Chapter 538 News Day (Third Change)
On September [-]th, the day before the end of the freshmen's military training, Liu Changmin knocked on the door of Yudong's office with a smile.

Yu Dong was writing the script of "Heartbeat", when he heard the knock on the door, he raised his head, saw that it was Liu Changmin, and said with a smile, "Old Liu, what brought you here?"

"There is no wind at all. I came by myself."

Liu Changmin sat down on the sofa and stretched his arms, "I still envy you. I don't have any chores. I'm free. I'm now the counselor of several classes, and there are a lot of trivial things. Students nowadays are much more difficult than before. Come to me no matter what."

"That's not good. If they don't come to you for anything, that's when you should worry about it."

Yu Dong put down his pen, picked up his teacup, went to sit down in front of Liu Changmin.

Liu Changmin hasn't changed much in the past few years, similar to when Yu Dong came to Jinyi. Even the Chinese tunic suit on him is the same style, and Yu Dong even doubts that it is the same one.

"You came here to hide from me? Nothing else?"

Liu Changmin sat up with a smile, "There is one more thing. When I passed by the door just now, Lao Zhou complained to me, saying that the work intensity of their communication room is heavy now. A lot of media reporters come every day, and the tea in their communication room only comes in. Not long after, I was drunk by those reporters again."

"Is he complaining?" Yu Dong said with a smile: "I think he is showing off to you. It's not like you don't know Lao Zhou. If nothing happens every day, he will be unhappy."

"That's right, but it's not a problem that so many reporters want to break into our school every day."

Yu Dong nodded slowly. What Lao Liu said did exist objectively.

Since the release of "Old Book", the tide of reporters that had subsided has risen again, and now at least ten media reporters come to the school every day.

For these reporters, Jinyi is a good place.

Not only can you interview Yu Dong, but you can also interview Yu Hua and the others.

And besides them, some students like Jin Yi are also worth interviewing, such as Qin Yi who has made an appearance in Hollywood, and Lu Xi who filmed "Bring Her Eyes".

Yu Dong tapped the coffee table with his fingers, and pondered: "Old Liu, what's your opinion?"

Liu Changmin did not follow Yu Dong around the corner, and said directly: "My opinion is very simple. Announce a news day to the public, once a week, once a month, or even once a year. In this way, with a fixed date, those reporters There is no reason to come here every day."

"Well, it's a good method, but once a week is too often, and once a year is too long."

"Then once a month?"

Yu Dong thought for a while and said, "Three months, exactly once a quarter, should be enough."

"Once in three months...four times a year." Liu Changmin nodded: "It should be enough. The time has been fixed. What about the form? Every news day, all of you will be interviewed?"

Yu Dong smiled: "All of us, this statement is too broad. Whoever has time can accept it. Let's discuss it as much as possible."

Picking up his teacup and taking a sip of water, Yu Dong continued: "Actually, I think that this news day is really not set up just for us. You have to think about it, Lao Liu. They have a few students who have already acted in TV dramas. Among them, Hu Jing and Yan Danchen are still the heroines, if you are lucky, maybe they will become famous this year, and those reporters will come over when they smell it."

"Well, this matter does need to be considered."

"That's right, we can't always let students come forward for interviews, but we can't always keep them covered, so we leave a press day for them."

"I didn't expect this, but you are thoughtful."

Speaking of Hu Jing and the others, Liu Changmin laughed again, "As soon as you came back, you rectified the style of study for the acting major. This matter has spread to my ears. The students were already afraid of you, and I think they will be even more afraid of you in the future. .”

Yu Dong himself had heard about this, and he didn't expect that what he said to Yan Danchen would actually have the effect of rectifying the style of study.

"Don't look at them as grown-ups, but children nowadays have small minds. If we teachers don't give them guidance, it's easy to go astray. Especially in the performing arts industry, good and evil are mixed, there are many temptations, and there are many temptations. It's easy."

"I agree with your idea, but there is one thing you have to think about. Not everyone can control it. If someone becomes famous and really swells up, they may not listen to your words."

Yu Dong smiled and said, "I have a contract."

Liu Changmin patted his head: "That's right, besides being their teacher, you are also their boss."

Jinyi's students, as long as they are filming the Shenkong Company, have a contract with Shenkong. The contract is not long or harsh, but it is also somewhat binding.

If someone really became famous and someone was willing to help them terminate the contract with Shen Kong, Yu Dong actually didn't care.

Deep space needs actors, but there is absolutely no shortage of actors.

If any actor went astray, Yu Dong would be the first to kick them out, not to mention that they themselves wanted to terminate the contract.

"Okay." Liu Changmin patted his legs and stood up. "That's it. I'll go to Fu Jing and tell them to let their foreign news team implement this matter. The specific time of the news day will be opened later." We will discuss it. If you have any comments or suggestions on time, please tell me or Fu Jing in advance. "

Yu Dong pressed his hand towards him, "Sit down, Lao Liu, just as you came over, I have something to tell you."

"What's the matter?" Liu Changmin sat down again.

"Deep Space wants to set up a branch company specializing in visual design. You have experience in this area. What I mean is, you pick some students and set up a studio to cooperate with this new company."

Liu Changmin was also interested, "Visual design? Is there a specific client?"

"There is no specific client, but the business of this new company must come from the head office in a short period of time. You know a little about the current business of Deep Space, which mainly focuses on books, film and television, and computers. Therefore, your studio After the establishment, we need to focus on these three directions.”

Liu Changmin said with a smile: "Then the scope is wide, especially the two fields of film and television, which involve a lot of things. Fortunately, some students have experience in film and television. After all, they have also worked with your company on film and television before. We have cooperated. But the computer is too new, and there is not much to learn from.”

"Well, this is indeed the case. But I still believe in your ability, Lao Liu. In addition, Wang Kuo from Gongmei 91 is in this new company, and he will also be in touch with your studio in the future."

Liu Changmin nodded, he was very impressed with Wang Kuo as a student.

This kid is a thorn in the head, and he likes to carry his burdens, but his professional ability is really good, especially his business insight is very keen.Before they went to the United States to participate in the prop design of "Second World", it was Wang Kuo who proposed the joint model of Nike and mobile phone case.

At that time, because of the mobile phone case, Nike harvested a wave, allowing the film to get 200 million US dollars in advertising fees.

Spielberg also wanted to poach Wang Kuo because of this, but Wang Kuo didn't agree to go at that time.

After thinking about it for a while, Liu Changmin asked, "Does President Wu know about this?"

Yu Dong shook his head, "Old Wu doesn't know yet. If you have no objections here, I'll tell him. This is a good thing for you and the school. Old Wu has no reason to disagree. And with this After the visual design studio, it will also be convenient for the school to set up a major in visual communication.”

"That's true. President Wu can't disagree. Okay, I'm sure I won't have any objections."

"Okay, I'll talk to Old Wu later, and then let the company send someone to discuss the details with you. After the chat, you can start recruiting."


After Liu Changmin left, Yu Dong went back to sit behind the desk.

The visual design company was proposed by him. He met Li Xiaobo's cousin-in-law Liang Kewen at Li Xiaobo's house before, which gave him such an idea. He also invited Liang Kewen to set up the company this time.

Although this visual design company is independent, it still serves the head office. Just like what Yu Dong told Liu Changmin just now, the main direction of this company is also the book, film and television and computer industries.

It will be like a needle and thread, connecting these industries of Deep Space Corporation.

Just like the collaboration between Nike and mobile phone cases before, there will definitely be many collaborations between various industries in deep space in the future.

In addition to this, Yu Dong also wanted to cultivate some talents for Jinyi, so Liu Changmin was asked to lead a team to form a studio to connect with this new company.


On September [-]th, Teacher's Day, Huo Jianqi came to Jinyi the day after the military training for Jinyi freshmen.

As soon as he saw Yu Dong, he smiled and apologized, "I'm sorry, Mr. Yu, today is Teacher's Day, and I came here to disturb you."

Yu Dong smiled and said, "It's okay. For us, Teacher's Day is not much different from usual. The meeting that should be held has already been held in the morning. I don't have anything to do in the afternoon. It just so happens that you come, let's chat."

In fact, compared to Teacher's Day, today is still a more important day for Dong, but since Huo Jian wanted to come, he didn't refuse.

The meeting with Huo Jianqi was talked about during the summer vacation, and the two of them didn't meet until today.

Huo Jianqi has been wanting to meet Yu Dong ever since he read the script of "That Mountain That Man That Dog".

He Youkang told him before that for this movie, Yu Dong would personally appoint the protagonist, and he wanted to know what kind of protagonist Yu Dong chose.

Yu Dong also knew what Huo Jianqi was thinking, so he didn't waste time, first took him to the next door to find Cui Xinqin, and then the three of them went to the playground together.

"They don't have class this afternoon, this kid must be on the basketball court."

As the class teacher who performed 96, Cui Xinqin knew the habits of the students very well.

And the fact was as she expected, when the three of them arrived at the basketball court, Liu Ye was patting the ball for a layup.

 There are three updates today, and each update is more than 3000 words, which adds up to nearly [-] characters!

(End of this chapter)

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