Chapter 563 Boom Boom (first update)
After Zhang Zuohai contacted Dong Yudao, whenever he had any questions related to "Old Books", he would send an email to ask them.

On Yu Dong's side, as long as he has time, he will usually come back.

The two chatted for about a week, and Yu Dong received an email from Zhang Zuohai, but this email did not ask about "Old Book", but mentioned the deep space instant messaging software.

[Brother Yudao, the website is recruiting for an internal test recently, have you participated? 】

When Yu Dong saw this email, he had just taken Yu Hua and the others to choose the number.

The instant messaging software developed by Deep Space finally uses Dongdong as the software name, and the abbreviation is DD.

At the beginning, Yu Dong thought about calling everyone to come up with a more elegant name. Some employees proposed some names according to Yu Dong’s thinking, such as removing Hongyan from Hongyan’s biography, and even making the logo into Hongyan. Come to a package, and there are similar flying pigeons and the like.

But then Jimmy suggested, don't make it too complicated, it must be simple and catchy.

Everyone chose to choose, and they chose Dongdong.

Dongdong is the message notification tone of the software, which simulates the sound of knocking on the door. It is simple, easy to remember, and catchy.

The reason why Jimmy finally decided on the name "Dongdong" is also because "Dongdong" sounds a bit like "Dongdong", which is similar to the name of Yu Dong, the boss of the company.

As for the logo, it is a blue dove that has just spread its wings.

Dongdong will start the internal test next week, so it has been recruiting netizens to participate in the internal test on the website recently.

There are [-] places for this internal test, which will last for two to three months, and the public test will not be opened until early next year.

Netizens have shown enough enthusiasm for this instant messaging software. As of today, when Yu Dong and the others selected the official internal beta user recruitment post, nearly [-] netizens have signed up to participate.

Of course, Yu Dong and the others have the priority for this internal test, so Yu Dong arranged quotas for Yu Hua and the others. Before the official start of the internal test, they were asked to choose "pretty numbers" by themselves, except for numbers like 666666, which cannot be consecutive numbers. Except for the choice, the other six digits are up to them to choose.

Yu Hua took the lead and chose 123456. Bi Feiyu followed closely and chose 654321. Basically, they chose consecutive numbers.

Cheng Yanqiu chose 556517, and when everyone asked her why she chose this string of numbers, she just laughed and said nothing.

After Yu Hua and the others left, Cheng Yanqiu told Yu Dong that this was the numbered numbered notation of "Happy Birthday to You", and this was also the first piano piece Yu Dong played to her.

As for Yu Dong himself, he and Cheng Yanqiu's wedding anniversary was used: 950910.

Looking at Zhang Zuohai's email, of course Yu Dong couldn't tell him that he already had a Dongdong account, but he just replied: I have participated, and I don't know if I can be drawn.

[Zhang Zuohai: Haha, I also participated. I heard that this instant messaging software is very easy to use, and communication is much faster than email.However, there are quite a lot of people participating, twenty to thirty thousand, and the chance of being drawn is less than one-tenth. Moreover, if we want to communicate, we must have Dongdong at the same time. In this way, the chance is less than one percent.And it's not over yet, I don't know how many people will sign up in the future. 】

[Dong Yudao: Haha, Mr. Zhang, although you are from the Chinese Department, you are quite good at probability theory.But didn’t the official say that it’s not purely based on the probability, but also depends on the user’s activity on the website. They are internal testing, so naturally they hope to find some who spend a long time online. Your online time is still quite a lot, so the probability is much higher. Everyone is big. 】

【Zhang Zuohai: Thank you for your good words. 】

[Dong Yudao: I look forward to chatting with you with Dongdong. 】

【Zhang Zuohai: Haha, me too. 】


In fact, Dongdong is not the only instant messaging software that Chinese netizens can choose, because icq has entered the Chinese market after a period of development, but not many netizens use icq. Some people would rather use email to communicate than icq.

The reason for this situation is that icq is very unfriendly to Chinese netizens. The most criticized point is that icq stores user content and friends list on the client computer.

This problem may not be obvious to Americans, because the computer penetration rate in the United States is already quite high, and many people have their own computers.

But in China, this problem is magnified infinitely, because many people do not have their own computers.

The number of Chinese netizens has increased rapidly in the past two years, a large part of which is due to the presence of Internet cafes.

Since Jimmy recommended everyone to open an Internet cafe and successfully made a demonstration, Internet cafes have sprung up across the country. Up to now, there are more than [-] Internet cafes across the country.

When Internet cafes first appeared, the cost of using the computer for an hour was as high as 40 yuan, which no one could afford. However, after two years of development, the Internet fee has successfully dropped to about [-] yuan an hour, which is much more accessible to the people.

However, if these netizens use their own icq in Internet cafes, they cannot keep their user content and friend lists.

Just imagine how annoying it would be when they switch to another computer and go online, and their original content and friends list are gone.

In addition, the current domestic Internet bandwidth is basically 14k, 28k, and even 54k is relatively small, but an icq software is close to 5m, and it takes several 10 minutes to download it.

icq can only chat with online friends, there is no offline message function, you cannot add strangers as friends, the chat box and user avatar have no personality...

Since it has nothing, why do you use it? It is better to use a mailbox, at least change a computer, and the previous emails can still be kept.


"Mr. Yu, I still feel that the [-] open test quotas are a bit small."

Deep space company, in the general manager's office, when Yu Yu's newly recruited third assistant took the document for him to sign, he couldn't help but say something.

Yu Yue signed the document, and then looked at the young man in front of him with a smile.

"Oh? Then how much do you think it should be open?"

"Currently nearly 6 people have signed up. If the distribution is based on a ratio of one-twentieth, there should be [-] places open. Moreover, we have tested this software internally for a long time, and it should be fine. We can properly open up more quotas and occupy the market as soon as possible.” The assistant took a breath and continued: “Although we are currently the leader in the computer network in Deep Space, the Internet age is changing rapidly, and maybe tomorrow there will be another one.” A software to compete with us."

After hearing the assistant's words, Yu Yu nodded with a smile, "Indeed, the quota of [-] is a bit small."

Seeing that the general manager agreed with his point of view so quickly, the assistant was a little surprised, "Then general manager, you still..."

"Xiao Zhou, your idea is correct, but you just came here, so there are many things you don't know yet." Yu Yu smiled and asked, "Xiao Zhou, when will we release the internal test quota?"

"At midnight on December 26, the results will be announced on time."

"Then you know, is there anything else going on in our company this day?"

Xiao Zhou thought for a while, his eyes lit up, and he said, "It's the release of "The Tuner" and "Party A and Party B". Mr. Yu, are you saying that there is a connection between these two things..."

"Send this document to Mr. Jiang, they should be busy with it now."

(End of this chapter)

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