside."


"Ah what? It's hard for me to understand these two sentences?"

"No, no, are you going to write a report this time?"

Yu Dong waved his hand: "No, just think about it yourself."

Liu Ye breathed a sigh of relief, "I understand, Teacher Yu."


As soon as Liu Ye left, Yu Hua ran in again. Yu Dong was drinking water with his head down. When he heard footsteps, he looked up and Yu Hua had already sat down on the sofa.

Yu Dongbai glanced at him: "Don't you know how to knock?"

Yu Hua sniffed, didn't say anything, got up and ran to the door, knocked on the door, and said in a strange tone, "Teacher Yu, can I go in?"


Yu Hua ignored him, and ran to the sofa to sit down again.

Yu Dong shook his head, and poured Yu Hua a glass of water before Yu Hua "ordered" him to pour water, "What do you want me to do?"

"Flying Rain contacted us about an event, saying that the Chinese Department of Jinling Normal University invited some of us to give a lecture. Their Chinese Department is going to be upgraded to a liberal arts college this year, so they probably want to create momentum."

Yu Dong asked curiously, "Why did Feiyu contact you?"

"He had a college classmate who went to Jinling Normal University after graduating from college, and then stayed at Jinling Normal University to teach. He is now a teacher in the Chinese Department. This is a question his classmates have asked several times. Fei Yu asked me to ask for your opinion. .”

"Does Old Wu know about this?"

Yu Hua nodded: "Fei Yu told President Wu, what President Wu means is to see our own wishes, and he will not interfere."

"In this case, let's go. Anyway, Jinling Normal University is not far away. Let's go for a walk on a weekend. Let Feiyu set the time for this month. We will go there before we go to France, otherwise we will wait After returning from France, it’s the graduation season, and I’m going to be busy again.”

"Okay, I'll talk to him later." Yu Hua nodded, then frowned and looked at Yu Dong: "No, don't you guys have a phone? Why do you have to send me a message? Just make a phone call? "

"It's not because I'm afraid that I won't understand on the phone. You can make it clearer when you go over."

"Fart, call and connect directly, isn't it simpler and clearer than me passing a message in the middle?"

Yu Dong crossed his legs, leaned back, and said with a smile: "Brother Yu Hua, in life, some things should not be understood too clearly, otherwise it will often bring pain. In the world, you can't be too sober. .”

"How do you say that?" Yu Hua asked.

"Under what circumstances did Feiyu ask you to come here?"

"I went to chat with him, and within a few words, he said he had something to tell you, but he couldn't get away for the time being, so he asked me to run for a while."

"Then do you know why Feiyu insisted on making a trip when she could call me and tell me?"

"Why..." As soon as he spoke, Yu Hua narrowed his eyes and pointed at Yu Dong with his hand: "You two are fucked."

He understood Yu Dong's meaning, Bi Feiyu felt that he was disturbing her work, so she deliberately sent him to Yu Dong's side.Yu Dong also disliked him, and wanted to send him back to Bi Feiyu.

Yu Dong also wanted to tease Yu Hua, and when he saw him getting angry, he smiled and said, "Calm down, calm down. How about this, I'll go to Feiyu with you, help you criticize him properly, and help you ask him what he is like." You can't just treat you like this just because you are wandering around every day, doing nothing. People can't stand it. Doesn't he know? You are a genius type, Hemingway-style writer, which is different from ordinary people like us. 360 five days, you only need to catch inspiration for a day or two. I’ll ask him if it’s because I’ve worked hard but still can’t see your neck, so I’m jealous… Oh, Yu Huawu Brother, where are you going... walk slowly..."


Facts have proved that man is a vengeful animal, and among such animals, writers are especially so.

In the afternoon, Yu Dong scolded her for a while, and for the next three consecutive days, as long as they met each other, Yu Hua would definitely be angry with Yu Dong and Bi Feiyu.

When Yu Dong was having breakfast in the morning, Yu Hua looked in through the window, "Heh, a writer who works so hard must have breakfast too, so I'm a genius type, so I need to eat eight meals a day."

When Yu Dong went to work in the office, Yu Hua would occasionally stand at the door of the office, pretending to be talking to himself, and say loudly, "I'd better not go in, so as not to be suspected."

When playing cards at night, Yu Hua would look at Bi Feiyu and Yu Dong and say, "A non-talented writer can also play cards?"

Later, Yu Dong and Bi Feiyu couldn't take it anymore, and expressed their willingness to treat Yu Hua to a meal to make amends, so Yu Hua gave up.

As for the matter of Jinling Normal University, it has also been fixed, and the time is May [-]th.

When hearing this time, Jinling Normal University was also a little surprised, because it is only a few days away from May NO.17.They originally thought that if they could invite Yu Dong and the others over, they would naturally have to make a good publicity, which would definitely take time.

But since Yu Dong and the others have set a time, Jinling Normal University can't object. They have talked about it for a long time before they have this opportunity. .

On the morning of May [-]th, after Yu Dong and the others had breakfast, they really didn't take the car, but went to Jinling Normal University with their legs dangling.

When they arrived at the gate of Jinling Normal University, the teachers and students of Jinling Normal University who greeted them were collectively stunned.

"That seems to be Yu Dong and the others?"

Liang Huishi pushed his eyes, squinted at a group of people walking this way, and then opened his eyes wide, "It's really them!"

The principal Xu Yangfan asked: "Huishi, what happened, how did you let them come here?"

Liang Huishi is Bi Feiyu's college classmate, and he was in contact with Bi Feiyu throughout this event.

Being questioned by the principal, Liang Huishi said with an innocent face: "I asked Bi Feiyu in advance if we should send a car to pick him up, but he told me no, they will arrange it themselves, I don't know..."

He didn't know that Bi Feiyu's arrangement was to come here on foot.

In fact, Jinyi is not far from Jinling Normal University, so it is really no problem to come here, but the current situation is a bit embarrassing.

The teachers and students of Jinling Normal University saw Yu Dong and the others from a distance. It stands to reason that they should welcome them to show their importance, but the distance between the two sides is really far, and it seems inappropriate to really welcome them.

Just like that, the teachers and students of Jinling Normal University watched Yu Dong and the others walking slowly, not knowing what expression to make.

The whole process lasted for two to three minutes, until Yu Dong and the others walked 3 meters in front of them, Xu Yangfan smiled and took the lead to meet them.

"Mr. Yu Dong, Mr. Mo Yan, Mr. Yu Hua, and Mr. Bi Feiyu, on behalf of the teachers and students of Jinling Normal University, I would like to welcome you to our school. Please bear with me if I feel lost."

Yu Dong smiled and shook hands with Xu Yangfan, "Principal Xu, you are welcome. We are all neighbors. We should just come over and drop by the door. You greet us at the door like this, which makes us feel panic."

"We didn't arrange it properly, so we should send a car to pick it up."

Bi Feiyu smiled and said: "Liang Huishi told me to send a car to pick him up, but we refused. We are so close to the car, and we walked along the way, just in time to enjoy the morning scenery."

"You guys are very elegant." Xu Yangfan clapped his palms and smiled, "Please also invite some of you to come into the school with me. Let's talk as we walk. On the way, I will introduce the teachers and students who came out with me and the scenery of our school."


Jinling Normal University has a long history, and the buildings in the school are antique. When you are in the period, it seems to be walking in the middle of a garden.Its predecessor was Jinling Women's University, the first women's university in China. Probably because of this, the school looks quite graceful.

The size of the school is not large, but it is full of twists and turns, and there is always a feeling of "the mountains are poor and the rivers are full of doubts, and there is another village".

Xu Yangfan took Yu Dong and the others around the school, first went to the conference building to sit for a while, and then went to the auditorium.

On the way, Xu Yangfan said with a smile: "Teachers, because the time is relatively close this time, some related equipment has not been fully prepared. The form of your speech may be relatively simple later."

"There's always a microphone, right?"

"Ms. Bi was joking. Of course there are microphones. However, if you come here later, the three-chip LCD projectors that our school bought will arrive soon, and there will be more forms of speech at that time."

Yu Hua waved his hand, "No, no, it's better to keep it simple."

While speaking, everyone entered the auditorium. Yu Dong glanced at the crowded auditorium, and couldn't help feeling secretly that Xu Yangfan and the others really knew how to use the space. In addition to the original seats in the entire auditorium, small benches were added in the aisle, and there were many people standing in the last row student.

There were even benches near the stage, on which the students sat shoulder to shoulder.

As soon as Yu Dong and the others entered, the students cheered.

The popularity of the few of them in the country is already high, and this is Jinling, so the degree of popularity is naturally not to mention.Jinling Normal University is relatively close to Jinyi, and many students from their school often secretly go to Jinyi to see Yu Dong and the others.

The host, Liang Huishi, saw the enthusiastic response of the students, and smiled straight through his glasses. This event was made by him, and he was naturally happy to be able to run it well.

Liang Huishi pressed his hand, and when the ground became quieter, he smiled and said, "Everyone, do you need my introduction?"

"Need not!"

The students' voices were very neat. Yu Dong and the others looked at each other, wondering if it was rehearsed in advance.

Liang Huishi continued: "I know you all know these teachers, but I still want to introduce them to you grandly. The first one on my right is Mr. Mo Yan..."

After an introduction, Yu Dong and the others also sat down and officially started the activity.

This event is similar to the ones Yu Dong and the others participated in before. They took turns to speak. After everyone finished speaking, Liang Huishi would ask Yu Dong and them some questions on behalf of Jinling Normal University, and would also select a few student representatives to ask questions. .

Yu Dong and the others are very familiar with this set of activity procedures. They first went up to chat about literature, and then wished Jinling Normal University better and better, and wished their School of Literature a good start.

After Liang Huishi finished asking questions, it was the students' turn to ask questions.

It can be heard that these students are arranged in advance, and the order of asking questions is very particular, and they advance step by step.

Yu Dong originally thought that today's activities would pass smoothly, but when one of the students stood up, he caught his attention.

"Hello teachers, I'm Xu Zechen from the Chinese Department..."

 Thank you [perforated45] for the 500 reward
  Thank you [Little Fat Cat 001] for the 5000 reward
(End of this chapter)

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