Chapter 60 Confrontation
Hu Changqing has a very contradictory psychology about science fiction. He occasionally goes to a newsstand a little further away to buy a copy of "World of Science Fiction" and read it secretly. Those science fiction novels make him very interesting.

But he was afraid to let others know that he was reading science fiction. He had experienced the era when science fiction was demonized, and he had a vague resistance to science fiction in his heart.The situation of science fiction is a little better now, but ordinary people only think it is children's books.

Because he has such a sneaky ambivalence, he cannot understand why Yu Dong can be so open and aboveboard.

But not everyone thinks the same as Hu Changqing. When the students of Gongmei learned that Yu Dong likes science fiction, they couldn't think of anything else.

They won't feel that writing science fiction has any conflict with Yu Dong's identity as a university teacher or a pure literature writer. As long as they write well, what can't they write?
Even some students, such as Qu Aiguo, were excited because Yu Dong wrote science fiction.

In the 202 dormitory, Qu Aiguo sat on the upper bunk, held up his newly bought "Science Fiction World" and said, "This time our class is disgraceful, our teacher Yu wrote a science fiction novel, we don't know it, we need to Wait for the students from other classes to come and tell us. You didn't see Liu Dekai's proud expression at that time, as the monitor of our class, my face is dull."

Wang Kuo stood below and said with a smile: "You like science fiction yourself, and you buy "Science Fiction World" periodically. This time someone has come to the front, who can you blame?"

"Hey, this isn't a design competition. I'm trying my best to make you achieve good results, and I'll take you to the design draft every day. How can I pay attention to it. The publication time of this "Science Fiction World" is uncertain every time, and it is impossible for me to do it every day. Go to the newsstand and ask. After all, Liu Dekai and the others are lucky."

Having said that, Qu Aiguo jumped from the top bunk with his hands on the edge of the bed, then walked over to Li Huixiang who was watching "Science Fiction World", leaned his head and asked, "Little Fatty, how is it, are you finished?"

Li Huixiang pushed Qu Aiguo's head far away with his hand, "I said why are you so annoying, come and ask after a while, come and ask after a while, you come every time I see the highlight part. Interrupt, you know that feeling?"

The little fat man Li Huixiang has a good temper, but he is also speechless about Qu Aiguo's frequent harassment.

Qu Aiguo was stinky, not angry, and walked towards Wang Jin on the other side with a smile.

Wang Jin seemed to have been prepared for a long time, and waved at him: "Stop, stop."

After two closed doors, Qu Aiguo looked at Wang Kuo, who was doing push-ups to exercise, "Pharaoh, would you like to buy a copy of "Science Fiction World" as well? Support the sales?"

Wang Kuo put his hands on the edge of the bed and glanced at Qu Aiguo, "I'm not interested in 'Sci-Fi World'."

"Didn't you say that you also like science fiction?"

"I'm talking about foreign science fiction. What's the point of our domestic science fiction?"

Hearing Wang Jin's words, Qu Aiguo gave up, "Pharaoh, what you said doesn't make sense, what is domestic science fiction boring? Have you read domestic science fiction? How can you make such a casual judgment? There are also many excellent science fiction novels in China, before that…”

"Don't mention the past." Wang Kuo rolled over and sat down on the bed, looked at Qu Aiguo, and said with a half-smile, "Let's just say now, how is the quality of domestic science fiction novels now, can they compare to foreign ones?"

"Although the whole is incomparable..."

"That's it." Wang Kuo spread his hands.

Qu Aiguo thought for a while, and then said, "Aren't you always interested in the things that teacher described last time? Why don't you read Teacher Yu's novels?"

Wang Kuo said suspiciously: "There are those things that Teacher Yu said before in this novel?"

"That's not true." Qu Aiguo shook his head.

Wang Kuo rolled his eyes, "Che, I didn't say anything. Even if there is, so what, what does the stuff in science fiction represent?"

Qu Aiguo looked at Wang Kuo's incompetent appearance, and said, "I can't tell you."

After speaking, he carried "Science Fiction World" to the next bedroom to promote it.

"Senior, open the door, I'm the patriotic person next door. I'm here to give you warmth."


After "One Day" was released on "Science Fiction World", Yu Dong gained some fame, but these fame were limited to the circle.

The sales volume of each issue of "Science Fiction World" has not yet exceeded [-]. Even if the turnover rate is high, only tens of thousands of people have watched it.

And not everyone likes the novel "One Day". Many people are not interested in such science fiction, and some even don't think it is science fiction at all.

Yu Dong never thought that "One Day" would cause a sensation as soon as it was released, and even the subsequent serialization of "Second World" may not be able to change anything.

The domestic sci-fi world is too small, and it started out behind others. It suffered a lot of blows in the past few years, and everything had to be done all over again.

The market cannot be cultivated with one or two books, it needs to be done step by step.

In Yudong's vision, now that film and television dramas are developing rapidly, if you want to cultivate the domestic sci-fi market, it is inevitable to use the power of film and television dramas.

In this way, it can not only cultivate the domestic science fiction market, but also improve the domestic capabilities in science fiction movies and TV dramas as soon as possible.

Even if Yu Dong's ideas cannot be realized in China now, he can also introduce foreign technical teams.Or it is possible to send the novel to a foreign country for adaptation, so that the reputation of domestic science fiction novels will be released first, and then these reputations will be used to feed back the domestic science fiction novel market.

This vision is not only for domestic science fiction literature, but also for all other domestic cultural products, including pure literature.

Returning from later generations, Yu Dong knew the power of culture.

When China's economy is developing rapidly, it is constantly in contact with foreign countries, which cannot avoid cultural confrontation.

The battlefield of cultural confrontation is without gunpowder, but the impact may be more violent than the actual war.

For a long period of time, the root cause of Chinese people's lack of self-confidence in culture lies in ignoring the significance of cultural confrontation, and they were at a disadvantage from the beginning.

Taking science fiction as an example, there are obviously a large number of excellent science fiction writers in China, whether it is the older generation of science fiction writers represented by Zheng Wenguang in the early stage, or the later Wang Jingkang, Liu Cixin, Han Song and others, the science fiction works written by them. Many are world-level or even super-world-level.

Yu Dong wanted to change all of this, but he also knew that this matter was not easy and needed to be figured out slowly.

 Thank you [yi998] for the 3000 reward
  Thanks for the 100 reward from the big guy [Causing Wave Shadow]
(End of this chapter)

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