Chapter 520 Travel Notes
Originally, Liu Shikun's piano lesson would be over in half an hour, but Yu Dong and the others were chatting, and they were so excited that they couldn't stop the car at all.

The students listened with great interest, and dragged on for more than half an hour in a blink of an eye.

In the end, Yu Dong saw that it was getting late, and said, "Let's end today's small talk, students have been delayed for too long."

The students didn't feel that time wasted at all, and they were in a hurry when they heard Yu Dong say that it was about to end.

"Teacher Yu, let's talk for a while."

"That's right, Mr. Yu Hua hasn't finished talking about the county cultural center just now."

"Where are the cucumbers in the cucumber garden?"

"Tell me about your trip to France."

"That's right, that's right, and Teacher Wang Xiaobo, why haven't you updated on the Deep Space Chinese website recently?"

"Mr. Su, don't talk half of what happened on the train."

Yu Dong looked at the excited students below, but he didn't expect that there would be an encore session in a temporary class.

But the time is really getting late, and if we continue talking, we will miss the lunch time.

Besides, Yu Dong believes that it is best to talk about this stage in a class, leaving some room for imagination for the students will make them more impressed with this class.

Just like storytelling, every time it comes to the end, there must be a button, and then there is a sentence "If you want to know what will happen next, let's listen to the next chapter to break it down."

Liu Shikun also felt that today was almost the same, so he stood up and turned to face the students and said, "Okay, okay, let's stop here today, don't be dissatisfied. Besides, with you, Senior Sister Cheng, I'm afraid that Yu Dong and the others won't be happy in the future." Are you coming?"

Then Liu Shikun waved to Yu Dong and the others on the stage, signaling them to go with him.

Just as they were about to walk out of the concert hall, a few people suddenly came in from the side door. The leader was a lesbian in her early 50s with a hurried look on her face.

Entering the concert hall, when I saw Yu Dong and the others, a bright smile appeared on their faces.

"Mr. Liu, these are Mr. Yu Dong and the others."

Seeing the person coming, Liu Shikun was a little surprised and said, "Principal Liang, why are you here?"

"I heard the news that Yu Dong and the others are here, so I came here to take a look."

Liu Shikun nodded, and then introduced to Yu Dong and the others, "This is Liang Xiansheng, the principal of our Yang Yin, and next to her is Li Zhengming, the director of the piano department..."

After getting to know each other, Liang Xiansheng first welcomed Yu Dong and the others on behalf of Yang Yin, and then complained to Liu Shikun: "Mr. Liu, why didn't you tell us in advance that the school has such an important guest. Fortunately, some students ran to inform Otherwise, let these people leave like this, and make people laugh at our school for not knowing how to treat guests."

Liu Shikun laughed: "They are also here temporarily, so I just wanted not to disturb you."

"How can this be a disturbance? It is an honor for our school to have you all come to our school." Liang Xiansheng looked at Cheng Yanqiu who was beside him again, "Why do I feel that Mrs. Yu looks familiar..."

The head of the piano department quickly said: "Principal Liang, Cheng Yanqiu used to be in our piano department, and he was very good."

"I said, it looks familiar." Liang Xiansheng walked up to Cheng Yanqiu, and held Cheng Yanqiu's hand affectionately, "Yanqiu, you are going back to your mother's house today."

Cheng Yanqiu responded to Liang Xiansheng's enthusiasm with a smile, "It's been a long time since I came back to see."

"The last time our school organized an advisory group to go to Lanshi, were you also in the group?"

"Yes, it was the last time I came back."

"Okay, okay, I will come back often in the future."

Seeing that Mr. Liang chatted with Cheng Yanqiu, Liu Shikun said with a smile, "Principal Liang, don't talk about the past, let's go to dinner first, it's getting late."

"Yes, yes, let's go eat first, and I'll be here today."


"Everyone must not refuse. It is a disrespect for not coming to entertain you in the morning. You must let me make some compensation on behalf of Yang Yin."

Yu Dong smiled and squinted his eyes. This principal Liang is very enthusiastic and smooth in speaking and doing things. He is very good at making relationships.

During the meal, Yu Dong took the time to ask Cheng Yanqiu, only to find out that Principal Liang's name is Liang Xiansheng.

When Liu Shikun introduced her before, Yu Dong thought Liu Shikun called her "Mr. Liang". At that time, Yu Dong was a little surprised. Although it is not impossible to call her Mr. Lesbian, it is just that this is not Liu Shikun's style at all, and it does not fit Liu Shikun's identity. .

After a meal, Yu Dong and the others wanted to say goodbye, but Liang Xiansheng dragged them around the school.

The so-called visit is actually not to let Yu Dong and the others visit Yangyin, but to let Yu Dong and the others walk in Yangyin's campus and let others visit.

Until four o'clock in the afternoon, Liang Xiansheng wanted to stay with Yu Dong and the others for dinner, but this time Yu Dong and the others resolutely refused.

Leaving Yangyin, on the way back to the hotel, Yu Hua rubbed her head, "Principal Liang is really good at taking advantage of the opportunity, she introduces us when she meets people, and those who don't know think we are here specially for Yangyin. active."

Cheng Yanqiu said apologetically, "I'm sorry, I've made you tired today, and I didn't expect Principal Liang and the others to come."

Mo Yan waved his hand and said, "Actually, it's okay. We are quite happy to give a speech to the students in the concert hall today. As for the 'visit' in the afternoon, we have experienced a lot, so we will naturally get used to it."

As long as you are a celebrity, you can't escape this kind of thing.

"Yes, you really need to get used to it." Wang Xiaobo nodded: "I see, with the development of the times, you will have to face more than these in the future. The information is getting more and more developed, and the news is spreading faster and faster. Which school you go to in the future, not to mention the headmaster of other schools will know, maybe everyone around you will know..."

Before Wang Xiaobo finished speaking, the cell phone in Yu Dong's pocket rang.

It's from the balance.

After the call was connected, Yu Yu smiled and said, "Boss, did you give a lecture at Yangyin?"

Yu Dong was taken aback, then looked at Yu Hua and the others, and then asked, "How do you know?"

"Haha, this news has been spread on our Deep Space Chinese website. Some people have recorded the content of your speeches and posted them on the website. The people who uploaded them should be the students at the scene."

Yu Dong rolled his eyes, Wang Xiaobo's crow's mouth is really sharp.


On the Deep Space Chinese website, a new hot post was opened today, it was opened by a student of Yang Yin, and it specifically recorded the speeches of Yu Dong and the others in the concert hall.

This post was only posted in the afternoon, and it has already received thousands of comments in just a few hours.

[Don't stop drinking: students who envy Yang Yin, when will the Cucumber Garden Tiantuan come to our Aurora? 】

[Damn people: Cucumber Garden Tiantuan is so cute, Wang Xiaobo is also cute. 】

[Cha Yan: Can someone sort out the deeds of the few of them together?Do you want to make a day trip to the cucumber garden or something? 】

[Fatty Lizhuzhu: I have collected a lot of information, but I don't know how to write it. If anyone wants to write it, I am willing to provide information. 】

[Huanyue Lengmou: Not to mention, there are really a lot of things to write. 】

[Chen Mobai: Indeed, the incident in Paris alone can write a very long story. 】

[Wednesday duty attendant: This story needs to be written, I am sure I would like to read it. 】

[Liu Yanfei: To write this, Teacher Yu and the others need to authorize it, otherwise I really want to write it. 】

[Xiaoyao Sanren: If you want to write, I suggest you ask the administrator of the website. 】

[Liu Yanfei: I really want to write. 】


Yanjing, in an Internet cafe called Blue Ocean, Liu Yanfei stared at the computer screen, the light from his eyes was brighter than the screen.

He is an editor of a magazine, and he likes to surf the Internet when he has nothing to do. Today, he came to the Blue Sea Internet Cafe after work. As usual, he waited in a queue for a long time before finally getting on the computer.

After getting on the plane, he immediately logged on to the Deep Space Chinese website, and then saw the popular post.

He became interested when he saw some netizens mentioned writing "travel notes".

What he said on the website was not a joke, he really wanted to write a travel note for Yu Dong and the others, because he really liked Yu Dong and the others writers so much.

Sitting in front of the computer and posting for a while, Liu Yanfei found the official email address of the website on the website according to what the netizens said, then logged into his own email address, and sent an email to the official website, explaining his expectations.


The official mailbox of Deep Space Chinese Network receives countless emails every day, most of which are useless, and some of them are pure pranks.

Li Junhe, who is in charge of managing the mailbox, in order to sift out something useful from a large pile of emails every day, does not know how many brain cells are dying.

The key is that the leader requires that every email must be read, and he will not be lazy if he wants to.

Li Junhe only saw Liu Yanfei's email the next day.Such serious e-mails with appeals must be reported, but the reporting process is relatively simple, he only needs to send the content directly to a higher-level mailbox in the form of an e-mail.

The manager of the higher-level mailbox will filter out some of the more important emails and send them to Mr. Jiang Jie.


After Jiang Jie read Liu Yanfei's email, he went to find Yu Yu, who also took Yu Yu very seriously, and held a special meeting to discuss whether this matter was feasible.

Everyone's opinions are not unified, and some people think this is a good thing, it can increase the exposure of writers, and it is also a kind of positive publicity.But another group of people think that once this opening is opened, all kinds of messy things will come out on the Internet, and what everyone writes may not be positive.

When the two sides were at a stalemate, Yu Yu looked at Jiang Jie: "This matter came from your website, why don't you talk about it?"

Jiang Jie said with a smile: "I will listen to the arrangements of the leaders."

Yu Yu snorted, "Don't do this, just say what you think."

Jiang Jie looked at the other people in the meeting, and then said with a smile, "Then I will talk about my humble opinion. I have listened to everyone's opinions just now. There are mainly two opinions, and I think they are quite reasonable. But I personally think that , this should still be agreed to.”

"How to say?"

"The reason why some colleagues disagree is that we are afraid that we will not be able to control the direction of this matter. But in fact, if we do not do this matter, we may not be able to control it. With the development of the Internet, the place where everyone talks is becoming more and more The more, our deep space Chinese website is now the largest comprehensive website in China, it can be said that the main voice on the Internet is now in our hands.”

"But what about in the future? There will definitely be other websites that will compete with us in the future. This is unavoidable."

Yu Yu nodded: "That's right, as far as I know, several websites have popped up. Although they are doing well now, no one can say for sure what will happen in the future. According to our statistics, there are currently The number of Internet users is growing at a rate of at least 5.00% every month, and it may double in a year. In a few years, when the number of Internet users increases to tens of millions, or even hundreds of millions, it is impossible for us at Deep Space Network Monopolize the market."

"So." Jiang Jie raised his voice, trying to let everyone in the room hear his voice, "We should hold this matter in our hands from the beginning. I'm sure, even if we don't do anything Authorization, similar things will appear on the Internet in the future. In this case, it is the most difficult to control."

"This incident reminded us that although our company has always been willing to invest in publicity, it has been too conservative in the dissemination of information. In the past, when we promoted the writers or actors signed by the company, What we focus on is nothing more than how good the work is. However, we can completely change our thinking, just like the 'travel notes' we discussed this time, we not only do it, but also make it more exaggerated."

"Exaggeration?" Someone raised doubts.

Jiang Jie nodded, "Well, it's an exaggeration, and it should be more aggressive. I remember Mr. Ji did two cases when the company was just starting up, which are very worthwhile for us to learn from."

"In the first case, when the boss's "Resident Evil" was released in the United States, Mr. Ji personally wrote a news article and made up an inspirational story for the boss, describing how the boss went through untold hardships to make "Resident Evil" Found a publisher. The story wasn't true, but I still see it in quite a few places."

"In the second case, the boss was invited to be a prop consultant for the crew of "Second World", but was stuck for a while when he got a visa. Mr. Ji asked someone to get a petition in the United States, and then made up a few stories. Last month, I saw one of the stories in "Reader", which was quite passionate."

While listening to Jiang Jie's words, Yu Liang tapped his fingers on the table.

He understood what Jiang Jie meant, and he said that their current communication methods were not "unscrupulous" or proactive enough.

After thinking about it for a while, Yu Yu said: "This method may have a miraculous effect, but have you ever considered that this kind of untrue information is spread too much, and we are vulnerable to backlash?"

Jiang Jie shook his head: "I don't think so, because the Internet world in the future will be full of all kinds of exaggerated and untrue information. If there will be such things, I hope we will make them. We don't need to attack And slandering others, all we have to do is show a better side of ourselves."

Yu Liang pondered and said, "Let's leave this matter alone for the time being. I'll talk to Boss Ji later."

(End of this chapter)

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