Chapter 552 Yan Nanfei (first update)
Qian Yongfu's car had even left the Jinling area, but after receiving Yu Dong's call, he still chose to turn around and go back.

This time, Yu Dong didn't mention it, but he took the initiative.

When he heard that Yu Dong also wanted him to play Han Chen, his heart was shaken all of a sudden.

It was past four o'clock when Qian Yongfu arrived at Jinyi, and Yu Dong was chatting with Zhang Yimou about the script of "Golden Dreamland".

Just as Yu Dong called Qian Yongfu, Zhang Yimou came over.

Uncle Zhou led Qian Yongfu to the door and shouted, "Teacher Yu, I brought you the guests."

When Yu Dong opened the door and went out, Uncle Zhou had already left, and Qian Yongfu stood at the door alone.

Yu Dong smiled and invited Qian Yongfu in, "I'm really sorry, I should go out to pick you up."

Qian Yongfu said with a smile: "Where is it, the doorman sent me in, it is considerate enough."

As he said that, he saw Zhang Yimou again, and said unexpectedly, "This is Zhang Yimou, director Zhang."

Zhang Yimou also greeted with a smile, "Hello."

Yu Dong explained: "Director Zhang has been with me for a while, and I'm talking about a script."

"Mr. Wai, why don't I go back first and you talk to Mr. Qian?" Zhang Yimou said.

Yu Dong smiled and waved his hands: "It's okay, we're just talking about "Infernal Affairs", don't you know everything about it? When this movie is filmed, I still want you to go to the crew for a few days."

Yu Dong had already thought about Zhang Yimou and the crew of "Infernal Affairs".

Both Zhang Yimou and Liu Weiqiang were born in photography and have strong professional skills, but their styles are very different.

Yu Dong thought, when the time comes, he will arrange an art consultant for Zhang Yimou on the crew of "Infernal Affairs".He said he was an art consultant, but he actually asked Zhang Yimou to see how Liu Weiqiang made movies, learn from them, and learn from each other.

Although Lao Mouzi is so old, in Yu Dong's opinion, he still has a lot to learn, and the most important thing is that he can learn it himself.

"Okay, I'll learn." Zhang Yimou nodded and sat down again.

While pouring water for Qian Yongfu, Yu Dong said with a smile: "Mr. Qian, your car should have traveled quite a distance. I want to talk to you about this on the phone first. If there is a chance, I will visit you at the door. Yes, I didn't expect you to be so polite and come back specially."

Qian Yongfu took the teacup and said with a smile: "No one else has the opportunity to meet Mr. Yu. Now that I have this opportunity, of course I have to seize it. Let alone the car has already left Jinling, even if we arrive in Yanjing, I will Will drive back without saying a word.”

It has to be said that Qian Yongfu is indeed a businessman. In a simple sentence, he complimented Yu Dong a lot, and then said calmly that his car had already left Jinling, and it was not easy to come back.

Yu Dong followed his words and said: "I remember Mr. Qian's love. It's getting late now, so I won't waste time. After talking about the script, let's go out for dinner together. By the way, I will also introduce some friends to you."

"I can't ask for it."


In fact, Yu Dong didn't need to talk too hard about the script with Qian Yongfu, because Qian Yongfu already knew the story, and now that he can come back, it proves that he has changed his mind about playing Han Chen.

That's right, he did swear before that he would never set foot in the film and television industry again.

But people will change, and this change needs an opportunity.

Now, when Yu Dong called himself, the opportunity came.

Even if it is said in the future, the general manager of Deep Space China and Yu Dong have invited each other twice, which is justified.

With this step, this step is naturally much easier.

However, Yu Dong's explanation of the script directly nailed Qian Yongfu to this script, because Yu Dong told Qian Yongfu the plot of the second part. In the second part, the role of Han Chen is more abundant , more three-dimensional.

To put it bluntly, it is even more brilliant.

After finishing the script, Yu Dong said sincerely: "This afternoon, Yu Yu called me and told me about you. At that time, I thought it would be great to have Mr. Qian play the role of Han Chen. After we met, I became more determined about this idea. I saw a kind of big brother temperament in you, of course, when I said big brother, I didn't mean the underworld big brother. "

"I understand." Qian Yongfu nodded with a smile, "Actually, I don't have the temperament of a big brother. I am a person who likes to play tricks. On the surface, I am quite bluffing. In fact, after getting along for a long time, I know what kind of big brother I am. , It’s just a rough guy. On the contrary, Mr. Yu, who doesn’t show off his mountains and doesn’t show his water, has real materials in his belly.”

"Then Mr. Qian, this..."

"Don't always call Mr. Qian and Mr. Qian. Call me Old Qian, or Brother Qian if you don't mind. I'm 54 this year."

"Okay, Brother Qian."

In fact, Qian Yongfu is in his 50s, it is really hard to see that he is well maintained, and he looks like he is in his 40s.

"Okay, okay." Qian Yongfu clapped his palms and said with a smile: "Brother Yu has already talked about this, if I don't agree, then I will also be Hua Tuo shaking his head, there is no hope."

Hearing Qian Yongfu's promise, Yu Dong raised his teacup, "Then let's replace wine with tea and celebrate the happy cooperation together."

Qian Yongfu laughed: "Don't replace wine with tea, I will treat you to dinner tonight, let's drink for real."

"No, in Jinling, how can I let you treat me."

"I'm older than you, and that's all right."


In the end, it was Yu Dong who treated the guests to dinner, and he also called Yu Liang, Liu Weiqiang, Wang Hailin, Zhang Xian, and Zhang Yimou.

The cooperation between Deep Space and Qian Yongfu will definitely not be the only one.

Haiyan's novel "Never Close My Eyes" has been written, and the manuscript is now on the spare desk. It is preparing for publication in the near future, and it will be published smoothly in the first half of next year.

At that time, TV dramas will definitely be filmed, and Yu Dong has already reserved the role of drug lord Ouyang Tian for Qian Yongfu.

Qian Yongfu has a bright personality and loves to drink. Everyone had a good atmosphere during the banquet.

When he was happy with the drink, Qian Yongfu sang another song "Flying Yan Nan" live, but his eyes blurred while singing.

Later, Yu Dong found out that Qian Yongfu had been a soldier. He was in the art troupe at first, and then he left the company and went to the front line of the war. I like to hear him sing the song "The Yan Nan Fly".


In the evening, we had dinner at the Jinling Hotel. Liu Weiqiang returned to the room in a daze after drinking, and the phone rang just as soon as he lay down.

"Hello, who is it?"

"Director Liu, I, Zeng Zhiwei."

Hearing that it was Zeng Zhiwei, Liu Weiqiang was mostly sober.

He was a little puzzled, why Zeng Zhiwei would look for him at this time.

"Mr. Zeng, what do you want from me?"

"I heard that Deep Space Company is going to make a movie, and I would like to ask if there is any chance of cooperation." Zeng Zhiwei said straight to the point.

Liu Weiqiang rolled his heavy eyelids. Sure enough, in a place like Xiangjiang, news spreads quickly.

"Infernal Affairs" has never been announced to the public, but Zeng Zhiwei has already got the news.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Zeng, I'm afraid you have to discuss this matter with Deep Space Corporation."

"You're the director, Wei Qiang, you can't decide the role selection?"

Liu Weiqiang wondered: "It's really not possible."

The other side paused for a while, and then said, "Then give me Yu Dong's phone number, and I'll talk to him."

Hearing Zeng Zhiwei's natural tone, for some reason, Liu Weiqiang suddenly felt a little funny.

It seems that from Zeng Zhiwei's point of view, he can chat with Yu Dong if he wants to.Zeng Zhiwei has stayed in Xiangjiang for too long, and he doesn't know enough about the world today.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Zeng, I drank some wine tonight, and I'm a little drunk. I really can't talk to you too much. If you want to talk to Shenkong, I can give you the phone number of their company's general manager Yu Zong. "

Zeng Zhiwei pondered and said, "Alright, you can give me the phone number of their general manager first."

"Well, just remember."

 Thank you [Snow Sky] for the 500 reward
(End of this chapter)

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