Chapter 561 Dongjiao (Second Change)
After the transaction was completed, the poster announced in the post that the book had been sold and no further quotations would be accepted.

Of course, apart from Yu Dong, there is no other real offer.

Seeing the news of the poster, some people said that Yu Dong was a trustee, and some people said that Yu Dong was a fool.

[Zhang Yanxu: Brother Dong Yudao, if this book exceeds ten yuan, you will lose money. 】

[The fragrance of books is overflowing: This person is in the same group as the poster. 】

[Master Ronald: It should not be a group. I have known Lao Dong for a long time. The one who was in the "Yu Dong Hunting Group" before is an old friend, but he rarely comes out recently. 】

[Huang Shanglei: Brother, you are so confused! 】

[Jin Kefan: You said that the official post has not been deleted for such a long time, does it prove that this book is true? 】

[Twins in the Fog City: At first, I believed it a little bit, but the poster said that the book has been delivered to the buyer. I don't believe it. It didn't even arrive for an hour. 】

[Love to eat washing powder: Maybe it's such a coincidence that they live close to each other. 】

[Flying Big Clumsy Bear: I think the team leader is right, maybe it's true? 】


Seeing Jin Kefan's reply, Yu Dong smiled. Jin Keke knew [Dong Yudao] was him, so that's why he said that, but the girl was quite strict and never revealed his identity.

As for why the official didn’t delete the post, it’s not because of Yu Dong, but because the official is not sure whether the book is true or not. For this kind of post, the official will only remind everyone to pay attention to beware of being cheated, and will not delete the post directly.


"Old Zhang, you leave work so early today."

"Nothing, just come back first."

East China Normal University, faculty and staff apartment, Zhang Zuohai answered the neighbor with a smile, opened the door and entered the house.

It was only after four o'clock in the afternoon, and his wife hadn't left work yet. Zhang Zuohai first cleaned his teacup, poured himself a glass of boiled water, and went to the study.

Before making dinner, he planned to check the Deep Space Chinese website first.

Zhang Zuohai is a professor of the Chinese Department of East China Normal University. He usually does not have many classes, which are basically the minimum class hours of the school. The rest of the time is used for related research.

Since the beginning of this year, he has had a new research object——Yu Dong, a great writer who has become popular in recent years.

Since Yu Dong became famous, there have been many people studying Yu Dong in the academic world, but Zhang Zuohai is different from others. Once he studies a writer, it will take a long time, at least three to five years.

How long this research on Yu Dong will last depends on how long Yu Dong can maintain his creative state.

Another difference between Zhang Zuohai and others is that once he studies a writer, he only studies that one writer during that period of time, and will not allocate his energy to study other writers at all.

So from the beginning of the year to the present, for ten months, Zhang Zuohai has been studying Yu Dong alone.

If you want to study a writer for a long time, you need to do a good job in the preliminary preparations. In the past ten months, he has collected a lot of materials related to Yu Dong, including many materials related to Yu Dong's daily life, such as birthplace and family environment. , education experience and other information.

Although Yu Dong is a celebrity, it is not easy to collect these things. Zhang Zuohai got a lot of information from the Deep Space Chinese website.

Sometimes he also feels that the ability of netizens to collect information is better than that of a professor like him.

In addition, there is another difficulty in studying Yu Dong, that is, Yu Dong is too prolific.

The high yield of research objects is of course a good thing for Zhang Zuohai's research. With more samples, his research can be better supported.But the preparatory work in the early stage has become very difficult because of Yu Dong's high yield.

If you want to study Yu Dong thoroughly, among other things, first of all, you must read all of Yu Dong's works.

As for Yu Dong's works, they are numerous in number and wide in type, including novels, essays, scripts, essays and even poems. It takes him a lot of time just to read all these things.

The computer turned on and the website landed.

Zhang Zuohai saw the official post hanging on the top at a glance, clicked in and took a look, and couldn't help laughing, it turned out that someone wanted to deceive people by relying on the collection of books in "Old Books", but the details were not done well and it was found to be fake .

"Now, everyone has everything."

Zhang Zuohai muttered, manipulated the mouse to scroll down, and then saw a post about selling Mr. Chang's collection.

"Another liar?"

With doubts, Zhang Zuohai clicked into the post to have a look, and saw the picture posted by the poster.

He read it over and over several times, but couldn't tell if it was true or not.

Although the seal on the book cover looked bright, he didn't think it could be used to judge the authenticity.Although this book is more than ten years old, if the seal was relatively deep at that time and the subsequent preservation was not bad, it could have such a state.

And the picture is not particularly clear, many details can not be seen.

Not to mention, there is no Mr. Chang's handwriting in this book at all, and there is too little effective information to determine the authenticity.

Most of the netizens didn't believe it, some scolded directly, while others were joking.

Zhang Zuohai slowly pulled it down, and when he pulled it to the back, he found that the poster said that the book had been sold, and the buyer was a netizen named Dong Yudao.

"Dong Yudao."

Zhang Zuohai pushed his glasses, looked for Dong Yudao in the post, and found him soon.

This netizen named Dong Yudao did ask and posted the main email address, and it is very likely that they actually completed the transaction.

Could it be that this book is true?But how did Dong Yudao decide?There is also very little information on the photos.

There are three possibilities. The first one is that Dong Yudao is really a trustee of the poster; the second one is that Dong Yudao is a netizen who has a lot of money; the third one is that Dong Yudao may know some information that others do not.

Thinking of the third possibility, Zhang Zuohai quickly replied under Dong Yudao's reply.

[Zhang Zuohai: Friend, can you give me an email address for a private chat? 】

Yu Dong was cooking in the kitchen at the moment and didn't see Zhang Zuohai's reply, but other netizens saw it.

[Fatty Lizhu: Dong Scholar?You are actually interested in this book? 】

[Young Ronald: I'm going, this book can't be true! 】

[neiges: Dongjiao got off work so early today? 】

【Shadow of Amen: I guess Dongjia just wants to communicate with Old Dong. 】

[It's the first time we met: Yes, yes, Dongjia and Lao Dong have a chat. 】

[Shangguan Luojun: Old Dong doesn't know where he is now, and he didn't reply to our comments. 】

[The ubiquitous chubby: Just ask if you don’t understand, what does this Dongjiao mean? 】

[Master Ronald: Fatty, you are also in the Eastern circle, and you don’t even know about Eastern scholars? 】

[The ubiquitous Fatty: Then tell me. 】

[Ronald Shao: A scholar who specializes in studying Teacher Yu Dong, referred to as Dong Scholar. 】

【Chasing stars is falling in love: Is this Zhang Zuohai a scholar? 】

[Shangguan Luojun: Haha, we don’t know, but Teacher Zhang usually likes to ask Teacher Yu Dong for information. He wants all the information, and he will research it very seriously, so we call him Dong Scholar. 】

[Star chasing is falling in love: Then I’m considered half a Dongke scholar. I’ve paid attention to Dongke. If you don’t know anything about Mr. Zhang, you can ask me. I even know how old Yu Dong was when he wore crotch pants. 】

[Young Ronald: Damn, do you really know? 】




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(End of this chapter)

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