Backtracking to the Age of Literature and Art

Chapter 533 Collection of the best novelists in the world

Chapter 533 Collection of the World's Best Novelists (Part [-])
Just as Yu Donggeng and Cheng Yanqiu were immersed in Ackerman's affection, the old man suddenly laughed, "Inspired, I decided that I would write something in the magazines or novels I collected in the future, maybe After I die, someone who gets these books will think about following my footsteps like the reporter in "Old Books."

Yu Dong also laughed, "Mr. Ackerman, I'm afraid it's not that difficult to follow your footsteps."

Ackerman touched the back of his head: "That's right, I'm also a celebrity, after all, I have acted in more than 50 film and television dramas."

The three of them wandered around the house for a while, when suddenly the doorbell rang.

"Another guest?"

Ackerman muttered, walked to the stairway, and pressed a screen on the wall.

The definition of this video doorbell is very high. Through the screen, you can see a young man and woman standing outside the door.

"Who are you?" Ackerman asked the screen.

"Is it Mr. Ackerman's house?"

"Yes, I am Ackerman, do you have anything to do with me?"

"Hello, Mr. Ackerman, we are science fiction fans from New Jersey. I heard that your home is open to the public, is that right?"

"Yes, but it's only open on Saturdays. You should have come here at this time yesterday."

The two people outside the door were obviously stunned for a moment, and then they were a little disappointed: "Sorry to bother you, Mr. Ackerman, I think we got the time wrong."

The couple glanced eagerly at the yard, then turned and left with some reluctance.

Ackerman watched the couple walk away, and suddenly turned to Yu Dong, "YU, do you mind if I let them in?"

Yu Dong smiled and said, "Of course, this is your house."

"What about you, Mrs. Yu."

Cheng Yanqiu shook his head: "Of course I don't mind."

Ackerman laughed, "Wait for me for a while."

He hurried downstairs, pushed open the courtyard door, and chased him out.

After all, Ackerman was old and a bit fat, and he was out of breath after walking this short distance.

When he reached the door, he waved to the young couple's back, "Hey, you guys, come back."

When the couple heard the shout, they turned around and saw Ackerman standing at the door with his knees kicked. The boy asked suspiciously, "Are you calling us?"

"Of course." Ackerman said with a smile: "Is there anyone else besides you?"

"Are you Mr. Ackerman?"

"Of course, didn't we just talk?"

The couple looked at each other, and both saw surprises in each other's eyes.They came all the way from New Jersey, and visiting the Ackerman Building was also an important purpose of their trip.

But confused, they got the time wrong and missed the opening day of the Ackerman Building.

Unexpectedly, the mountain turned around, and Mr. Ackerman asked them to go back again.

The two held hands and returned to the door of the small building.

Ackerman smiled and invited them in: "I usually don't break the rules I set myself, but you are too far away. If you miss this time, it will be difficult to come next time."

"Thank you for your understanding, Mr. Ackerman."

"Haha, you're welcome, you're welcome, what's your name?"

"You can call me Roger, this is my wife Sunny."


The three talked and laughed and entered the room.

As soon as he entered the door, Luo Jie saw Yu Dong and his wife.

Seeing Yu Dong, the first thought that came to Roger's mind was: This person looks like YU.

Reminiscent of him standing in the home of Ackerman, the number one sci-fi fan, Roger covered his mouth and said in surprise, "Are you YU?"

Before Dong could respond, Ackerman laughed, "You really are a science fiction fan."

Yu Dong also nodded at this time and said, "Hi, I'm YU."

Roger rubbed his palms together, unable to hide the excitement in his heart, he didn't expect that today's encounter would have such a turning point.

A few minutes ago, they were still disappointed because they missed the opening day of the Ackerman Building. Turning around, the Ackerman Building came in and saw YU.

"YU, I, I am a member of the New Jersey Chapter of the YU Umbrella Association. And Shanny, she is also a member."

Luo Jie's self-reported membership status was a bit funny, Yu Dong said with a smile: "Thank you for your support."


Roger and Sunny spend a dreamy day at the Ackerman Mansion.

They visited the Ackerman Building with Ackerman and YU couple and had lunch together.

When they left in the afternoon, they also received a copy of "Second World" co-signed by YU and Ackerman.

After seeing off the guests, Ackerman turned his head and said to Dong: "Because of you, today's Ackerman Building is particularly attractive."

Then he looked at Cheng Yanqiu with emotion, and said: "My wife once said that over the years, I have collected the largest collection of science fiction treasures in the world, and she has the largest collection of science fiction treasures in the world. And you , Mrs. YU, collected the best science fiction writers in the world, and every day in the future, you can look at this collection."

Cheng Yanqiu shook Yu Dong's hand, and silently added in his heart: He should be the best novelist in the world.


The next day, Yu Dong and Cheng Yanqiu first went to the National Academy of Composition to meet Blaise, and then went to Santa Monica

When Yu Dong came to attend the Academy Award Ceremony before, the two of them played in Santa Monica once, and it felt pretty good. Jin Yi's home also had photos of Cheng Yanqiu taken by Yu Dong with a digital camera.

In Santa Monica in August, there were many more people than when they came last time, but the scenery along the coast has not changed much, but the sun is hotter than last time.

After visiting the coast, the two went to the third pedestrian street.

While wandering in the pedestrian street, Cheng Yanqiu saw that Yu Dong was looking for something, so he asked, "What are you looking for?"

"Hey, I found it."

Yu Dong pulled Cheng Yanqiu to a piano store, pointed to the piano at the door and said, "Do you still remember it?"

Cheng Yanqiu looked at the dark yellow old piano in front of him, and his thoughts flew back to two years ago. At that time, this piano was placed here. Unexpectedly, it was still there after more than two years.

It's already old enough that it doesn't feel any older after a two-plus year gap.

The store owner doesn't seem to care whether it is old or not, and the painted keys don't even think about repainting, even though the wood inside is exposed.

Yu Dong pointed at the piano and said with a smile, "One more song?"

Cheng Yanqiu nodded with a smile, "What do you want to hear?"

Yu Dong thought for a while and said, "Let's just listen to "Jing Hong."


Cheng Yanqiu stretched his fingers, then walked over, without warming up, he played "Jing Hong" directly.

No matter where, people always like to join in the fun.

Pedestrians coming and going on the pedestrian street, after hearing the music, many stopped to listen to this free performance.

Compared with the "Bell" played by Cheng Yanqiu last time, "Jinghong" does not have the function of showing off skills, but the melody is more catchy, and it is more friendly to ordinary people who are not piano majors.

Yu Dong stood among the crowd, looking at his wife who was playing with a smile on his face.

Every time Cheng Yanqiu played the piano, it always made people feel that she exuded a special light.

There were more and more people around, but Yu Dong didn't notice that there was a teenage girl standing beside him, looking at Cheng Yanqiu who was playing the piano for a while, and looking up at him for a while.

 Thank you [Love is Loneliness] Big Brother for the 1500 reward
(End of this chapter)

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