Chapter 510 Talent
Because he made an appointment with Mark Levi to talk about his novel, Yu Dong speeded up his signing for readers.

It’s just pity for the readers behind, who originally lined up in a long queue, and thought that they could have a chat with YU like the people in front, or be lucky enough to get a special lottery.

However, the number of readers exceeded Yu Dong's imagination. At first, it seemed that there were not many people, but after signing in, the queue did not seem to decrease much, and even showed signs of increasing.

After the whole morning, Yu Hua and the others were all over, only Yu Dong still had a lot of people lined up.

With nothing else to do, Yu Hua counted for Yu Dong. At twelve noon, there were still more than 230 people queuing up.

Equal to East simply had lunch, and when he came back, there were even more people in line. Yu Hua counted again, and there were already more than 260 people.

Yu Dong had seen this kind of scene a lot, and without saying a word, he rolled up his sleeves and started signing again.

It wasn't until after three o'clock in the afternoon that Yu Dong finally cleared the queue in front of him.

As soon as his side ended, the person in charge of the literary festival came to tell them, try not to go too far, there will be a camping event at night, and there will be a performance on the spot, which is very exciting and not to be missed.

It can be seen that the person in charge is very satisfied with the situation on the first day of the festival. According to Yu Dong and his accompanying translators, in fact, this year's St. Malo Literature Festival did not go well, and there were many accidents. Some well-known authors were absent.

Fortunately, Yu Dong finally came and saved them.

As for the camping activities they said at night, Yu Dong and the others didn't take it seriously.After all, the literary festival is so simple, how can the evening activities be better?
The words "very exciting, not to be missed" never reached Yu Dong's ears.

After the person in charge left, Yu Dong looked inside the tent first, but couldn't find Mark Levi, and then ran outside the tent, where Mark Levi was standing beside the tent door.

"I kept you waiting, Mark Levi." Yu Dong said with a smile.

Mark Levi pushed his eyes and said with a smile: "No, no, you can still remember me, which proves that my waiting was worth it."

Yu Dong laughed, "Don't you think my brain can't keep the memories of a few hours ago? You may not understand, but I will be very interested in anyone who writes."

What Yu Dong said was true. He didn't show such interest just because the other party was Mark Levi.In fact, no matter where he is, as long as he hears someone say that he is writing, he will be interested in the other's work.

For example, Mo Wei, the elementary school student he met in the restaurant before, now he would go in to see that kid occasionally when he passed by.

Yu Dong spoke to Mark Levi in ​​English, and only Wang Xiaobo and Bi Feiyu could understand him. Wang Xiaobo asked curiously, "Yu Dong, who is this?"

They didn't see the previous situation, and thought that Mark Levy was also a writer who came to participate in the literary festival, or someone who came here to find opportunities.

On such occasions, there are many unknown writers who think they are very talented but are not appreciated. Find Bole.

Of course, the talents of such people are often not as high as they think they are, so they often hit a wall.

Yu Dong explained with a smile: "This is Mark Levi, a reader who came to me for an autograph just now. I chatted with him and heard that he is writing a novel. I am very interested, so let him Stay and wait for me."

Hearing what Yu Dong said, the others didn't take it seriously.

Mo Yan joked: "The boss is the boss, and he never forgets to recruit talents wherever he goes."

Bi Feiyu smiled and said: "Okay, then you two will talk first, and we will go around the neighborhood. Wang Shuo said that there is a small lake in the south, and the scenery there is quite beautiful."

Yu Dong nodded: "Okay, I'll go find you later."

After they left, Yu Dong looked at Mark Levi with a smile: "Let's go, let's find a place to sit down and have a good chat."

As he spoke, he looked around and found a parasol with two chairs just under it.

"Come on, let's go there."

When he got under the parasol, Yu Dong first leaned against each other and stretched comfortably.

Although I have been sitting for most of the day, it is much more comfortable to sit on the chair like this.Only then did he have time to appreciate the scenery near the station of the Literature Festival. The lake that Bi Feiyu and the others mentioned was actually not far away. From where Yu Dong was sitting now, he could vaguely see the reflection of the lake.

Across a small forest, the sunlight shone on the lake, refracted, and then came to Yu Dong and the others through the gaps in the forest.

"The scenery of Saint-Malo is really good." Yu Dong couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

Mark Levi pushed his glasses and nodded solemnly: "This place is not far from the Gulf of St. Malo. Walk five kilometers west along the road behind us, and you will see the Gulf of St. Malo. There is a tidal drop of more than ten meters every day and a strong North Atlantic current, which not only ensures the sea water..."

Yu Dong raised his eyebrows, looked at Mark Levi, and after he said a long list of geography knowledge, he said with a smile: "Did you study geography before?"

"No, I studied computer and management before, and now I am engaged in architectural design."

In fact, Yu Dong was quite surprised to see Mark Levi's serious look.

He came into contact with Mark Levy's novels relatively late, and the first book was "The Shadow Stealer". Compared with Mark Levy's other novels, this book has spread more widely around the world.

Mark Levy's novels always reveal a kind of softness and entanglement, and the writing style gives people a feeling of a girl's mind. People who like him will say that his novels are very gentle and healing. If they don't like it, they will think it is too much Hypocritical.

But Mark Levy himself looks more like a standard science and engineering technician, his every move is very standardized, and he doesn't even look like a Frenchman.

Of course, Yu Dong has seen this kind of contrast too much, and Yu Hua and the others more or less have this kind of situation.

Yu Dong looked away from Mark Levi, and turned to the lake beyond the woods again, "Tell me about your novel, Mark, what kind of novel is it?"

Mark Levi has been preparing for this moment for a long time, and he has organized many times before, thinking about how to attract YU as quickly as possible, but when YU asked him at this time, he completely forgot that he had organized it before. Those words started his somewhat lengthy narrative.

"One morning in the summer of [-], Lauren, an intern at San Francisco Memorial Hospital, emerged from her duvet..."

Yu Dong didn't expect that Mark Levy's narration would be so detailed that it could even be regarded as a short story.

But Yu Dong didn't interrupt him, just listened quietly to his narration.

At this time, Yu Dong can also confirm that the unfinished novel that Mark Levi mentioned is his debut novel "If This Is True". It is essentially a ghost novel, and the heroine is a resident intern. A doctor, because of a car accident, she was admitted to the hospital where she worked. Her body was not cured, but she went out of her body and returned to the house where she lived before, and a new person had already lived in that house.

The hero is an architect, he moved into the apartment where the heroine lived before, he found the heroine, and only he can see the heroine.

In the works of Mark Levy, such supernatural events often appear, such as his "Shadow Stealer", the protagonist's special ability is to be able to steal other people's shadows and then know the secrets hidden deep in their hearts.

After Mark Levi finished telling his novel, Yu Dong nodded and said with a smile, "It's a very good story. I also noticed that the male protagonist is an architect."

Mark Levy said with some embarrassment: "I did use my own experience."

"Well, writers always need to use what they are familiar with, everyone is the same. How much of this novel have you written?" Yu Dong asked.

"Two-thirds of it has been written... maybe, it should be three-quarters, but I can't be sure because I don't know where I'm going to end it. My sister is a screenwriter, she told me , If you want to write a good novel, you should be able to determine where you want to start and where you want to end before writing, but I don’t seem to have this ability. Things change often."

Yu Dong can understand Mark Levi's doubts. As for what his sister said, there are some truths, but they are not completely right.Scripts are not the same as novels in terms of form. In addition to the framework of the novel, there are many things to fill in. In many cases, the framework is not important, but the things that are filled are more important.

For example, is this novel by Mark Levy wonderful in terms of the outline of the story?Maybe it's kind of fun.But just looking at the outline of its story alone, is it sure that this book will be popular?not necessarily.

Netizens on the Deep Space Chinese website can make up a lot of whimsical ideas like this every day.

The main thing is how the author should write.

Yu Dong has read the book "If You Are Real", so he knows Mark Levy's ability to handle this kind of subject matter.Mark Levy is always able to create the right atmosphere with simple strokes, and then let readers accept his weird settings.

Why did the heroine go out of her body?Why does the soul return to the house where it lived before after leaving the body?Why did only the male protagonist see him after returning to that house?
Mark Levy doesn't even have to try to explain, but readers can ignore these issues while reading this novel.

Yu Dong leaned back in the chair again, resting his head on the palm of his hand, and said with a smile: "I don't think you need to think too much about these things, just write, write whatever comes to mind, write whatever you want, no Be sure to design according to what you thought before. Even if you find something unsatisfactory after you finish writing, you can naturally modify it. For you, writing should be an easy thing.”

Someone might have said this to Mark Levi, but when he heard it from Yu Dong at this time, he felt different.Such things as authority, even if you don't mention it deliberately, are always everywhere.

For Mark Levi at this time, Yu Dong was undoubtedly the authority.

"I see, thank you, Yu."

Yu Dong shook his head, "You don't need to thank me, I should thank you, thank you for allowing me to hear a good story in such a boring day."

"Is it boring?" Mark Levi was taken aback. He didn't expect that the Literature Festival would be boring for YU.

"Aren't you bored?" Yu Dong asked back.

Mark Levi smiled: "Actually, it's more lively at night. People who come here basically don't leave at night. There will be some wonderful shows at that time."

This is the second time Yu Dong has heard of the evening program. The person in charge of the previous literary festival also told him that the evening program should not be missed.

It's just that Yu Dong didn't take it seriously, he looked at the time and stood up: "Let's go, let's go find my friends, maybe you will have something in common."


On the way to find Yu Hua and the others, Yu Dong called Rist and told him that he had met a writer with great potential, and then gave Mark Levy the contact information of Rist.

Mark Levi heard that Yu Dong had plans to sign him and publish a book for him, so he gave Yu Dong a hug very gratefully, and told Yu Dong that he would cherish this opportunity.

But Mark Levy would never have imagined that from this day on, he would become a professional writer.

If someone said to Mark Levy now, hey, you will be a professional writer in the future, he would definitely dismiss it. Although he likes literature and creation, his current career is very profitable, but novels may not be able to do so. Help him support his family.

The two walked around the grove, and Yu Dong had already found Wang Shuo and the others. When he was about to walk towards Wang Shuo and the others, Yu Dong suddenly turned around and asked Mark Levi: "Mark, did you tell me before?" Did you really only spend one night learning that sentence in Chinese?"

Mark Levi smiled and said, "Actually, it only took an hour."

"Haven't you learned Chinese before?" Yu Dong asked.

Mark Levi shook his head, "No."

In this regard, Yu Dong couldn't help but sigh with emotion: "Your language talent is really good, at least Chinese is like this."

"I just memorized it mechanically." Mark Levi laughed.

Yu Dong shook his head. Mark Levi's words were completely out of modesty. A person who had never studied Chinese before could memorize such a long sentence in just one hour and speak it fairly well. It's not simply memorizing by rote. Without language talent, you can't do it at all.

 The epidemic is really serious now, everyone be careful

(End of this chapter)

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