Chapter 587 Special program (first update)
Yu Dong also understood what Jimmy said, but he had no idea about the specific operation.

Looking at Yu Dong's thinking look, Jimmy said with a smile: "You don't have to worry about the specific things, we will divide the work and cooperate. What you have to do now is two things. First, create excellent works , Second, find a good work. Rowling will not talk about it, you discovered Mark Levy in France before, and the book has already brought us benefits before the book is released."

Yu Dong nodded: "No problem."

Jimmy smiled and glanced at his watch, "It's getting late, let's go to dinner, you still have a lot of things to do in the afternoon."

"Okay, let's go and feel the canteen of our Deep Space Company."

At noon today, whether it is the employees of Deep Space, the guests who came to the annual meeting, or the passers-by who came to visit with the star card, they were all arranged to eat in the cafeteria.

When Yu Dong and the others went to the cafeteria, they caught up with Yu Hua and his group who were also rushing to the cafeteria.

Seeing a large group of people following Yu Hua and the others, Yu Dong smiled and said to Jimmy: "At first you wanted to arrange a reader meeting for them, but now it seems that there is no need for it. They organized it themselves."

Jimmy smiled and nodded: "This meeting is too thorough, and we can still have dinner together."


[Dark Fragrance Floats: They can still eat together! 】

[Computer Lover: I really didn't expect that Deep Space would arrange those guests to eat in the cafeteria. 】

[Master of Tea: What about the cafeteria, the cafeteria is a place to eat. 】

[Deep Space Boy: The cafeteria has a very high standard. Although the environment is simple, the food is not ordinary at all. 】

[Ginger is still small and spicy: Yes, the food in the deep space cafeteria is not only clean and hygienic, but also rich in taste, so when working in deep space, what you have to think about every day is not what to eat, but what to eat. 】

[Master Ronald: The upstairs is talking about tongue twisters. 】

[No. [-] in the world: Brother Luo, the person above you should be Mr. Jiang from Deep Space Computer Company. 】

[Master Ronald: Mr. Jiang, on such a busy day today, do you still have time to chat online? 】

[Jinger is still hot: My job is to serve you well, and chatting with you is naturally part of my job.In addition, isn't there a special program for a while, I'll join in the fun too. 】

[Princess Yueshi: What special program, I started talking about it in the morning. 】

[Niu Niu: Yes, it’s still a secret.However, Princess Yuezhi, you are not from the vicinity of Jinling and Shanghai, so you can't hear the radio, even if there are special programs, it doesn't matter to you. 】

【Princess Yuezhi: ...】

He Xiao: "Everyone, don't worry. Our special program will start in 10 minutes. If you have something to do right now, such as going to the bathroom, go quickly. Otherwise, I'm worried that you won't have time to do it. .”

[Duck Blood Fan King: True or not?Is it so powerful? 】

【Xiaomi Lang: Xiaoxiao, my appetite has been whetted. If the special program is not special enough, we will shoot you up. 】

[Xiaoyao Sanren: Looking forward to it. 】


Ten minutes later, under the leadership of the staff, Yu Dong walked into the broadcasting room of Jinling Traffic Station.

When He Xiao saw Yu Dong, he was very excited. He bent down and nodded again, "Teacher Yu, I finally saw you in real life today."

Yu Dong smiled and said, "Anchor He, you have worked hard today, have you had lunch yet?"

"I've eaten, thank you Teacher Yu for your concern. Actually, it's not that hard. Most of the time I just chat with netizens. The atmosphere is relatively relaxed and not so tense. Teacher Yu, do you want to go first? Take a break and drink some water?"

Yu Dong waved his hand and said with a smile: "No, let's start directly, time waits for no one, all of us have to rush back before 02:30, so before two o'clock, this side will end."

"Understand, understand, I will control the time."


After finishing the preparations, He Xiao took a deep breath, then gestured to the control room, and the voice in the broadcast room was pushed up.

"Hi everyone, I'm back, I kept you waiting for a long time, but I didn't go lazy just now. My friends have been asking before, what is the special program, so now is the time to reveal the answer. Said, I asked the person next to me to say hello to everyone."

After finishing speaking, He Xiao nodded to Dong.

Yu Dong smiled, and said into the microphone: "Friends who are listening to Jinling Traffic Station, hello, I am Yu Dong, and in the next hour or so, I will chat with you with a few other friends. "

As soon as he opened his mouth, the official live post immediately exploded.

[Niuniu: Teacher Yu! ! ! ! 】

[Dark fragrance floating: Teacher Yu! ! ! 】

[Chen Mobai: Yu! ! ! ! 】

[Wheat King: My God! 】

[Turn the pages of the book and breeze: You are dreaming! 】


Netizens in and around Jinling were the first to blow up the pot, while netizens in other areas were dumbfounded.

[Princess Yuezhi: What do you mean, what do you mean, why does it involve Teacher Yu? 】

[I miss you every day: Could it be that Teacher Yu came to the live broadcast room? 】

[Purple Sweet Potato: No way, this is the special program. 】

[Lighter: I protest, I have to protest, why only netizens from Jinling can enjoy such an experience. 】

[Niu Nanshan: Second, even if the live broadcast cannot cooperate with the Central People's Broadcasting Station, then the special program can always be. 】

[Niu Niu: You are stupid, today is the annual meeting of the deep space, can Teacher Yu Dong walk away? 】

He Xiao looked at the comments sent by the control room, and said with a smile: "Seeing everyone's comments, I can feel the enthusiasm of everyone. It's a pity that netizens other than this station can't hear Teacher Yu Dong's voice. , but it doesn’t matter, the staff will send our conversation to the live post in the form of text in a while.”

[Niuniu: Haha, Xiaoxiao, they can't hear you saying this now. 】

【Wheat King: As a Jinling native, I should be a little more proud, so it shouldn't matter. 】

[Princess Yueshi: You have the capital to be proud, what did the anchor say just now? 】

[Chen Mobai: The anchor tells you not to worry, the staff will post their conversation in text form in a short while. 】

[Princess Yueshi: Then hurry up. 】


The staff was in place soon. Here, Yu Dong was talking to He Xiao, and it would appear in the live post in less than half a minute.

The interview is also officially on track.

He Xiao: "Teacher Yu Dong, netizens are very fond of this form of live broadcast, and they are also concerned about whether this form of live broadcast will be held frequently in the future?"

(End of this chapter)

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