Chapter 51
After Qu Aiguo was trained by Yu Dong, he was honest for a while, and a few minutes later, he approached Yu Dong with a smile on his face.

"Brother, do you have any new poems recently?"

Yu Dong was looking at the composition of chubby Li Huixiang, and when he heard Qu Aiguo's words, he glanced at him halfway back, "You really care about my creation."

"It should be, it should be, a teacher for one day, a brother for life. I care more about you than I care about my brother."

"Do you have a brother?"

"That's not true, but it doesn't affect it. So brother, do you have a new work?"

"No." Yu Dong shook his head.

Qu Aiguo expressed his disbelief, "No way, there is a poetry reading session on the weekend, brother, haven't you prepared a new poem yet?"

"You know everything about the Poetry Reading Club?" Yu Dong asked in surprise.

"Of course, I'm well informed."

Yu Dong looked at Qu Aiguo and thought that this guy knew about it, and it was estimated that many other students also knew about it.

Before Liu Changmin told him that their poetry reading would become famous, he thought that this fame was limited to teachers, but he did not expect it to spread to students.

In fact, Yu Dong also noticed that during this period, Jin Yi's students' enthusiasm for literature has increased significantly.This is not only because he published a novel on "Zhongshan", but more importantly, the school has given some guidance in this regard.

Wu Changxin probably thinks that the school has successively released Su Tong and Yu Dong, and this time Yu Dong was interviewed by "Yangtze Evening News" because of his novel, so he can take advantage of this wind to create a literary atmosphere in the school.

As an art school, it is definitely beneficial if the school can earn some fame in this area.

In addition, Jin Yi is also considering the restoration of the drama department.

Jin Yi had a drama department 20 years ago, which recruited students majoring in drama performance and stage art. Later, for some reason, the drama department closed down.

In the past two years, various schools have begun to add majors, so Wu Changxin is also considering whether to restore the drama department.

And it's not just as simple as recovery, Wu Changxin has bigger ambitions.Now that film and television dramas are developing rapidly, there will definitely be a huge market in the future. If you don’t seize the opportunity at this time, it will be slow to think about adding majors after the development of film and television dramas is mature.

Therefore, Wu Changxin thought that on the basis of restoring the original two majors, the Department of Drama would add majors such as film studies and film and television screenwriting.

Among them, film and television screenwriters are closely related to literature.

There is currently no opportunity to restore the drama department, and Wu Changxin wants to seek an opportunity in this process to promote the school's literary atmosphere.

Yu Dong heard these things from Hu Changqing. When he heard this, he admired Wu Changxin's vision in his heart, but he knew that Jin Yi was already far behind other schools.

Even if you start chasing now, if there is no unexpected situation, it will be difficult to catch up.

"Brother Dong, you really don't have any new works?" Qu Aiguo asked again when he saw Yu Dong in a daze.

Yu Dong came back to his senses, looked at Qu Aiguo and said, "You put your mind on your work. If our class doesn't perform well this time, let's see how I will deal with you."

Qu Aiguo shrank his neck and did not dare to joke with Yu Dong anymore.


After walking out of the classroom, Yu Dong was still thinking about the poetry meeting.He didn't care about this poetry reading session at all before, thinking that if there were too many people, he would let them chat, and he was a spectator next to him.

Now it seems that many of the people who come here are because of him, and the spectators can't do it.

But Yu Dong is really not good at writing poetry. He wrote a few lines last time because of his feelings. He seemed to think it was normal. It was because Liu Meiqin punched him in a random way that the poem became popular.

This time I asked him to write poetry again, but he couldn't hold back.

If it was a lamb's body, he could have written ten or so poems while urinating, but he would have vomited when he wrote that kind of poems himself.

After thinking about it for a long time, Yu Dong decided not to write poetry for the sake of writing poetry. If he had to show his face when it came to the book club, he would find a poem he liked and read it to them. Anyway, it was a poetry reading club, not a poetry writing club. .

He doesn't care whether others are disappointed, anyway, when "The Tree" was popular, he was ready to fall from a height, the big deal was to lie down on the spot.

After making up his mind, Yu Dong's mentality became relaxed again, and he walked towards the dormitory with his hands behind his back.

When I arrived at the dormitory compound, I happened to meet Feng Ming playing ball.

He was sweating to hug Yu Dong, but Yu Dong quickly avoided him, "Old Feng, if you have something to say, don't do it."

Feng Ming smiled, "I have something to ask for your help. Why don't you go somewhere at night. I'll find you after I shower."

"What are you looking for from me?" Yu Dong looked suspicious, then waved his hand, "If you are looking for me to join the team, don't talk about it."

Feng Ming had approached Yu Dong many times before, and asked him to join the staff volleyball team, saying that it was a pity that he did not participate in the volleyball team at his height.

But Yu Dong refused every time.

This time Feng Ming came to him, and he thought it was for the volleyball team again.

"Wu Niu is breathing the moon." Feng Ming said with a smile, "This time I'm not looking for you for the volleyball team, but for another matter. What is the specific matter? We will talk about it after the moon is over. We will talk about it later. Go take a shower first, remember to wait for me in the room."


Feng Ming took a shower very quickly. It took less than 10 minutes for Yu Dong to return to the dormitory, and he arrived at Yu Dong's dormitory with his wet hair on his head.

He was not empty-handed, and threw a red plastic bag into Yu Dong's arms as soon as he arrived.

"It's cheap for you. The tea my hometown sent me. The best melon slices can't be bought anywhere."

Yu Dong picked up the plastic bag and weighed it.

He pushed the tea leaves forward and said, "No matter what you do, you can be courteous. If you are a traitor, you will steal. You first tell me what you want me to help you, and then I will consider whether to accept your things."

"That's what I said, tea and I want your help, it's not the same thing." Feng Ming pushed the tea to Yu Dong again, and said solemnly: "Am I the kind of person who drives people with profit, and you are The kind of person who does things for the benefit? I believe that even if I don’t bring anything today, you will still help me if you should help me. I have already seen that you, Yu Dong, are a stalwart gentleman who is anxious for others.”

"Stop, stop, don't give me ecstasy soup, I have something to say, I can see you off if I have nothing to do."

"Okay, I said, I said."

Feng Ming suddenly became shy, with a black face and red inside, he slowly took out a folded piece of white paper from his pocket, "Didn't I write a poem by myself, I want to trouble you to give it to me? Check it out."

 Thanks again for the 100 reward of [Red Comrade]
(End of this chapter)

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