Backtracking to the Age of Literature and Art

Chapter 568 It's Too Much To Give

Chapter 568 Gives Too Much (Part [-])
On the morning of January [-]nd, not long after Yu Dong woke up, he received a call from Jimmy. After the call was connected, Jimmy's first words were: "Men in Black's North American annual box office top spot should be lost."

Yu Dong had expected this a long time ago, so he wasn't surprised. Instead, he laughed, "Are you frustrated? Is it because you think you've misjudged yourself?"

"Frustration is not inevitable, but I really didn't expect the movie "Titanic" to have such momentum. Although the box office in the first week was less than half of that of "Men in Black", in the next two weeks, it won However, the single-day box office of "Titanic" has been very strong, and there is already a momentum of big hit. Maybe "Titanic" can do what "Men in Black" failed to do, and kill "Jurassic Park 2" at the global box office. said Jimmy.

"What do you think of the movie?" Yu Dong asked with a smile.

"Of course it's very good. It's very good in all aspects. I won't comment on the plot. The special effects, actors, service, and music of the whole movie are all very good. It has all the necessary elements for a popular movie. " Jimmy gave this movie a high evaluation, and then he smiled: "But don't worry, my Dong, we will definitely make better movies than it in the future."

Yu Dong smiled, which is the best movie in the world? Many people have different answers. In Yu Dong's mind, "Paradise Cinema" is definitely better than "Titanic". He can watch it many times. "Paradise Cinema", but "Titanic" has only been watched twice, and someone forced him to watch it once.

Whether a movie is good or not, there must be a set of public standards, but it is very different for everyone.

But there is only one hottest movie in the world, at least in the next 30 years, there is only one, and that is "Titanic".

There are many reasons why "Titanic" can cause such a sensation. Apart from its own quality, it must also have something to do with the times.Of course, this statement applies to any popular work.

"Are you counting the time difference, and you called me this early in the morning just to talk about this?"

"Of course not. In fact, there is a director who wants to make an appointment with you for a script."

"About the script? Which director?"

There are too many directors looking for Yu Dongyue's script, so in his opinion, Jimmy can make a special call to say that the other party should not be an ordinary person.

"Ron Howard." Jimmy said a name.

Yu Dong frowned: "I don't have any impression of this name, what works has he shot?"

"The most famous one should be "Apollo 13"."

Yu Dong has seen this movie, but he doesn't have much memory of the director's name.

"What's so special about him? You even told me specifically."

Jimmy laughed, "He's quoted a high price."

Yu Dong curled his lips: "How tall can it be?"

"Start with 400 million."

"U.S. dollars?"

"Well, dollars."

Hearing that Jimmy was sure it was US dollars, Yu Dong's eyelids twitched. Of course, 400 million US dollars is not a lot for his net worth, but so much money is just to buy him a script, and it is still a start. People were surprised.

So much money is completely enough to make a low-cost movie.Up to now, Yu Dong has never heard of anyone who can get 400 million US dollars simply by selling scripts.

"Does he have any requirements for the script? Or, any subject?" Yu Dong asked.

Jimmy laughed: "You are also shaken by the 400 million dollars."

"Ahem, I am interested in it purely because the other party appreciates my work so much."

"Understand, understand, the script he wants must have two elements, love, time and space."

"What he wants is "Old Book"?"

When Yu Dong heard it, isn't this the "Old Book"? The "Old Book" tells a love story between two time and space.

"Oh, no, the time and space he mentioned is similar to the time and space travel of "Closed Loop", which is a bit fantasy. When talking with him on the phone, I can feel that he likes the novel "Closed Loop" very much, and he wants to The love element is added, probably because you wrote "Old Book" this time."

Yu Dong nodded: "Time travel, love, sci-fi romance movies, or fantasy romance movies, I probably understand, do you have any other requirements?"

"Are there any other requirements?" Jimmy imitated Yu Dong's tone, "Haha, it seems that the four hundred dollars is really tempting."

Yu Dong rolled his eyes, "Then I won't write, okay, I don't need the 400 million. You can find someone else, whoever you like will write."

"Don't, don't, I surrender, I surrender, okay, you can take over this job, write it better, and I will ask Howard for more points later, and try to get 600 million."

Yu Dong thought for a while, then said, "Jimmy, I always write about love, maybe it's a little too much."

"Not much, not much at all. If it is well written, ten thousand is not too many; if it is badly written, even one is too much."

"Okay, let me look for it."

"Looking for it?"

"I said I was looking for inspiration."

"Okay, then hurry up, I'll answer him first, I'm afraid he will regret it if he slows down."

Jimmy hung up the phone in a hurry, and after Yu Dong put down the phone, he began to search for movies related to time, space and love in his mind.

When he said "look for it" just now, he didn't mean to find some inspiration at all, but to look for the movies he had seen in his mind and see which one was more suitable.

After a while, he remembered two movies.

One is "The Time Traveler's Wife" and the other is "The Time Traveler".

After thinking about it for a while, Yu Dong decided to choose "Time and Space Traveler", because the story of "The Time Traveler's Wife" is relatively thin, and I always feel a little sorry for the $400 million screenwriting fee.

"Time and Space Traveler" is so good, it travels through time and space, has family affection, love, and from time to time, it can also discuss personal philosophy of life.

Just do what he said, Yu Dong directly found his notebook and pen, lay down on the table and started writing.

When Cheng Yanqiu went to the vegetable market to buy vegetables, he was a little surprised to see Yu Dong immersed in writing in the study, "Why did you start writing so early today? Didn't you say that you have to rest for the next two days?"

Yu Dong said without raising his head: "I can't help it, people give too much."

"Too much... What are you writing?"

"Writing a script, the draft is an appointment."

"How much did you give?"

"Well, enough to build a hundred elementary schools."

Cheng Yanqiu was speechless: "So many!"


"Then write quickly."

After finishing speaking, Cheng Yanqiu ran to pour a cup of hot water for her husband, and warmly lit the brazier and placed it next to Yu Dong.

"You write well, I will cook at noon today."

(End of this chapter)

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