Chapter 546 Amazing skills (first update, please subscribe)
It was a small person, appearing on a white base cloth.

This villain first appeared on the east side of the white cloth. The human form is not exquisite, it is just an ordinary stick figure, which can be roughly recognized by the audience as a person.

Of course, that's enough.

Just when people were guessing what the appearance of this villain meant, the villain moved.

Yes, he moved.

As if coming alive, the villain slowly ran from the east to the middle.

The audience couldn't help exclaiming: "How did this happen?"

In fact, most people know the principle, but the people in the queue change the color of the cloth in their hands to form different puzzles. The changes in the puzzles give people the illusion that the little people are moving, just like cartoons.

The earliest cartoons were nothing more than using pieces of paper-cut to form frames.

It's just that although the audience knows the principle, they feel incredible that they can achieve the effect in front of them.

Of course, the villain is not only as simple as moving, but soon two villains appeared in other places. After the first villain came to the middle, the other two villains also ran towards this side, and finally the three villains People gather at the central point and merge into a small person.

The fused villain is bigger and clearer.

The villain bowed his head.

At his feet, a stick-like thing appeared. He bent down to pick it up, and then waved it a few times.

After these few clicks, starting from the side of the villain, the surrounding white color began to change, and other colors began to appear.

It was not until these colors spread to the entire "canvas" that the audience saw clearly that it was a woman standing sideways.

Those who are familiar with the history of Jinyi can also understand the meaning of this painting. When Jinyi was still in the Shanghai Academy of Fine Arts, there was a "luo female model" incident in Jinyi. There was a particularly famous photo, which was a luo nude model. Standing up for a photo with the students.

Hearing the exclamation of the audience outside, Zhang Xian laughed very satisfied. The effect of this opening ceremony is indeed very good.

But Zhang Yimou narrowed his eyes and muttered: "There are still fewer people, and the picture presented is rough."

Bi Feiyu on the other side couldn't help but shook his head. The old Mouzi had too high requirements for the picture, and they felt that the effect was very good now.

No matter how many people there are, the playground is so big that it can't be opened at all.

Even if it can be set up, it is too difficult to rehearse with so many people and such a complicated dynamic picture.

As far as the current picture is concerned, they don't know how many times they have to arrange it to have such an effect. There are too many things that students need to remember, and mistakes are inevitable.

In fact, just now, some students also made mistakes, wrong color of cloth.

Fortunately, there are only a few of them, and the overall picture has not been affected.


On the rostrum, the leaders of other schools were shocked by this series of operations.

The opening ceremony of the school sports meeting, can you still play like this?

You may not be able to feel it while standing below, but the people on the rostrum can see it most clearly. They feel that the field is a huge movie curtain, and a smooth cartoon is being played for them.

Moreover, this cartoon fit perfectly with the history of Jinyi.

Is this the power of a great director?

"I heard that Yu Dong participated in this idea." Cheng Liye said from the side.

Qu Jinyue said with a smile: "My father-in-law is still my father-in-law, and I don't forget to give credit to my son-in-law."

"Haha, Old Cheng is right. This idea was first proposed by Yu Dong. Yu Dong really has a lot of ideas, but it's a pity that he didn't participate too much in the opening ceremony, otherwise it must be better. "Wu Changxin said.

"Principal Wu, please be content. It is unprecedented that the opening ceremony of the school sports meeting can be done like this. I am afraid there will be no one in the future. I really can't think about what a school's opening ceremony should be like to be able to Better than this."

Wu Changxin smiled: "There are still exciting things to come, let's continue watching."

The "animation" performance lasted for 10 minutes, showing some important events in the history of Jinyi School.

After the end, the queue slowly spread out, followed by some individual programs.

Each program is not long, they represent the various majors of Jinyi, and they will be performed one by one in the order of major opening.

In the original school sports meeting, each class had a phalanx link, but this year the phalanx link was waived, and it was directly replaced by programs from various majors.

At the end, the audience emptied out, and a girl walked to the center. When she got to the center, a song rang out from the speakers, it was the song "I Love My Alma Mater for Tens of Thousands of Years".

The students who had just finished the performance gradually came up and sang along with her.

Listening to the clear and loud singing, Qu Jinyue looked at Wu Changxin in surprise, "The equipment in your school has such a good radio reception? This song sounds very clear, with almost no noise."

Wu Changxin didn't hide it: "It was recorded in advance."

"Oh I got it."

In fact, Zhang Yimou wanted the students to sing a chorus live, but after many attempts, the effect was not working. After all, it is an open-air playground, and the school's recording and playback equipment can't keep up. If they sing live, the effect cannot be guaranteed at all.

In the end, I had no choice but to record the chorus in the auditorium first.


Until 44:1997, all the performances ended. Wu Changxin said to the microphone: "I announce that the opening ceremony of the [-] Jinling Academy of Arts Autumn Games has officially ended, and the official competition will start next. I wish all athletes can participate in this sports meeting." Get good grades."

As Wu Changxin's voice ended, the audience burst into warm cheers, and most of these cheers came from the students who participated in the opening ceremony.

Zhang Yimou looked at the two watches on his left and right hands, and said with a smile, "That's right, 85 minutes and 32 seconds, the task has been successfully completed."

Different from his calmness, the students at the master console were already hugging each other excitedly.

One student, who was probably too excited, wanted to come over to hug Yu Dong, but he already opened his arms, and retracted them embarrassingly.

Seeing him like this, Yu Dong took the initiative to go up and pat him on the shoulder, "You're doing well."

Then he said loudly amidst the surprised expressions of the students: "Everyone, you have worked hard this time. Director Zhang invites everyone to dinner tonight. The braised pork in the cafeteria is enough!"

"Yeah, long live Director Zhang!"

"Long live the braised pork!"

Amidst the cheers, the three of Yu Dong and the others also walked to Zhang Yimou, and Zhang Xian said with a smile: "From now on, all of us at Jinling Academy of Art will remember this opening ceremony, and we will definitely remember the one-handed director. You at the opening ceremony."

Zhang Yimou smiled: "In the past month, so many people have cooperated with me to complete this performance, and I will remember this opening ceremony. It is also a rather special beginning for me."

The four chatted for a while, and Wu Changxin also brought the leaders of other schools to the main console to express congratulations and thanks to Zhang Yimou.Everyone also wanted to get to know the director Zhang Yimou, and some leaders even said that they hoped to invite Zhang Yimou to hold a similar event for them if they had the opportunity.

Zhang Yimou also expressed his refusal. There are various factors for Jin Yi to arrange the opening ceremony. He may direct such activities as the opening ceremony in the future, but he should not arrange for a certain school again.




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(End of this chapter)

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