Chapter 632 Meeting Again (First Update)
After talking about "The Roof", Yu Dong asked a few more questions about the signing.

The results of the voting have not yet come out, but they are basically the same. The top two are New York and Los Angeles.

This result was almost predictable before voting began. The two cities of New York and Los Angeles absolutely crushed other cities in terms of population and economy.

Therefore, in response to this situation, Deep Space Company explained in advance that this time Yudong’s tour signing tour will open a total of eight sessions, of which only three sessions will be based on the voting results, and the remaining five sessions will be planned by Deep Space Company itself.

"No.3 can basically be determined, and it's Chicago." The margin analyzed the voting situation: "If it weren't for the huge population gap, maybe Washington could surpass Chicago and jump to third place. In fact, several people around A state, like Pennsylvania, can still..."

Yu Dong didn't care much about the rankings of these cities. After listening for a while, he asked, "How many commemorative cards have been sold this time?"

Yu Yu thought for a while and said, "This commemorative card is still very popular. I got the data three days ago, and with the pre-order, 20 copies have been sold."

"So soon?"

Yu Dong was also a little surprised at this sales speed, because the cards hadn't been sold for long.

And although this thing is commemorative, the price is not cheap, especially if you customize the pattern yourself, the price is more expensive than buying a book.

That is to say, the United States has a large number of netizens and a good economy, otherwise this thing will be very difficult to sell.

For example, in China, not to mention that there are no flash printing supporting factories here, even the existing number of netizens cannot support this service.

The number of Internet users in China has skyrocketed in the past two years, but as of June this year, there were only 200 million.

However, the growth rate has started to accelerate since last year, and it may double to 400 million by the end of this year, and break through 1000 million by the end of next year.

This is due to the deep space, because of the emergence of the deep space company, the development of the domestic computer industry has become more rapid, the number of users and user needs have continued to increase, and the matching hardware has been promoted.

The reason why Yu Dong pays attention to the sales of cards is because Yu Dong asked Liu Changmin and the others to design the card pattern this time.

There are five patterns in total, one is a unified front pattern, and the other four enter the gallery as back patterns for readers to choose.

These five designs all add some Chinese things, such as the front pattern, although not all of them are made of red, but if you look carefully, you can find that the most occupied area in the picture is red, and one of the back patterns is Put the giant panda directly.

Yu Yu is not too surprised by this sales volume, after all, Yu Dong's influence is here.

"When you, boss, go to the United States to hold a round of signings, the sales of cards will surge."


After leaving the Yuyou office, the couple went to find Mo Yan and the others.

"Return to the Cretaceous" was shown this morning, and it is also one of the few IMAX movies that can be played in their hall. The movie is not long, but it is not over yet.

Now that he went in, he couldn't find any clues, so Yu Dong and Cheng Yanqiu started strolling around the science fiction themed pavilion.

Compared with the literature-themed pavilion on the seventh floor, the sci-fi themed pavilion has significantly more tourists, because the sci-fi themed pavilion not only has a place to watch, but also has a lot of places to play. There is even a game area where tourists can Come and experience the games made by deep space, mainly "Resident Evil".

The game area is relatively popular, and there is basically a queue.

When Yu Dong walked in the science fiction hall, people would recognize him from time to time, but everyone restrained themselves, usually just saying hello and not disturbing them.

It is also because of getting used to it.

In the Deep Space Building, you can often see various celebrities, from the literary circle, the film and television circle, and the music circle... If you see too much, naturally it will not be so novel.

Celebrities like Yu Dong and the others have only one nose and two eyes, and that's what happens if they see too much.

The couple looked at the black hole simulation map in the "Deep Space" section for a while, and were about to leave when they heard someone shouting from behind, "Teacher Yu."

Yu Dong turned his head and looked, about ten meters away from them, a young man with a backpack on his back was looking at him with a smile, and he also recognized the young man in front of him.

"Xu Zechen, why are you here?"

Hearing Yu Dong call out his name, Xu Zechen smiled in surprise, "Teacher Yu, you still remember me."

Yu Dong laughed, "I was deeply impressed by what you did."

Before Yu Dong and the others went to Jinling University for a literary exchange, Xu Zechen was obviously a student of Huaiyin Normal University, but he mixed in with the students of Jinling University, claiming to be from the Chinese Department.And later on he beat the snake with a stick and asked Yu Hua to accompany him to visit Jinyi, and Yu Hua dragged Yu Dong and the others together.

A few of them writers accompanied a student to visit the school for half a day, which of course left a deep impression on them.

Xu Zechen scratched his head in embarrassment: "Mr. Yu, I am now a student of the Chinese Department of Jinling University."

Yu Dong nodded gratifiedly: "That can be regarded as fulfilling what you said back then, but it's only July, if you are going to report to Jinling University, you may have come too early, right?"

"I have a classmate who is from Jinling. When I came to his house to play, I also happened to come to the Deep Space Building to have a look."

"Oh, that's fine."

Cheng Yanqiu looked at Xu Zechen from the side, and asked, "Who is this young man?"

Yu Dong introduced with a smile: "This is Xu Zechen, a student of the Chinese Department of Jinling University,"

Then he introduced to Xu Zechen: "This is my lover, Cheng Yanqiu."

"Hello, Teacher Cheng." Xu Zechen greeted respectfully.

Hearing that he was a student of the Chinese Department of Jinling University, Cheng Yanqiu took another look.

Her father, Cheng Liye, had been promoted from the deputy director of the Chinese Department to the director a few days ago, and now he is also the head of the Chinese Department.

Yu Dong looked at Xu Zechen, and saw a trace of eagerness in his eyes. It seemed that this kid was quite happy to see him.

It was also rare to meet, so Yu Dong waved to him: "Since we meet again by fate, let's talk."

"Hey, good." Xu Zechen didn't hesitate at all, nodded and walked towards Yu Dong.

Xu Zechen has a very contradictory personality. If you say he is extroverted, his face will turn red when people stare at him a few more times, but if you say he is introverted, he can do things like sneak into Jinling University.

At this time, he was walking on the left side of the east, lowering his head slightly, and was still half a body behind the east.

Yu Dong glanced at him sideways and said with a smile, "How long have you been in Jinling?"

"Almost a week."

"when are we leaving?"

"It depends." Xu Zechen smiled: "But it should be soon, the points of my starry sky card are almost deducted."

 Thank you [Muyuchengfeng] for the reward of 1666 book coins

(End of this chapter)

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