Backtracking to the Age of Literature and Art

Chapter 584 Enhanced Live Streaming

Chapter 584 Enhanced Live Broadcast (Second Update)
Regardless of what Yu Dong said to Zhao Baogang, the main reason why he signed Shi Zhongshan was that Shi Zhongshan's works are suitable for film and television adaptation, and Shi Zhongshan himself is a very good screenwriter.

Later, many of Shi Zhongshan's works were adapted into film and television dramas, among which the more famous ones should be "The Years of Burning Passion" and "Happiness is Like a Flower".

It just so happened that Shen Kong had just signed Gao Xixi, so he could hand over "Happiness is Like a Flower" to Gao Xixi to shoot in the future.

There is also "The Years of Burning Passion". Thinking of it, Yu Dong thought of two other TV series, "Soldier Assault" and "My Commander, My Regiment". These three TV series were all directed by Kang Honglei.

At this time, Kang Honglei was working in the Inner Mongolia TV Production Center, acting as an assistant director everywhere, and Lan Xiaolong, the screenwriter of "Soldiers Assault" and "My Leader, My Regiment", had just graduated from the drama department of Chinese opera.

But it won't be long before they become closely linked with the Deep Space Corporation.


The next morning, the Deep Space Annual Meeting officially began.

When it was still daylight, the employees of Deep Space Corporation had already arrived at the scene and began to make the final arrangement.

And the most lively one is the Deep Space Chinese Website.

The live broadcast of this year's deep space annual meeting is slightly different from last year. The official did not start the live broadcast from the first day, but locked the live broadcast time at [-] o'clock in the morning of the next day. Before that, some local netizens spontaneously Share news online.

Another difference is that this year's Deep Space Chinese Network also cooperated with the radio station to host an interactive live broadcast of audio and text.

Early in the morning, Deep Space Company sent a live broadcast team to the broadcast room of Jinling Traffic Station to assist the radio host in the live broadcast.

The bell rang at six o'clock, and the channel began to report the time. After the time was reported, the host began to greet the netizens.

"This is FM 102.4 Jinling Traffic Station. I'm the host He Xiao. It's six o'clock in the morning. It's still dark and the city hasn't woken up yet. But I believe that there must be many netizens squatting by the radio waiting for today's This special program…”


Chen Mobai had just adjusted the channel when he heard the host's voice.

"Fortunately, I didn't miss it."

He set up the radio, and then sat back in front of the computer. At this moment, the live broadcast of Deep Space has been posted, and there are many comments from netizens.

[Flying Big Clumsy Bear: Sofa. 】

[Little Flying Cat: The floor. 】

[Master Ronald: I heard that today's live post is interactive with Jinling Traffic Station? 】


As soon as Chen Mobai saw the comment of "Shao Ronaldo", he heard the host's voice from the radio, "Netizen Ronald Shao's comment, I heard that today's live post is interactive with Jinling Traffic Station? That's right Ah, today our station will cooperate with Deep Space Chinese Network to present a unique live broadcast for everyone, and if you have any questions, you can write them in the official live post of Deep Space.”

[Master Ronald: I'm going, why does it feel like hell, the radio is behind me, and I was shocked when I heard the anchor reply me just now. 】

[Yasha of the Red Chamber: Isn't that right, my scalp is numb. 】

[Jin Kefan: Haha, that's really interesting. 】

[No. [-] in the world: The fly in the ointment is that there is no picture. 】

[Xiaoyao Sanren: Be content, this is already very powerful. 】

[Nanshan Farmer: No, I must pull my husband up to be with me. This feeling is amazing. 】

[Dark Fragrance Floating: How did Deep Space come up with it? 】

【Stong: It should be learned from abroad. 】

[Nalan believer: You can pull it down, why haven't I heard of the foreign country you mentioned? 】

[Flying Big Clumsy Bear: He Xiao, He Xiao, will you live broadcast the content of the deep space scene with us later? 】

He Xiao: "Hello, netizen named Liu Jinfa, I will definitely broadcast the situation of the deep space scene to you in a while. For this live broadcast, a total of nearly 20 people were dispatched from the deep space Chinese website and our station, including the backstage As well as the scene, the mobilization of more than three digits of manpower is to ensure everyone's experience. In addition, there will be some special programs in the afternoon."

[Nalan Believers: What special program? 】

[He Weikang: What's the situation at the scene now? 】

[Blackwater Riverside: Looking forward to the special program. 】

He Xiao: "The site of the annual meeting is being set up now, and I will introduce the general process of today's annual meeting to you soon. As for the special program, please allow me to keep you secret, but I can assure you that it will be a Surprise."


He Xiaoan was quietly chatting with netizens, but the inside and outside of the broadcasting room were bustling with activity. What she said just now was not an exaggeration. For this live broadcast, Deep Space Company indeed mobilized more than 100 people.

Of course, it is impossible for her to find comments from netizens on the computer by herself. Instead, she has a special group that watches the official live broadcast posts of Deep Space all the time, picks out valuable comments, and then displays these comments through the temporarily installed display screen. sent to her.

Just to maintain this festival, three or four people are needed.

In addition, the network, FM signal...all need to be guaranteed by technical personnel behind.

Moreover, considering the scope of coverage, this deep-space cooperation is not limited to Jinling Communications Station, but also a station in Shanghai. The same team has a group in Shanghai.

This is also a fly in the ointment. It is limited to the coverage of the radio station. This time, the live broadcast of the deep space radio station and website can effectively cover only 3000 to [-] million people.

This also caused many netizens to show envy, jealousy and hatred on the website.

[Princess Yuezhi: Why, why don't you cooperate with the radio station in Rongcheng. 】

[Black Dragon Ishui: While listening to the radio, chatting on the Internet at the same time, it's exciting to think about it, but unfortunately I can't hear anything. 】

[Double-sided tape: Is it still too late to go around Jinling? 】

[Number One Under Heaven: Where are you? 】

[Double-sided tape: Northeast. 】

【Flying Big Clumsy Bear: It's probably too late. 】

[The War of Written Words: Why doesn’t Deep Space cooperate with a few radio stations? 】

[Number One in the World: Nonsense, didn’t you hear what He Xiao said, they will dispatch at least 20 people to one station alone, how can there be so many people in deep space. 】

[Lovely Bones: Then why doesn't Deep Space cooperate with China Central People's Broadcasting Station?This will cover the whole country. 】

[Princess Yuezhi: The Deep Space Annual Conference lasts for one day, so we can't let the Central People's Broadcasting Station live broadcast it for one day. 】

[Lovely Bones: Why not?I just want to watch the live broadcast of the Deep Space Annual Meeting, and I don't want to watch other programs. 】


In fact, this live broadcast will bring very limited benefits to Deep Space. Instead, the two cooperative radio stations will make a lot of money.

But even so, Deep Space still did this, because Deep Space wants to convey a concept to people, that is, Deep Space has always been at the forefront of the times, and even pulled the times forward.

(End of this chapter)

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