Backtracking to the Age of Literature and Art

Chapter 604 Game Background Essay

Chapter 604 Game Background Essay (Second Change)

After leaving the complex, Yu Dong called Jiang Jie again.

"I've already talked to the studio about the game screen. Later, you will be a middleman to help the game company and the studio communicate and coordinate."

"Okay, boss." Jiang Jie replied with a smile, and then said: "Boss, I have another idea."

Yu Dong raised his eyebrows, "Say it."

"Boss, since you want to use this game to promote us, you might as well make it bigger and add the story background of the game."

"Go on."

"Although the game mode is very simple, it is still very easy to make the story background. Why do the characters in the game escape? Why do they escape in these maps? What is the relationship between the various characters? We can start from this aspect to construct the story Background. With these story backgrounds, it can not only help publicity, but also increase players’ interest in this game.”

Hearing Jiang Jie's words, Yu Dong nodded thoughtfully.What Jiang Jie said is not uncommon. Many games will have a story background, especially some large games.

The reason why Yu Dong didn't think about this before is because the game modes of "Temple Run" are relatively simple.

But listening to what Jiang Jie said now, it really makes a lot of sense, you can really give it a try.And with these backgrounds, even if there are other games that want to imitate in the future, their game will still have the upper hand.

In addition, if these things can be done, maybe this game can become an IP in the future, and it can be developed in depth, filming a film and television drama or animation or something.

"Then you mean, we can find someone to write a story background?"

Jiang Jie smiled and said: "Boss, don't bother, we just need to post a call for papers on the website, and enthusiastic netizens will write it for us. My plan is this, first assign the role, and then give it to the netizens." A general direction, let them write in this direction."

Yu Dong smiled, Jiang Jie really knows how to take advantage of deep space, but what he said is right, find someone to write it yourself, it is better to hand it over to netizens. The game promotion is warming up.

Moreover, posting more papers is also beneficial to the Deep Space Chinese Network, which can help increase the influence of the Deep Space Chinese Network.


The characters of the game were quickly settled. Although Yu Yu suggested to use Yu Dong and the others as prototypes before, it was not implemented in this way in the end. Instead, they used characters from their works. There are three characters in total. Xu Sanguan in "Records", one is Da Dan in "Xiang Xi", and the other is Wang Er in "Golden Age".

Although it is based on these three characters, it is not copied, but some adaptations have been made.

The brief introduction to the background of the story is that these three people got together for some special reasons, and then started an escape together for some special reasons.

As for what caused them to escape, it depends on the imagination of netizens.


Zhao Yan didn't wake up until after ten o'clock. He walked out of the room and came to the living room. His father, Zhao Changtian, was sitting on the sofa reading a newspaper.

Zhao Changtian glanced at his own son, and said with a smile, "Mr. Zhao Yan got up very early today."

Zhao Yan is used to being teased by his father, he said with a smile: "The brain didn't wake up, but the stomach woke up first."

"There is porridge in the kitchen."

"Thank you dad."

Zhao Yan went to the kitchen with a smile, drank a bowl of porridge, felt much more comfortable in his stomach, and then went to sit next to Zhao Changtian: "Mom, are you going to play mahjong again?"

"Well, again." Zhao Changtian said angrily.

Seeing that his father didn't want to see him, Zhao Yan smiled, got up and walked to his room again: "My lord father, I'm stepping down."

After returning to the room, Zhao Yan turned on the computer and waited until he boarded Dongdong.

Looking at the chat box that was as quiet as stagnant water, Zhao Yan sighed slightly, bored, no one is looking for him?
Then he logged on to the Deep Space Chinese website. He originally wanted to go to the Fantasy Zone, but suddenly saw a call for papers announcement on the homepage.

"Xu Sanguan, Wang Er, and Dadan got together for some unknown reason..."

After reading the call for essays announcement, Zhao Yan scratched his head, why is this call for essays so strange?Aren't Xu Sanguan, Wang Er, and Dadan all characters in the novel?He has read all three of these novels, and they are now lying on his bookshelf.

Why is Deep Space suddenly bringing the three of them together to write a story?Is it to promote these three books?

Zhao Yan shook his head. He felt that if it was to promote these three books, there was absolutely no need to do it.

The theme of this call for essays is actually escape. In fact, it’s fine to change the characters to any three of them, and it’s also mentioned in the announcement that you don’t have to stick to the original images of these three characters, and you can play boldly when creating.

At the same time, this call for essays also stipulates that the background must be real scenes, preferably ancient buildings, and the example of the Great Wall was also cited.

Zhao Yan rubbed his hands and became interested. He really likes this kind of mysterious escape drama. The most important thing is that the prize for this essay contest is very generous, a full 5 yuan.With such a high bonus, it is easy to attract attention.

This essay post was only released at 800 o'clock this morning, and it has only been more than an hour now, but there are already more than [-] replies under the post.

[Professional dog beater: I read that right, [-] bonus, not including other income from novels. 】

[Tianshu translator: I was greatly shocked. 】

[Fengyue Huashao: Fifty thousand, my mouth is watering, but I can't write a novel well. 】

[Good Martial: What is the purpose of this deep space essay solicitation? 】

[Master Ronald: You don't care what his purpose is, I only know that in the next period of time, we will read novels again. 】

【Shali: Yes, I hope everyone will actively participate. Ordinary people like us will not participate. Just wait quietly for your novel to come out. 】

[Fox Zuofei: I like this kind of novels the most, please write well. 】

[Tiandiren: I'm ready to write, everyone remember to support me. 】

[Eleventh Day: Don't worry, brothers upstairs, we will definitely go back and support you. 】

[Grapeman: Deep Space will hold a book fair in Baodao in a while. Will this call for papers have anything to do with the book fair? 】

[Orange-flavored mosquito coils: Don't guess, what could it matter? 】

[Large Land and Abundant Resources: It seems that there are no requirements for this essay, but the difficulty is quite high. It requires a good understanding of some landmark buildings. 】

[Golden House: What are you afraid of, just pick a building research line you like. 】


After flipping through the comments of netizens for a while, Zhao Yan closed the website, then found his notepad, and started to conceive a novel.

He is going to use the Great Wall as the background, so he first needs to have a deeper understanding of the Great Wall.

He had been to the Great Wall before, but he didn't know enough about it to write a novel.

Sitting on the edge of the table and thinking for a while, Zhao Yan suddenly got up to pack his things.

A change of clothes, toiletries, wallet... Zhao Yan checked the contents of the backpack several times, and after making sure nothing was left behind, he went out with the bag on his back.

Zhao Changtian was still reading the newspaper in the living room, when he heard the sound of his son opening the door, he subconsciously looked up and saw Zhao Yan carrying a bag.

"What are you doing?" Zhao Changtian asked in surprise, "You want to travel far?"

Zhao Yan nodded and said, "Well, I'm going to the Great Wall."

"Are you going to the Great Wall at this time?" Zhao Changtian put down the newspaper in his hand and stood up: "Did I hear correctly?"

"Dad, you heard me right. I'm going to the Great Wall. I want to write a novel about the Great Wall, so I need to learn about it first."

"Where to the Great Wall?"

"Go to Yanjing first, and then talk about the rest."

Zhao Changtian wanted to reprimand Zhao Yan, but seeing Zhao Yan's enthusiasm, he swallowed the reprimand as soon as it came to his lips, then he sighed slightly and said: "Remember to ask the leader for leave, be careful on the road point."

"I'm going to ask for leave now."

"Okay, I see."

His attitude, on the contrary, made Zhao Yan not used to it, "Dad, are you going to let me go?"

Zhao Changtian sat back again and picked up the newspaper again: "Otherwise, would I still stop you with a knife? I hope you can write the novel and don't go out for a while. You didn't write anything."

"Don't worry, Dad, it won't happen." Zhao Yan patted his chest for assurance: "I must write something this time."

(End of this chapter)

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