Chapter 616 Betrayal (Part [-])
After Mrs. Liang left, Yu Dong took out all the notebooks in the handbag.

Cheng Yanqiu looked at these diaries and sighed slightly: "I don't know what's hidden in them."

"You'll know it after you've seen it."

Yu Dong searched one by one, and finally found the one with the earliest time.

The first diary was recorded on May 1936, 5. The handwriting was very illegible, and the writing was messy. It was nothing more than what I ate today, what I learned, and which old customer came to their store. What new customer came again.

And from the first diary entry, it can be seen that Mr. Liang has a habit of keeping a diary. He has written quite a few diaries before. This is a new one, which cost a lot of money.

The content of the first half of the diary is similar, and the frequency of writing the diary is quite high, even if it is not a day, it can be done every two or three days.

But in the second half of the book, the frequency dropped. Basically, one article was written every two or three days, and sometimes only one or two weeks. It seems that the current situation is not good, which has already affected them.

These diaries often mention a person named A Yuan, who should be the apprentice recruited by their family. It can be seen from the lines that Mr. Liang has a very good relationship with this A Yuan.

By the time of the second book, the two officially took over the Liangji store. Although the current situation is not good, the business in the store is not bad.

Until one day, A Yuan left a letter and left.

In the letter, A Yuan told Mr. Liang that he wanted to go to the south for a while, and he would come back when he made a name for himself, so that Mr. Liang should not worry.

For A Yuan's sudden departure, Mr. Liang was very angry. He thought he was very good to A Yuan, and A Yuan should not treat him like this.

In the several diaries after A Yuan left, Mr. Liang always scolded A Yuan, but as time passed, the number of A Yuan mentioned in the diary became less and less, and after that, there was no mention of A Yuan for a long time. name.

The time in the diary came to 1942. Mr. Liang was married and gave birth to a son.It can be seen that although the current situation is turbulent, the life of Mr. Liang's family is quite happy. With a new life, there is naturally a new hope.

Just a few days after his son's full moon, a seriously injured man knocked on the door of Mr. Liang's house.

At that time, Shanghai was very chaotic. Someone knocked on the door at night, but Mr. Liang did not dare to open the door until the other party said, "I am A Yuan".

A Yuan was shot and almost lost his arm.

At that time, Nihong's spies were arresting underground gangsters everywhere. Mr. Liang knew that A Yuan was the target of arrest when he saw A Yuan's injury.

When the diary is written here, it is a bit strange.

In the next dozen or so pages, only the date was written, but no specific content.

Until later, in a new diary, the first sentence Mr. Liang wrote was: I betrayed A Yuan.

A Yuan was taken away, and he uttered a curse to him before leaving.

However, the content of the curse is different from the version that Liang Fanyuan said.

Liang Fanyuan's version is very simple, that is, "men in the Liang family will die badly", but what is recorded in the diary is "If you fail me, you Liang family will die badly."

A Yuan's curse was not aimed at the men of the Liang family, but also set a premise.

Looking back, Yu Dong finally knew what "if you failed me" meant. It turned out that A Yuan didn't hold grudges against Mr. Liang's betrayal so much, and he also asked Mr. Liang to help him take care of his wife and children.

After A Yuan left the Liang family, she also got married and had a child. Both of them are still in the Northeast, and they don't know anything about what A Yuan did.

He hoped that Mr. Liang could take the two of them to Shanghai and help take care of them.

But Mr. Liang didn't do it. He even found them, but after wandering around their door all night, he finally returned to Shanghai alone.

Later, the Liang family moved to Jinling, and a few years later to Baodao.

After arriving in Baodao, a new life seems to have begun, but Mr. Liang has been thinking about A Yuan's wife and children, but he has not heard about them through various channels.

When the diary arrived here, it suddenly changed to a different handwriting.

Yu Dong realized that he had already read four and a half of the five diaries.

In other words, Mr. Liang's diary ends here, and the rest of the diary is written by his son.

Yu Dong couldn't help sighing. The end of the diary also meant that Mr. Liang was about to pass away when he finished writing this last diary.

Because of A Yuan's incident, Mr. Liang lived in guilt for half his life. Later, when he committed suicide and was about to die, he also asked his son to find A Yuan's family members and announce their family's crimes.

Mr. Liang used the word "crime", and it was precisely these two words that overwhelmed his son.

In 1987, the Promotion Association for People from Other Provinces Returning Home to Visit Relatives was established. Mr. Liang wanted to participate, but at that time it was only once a year, and the number of places was limited, so he did not apply.

It was not until a few years ago that he finally had the opportunity to go to the mainland.

According to his father's description, he found A Yuan's home, but did not see A Yuan's family, only heard a tragic story.

A Yuan's wife later remarried and brought her son with her, but later the son was beaten into a dementia by his stepfather and sent to her father's house.

After the old man died, A Yuan's son was left unattended and died in the winter of the previous year.

After returning from the mainland, Mr. Liang's condition was not right. The only dozen or so diary entries were like the ravings of a madman, full of fragmentary words.

Vengeance, demons, curses, crimes, deliverance, repayment...

Although these words are fragmentary, they can piece together Mr. Liang's state at that time. He must have been overwhelmed by these things, and he has a thought of relief.

After Mr. Liang's diary was over, Yu Dong thought it was all over, but on the last two pages of the diary, he found some words.

This time the handwriting is different again, the font is very small and very delicate, it looks like it was written by a woman

Yu Dong read these two pages again, only to realize that it was written by Mrs. Liang. She wrote about her son's mental journey during the period after her son's death, with pain, resentment, and regret.

There was still relief, and she even came up with an idea that three members of the Liang family had died, and even if it was a curse, it should be over.

After reading all the text, Yu Dong let out a long sigh.

The tragedy of the Liang family was not because of the curse, but because of a guilt hidden in his heart. Even if Mrs. Liang's son didn't know about these things, he was still affected and bore the guilt in another form.

And this tragedy is not a tragedy of their family, but a tragedy of an era.

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(End of this chapter)

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