Backtracking to the Age of Literature and Art

Chapter 536 The Hen That Lays Eggs

Chapter 536 The Hen Laying Eggs (Part [-])
After Jimmy finished talking about the sales data, he took out a thick notebook and handed it to Yu Dong.

"This is something we have come up with during this period of time, you can see if it works."

Yu Dong nodded and took the notebook.

When Yu Dong said before that he wanted to create a joint screenwriter, in addition to several domestic TV series, there were also foreign ones. The first one was "Don't Lie to Me".

At that time, Yu Dong asked Jimmy to buy him a copy of "telling lies" from the United States. After some research, Yu Dong wrote a simple proposal to Jimmy, and asked Jimmy to find someone to complete a set of scripts based on the proposal. .

And this is what Jimmy and the others made.

While flipping through the script, Yu Dong asked with a smile, "Are you involved in this?"

"Yes, only one episode."

"Which episode?"

Jimmy said with a smile: "Why don't you guess first?"

"Okay, if I guess, please have dinner tonight."

"no problem."

Yu Dong nodded and began to read the script seriously.

Jimmy and the others produced a total of forty episodes, which was quite a large volume, but Yu Dong didn't watch carefully one by one.

Yu Dong wrote in the planning book before that each episode has a short story, similar to some detective novels, which is convenient for co-writing the screenplay and also conforms to the characteristics of the subject matter.

It's a thick book, but Yu Dong finished it in just over an hour.

After reading it, Yu Dong took out a pen and made a list on the back of the script.

"The first episode, the fifth episode, the seventh episode, No.16 episode, No.20 episode one, No.20 seven episodes, No.20 eight episodes... These eleven episodes are not badly written, so we can keep them. However, some revisions are needed. The third, sixth, No.11, and ninth episodes... these nineteen episodes are not very well written, so there is no need to keep them."

Looking at the episodes listed by Yu Donglie, Jimmy raised his eyebrows and said with a smile: "You cut it too hard at once, and just killed half of it. The next nineteen episodes, just cut it off? Don't think about it, put it in the first Season two?"

"Don't think about the second season for now, let's get the first season done first."

"Okay, listen to you, but don't just cut down trees, but also help plant some trees. You said that the eleven episodes are well written, but you need to make some changes. I think you can change them directly. Anyway, this You'll be fine for a few days."

Yu Dong threw the script on the coffee table: "What do you mean I have nothing to do? Do you just not want me to rest?"

Jimmy shrugged his shoulders: "That's all I'm saying, it's up to you whether you change it or not, I'm helping you make money anyway."

Yu Dong rolled his eyes and picked up the script again, "I see what you can do on your own, the level of this episode you wrote is very high."

Jimmy turned his head and glanced at Yu Dong, "Do you know which episode I wrote?"

"No.12 episode, isn't twelve your lucky number?"

Jimmy pouted, "I have too many lucky numbers, and twelve is just one of them."

"Just tell me if you wrote this episode."

Jimmy sniffed, and asked with some reluctance: "How did you see that?"

Yu Dong leaned back comfortably, raised his legs, "Jimmy, don't forget, I have read your script, and your script has several characteristics. First, you like to use ellipsis to interlace lines. Second, , don’t write long dialogues, if you encounter long dialogues, you will start a new line, third, there is always a Tina in your script, fourth..."

"Okay, okay, don't say it." Jimmy waved his hands again and again, "Why don't I feel what you said?"

Yu Dong said with a smile: "This is called a fan of the authorities. You can ask Lao Hu if he knows that he has always written the word 'Shi' incorrectly."

Jimmy patted his forehead, "It seems that this meal can't be saved. When Yu Hua comes back, I'll invite you to dinner again. It's a celebration. Their autograph event is also very good this time, especially It belongs to Yu Hua. Because of "Old Books", his "To Live" has been selling very well these days and has already hit the top of the charts. Well, let's put it on the day of the premiere of "Fatal Identity", and then I will organize a You also go to the private room of Bo Cinema, and after watching the movie, we all go to have dinner together."

Yu Dong smiled and nodded to Jimmy, "I'm getting back to this matter for you again."

"Fatal Identity" won't be released until August 24th. Before that, Jimmy asked Dong Dong if he wanted to go to the premiere. At that time, Yu Dong was very hesitant. After all, August 24th was a bit late. After watching the premiere, he returned to China. A little rushed.

Unexpectedly, Jimmy didn't give up, and now he changed the topic to watching the premiere.

Yu Dong thought for a while, then nodded and said, "Okay, I'll meet Spielberg sometime, and then I'll meet Spencer when it's premiere."

"Spielberg? Do you have anything special to do with him?"

"He called me the other day and said he wanted to introduce Zemeckis to me."

Jimmy's mind was still flexible, and he guessed the reason immediately, "Is Zemeckis interested in the right to adapt "Old Book"?"

"That's right." Yu Dong nodded.

"I knew that there were a lot of people who called to ask about "Old Book" during this period, and I was basically taken aback."

"You want to keep our company to take pictures?" Yu Dong asked.

Jimmy shook his head, "No, in fact, I think "Old Book" is made into a movie, and the novel will definitely not be popular. What I think is, wait for a while, and then ferment it, ask for a high price, and give the right to adapt the film and television directly to Sell ​​it and get the money first.”

To put it bluntly, Jimmy believes that making "Old Book" into a movie will definitely make money. After all, the sales volume of the novel is here, but the income may not be very high. It is better to sell the adaptation rights at a high price and start other projects of the company after getting the cash. .

Yu Dong also agrees with Jimmy. "Old Book" is made into a movie. At first glance, it seems that the investment is not too high, but if the copyright fee and screenwriting fee are included, it will be completely different.

The sales volume of "Old Book" is so high now, the film and television adaptation copyright fee and screenwriter's fee will add up, and it will definitely not be able to get it without a few million dollars.

If several million dollars are removed for this part alone, the initial investment for the entire film will be 4000 to [-] million US dollars. With some well-known actors, it is normal for the investment to double, which is already the standard for blockbuster films.

You can't make much money by shooting it yourself, so it's better to sell it and let everyone get some oil on their hands.


When Yu Dong left Jimmy's office, he was holding a script of "Don't Lie to Me" in his hand.

He finally agreed to Jimmy to revise the script himself.

Fortunately, there are not many things he needs to do now, Jimmy and the others have almost written the story, all he has to do is trim it and give some opinions.

In the next week, he played around with Cheng Yanqiu during the day, and revised the script of "Don't Lie to Me" in the hotel at night.

In the middle, he took time to meet with Spielberg and Zemeckis. Yu Dong revealed to them that the film and television adaptation rights of "Old Book" will definitely be sold out, but it will take a while.

Zemeckis also expressed his understanding. Compared with "Old Book", he wanted to get to know Yu Dong more.Eggs may be important, but the hen that lays eggs is even more important, and in the eyes of Zemeckis, Yu Dong is a hen that can lay eggs.

Before "Fatal Identity" was released, Yu Dong gave Jimmy a set of rules for revision of the script that he had compiled.

On the afternoon of the premiere, Yu Dong attended the premiere of "Fatal Identity".

When seeing Yu Dong, Spencer was very happy, after all, Yu Dong had never attended the premiere of other movies before.

And he was lucky enough, before "Fatal Identity" was released, it happened to catch up with the crazy popularity of "Old Book" bestseller.

Because of the popularity of "Old Book", Yu Dong's previous novels also became popular, and "Fatal Identity" was no exception.

At the press conference, when they saw Yu Dong who didn't show up very much, the reporters certainly didn't want to let him go, but they kept asking him questions.

"YU, did the sales figures of "Old Books" exceed your expectations?"

"Where did the inspiration for "Old Book" come from? Is there a prototype?"

"Is it because of the spoof activity that readers did on Valentine's Day before that you will write a novel with the theme of love?"

"You haven't written a story about love before, after this time, will you still write about this kind of subject?"


The reporters had a lot of questions, and Yu Dong could only pick one or two answers. The main reason was that today was the premiere of "Fatal Identity", and he couldn't say too much about "Old Book".

"The story must have a prototype. If you have read my "The Crowd", you should find that there is a lonely old man in it, and there are many books in the house, and the old man in "Old Books" is often this old man. As for the subject matter of writing , My writing has always been very free-flowing, and I don’t stick to what I must write or what I must not write. Whether I will write such stories in the future depends on whether I have any inspiration in this regard.”

After briefly replying to the reporters, Yu Dong added, "Today is the premiere of "Fatal Identity". "Irrelevant question."

Spencer cast a grateful look from the side, YU is still good enough.


After the reception, Yu Dong and the others went to the movies together.

Spencer's level is of course nothing to say, the movie was shot very well, even exceeding Yu Dong's expectations, and it was much better than the version of "Fatal Identity" that Yu Dong had seen, and some possible loopholes were also identified by Spencer. Seth took care of it.

Especially in the scenes in the hotel, the rhythm is very tight, and the lines buried in the middle are also well displayed.

If nothing else, the box office of "Fatal Identity" will definitely not be bad.


The next day, before Yu Dong got on the plane, he threw a document to Jimmy.

That's the outline of the movie script of "Pounding Heartbeat" that he took time to write these days, and it doesn't have many words.

(End of this chapter)

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