Chapter 516 Swan
When a crew came to choose actors, class teacher Cui Xinqin would naturally be there too. She had already gone to the audition room first, and department head Zhang Xian was sitting next to her.

Cui Xinqin fanned the wind with the list in his hand, and said with a smile, "It's really hot today, and the electric fans in this classroom don't work too well."

Zhang Xian glanced at Cui Xinqin with a smile. He could tell that Cui Xinqin was a little nervous, probably because he was afraid that these students would not behave well.

In fact, the resources of their Jinyi Acting Department are very good. Many second-year acting students have made guest appearances on the crew. Among them, Qin Yi is a typical example. When "Sniper Phone Booth" became popular last time, Qin Yi also because A little policeman played a guest role in it and it caught fire.

"I heard from Yu Dong that this time the show is about deep space." Zhang Xian said with a smile, he said this to let Cui Xinqin feel at ease.

Speaking of Yu Dong, Cui Xinqin sighed slightly, "You said, Director Yu is the same, you should tell us about this in advance, so that we can be psychologically prepared."

Zhang Xian said with a smile: "Teacher Cui, I think you think too much, it's just a drama, we have to get used to this kind of thing in the future. Most of these students are recruited by the Deep Space Company, in the future the company's Bian will definitely come here often to recruit actors. Even if no students are recruited this time, it is still a good thing, at least let the students have an audition experience. Some students in your class have already filmed TV dramas or movies, but Some of them don’t even know what the industry is like, so they need to experience more now.”

"I also understand this truth." Cui Xinqin nodded: "Actually, I am also very conflicted. I hope that they will be favored by the director, but I am also worried that their studies will be affected after they go to filming. At this moment, They're laying the groundwork."

Zhang Xian said indifferently: "It doesn't matter, as teachers, we can grasp it to a degree. If it is really not good, we will repeat the grade for them."

Cui Xinqin shook her head, only thinking that Zhang Xian was joking with him, how could repeating a grade be a casual thing.

The two chatted for a while, and a few more people entered the classroom, but it wasn't Yu Dong and the others or the students.

Zhang Xian looked at the few people who came, and said with a smile: "Why are you here to join in the fun?"

It was none other than Hu Changqing who brought Yu Hua and the rest of the writers in residence, including Bi Feiyu, the deputy director of the department.

Hu Changqing walked in the front, first looked at the layout in the classroom, and then responded to Zhang Xian with a smile: "Look at what you said, there is a crew to choose roles. As a member of Jinyi, of course we have to express our concern. And These great writers said they would come to find inspiration."

Zhang Xian rolled his eyes, "I remember the last time I saw you go to the old dormitory building to steal cucumbers, did you say that you were looking for inspiration? Is this how you writers look for inspiration?"

"Where did the word steal come from? The cucumbers were planted by Yu Dong, the melon shelf was supported by Bi Feiyu, and the water was watered by God." Yu Hua argued.

"Then you picked melons, asked Yu Dong, Bi Feiyu, and God?"

Bi Feiyu asked from the side: "What about the students, why haven't they come yet?"

"It's still in another classroom, and I'll be here in a while. Since you guys are here, you should find a place to sit first." Zhang Xian said.

"Okay, let's sit first."

The few of them didn't find another place, so they sat down next to Zhang Xian and the others.

After a while, Yu Dong and Kong Sheng also came over.

Seeing Yu Hua and the others also there, Yu Dong asked unexpectedly, "Why are you here?"

Before Yu Hua and the others could answer, he said to Kong Sheng, "Director Kong, let me introduce you..."

After equaling Dong's introduction, Kong Sheng hurried over to shake hands with them. These are all famous writers in the literary world. It is not easy to meet so many at one time.

The enthusiasm shown by Kong Sheng is not only because of his respect for the writers, but also because he wants to build a good relationship with them, and maybe there will be opportunities for cooperation in the future.

Nowadays, the cooperation between writers and film and television circles is a mainstream.

After exchanging pleasantries, both parties sat down, and the students came in in the order of their number plates.

Kong Sheng held a piece of paper in his hand, which recorded the list of students.

This time I came here mainly for the heroine, and by the way, to see if there are any actors suitable for other roles.

Looking at the list of students, Kong Sheng secretly sighed. It has to be said that among Jin Yi's students, many of them are very good-looking, especially the female students, each of whom is prettier than the other, and their styles are different.

He also went to Chinese Opera and Yenching Film Academy before. If you look at the appearance, Jin Yi should have won the other two schools, whether it is male or female students.

Of course, the actor's appearance is not the most important thing, the most important thing is the acting skills and the vigor of the body.

Compared with acting skills, Kong Sheng pays more attention to the strength of actors.As long as the basic skills are up to the standard, the rest will be the hard work.

It's just a pity that I have seen several female students, but I can't find the strength that fits the heroine.

Mei Ting is too steady and not suitable for a female lead, but it is quite suitable to play the second female lead.Yuan Quan performed briskly and nimbly, but it always felt a bit off-putting. Xiaowanzi's liveliness was nonsensical, and she was a thief after all.

Yan Danchen is also a big beauty, with a more delicate appearance, but she is not suitable for acting as a heroine.But seeing Yan Danchen, Kong Sheng felt that she was quite suitable for the heroine of "Oolong Breaks Through Love". It's a pity that Gao Xixi didn't come today, otherwise he could have a look.


Kong Sheng looked at the list, frowned and said, "There is only one girl left."

Yu Dong smiled and nodded, "There is another Hu Jing."

Kong Sheng glanced at Yu Dong's expression, and suddenly understood something, and immediately cheered up.

When Hu Jing came in, Kong Sheng's eyes lit up. Although Hu Jing didn't say a word, this girl did have a lot of energy... It was a kind of unscrupulous energy. At first glance, she was a "bad student" who was not very obedient.

Especially when she just came in and peeked at their expressions, it gave off a sly feeling, mixed with a kind of impatience.

Then Kong Sheng asked Hu Jing to try a scene, and his performance was really good.

After Hu Jing finished his performance, he stood obediently.

Yu Dong tilted his head and asked Kong Sheng, "Director Kong, how are you doing?"

Kong Sheng frowned and thought for a while, then said, "Actually, the heroine in my heart should be thin."


Yu Dong understood that Kong Sheng thought Hu Jing was fat.

In fact, Hu Jing is not fat, she has a little baby fat, but her baby fat is definitely not photogenic.

At this time, Hu Jing still didn't understand the situation at the scene.

In fact, they didn't quite understand the situation on the scene. Yu Dong and the others only said that they wanted to choose actors, but they didn't say what kind of actors they wanted to choose. The students all thought that they should choose some supporting roles.

They don't dare to think that there are too many, they are only freshmen now, how can they play the leading roles in TV dramas, the seniors and sisters of the previous class, because they have been with some crews, they are enough to envy them.

Hu Jing clasped the nails of his right hand with his left hand. Yu Dong and Kong Sheng neither let her go nor gave her further instructions, and she didn't know what she was going to do.

She felt that the atmosphere at the scene was so depressing, it was best to announce the result quickly, and she should go out.

Because there is no class today, she was late reading the novel last night. She had been catching up on sleep while waiting just now, and now her head is still a little groggy, so she wanted to go back to the dormitory and catch up on sleep, lying on the table How can I sleep comfortably in bed.

"Director Kong, if you think you can't do it, don't force it." Yu Dong reminded in a low voice.

He didn't want his words to affect Kong Sheng's judgment.These students still have a lot of time in the future, and they don't care whether they can act in this play.

Kong Sheng raised his hand.

He didn't say a word, just stared at Hu Jing who was looking down at the floor, observing her little movements.

About half a minute later, Hu Jing felt that the scene was too quiet, so he hurriedly looked up at Yu Dong and the others. Seeing Kong Sheng staring at her, there was a trace of nervousness in his eyes at first, and then he smiled immediately, tilting his head stupidly. Silly said: "Director, do I want to continue acting?"

Seeing her series of small movements and changes in her eyes, Kong Sheng patted his thigh, "Yes."

He was a little confused just now, Hu Jing's temperament is quite suitable, but there is some baby fat, which may affect the effect of the TV series.

But when he saw Hu Jing's subsequent reaction, he immediately forgot about Hu Jing's baby fat. At that moment, Hu Jing was like a small ball.


Kong Sheng directly made the decision and decided on Hu Jing as the heroine, which surprised Yu Dong. He clearly heard that Kong Sheng wanted a thinner ball.

After the first round of auditions was over, Yu Dong found an opportunity to ask Kong Sheng, "Director Kong, you don't want Hu Jing to lose weight, do you?"

Kong Sheng shook his head with a smile and said, "No, she is just like this now, very good."

Yu Dong nodded, "That's good. I'm afraid that after you set her up, you will make her lose weight. I think it's okay for an actor to change her body for the sake of the play. But Hu Jing and the others are still young, so they still need to use their bodies Health is the priority, and her face is baby fat, so she probably won't be able to lose it."

"Teacher Yu really thinks about the students." Kong Sheng praised, and then laughed: "Even if she can lose weight, I won't ask her to lose weight. Of course, actors can change their appearance for the sake of the play, but I think it has to be Only when necessary. If it's just because of the shape of the face, it's not necessary."


After Kong Sheng came to Jinling, he didn't rush to leave, and directly stuck to the company's side, preparing for "Love Through Time and Space".Since he was going to shoot a Ming Dynasty drama, he naturally wanted to take a good look around in Jinling, after all, Jinling is the background of this TV drama.

But for the time being, there is no place to shoot in Jinling, so at most they will collect some outdoor scenes, such as indoor scenes, and they are going to Yanjing to shoot.

Two days after Kong Sheng left Jinling, Yu Dong and the others rushed to Yanjing again to attend Mr. Wang Zengqi's memorial service.This time, Cheng Yanqiu also followed.

The first day they arrived in Yanjing, they wanted to visit the Wang family first, but after some discussion, they decided to give up. The Wang family must be busy at this time, so it is better not to trouble them.

The next morning, Yu Dong and the others went to Babaoshan by car.

Because I went early, the ceremony didn't start, and there was no one in the funeral home.Yu Dong and the others were holding a small flower basket each, and there were several people holding the same flower basket with them.

Yu Hua asked, "Do you know anyone?"

Yu Dong shook his head, Bi Feiyu shook his head, Mo Yan shook his head, only Su Tong said, "One of them seems to be the editor of "October"."

"Really?" Mo Yan was a little surprised, he had a good relationship with "October", but he had no impression of these people in front of him.

"He's new here, and I only saw him last year."

Seeing Yu Dong and the others looking in their direction, the three of them also walked over.

"Teacher Su Tong, Teacher Yu Dong, Teacher Yu Hua..."

The three of them knew Yu Dong and the others.

After the question was finished, the three introduced themselves again.

"I am the book editor of "October", Long Dong, this is my lover."

"I'm Subei."

Yu Dong nodded and shook hands with the other party.

After saying hello, everyone didn't know what to say, and it was difficult to find a topic on such an occasion.

Su Bei originally wanted to talk about Wang Zengqi, their mutual acquaintance, but just as he was about to speak, his eyes turned red.

Just as Yu Dong and the others were about to comfort him, Su Bei burst into tears, "I was in Xiangxi at the time, and I didn't get the news until several days later...I clearly saw him a few days ago..."

Hearing Su Bei crying, Yu Dong and the others, who hadn't felt anything at first, couldn't help but look at the ground.

In order to divert attention, Yu Dong and the others were busy looking at the elegiac couplets for a while, and the wreaths for a while. Anyway, they were busy there, and they didn't know what they were busy with.

Many acquaintances came one after another. When Tielin first came here, she was fine at first, but when she saw Yu Dong and the others, she couldn't hold back anymore, and tears flowed down her cheeks.

Tielin received a lot of care from Wang Zengqi and always regarded Wang Zengqi as a teacher, so she was very sad when Wang Zengqi passed away.

Wang Meng also came, and when he saw Yu Dong and the others, he nodded lightly as a greeting. There were more and more people present, and they couldn't take care of each other.

Also came Zhang Zhaohe, Shen Congwen's wife. This was the first time Yu Dong saw Zhang Zhaohe, and it was all in books before.The old lady is also getting older, 90 to [-] years old, and it is not easy to come here.

Perhaps because he is used to seeing life and death, his expression has always been flat.

However, Fan Yong, who was also used to seeing life and death, behaved completely differently. He came with a stick, weeping uncontrollably.

When the hearse arrived, Yu Dong saw the back door of the car opened, revealing a long, narrow box with a number on it.

Yu Dong and the others followed and walked slowly into the farewell hall. The long box was placed among the flowers, and slowly opened to reveal Mr. Wang inside.

At the scene that had been quiet for a while, there were bursts of crying immediately. Teacher Shi was lying beside the ice coffin, crying.

Next to him, Wang Lang and his brothers and sisters wiped their tears and supported their mother.

After the farewell ceremony began, there was no mourning music, but a gentle cello music.

Cheng Yanqiu told them that this is "The Swan" by Charles Camille Saint-Saëns, which was included in "Carnival of the Animals".

""Carnival of the Animals" was written by Saint-Saëns in a playful way, which quoted some tunes of other composers, and made some malicious changes, full of sarcasm to the original music. Saint-Saëns forbade others to perform these works during his lifetime, but Except "The Swan."

Yu Dong nodded. The tune of "Swan" is very gentle, and it is quite appropriate to use it as a farewell song.

 Thank you [Maodong Hanzi] for the 1500 reward
  Thank you [Xuefeng Weiyu] for the 1000 tip
  Thank you [Rainy Night Under the Starlight] for the 100 tip
  Thanks to [Yellowkoala] for the 1000 reward
(End of this chapter)

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