Chapter 590 Missed (Part [-])
After talking about the TV series, Yu Dong talked about the prospect of publishing and computer.

After he finished speaking, there will be a lottery draw.

When the lottery draw started, Jimmy looked at the stage and said to Dong: "Dong, we still have a business sector that we haven't mentioned this year."

"What board?"

Jimmy looked at Cheng Yanqiu who was sitting on the other side of Yu Dong, "Music."

"Oh, music, didn't you mention it just now, we signed You Nesbo this year, which is pretty good."

Jimmy shook his head, "In fact, the development of deep space music is not good. Over the past year, we haven't signed too many people. The biggest regret is that we didn't win Ren Xianqi."

"Ren Xianqi?"

"Well, we could have taken him, but unfortunately, we didn't pay much attention to it at the time. He had a three-year contract with Rolling Stone. When it was about to expire last year, our company went to him and the negotiation was almost done. He expressed his sincerity, and he returned to the Rolling Stones. To know that he would suddenly become angry, we should have worked hard at that time, and we would not miss him."

Yu Dong nodded, feeling a little pity.

But Jimmy and the others can’t be blamed for this. After all, Ren Xianqi was not well-known before, that is, at the end of last year, he became popular all over the country because of his soft heart. This year, the song "Too Soft Heart" can be heard everywhere.

When they went to find Ren Xianqi, Yu Dong didn't know either.

In fact, even if Yu Dong knew, he might not necessarily let them pursue Ren Xianqi. After all, the success of "Too Soft Heart" belongs to the producer Xiaochong. For an album, Xiaochong himself wrote five songs. Also includes the title song "The Heart Is Too Soft".

So even if they dig up Ren Xianqi, it may not be of much use, they have to dig up Xiao Chong.

Compared with a good singer, what Yu Dong wants more is a good composer, arranger, lyricist and producer.

Over the past year or so, he has been too busy to focus on music, maybe he should focus on it next year.

"By the way, how is Wu Zongxian doing now?"

Jimmy asked in surprise, "You still know him?"

Yu Dong smiled and said, "You know it all, why can't I know?"

"Hehe, I'm just a little surprised that you still listen to his songs. I showed me the remaining data of this person, and I studied it carefully. I think there is no potential. Not very good. Moreover, the focus of his career development is not music, and he has his own company, so it is not easy to sign."

"That's it." Yu Dong nodded.

Seeing Yu Dong's pensive expression, Jimmy said again: "Of course, if you are interested in him, we can also try it. He has an Alpha Music Company under his name, which is very small. We can buy this company. Then, by the way, sign his personal music business."

Hearing that Yu Dong mentioned Wu Zongxian, Jimmy thought that Yu Dong was interested in Wu Zongxian, that's why he said that.In Jimmy's view, Wu Zongxian's music company is purely for Wu Zongxian's personal service, just like when the Deep Space Company was first established, all business revolves around Yu Dong.

However, it is obvious that Wu Zongxian cannot compare with Yu Dong, and it is difficult for him to support a large-scale company with his little music business.

With the acquisition of this company, Wu Zongxian's music business will naturally be in his hands.

Unexpectedly, Yu Dong waved his hand: "I don't need it for now, I'll take a look later."

Jimmy gave Yu Dong a strange look, but nodded without saying anything.Sometimes Jimmy couldn't figure out what Yu Dong was thinking.

Yu Dong cast his eyes on the stage, where Yu Yu was hosting a lottery draw, but Yu Dong's thoughts had already flown far away.

The reason why he asked about Wu Zongxian was not because he was interested in Wu Zongxian himself, but because he was interested in Jay Chou in his company. That would be a treasure. singer.

Combined with the current resources of Deep Space, maybe it can push this kid's career to a higher level.

It's just that Yu Dong doesn't know much about Jay Chou's fortune, he only knows that he became famous in Wu Zongxian's company. As for when he joined Wu Zongxian's company, Yu Dong doesn't know, maybe Jay Chou hasn't joined Wu Zongxian's company yet.

This matter is very well confirmed, and I will ask Yu Yu to check Wu Zongxian's company later, and make a detailed document and send it over.

Yu Dong hoped that Jay Chou had already joined Wu Zongxian's company, so that at least he would be able to win Jay Chou directly without having to spend his time looking for someone else.


After the annual meeting, some people stayed in the lobby to be interviewed by reporters, while others went to Jinling Hotel ahead of schedule.

Although the deep space cafeteria is good, the specifications are still low, so the dinner is still arranged at the Jinling Hotel.

During the dinner, Yu Dong drank a lot of wine, but he was in good condition.Jimmy also drank a lot, and at the end of the dinner, Yu Dong brought Jimmy back to his room.

But after the others left, Yu Dong kicked Jimmy: "Get up, they're all gone."

Jimmy, who was already unconscious from drunk, got up suddenly, looked towards the door first, and then said with a smile, "My dear, I can't hide anything from you."

"It's not that I don't know how drunk you are." Yu Dong curled his lips: "If you don't want to drink, just tell them directly."

Jimmy sat on the bed and let out a long sigh of relief: "Dong, we are different. You are a literati, and I am a businessman."

Yu Dong looked at Jimmy, but said nothing.Over the years, Jimmy has gained a lot from him, but also paid a lot for him.Without Jimmy, even with the advantage of rebirth, he wouldn't be able to develop so fast.

Jimmy is very smooth, sophisticated, and has a lot of scheming, and sometimes even uses his scheming on Dong, but he always puts win-win first in everything he does.

The cooperation between the two of them is a model of win-win situation.

Yu Dong poured a glass of water for Jimmy. Although this guy was not so drunk that he passed out, he did drink a lot and looked a little uncomfortable.

Jimmy took the water with a smile: "Thank you, my Dong."

Yu Dong hugged his shoulders and half sat on the desk, "Take a good rest tonight, and come to my office with Yu Yu tomorrow, I will discuss something with you."

"Where's Spielberg and Lucas? We agreed to discuss things tomorrow."

"We will talk in the morning, and then talk to Steven in the afternoon. In fact, there is nothing to talk about with Steven. The trend of imax has gradually become clear, and we are one step ahead of others, and we have the advantage. Just play steadily from behind.”

"Of course they know that, but they want to hear something from you that they want to hear."

Yu Dong smiled and nodded: "I understand."

 two good news
  First, the official has set up a 515 explosive update festival, and there will be a one-to-one fan feedback. I will try to get as many as possible at that time, so that you have more chances to draw prizes.

  Second, this book is free from 5.13 to 5.15...

(End of this chapter)

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