Chapter 549 What a pity, what a pity (second update)
After "Bring Her Eyes" was released in the United States, the box office in the first ten days was really mediocre.

However, Jimmy was not particularly worried. The reason why the film's early box office was unsatisfactory was mainly related to the schedule.

It was Halloween a few days ago, which was not a good time, and on such a day, movies like "Take Her Eyes" are not pleasant.

It's just that due to various factors before, the file was finally set during this period.

The reason why Jimmy is not worried is because "Bring Her Eyes" still has some stamina. Although it has been released for more than ten days, the daily box office and attendance are very good, and some places have begun to adjust the film schedule. up.

The cost of this film is only US$600 million, which is already very low for a sci-fi film. The box office in North America exceeded 500 million, and the producer can basically recoup its cost, because it will be released in other countries in the future.

Of course, China's box office has nothing to do with the producer, because it has been bought out by Deep Space Corporation.

This time, Spielberg asked people to discuss the approval of the film. They won the copyright fee of "Bring Her Eyes" from Universal for 12 US dollars, and then Deep Space China took over for 19 US dollars.

The middle price difference is 60.00 US dollars, and Spielberg accounts for 4%, which is [-] US dollars.

This amount of money does not seem to be much to Spielberg, but Spielberg doesn't need to do anything. He only needs to let his men travel around the world, and the more than 4 US dollars will be obtained.

And it's only the first opening of the Spielberg-Deep Space venture, so the appetite isn't huge.

Here, after Deep Space China gets the copyright for 19 US dollars, it will be released in China, and it will get 30.00% of the total box office.

After removing miscellaneous expenses, Deep Space China can get 20.00% of the box office.

As long as the box office of "Bring Her Eyes" in China can exceed 500 million, Deep Space China will make money.


On the night of the premiere, Deep Space Chinese Network released a survey report with the theme: How would you rate "Bring Her Eyes".

As of 4000:8.6 a.m. the next day, the investigation report was launched for [-] hours, and it received feedback from more than [-] netizens. These more than [-] netizens gave "Bring Her Eyes" a high score of [-].

Such a high score is of course because there are many sci-fi fans on the website, and many of them are also fans of Liu Cixin, so their scores are very subjective. This is also where the questionnaire is not perfect.

However, Deep Space originally issued this questionnaire to promote the movie, so it is not perfect, and the website does not care whether it is subjective or not.

Of course, this questionnaire is not only for the promotion of "Bring Her Eyes", but also has another important purpose, which is to test the water.

Deep space Chinese website belongs to the deep space computer network company, and now the deep space computer network company wants to build a website like imdb, which specializes in collecting audio and video data.

It is worth mentioning that, in the first half of the year, imdb was acquired by Amazon, which is owned by Deep Space Holdings. Jiang Jie, the general manager of Deep Space Computer Network, was inspired by imdb and wanted to build a similar website.

This matter has been brewing for more than a month, and this time I took advantage of the release of "Bring Her Eyes" to test the waters.

The results of testing the waters are very good, and netizens are very interested in this kind of thing.

In the office, Jiang Jie looked at the rising data, with a smile on his lips. He was already thinking about the name of the new website.

"Jingle Bell--"

The phone on the desk rang, Jiang Jie glanced at it, it was an internal line.

"Hello, Xiao Chen."

Xiao Chen is his secretary.

"Mr. Jiang, I have a call for you."


"The other party claims to be the boss of Yanjing Jinwang Health Products Co., Ltd."

Jiang Jie squinted his eyes, unable to remember that he had any interaction with the other party, "Come in first."

The call came in quickly, and the other party heard the call connected, and said with a hearty smile: "Mr. Jiang, I am Qian Yongfu from Jinwang Healthcare. It's a pleasure to meet you."

Jiang Jie smiled and said, "Hello Mr. Qian, I don't know what business Mr. Qian wants from me?"

"Mr. Jiang, I'm looking for you to discuss cooperation."


"That's right, our company's products are being promoted, and we hope to borrow your company's platform."

It was supposed to be an advertisement.

With more and more registered netizens on Shenkong, its influence is getting wider and wider, and many merchants have noticed their website.

Some merchants choose to go in and promote themselves, such as registering an account, and then posting advertising information everywhere. As long as it is not excessive, the official will not stop it.

There are also some companies, which are larger, hope to cooperate with the website and let the website help them promote.

Jinwang Health Care Products Co., Ltd. is not the first company to approach Jiang Jie. Although Jiang Jie is very moved, he remembers the company's current policies clearly, so he politely declined: "Sorry, Mr. Qian, our website does not have any As for the plan to recruit advertisers, you should have noticed that we haven't helped to promote any company's products until now."

"I know this, but I think it's a pity that such a good platform such as the Deep Space Chinese Website is not used."

Of course, Qian Yongfu had studied the Deep Space Chinese Website before making this call, but he still wanted to try it. Before Jiang Jie could respond, he continued: "I know your company's doubts, but what I want to say is, If the product promoted is very good and beneficial to the people, then this advertisement will not only not affect the reputation of the website, but may also greatly improve the image of the website in the hearts of netizens. If possible, I would like to briefly introduce our company to Mr. Jiang The product."

"Mr. Qian, I advise you not to waste this time. Our website is indeed strictly controlled in this area. No matter how good your product is, we will not accept it now."

"Now?" Qian Yongfu keenly grasped the point.

"That's right, we don't accept any advertising cooperation for the time being, and we will definitely let it go in the future. As for when, I can't give you an answer."

Qian Yongfu still didn't give up, and continued to fight: "Can you take the time to meet with me? I'm in Shanghai now, and I can arrive in Jinling this afternoon."

Jiang Jie was in a bit of a dilemma. It's not that he didn't want to help Qian Yongfu, but this matter was really out of his hands.

After pondering for a while, Jiang Jie said: "Well, let me make an appointment with Mr. Yu from the headquarters. If he wants to meet you, you can talk to him."

"Okay, okay, thank you, Mr. Jiang please convey it for me, even if we don't talk about advertising cooperation, we can still meet and make friends."


Yu Yu heard that Qian Yongfu was very persistent, so he agreed to meet.

Although he did not agree to Qian Yongfu's advertising cooperation in the end, the chat was still speculative, and he agreed to cooperate when there is a chance in the future.

Qian Yongfu sat in Yuyou's office for more than an hour, and then left.


Liu Weiqiang arrived in Jinling after lunch. After resting in the hotel for a while, he took a taxi to Shenkong Company.

As soon as he entered the building, Liu Weiqiang saw a very imposing middle-aged man in a black coat walking towards him.

Seeing Liu Weiqiang looking at him, the middle-aged man smiled and nodded towards Liu Weiqiang, and then the two passed each other.

Liu Weiqiang couldn't help turning his head to look again.

The middle-aged man walked to the door of the building, and a Mercedes-Benz car drove over. The driver ran out to open the door for the middle-aged man, and then the middle-aged man flipped his coat and got into the car.

When the car drove away slowly, Liu Weiqiang was still standing there.

The moment the middle-aged man got into the car just now, Liu Weiqiang seemed to see the black boss Han Chen, his image and temperament were too similar.

"It's a pity, a pity."

Judging by this momentum, you can tell that he is not an ordinary person, otherwise Liu Weiqiang really hopes that he will play Han Chen.

During this period of time, Liu Weiqiang was tortured by the casting, and he came here this time to talk about it.

 Thank you [Fairy Sword Fan] for the 100 reward
(End of this chapter)

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