Backtracking to the Age of Literature and Art

Chapter 53 Liu Meiqin's Careful Thoughts

Chapter 53 Liu Meiqin's Careful Thoughts

On Sunday afternoon, Yu Dong, Liu Changmin and Feng Ming walked towards the teaching building together to participate in today's poetry reading party.

After walking for a while, Liu Changmin looked at Feng Ming who was a little uneasy, and said strangely: "Feng Ming, are you feeling unwell? I don't think your face is right."

"Really?" Feng Ming rubbed his face, "Maybe it's because he didn't eat in the morning and his blood sugar was a little low, so he looked pale."

"Oh, that's not it. It's not easy for you to think white."


While talking, the three walked to the door of the teaching building, and a shout came from behind: "Mr. Liu, Teacher Yu, Teacher Feng."

The three of them turned their heads and saw that they were the three resident female guests of the Poetry Reading Club, Liu Meiqin, Zhu Yu, and Wu Aiyuan.

It was Liu Meiqin who called them. At this moment, she took big strides away from the other two and walked towards Yu Dong and them.

When she got to Yu Dong, she turned her face sideways and lifted her hair, revealing her earrings.

It can be seen that Liu Meiqin was well-dressed before coming today, with powder on her face, lipstick on her mouth, and her hair still freshly permed.

Coupled with the polka-dot dress and blue knitted cardigan she was wearing, she looked like a "Hong Kong sister" fan.

Yu Dong could still smell the perfume on her body.

"We saw you a long time ago. We originally wanted to chase you, but the more we chased you, the farther we would get." Liu Meiqin said "you", but his eyes only looked at Yu Dong.

Liu Changmin and Feng Ming looked at each other and smiled, Liu Meiqin's meaning towards Dong could be seen as long as he was not blind.

They have done poetry reading sessions so many times, but only today Liu Meiqin dressed up so "grandly" that she could guess who it was for with her toes.

"Why don't you and Mr. Liu go up first, Yudong, and Feng Ming and I will wait here for Zhu Yu and the others." Liu Changmin suggested.

"Okay." Liu Meiqin agreed immediately.

Yu Dong shook his head, "Let's go up together."

Until Zhu Yu and the others wandered over, the six of them went upstairs together.

Wu Eiyuan was looking forward to the poetry reading session for a while. She raised her head and looked upstairs and said, "How many people will come today? Will there be too many people in the classroom?"

"Impossible. There are only a few teachers in our school. It's not bad to be able to sit in half a classroom." Feng Ming said.

"It's not certain. Maybe there will be students coming. There is no rule that only teachers can participate in our poetry reading party." Wu Aiyuan said again.

Feng Ming touched his head, "You are right."

Liu Meiqin asked with a puzzled face, "What about Mr. He, why haven't you seen anyone else?"

Among the several resident guests of the Poetry Reading Club, He Yu is now the only one missing.Liu Meiqin's thoughts were all on Dong just now, but when she talked about the poetry reading club, she remembered that He Yu was not there.

Liu Changmin smiled and replied: "He Yu has already gone one step ahead. He is very enthusiastic about this poetry reading session. He said that he was afraid that other people would be embarrassed to see no one, so he went first. "

Zhu Yu looked at his watch: "It's only less than 02:30 now, so he just worries about how early he can go."

While speaking, the six people had already reached the door of Classroom 301.

He Yu was already in the classroom, but he only saw He Yu alone. Zhu Yu laughed and joked: "Mr. He, come early, there is no one."

"Cough cough." He Yu coughed lightly and made a look at the side and rear.

The six people were unclear at first, so when they entered the classroom, they saw that there was not only He Yu alone, but another person sitting by the back wall. It was just because of the angle that they didn't see it outside the door just now.

Seeing the person by the wall, Yu Dong was a little surprised. Just as he was about to say hello, Wu Aiyuan had already said one step ahead: "Mr. Cheng, why are you here?"

Cheng Yanqiu looked up at Yu Dong first, and then at Wu Aiyuan who was talking to her, "Isn't there a poetry reading session this afternoon?"

Hearing Cheng Yanqiu's answer, Wu Aiyuan pursed her lips. She actually wanted to ask Cheng Yanqiu why she came to participate in the poetry reading party, because in her impression, Cheng Yanqiu didn't like this kind of occasion very much.

But Wu Aiyuan didn't say anything, she was used to Cheng Yanqiu's appearance.

Both are teachers of the vocal music department, and they are both female teachers. Wu Aiyuan and Cheng Yanqiu have a lot of contact, so they should know more about her than other people present.

This teacher Cheng Yanqiu is a well-known beauty teacher in the vocal music department. When Cheng Yanqiu first arrived in the vocal music department, many male teachers pursued her.

It's just that all the teachers who pursued her met a wall without exception, and the statement that Cheng Yanqiu was an iceberg came out.

Moreover, Cheng Yanqiu not only ignored the male teacher, but also didn't have much contact with the female teacher. He also offended many people and spread a lot of words.

"Mr. Cheng, it's quite early." Yu Dong also greeted Cheng Yanqiu.

But others were surprised.

Liu Changmin and the others naturally knew Cheng Yanqiu, but they only knew their names and met people, and they never met.

They didn't expect that Yu Dong had met Cheng Yanqiu not long after he arrived.

"There's nothing to do in the afternoon, so I came a little early, didn't you come quite early too?" Cheng Yanqiu said.

Yu Dong said again: "Mr. Cheng, why don't you sit forward and let's get closer and chat for a while."

Cheng Yanqiu bit his lip and thought about it, and finally nodded, "Okay."

Seeing Cheng Yanqiu walking this way, several other people felt a little surprised.Feng Ming stared at Yu Dong and murmured in his heart: Yu Dong is a great guy, you shouldn't ask him about poetry that night, you should ask him how to deal with girls.

Yu Dong didn't know what other people thought, so he asked Cheng Yanqiu to sit closer, an invitation made by normal people out of instinct.

And the other party accepts the invitation, Yu Dong seems to be normal.

If it was someone other than Cheng Yanqiu, maybe Liu Changmin and the others wouldn't feel anything.

"Let's find a place to sit too." Liu Meiqin suddenly greeted everyone to sit down.

Actually, it was because Liu Meiqin was afraid that Cheng Yanqiu would sit with Yu Dong, so she greeted him in advance and arranged the seats before Cheng Yanqiu came over.

She didn't feel relieved until she saw that there were people sitting next to Yu Dong.

After they were all seated, He Yu took the initiative to speak, "Haha, if it was in the past, our poetry reading party could have started now, because everyone should have arrived. But today is different, there should be a lot of people coming in a while. …”

Halfway through He Yu's words, several people walked in. They were all teachers from various departments, and they basically knew each other.

Everyone was busy saying hello and arranging seats.

Just as one wave was arranged here, another wave came again. Until three o'clock, four to fifty people came one after another, and not all of them were teachers, more than half of them were students.

 Thank you [Wisdom Teeth] for the 500 reward
  Thank you [Red Comrade] for the 100 reward
(End of this chapter)

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