Chapter 518
That night, Yu Dong and the others went to Tielin's banquet, and Wang Xiaobo also went, but he can't drink now, so he can only watch helplessly with a glass of boiled water.

Originally, Tielin wanted to count Wang Xiaobo for drinking, but when she heard that Wang Xiaobo had a heart problem, she was startled, and she didn't dare to ask Wang Xiaobo about drinking again.

Seeing this situation, Wang Xiaobo laughed to himself: "There is a reason to stop drinking in the future."


The next day, Yu Dong and Cheng Yanqiu were going to the Central Conservatory of Music to see Liu Shikun.

Recently, Liu Shikun has to spend time at the Central Conservatory of Music. He opened a class at the school, which will not end until the end of June.

Originally, Yu Dong thought that it would be fine for him to go with Cheng Yanqiu and his wife, and Yu Hua and the others could stay in the hotel and play cards.

However, Yu Hua and the others considered that Wang Xiaobo was in poor health, not suitable for playing cards, and not suitable for being bored at home, so a few people discussed it and decided to go to the Central Conservatory of Music with Yu Dong and the others to listen to music and let Wang Xiaobo relax. Some.

Liu Shikun had class in the morning, and Yu Dong and the others thought about going to him in the afternoon, but Liu Shikun asked them to go directly to the classroom, and then wait in the classroom until the get out of class was over and go directly to eat.

Yu Dong and his group searched for the place according to what Liu Shikun said, and found a small concert hall.

Yu Hua looked up at the magnificent concert hall, and asked curiously, "Is the class environment for piano majors in your school so good?"

Cheng Yanqiu shook his head and smiled: "No, generally we have classes in the classroom or in the piano room, and rarely go to the concert hall. Because of the special situation of the teacher, his classes are all in the small concert hall. Actually, in the small concert hall In class, the sound of the piano must sound more comfortable, but the teaching effect will not be better than that of the classroom or the piano room, the place here is too big, and the teacher may not be able to hear clearly even the audience.”

Yu Hua nodded: "Let me just say, I have seen your piano department take classes in Jinyi, so it must be in such a good concert hall. I also thought, is there such a big gap between the two schools?"

The soothing sound of the piano came from inside the concert hall, and Cheng Yanqiu made a silent gesture: "Keep your voice down, let's go in."

As she spoke, she gently pushed open the back door of the concert hall.

The concert hall isn't too big, but it's not too small either. Yu Dong glanced at it, and it can hold about two to three hundred people.

This meeting has already packed a lot of people, but it is not full, and the attendance rate is about [-]%.

Several people found a few empty seats in the last row and prepared to sit down.

They were just about to sit down when Liu Shikun, who was playing, had finished playing and stopped. He said with a smile: "Just now, you can see that I used a rather special way of expression..."

Speaking of this, Liu Shikun raised his eyebrows suddenly, and then smiled, "Let me demonstrate another piece of music for you."

Although the students were surprised that Mr. Liu had to demonstrate another piece of music in the middle of what he said, they were very happy to hear Mr. Liu play another piece.

Liu Shikun brewed his emotions slightly, then raised his hand and bounced.

When they heard Liu Shikun's new piece, the students showed blank expressions, because they had never heard this piece before.

And this song sounds more popular, not quite like Teacher Liu's style.

Of course, although the tune is more popular, it does sound soothing and pleasant to the ear.

The piece was not long. When Liu Shikun finished playing, there was a burst of applause. Liu Shikun raised his hand and said, "Be quiet, everyone. Let me ask everyone, who has heard this piece?"

The students looked at me and I looked at you, and shook their heads slightly, indicating that they hadn't heard of it.

But for Yu Dong and the others, this song is too familiar.This is the piano piece "Jinghong" written by Cheng Yanqiu for "Sea Pianist". She played it for everyone several times before.

Seeing the students shaking their heads, Liu Shikun smiled and looked in the direction of Cheng Yanqiu and the others, "I know one student must have heard of it. The student behind, please come up and tell us about it."

The students were all at a loss, not knowing which part Liu Shikun was acting, but Cheng Yanqiu knew that the teacher was deliberately teasing her.

"Student, don't you want to share with everyone?"

The students also looked back. Cheng Yanqiu faced everyone's eyes, patted his forehead lightly, and stood up slowly.

Everyone didn't know her, but when they saw someone standing up, they all applauded.

"Who is this, are we from it?"

"Probably not."

"It's hard to say, maybe it's another major or grade."

"Impossible. We have such a beautiful female classmate in our department. I must know her."

"Looking at her temperament, she should be a senior."

"Ms. Liu seems to know her."

"Isn't this normal? Teacher Liu has a lot of cooperation with the school."

"But to be honest, this classmate is so pretty."


Amid applause and speculation, Cheng Yanqiu stepped onto the stage.

"Hello teacher."

Cheng Yanqiu bent slightly, and gave a student salute to Liu Shikun.

Liu Shikun raised his hand in vain, "You are also welcome, this classmate, you can play the piece I demonstrated just now for you again."

"Teacher, how can I be so good at class?" Cheng Yanqiu said modestly.

"Nonsense... I let you play it again, because I want the students to listen to the difference between us, so that it will be easier for them to understand."

Liu Shikun had already spoken to the underworld, Cheng Yanqiu nodded helplessly, then walked to the piano and sat down.

Amidst the puzzled expressions of the students, Cheng Yanqiu played "Jinghong" again.

"What the hell is this song? Is it famous?"

"This senior sister plays really well."

"You know it's Senior Sister?"

"Can a school girl be so powerful?"

"Why do I feel that this senior sister plays better than Teacher Liu?"

"Is there? I think Teacher Liu plays better."

"I also think this senior sister plays better, of course, only limited to this piece."

"Maybe it's a new song, Teacher Liu is not familiar with it."

"If this is the case, it can't explain why this girl plays so well."


After playing a song, Cheng Yanqiu left his seat and said with a smile, "Teacher, you're making a fool of yourself."

Liu Shikun waved his hand: "It's only right to present beauty."

Immediately, Liu Shikun smiled and said to the students in the audience, "I think that many students must be very curious about the female student next to me, wondering who she is and why she performed on stage. In fact, she is not from our school. Strictly speaking, she is not a student of Yangyin now."

Liu Shikun said that Cheng Yanqiu "now" is not a student of Yangyin, everyone present could hear the implication, she had graduated from Yangyin before.

(End of this chapter)

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