Chapter 629 The Whale Song
The strongest reaction came from the journalists who were invited into the auditorium.

Some well-informed reporters have already heard some news related to road construction this morning, but the news is ambiguous. They only say that "The Martian" will be filmed in China, and it seems that a road will be built for the filming location.

As for where to take the scene, and the scale of the road to be built, they don't know at all.

Before Yang Xiao announced the news, these reporters all guessed that the road being built might be a few kilometers of small road, and they didn't dare to think too big.

It's not that they look down on Deep Space Corporation, it's just that it's difficult for them to associate road construction with a movie.

Originally, the reporters were all focused on the awards ceremony, but now Yang Xiao announced the road construction in deep space, which disrupted their plans and mentality. Many reporters are now full of thoughts about what to do later Ask Jimmy and Yu Dong about road construction.


Sitting next to Yu Dong, Liu Cixin asked Yu Dong sideways while applauding: "Why did it increase so much suddenly? More than 300 kilometers, this is not a small project."

"Follow the policy." Yu Dong smiled and didn't explain much.

Liu Cixin also asked more questions, nodded and said, "Well, only by following the policy can you enjoy the policy."

Yu Dong nodded, and was about to say something when the staff of "Science Fiction World" came to him.

"Teacher Yu Dong, the next award will be the best short story."

"okay, I get it."

After finishing speaking, Yu Dong got up, he turned his head and said to Liu Cixin: "See you later."

Then he followed the staff member to the edge of the stage.

After the award for Best Science Fiction Comic, it's the turn for Best Short Story.

Yu Dong came early, of course not to accept the award, he did not write science fiction last year, so this year's Galaxy Award is not for him.

This time he came up to present an award.

After receiving the card with the winning results, Yu Dong took a peek at it, and then laughed.

In fact, he knew the result before, otherwise he would not have said "see you soon" to Liu Cixin, and even the speech for the best short story award was written by Yu Dong himself.

When Yu Dong stood on the stage, everyone hoped that he could say a few words, preferably about the road construction of "The Martian", but Yu Dong was destined to disappoint them.

He just walked slowly behind the microphone, without any foreshadowing, and said directly: "The winner of this year's Galaxy Award for Best Short Story is—Whale Song, congratulations to Liu Cixin!"

As his words fell, the award speech sounded on the radio.

"The whale song is ringing, this is the soul of the sea singing. In the evolution and development of the entire universe, the history of human civilization has seemed small enough, and a human being in it is like a drop in the ocean. Greedy human beings, in the eyes of If you don't see these things, there are only endless killings, grabs, and struggles..."

Liu Cixin stepped onto the stage excitedly, stepping on every word from the radio, and then hugged Yu Dong who wanted to shake hands with him.

After hugging him tightly, Liu Cixin slapped Yudong hard on the back twice.

"Thank you, thank you."

Liu Cixin took the trophy from Yu Dong, thanked him twice, and then ran to give his acceptance speech.

Although he has won the Galaxy Award many times, Liu Cixin's acceptance speech was quite long, not as perfunctory as Yu Dong's.

He talked about how he fell in love with science fiction, and how he embarked on the path of science fiction writing. He thanked a circle, and finally thanked Yu Dong.

Because in Liu Cixin's view, Yu Dong can be regarded as his bole.

Back then, "Supernova Era" was revised and revised again and again, so that he lost confidence. It was Yu Dong who made the final decision and asked Deep Space Company to sign him.

There is also "Bring Her Eyes" that made him famous, which was also discussed by Yu Dong and him back then.

In fact, Liu Cixin was not the first to talk about Yu Dong tonight.

Before him, almost all the winners mentioned Yu Dong.

This is also understandable, because no matter at home or abroad, when talking about the development of science fiction in recent years, the name Yu Dong cannot be avoided.

"Second World", "Deep Space", "The Last City", etc., one after another popular science fiction novels have been built into a towering building, standing in the science fiction world.

Whether you are a reader or a writer, as long as you are in it, you can see the building as soon as you look up.

After Liu Cixin finished his acceptance speech, he walked off the stage, while Yu Dong walked behind the microphone with a smile and said, "Just now Liu forgot to say one thing, the film adaptation of "Whale Song" is already under planning. You won't have to wait too long to see Whale Song in theaters, just like Take Her Eyes."

As soon as Yu Dong said this, the first sound from the audience was the sound of the shutter, followed by applause and discussion.

After the deep space company built the road, another big news came.

Perhaps for Deep Space Corporation, the film and television adaptation of "Whale Song" is just one of the company's many plans, but for the science fiction world and the reporters who came to the scene, this is big news.

Yu Dong knew that they were more concerned about this, so he said a few more words.

"The movie "Whale Song" is the same as "Bring Her Eyes". It is also handed over to the Hollywood team for production and then released abroad. Of course, you can rest assured that we will definitely strive to make this movie available in China. Let everyone see it in the cinema. In addition to "Whale Song", there is another novel "Falling Mars" published in "Science Fiction World" that is also being adapted for film and television."

The entire auditorium fell into a strange atmosphere. Everyone was applauding, but not enthusiastically. This lack of enthusiasm was not because everyone was not in high spirits, but because they were still in surprise for the time being.

Yang Xiao sat in the front row, turned her head to look at the expressions of the guests in the back row, and a smile appeared on the corner of her mouth.

She had also heard about the adaptation of "Falling Mars", but she didn't know much about the specifics.

When "Bring Her Eyes" was about to be filmed, Yang Xiao predicted that there would be a wave of frenzy from then on. Now it seems that her prediction was correct.

After "Her Eyes" hit the box office, more Hollywood directors set their sights on other Chinese science fiction authors besides Yu Dong.

If "Whale Song" and "Falling to Mars" can also be successful, it is conceivable that Chinese science fiction adaptations will be grand in the future.


Yu Dong said a few more words on the stage, and then walked off the stage directly.

After the award for best short story, comes the award for best novel.

This year's competition for the best novel was fierce. Although neither Yu Dong nor Liu Cixin had written a novel, young sci-fi writers like He Hongwei and Yang Peng had published a novel, but in the end it was the evergreen tree Wang Jingkang who broke through the siege with a The "Song of Life" won the best novel award this year.

After the best novel was awarded, Yang Xiao came to the stage to give the closing speech, and this year's Galaxy Awards ceremony came to a successful conclusion.

But at this moment, the work of the media reporters officially began.

Dozens of media huddled at the entrance of the channel "waiting for the rabbit", as long as a guest walked by, they would be interviewed by them.

In addition to Liu Cixin and Wang Jingkang who won the awards, Yu Dong, Jimmy and Harold were also the focus of the reporters.

Yu Dong knew what the reporters were concerned about, he dealt with it a few words, and then slipped away, leaving Jimmy to deal with the reporters.


The Galaxy Awards Ceremony also has a text live broadcast, but it is not as grand as the live broadcast of the Deep Space Annual Conference, and there will be a delay. Generally, it takes half an hour for the live guests to edit and then post it to the Deep Space website. .

So when Yu Dong came out of the auditorium, what Yang Xiao said before was posted on the live post.

【Princess Yueshi: Am I dreaming? "The Martian" is confirmed to be filmed in China, and a road needs to be built in deep space? 】

[Ronald Shao: You are not dreaming, and this road is not short, more than 300 kilometers. 】

[Naive sheep herding boy: more than 300 kilometers, more than 600 miles, I have never been to such a far place since I was a child. 】

[Niu Niu: More than 300 kilometers, many places are out of the province. 】

[Liu Jinfa: Some places have already gone abroad. 】

[Little Flying Cat 001: Some countries may not be so far away. 】

[Crazy Werewolf: Although I'm not a sci-fi fan, I'm going to watch this movie if I go this way. 】

[Rakugo Returns: Don't worry, you won't be disappointed. 】


[Hurry up: What? Is "Whale Song" going to be made into a movie?I am complete. 】

[Qiangu Xiaoshutong: "Falling Mars" is also going to be filmed, a great benefit for sci-fi fans. 】

[Eternal Soul: When will "Deep Space" and "The Last City" be able to make movies, I've been waiting. 】

[Qingfeng Fuzuiyue: I'm waiting for "Prison No. [-]". 】

[Go in April: deep space must be arranged. 】


After the Galaxy Awards ceremony was over, Yu Dong and Cheng Yanqiu were not in a hurry to leave, they just took this opportunity to have a good time in Rongcheng.

The reason why they are together is inseparable from the fact that Cheng Yanqiu came to Rongcheng to watch the Galaxy Awards. It is not an exaggeration to say that Rongcheng is the place where the two of them made love, so this city has a special meaning for them.

While Yu Dong and Cheng Yanqiu were wandering around reminiscing about the past, there was a man far away on Treasure Island who was staring at the empty water bottle in his hand with a depressed expression.


Jay Chou and Liu Genghong had just finished playing basketball and were resting on the sidelines. Liu Genghong might feel that the intensity was not enough today, so he did a few more push-ups.

When the push-ups were finished, Liu Genghong ran to Jay Chou and saw him staring at the empty water bottle in a daze, so he said concerned, "You are not in a good mood today."

Jay Chou shook his head: "No."

"I still said no, when you were playing basketball just now, you took the initiative to pass the ball."


"You don't even have the mood to be handsome, and you still say you're not in a bad mood?"

"I was just wondering, when are we going to sell a song."

"Didn't you say that the song you gave to the second sister was quite recognized?"

Liu Genghong's second sister is Jiang Hui, who is a well-known female singer in Taiwan. Although she hasn't produced a work for a while, her status in the music scene in Taiwan is not weak at all.

If Jay Chou and his songs can be used by the second sister, then they might be able to turn around.

"It's just saying that, but it hasn't been settled. Maybe it will be returned in the end."

Liu Genghong looked at the lackluster Jay Chou, and could understand his feelings. After all, they sent out a lot of songs, but they haven't sold any of them so far.

The only good news is that since the company was acquired by Deep Space, brother Xian doesn't usually scold Jay Chou for his bad songwriting.He had no reason to scold. After the company was acquired, Brother Xian was no longer their boss. Like Liu Genghong, he was also a signed singer of the company.

But in the same way, brother Xian basically won't come to Alpha Company now, and they rarely see each other. This is another bad news for Jay Chou.

Although the situation was bad in the past, but they always saw brother Xian, which was still a chance, but now it is good, it feels like they are children who are left alone.

Wen Lan terminated the contract with the company because she felt that she would not be valued by the company.

She terminated the contract, someone wanted it, but Jay Chou had nowhere to go after the contract was terminated.

Liu Genghong patted Jay Chou on the shoulder: "Cheer up, didn't you send a song to the head office a few days ago? It said it was an episode of a TV series, maybe it was used."


Liu Genghong nodded, and was about to do a few more push-ups when the phone in his bag rang.

He was doing well in the company, so he was financially affluent, so he bought a mobile phone early.

"Hi, hello... oh, Assistant Chen... yes, we are playing basketball... now? Oh, ok."

Liu Genghong answered the phone and chatted for a while, then turned to look at Jay Chou: "President Zhou's assistant Chen Zhaoyun called and asked you to go back to the company."

Jay Chou stared blankly at Liu Genghong: "What is he looking for from me?"

Liu Genghong shook his head: "I don't know about that. He just told you to go back now. Let's go. It's useless to think about it. You'll know when you go back. I'll be with you."


When Jay Chou and Liu Genghong returned to the company, Chen Zhaoyun was already there.

As soon as he saw Jay Chou, Chen Zhaoyun pulled him back: "Follow me to the recording studio."

Jay Chou was dragged by Chen Zhaoyun like this, and wanted to ask him why he dragged him to the recording studio, but he didn't have the nerve to ask.

After arriving at the recording studio, Chen Zhaoyun said, "There is no one else today, and you have to do everything by yourself."

Jay Chou asked in a daze, "What are you doing?"

"Recording songs, otherwise what are you doing in the recording studio." Chen Zhaoyun looked at Jay Chou with a smile, "You're lucky, the song "The Roof" you voted for was chosen by the boss and the proprietress, and they chose it as an episode of the TV series. What's even more lucky is that the boss asked you to sing. Of course, it's just for you to try, if you can't sing well, it won't work."

"I sing?" Jay Chou looked at Chen Zhaoyun and felt that he was joking with himself.

Chen Zhaoyun said with a smile: "It's you, don't you usually know how to sing? Humming and humming, now I sing for you, don't you dare?"

After Alpha was acquired, Zhou Jianhui's assistant, Chen Zhaoyun, was assigned the position of acting general manager of Alpha, so he knew Jay Chou fairly well.

"No, it's not that I dare not."

In fact, Jay Chou was really embarrassed, but it was impossible for him to admit that he "did not dare".

"In that case, let's sing."

"This song is a duet, shall I sing it alone?"

"The female voice is Zhang Huimei, but she doesn't have time to record with you. You first simply record the arrangement and the male voice, and she will find time to record the female voice. You can figure out the arrangement part, and I will do it now It's not the final version." After Chen Zhaoyun finished explaining, he looked at Jay Chou again: "Are you okay, if not, I'll tell the proprietress."

Yu Dong wanted Zhang Huimei and Jay Chou to record a version, so Zhou Jianhui and the others contacted them.

Due to deep space's face, Zhang Huimei agreed to give it a try, but her schedule is very full now, and she doesn't have time to record songs with a music assistant who is not even a singer, let alone the songs recorded this time are not sure. can be used.

So this time Zhou Jianhui arranged for both parties to record separately.

Jay Chou glanced at Chen Zhaoyun who was staring at him, then looked around the recording studio, then took a deep breath, "Okay."




ps: Asking for a monthly ticket, there are still two days left, 91 votes short, please help me.

(End of this chapter)

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