Chapter 625 Pirates
When the publicity work for the commemorative signing event was in full swing in the United States, Yu Dong and his party had already arrived in Chengdu.

Every year, the Galaxy Awards are more lively than previous years, and this year is no exception. On the way from the airport to the hotel, they can see the huge banner hanging outside the Jin Jiang Hotel from a long way to the east. People from all walks of life are welcome to Chengdu Attend the Galaxy Awards ceremony.

The guests attending the Galaxy Awards ceremony this year are very international, including many European and American science fiction writers, directors and actors.

As soon as Yu Dong finished checking in, he ran into Harold and White, the head of the distribution department of Disney Films, in the aisle.

Last year, "Her Eyes" was just released, and the box office performance was very good, and it directly broke the box office record of Chinese movies. This year's Galaxy Awards should give Harold an award, and there are more cooperations with Deep Space. , so Harold came to the Galaxy Awards very positively.

As for Disney, they have been cooperating with Deep Space for a long time, so White was also sent here this time, which can be regarded as giving Deep Space face.

Seeing Yu Dong, Harold smiled and said, "YU, what a coincidence, we were talking about you just now."

"Really? I'm not the main character in this year's awards ceremony."

Harold waved his hand: "It's not about the Galaxy Awards. Just now White told me that their company has a movie project and is worrying about the script."

White nodded and explained: "Yes, YU, we do have a movie plan. The company has been preparing for several years and has also found a screenwriter, but there has been no satisfactory story coming out. We just rejected a movie in the past two days. So when I chatted with Harold just now, I mentioned this matter. Harold joked that he could ask you for help, but we all know that you are very busy now, YU, and you may not be willing to write a script for us .”

Hearing White's words, Yu Dong smiled secretly. If he can write, the money must be in place first.Yu Dongshi is very good at writing scripts.

"White, it's an honor for me to write the script for Disney, but you also saw it. I just arrived at the hotel, and I haven't even gone to the room yet."

White hurriedly moved away, "I'm sorry, Yu, I shouldn't have told you about this."

Yu Dong smiled and said, "It's okay. After I take a break, we can find a place to talk about your project. I don't think this plan is complicated. Do I have time to take it up?"

"Really?" Hearing Yu Dong's intention, White said pleasantly: "This project is very interesting, and it must not be complicated for you."

Yu Dong nodded: "Okay, which room do you live in, I will find you then."



I was quite tired from running all the way, and as soon as Yu Dong and Cheng Yanqiu went to the room, they lay on the bed and didn't want to move.

It wasn't until evening that Yu Dong got up and rushed to White's room.

Just as Yu Dong rang the doorbell, the door was opened, which surprised him a bit. Has White been guarding the door all this time?

"YU, you are here, please come in and sit down."

Before Dong sat down, White took out another piece of manuscript paper, with a bunch of densely written English on it.

"These are some things I have compiled temporarily, and they are all related to our plan." White handed the paper to Yu Dong, and continued: "The head office has always wanted to make a film related to the pirate theme park. In fact, what I wanted to do was cartoons, but I changed my mind a few years ago and wanted to make a movie. After our film company received this plan, we began to prepare the script. Over the past few years, there are seven scripts that we have read one after another. There are eight books, but none of them are satisfactory. In the past few years, there was nothing wrong with it, but now the head office is urging us, so we are also under great pressure."

While listening to what White said, Yu Dong read what White had written for him.

In fact, none of the things White wrote were of any importance, just the theme of the plan.

And when he heard White say the word "pirate" just now, Yu Dong knew what they wanted to do.

"Pirates of the Caribbean", the theme park movie of the same name.

It is said that this movie is Disney's commercial to promote the theme park and attract more tourists. At first, it didn't think about making money, but it turned out to be a super big IP later.

Yu Dong didn't look up at White, he stared at the paper in his hand, really wanting to laugh.

Before, he always asked Jimmy to find all kinds of small IPs, trying to pick up leaks, and he did pick up some leaks.

But he never expected that today, he missed his long legs and ran towards him on his own initiative.

The so-called name of a person and the shadow of a tree are precisely because of the reputation he has accumulated over the years, so when encountering such a situation, White will think of him.People and things that were originally unrelated will also come together by chance.

Seeing that Yu Dong was silent, White thought that his explanation was not sufficient, so he continued: "Although this movie is based on a theme park, it has a high degree of freedom, as long as it is related to pirates, so there is not much creation. restrictions on the

In White's view, YU, a top-level writer and playwright, should hate others to limit him. That's why White emphasized the freedom of this project, so that YU can relax and create.

At this time, Yu Dong looked up at White, and said with a smile: "White, your company has really invested a lot of money. Pirates are very risky, and it is basically difficult to make money."

White nodded: "Indeed, the theme of pirates is too difficult to make, and there is no way to make money. But the head office wants it, so we can only do our best. In fact, the requirements of the head office are also very simple. Make the story It has to be more distinctive, and the box office is not too bad, even if it loses a little, it doesn't matter."

"It seems that you are already mentally prepared."

"Of course." White nodded, but then he reacted and said quickly: "YU, I said this because I don't want you to have too much pressure, but I absolutely believe in your ability. There will be absolutely no problem with the box office and word-of-mouth of the film. And after the film is launched, our company will try our best to promote it so that the film will not lose money."

After finishing speaking, White took a deep breath. I was careless just now. For a writer of YU's level, money should not be important to him. What he values ​​most should be fame. If the movie ends up losing money, He will definitely feel ashamed.

White pursed his lips. He was not in a good state today, and he was a little too nervous.

The main reason is that White has followed this plan for a long time, and naturally knows how unpopular the subject of pirates is, so YU promised him to talk about movies, which surprised him too much.

Yu Dong looked at White with a smile, "Well, I'll try it, but I'm busy these two days, so it may take a while."

White opened his eyes wide, full of surprise, and said, "It's okay, it's okay, we can wait."

Of course they can wait, they have been waiting for several years, and they don't care about waiting any longer.Even if the head office urges him again in the future, there will be no pressure on his side, after all, he has found YU.

If YU can really write the script for them, then half of the success will be considered.

There are too many fans of YU. I heard that "Old Book" has just exceeded 4000 million recently, and it has only been less than a year since the book was released.It is conceivable that the sales of this book will be even higher in the future.

Not to mention that YU also has a series of bestsellers such as "Second World", "Resident Evil", "Deep Space", etc. I heard that the total sales volume of all YU novels has exceeded [-] million, which is the highest among living authors , I don’t know if it’s true or not.

However, in White's impression, there is indeed no writer who has sold better than YU in recent years.

The other two fantasy writers under Deep Space, Rowling and George Martin, are also very good, but they are still not comparable to YU. In addition to single book sales, YU's output is also frighteningly high. YU maintains this continuous output, causing them to always hear YU's name.

Seeing White's excited face, Yu Dong smiled, and stood up holding the things written by White, "Then, White, I'll go first, and we'll meet in the restaurant when we have dinner later."

White also stood up: "Okay, see you in the restaurant later."


After coming out of White's room, Yu Dong called Jimmy directly. Jimmy also said that he would arrive in Rongcheng today, but he didn't know if he would arrive by now.

When the phone was connected, Yu Dong knew that Jimmy had arrived, so he smiled and said, "Which room is it in? I'll go find you."

Jimmy's voice sounded a little tired: "Is there something wrong? I just arrived at the hotel and I was so sleepy. I was about to take a nap for a while, and I didn't even want to eat dinner."

Hearing that he was so tired, Yu Dong nodded, "Okay, then go to sleep, it's nothing important anyway, I'll tell you later."

Jimmy didn't hang up the phone, "Don't say half of it, you should tell me something first. As for whether it is important or not, let me judge for myself."

Yu Dong couldn't help it, so he said, "Disney wants to make a movie based on their pirate theme park. I think it's not bad, so I want to try it."

"Cena." Jimmy immediately became energetic, and his voice was also raised, "It's not important for you to tell me about such an important matter. I'm at 516. Come here quickly and talk about it in detail."

Yu Dong rolled his eyes, Jimmy's Yanjing accent has changed a lot now, and gradually began to develop into a Shanghu accent.Yu Dong himself doesn't usually say "Cena", but his father Yu Hansheng often uses this word on his lips, and Jimmy learned it after hearing it, and now he often says "Cena".

"Okay, I'll go."


Jimmy was indeed ready to go to bed, and when Yu Dong opened the door, he was wearing a vest and shorts.

As soon as he saw Yu Dong, Jimmy asked anxiously, "Tell me quickly, what's going on at Disney?"

Yu Dong handed Jimmy the piece of paper that White had written for him: "Look at it for yourself."

Jimmy took the piece of paper and read it carefully, then said, "There's nothing on it, just say we're going to make a movie about pirates."

Yu Dong shrugged: "That's all."

"The cooperation model, screenwriter's fee, they didn't say anything?" Jimmy asked.

"Not yet, just a preliminary chat, he didn't mention it, and I didn't mention it either."

Jimmy nodded: "You're right not to mention it. I'll talk to them about these things later. But... this pirate theme is a bit difficult to deal with. Actually, I know something about Disney's desire to make pirate themes. Many years ago They have an idea. And besides movies, they also want to do animation."

"I heard from White that they used to make cartoons, but now they are going to make movies." Yu Dong said.

Jimmy waved his hand, "White didn't completely tell you the truth, or only told you half of the truth. Disney wanted to make pirate-themed cartoons from the beginning, and it did make movies later, but the plans for cartoons They have not stopped, and have even started to do it. In fact, it is nothing new. They just want to remake "Treasure Island" into an animation, and the investment is very high, which may exceed [-] million US dollars. And the reason why I know This matter is because Disney has asked IMAX about this matter, whether it is possible to make an IMAX version of this animated film, and the answer we gave at the time was that it is not possible for the time being, but there is still hope when the animated film comes out. of."

Yu Dong has no impression of Disney's pirate cartoons. On the one hand, it may be because this cartoon has not become popular, and on the other hand, Yu Dong pays less attention to cartoons.

"I heard from White that Disney was very willing to invest, and they didn't expect much."

"That's right, their intention is obvious, that is to make a commercial. So I said it's difficult. They themselves are not optimistic about the box office, so it's not easy for us to intervene."

What Jimmy said about intervening is to cooperate with Disney, invest in this movie, and then get a share of the action.

But this kind of pirate theme is too risky. If Disney loses money, it loses money. At least it advertises the amusement park.

Yu Dong smiled and said, "Why don't we talk about it after my script is finished?"

Jimmy raised his eyes and looked at Yu Dong, "Tsk, why do I feel that you are very interested in this pirate theme. Don't you know that there is no market for pirate-themed movies?"

"I know, but I want to try it, maybe it's not bad." Yu Dong smiled.

Jimmy is a fine person, and hearing Yu Dong's tone of voice, he knew that Yu Dong was confident.Although Jimmy doesn't know where Yu Dong's confidence comes from, as long as Yu Dong has confidence, he can support him unconditionally.


Jimmy patted his thigh: "In that case, I'll go talk to Disney. Anyway, we still have some money on hand, which is enough for us to squander."

"Would you like to waste money, wait until I finish writing the script."

Yu Dong smiled. In fact, Disney is not optimistic about movies with this theme. In his opinion, it is a good thing. In this way, if Deep Space proposes to invest, Disney will definitely welcome it. When the time comes, it will not be possible to talk about cooperation. It's hard, and they can take advantage of deep space.

 Thank you [20210912004713614] for your 100 reward
  Thanks to [Red Dust in the Red Dust] Big Brother for the reward of 1500
(End of this chapter)

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