Chapter 637 How To Make It Right (Second)

Sitting on the sofa, Ruan Zhigang took the herbal tea that Yu Dong poured for him, and he was not in a hurry to drink it, and continued to say what he hadn't finished just now.

"Mr. Yu, you don't know, my son, although he is famous and earns money, but there are many things that he can't do well. We are in our hometown..."

The following time became a one-on-one criticism meeting.

The chief critic was Ruan Zhigang, the critic was his son Ruan Xiaohu, and Yu Dong acted as a judge. Of course, judging by Ruan Zhigang's appearance, it should be hoped that Yu Dong would serve as a judge and judge him, or join the His camp, help him criticize Ruan Xiaohu together.

That said, it was more than half an hour.

Yu Dong could feel that Ruan Zhigang's mouth was dry, but he seemed unwilling to stop criticizing Ruan Xiaohu. The cup of herbal tea in his hand was not drunk, and Yu Dong suspected that this cup of herbal tea had been given to him by him. It's hot.

In the past, Ruan Xiaohu told Yu Dong that his father was biased, and Yu Dong thought Ruan Xiaohu was a little biased in his own position, but seeing this posture today, Yu Dong realized that Ruan Xiaohu was still showing mercy to his father.

It stands to reason that the second son has now become a writer and has gained both fame and fortune. As a father, he should be happy.

But when they met for the first time today, Ruan Zhigang was full of complaints about Ruan Xiaohu, saying that Ruan Xiaohu was an unfamiliar white-eyed wolf. Back then they spent so much money for him to study. Knowing that he takes care of the family, his brother and younger brother's life is so different from him, so he doesn't know how to help.

Ruan Zhigang also found a daughter-in-law for Ruan Xiaohu in the countryside, and wanted Ruan Xiaohu to go home and get married. It was obvious that he wanted to trap Xiaohu and hold him in their hands.

Ruan Xiaohu gave some money to build a house for the third child in their hometown, but Ruan Zhigang blamed him for giving too little.

But as far as Yu Dong knew, Ruan Xiaohu gave 3 yuan at that time.

Ruan Xiaohu's money is basically stored in the company. He only has [-] to [-] yuan on hand, which is definitely enough for daily life. When he needs a lot of money, he has to withdraw it from the company.

And Yu Dong will know as soon as he withdraws money.

Although 3 yuan is not as valuable as it used to be in the past two years, it can still build a small building in the countryside. It may not be too luxurious, but it is definitely enough.

But when he found out about this, Yu Dong felt that Ruan Xiaohu was too stupid and gave too much.If the money is given out, not only will they not be able to reap their gratitude, but they may even raise a few enemies.

In the end, Ruan Zhigang finally drank the herbal tea in the cup, and then said to Yu Dong: "Mr. Yu, I am a rough old man who looks for food in the fields every day. I don't know much about education. I hope you can do more." Take care."

Sure enough, Yu Dong was asked to comment on him.

Although Yu Dong had little contact with people like Ruan Zhigang, it was not impossible.

"Brother Ruan, I understand what you said."

Yu Dong nodded, and then suddenly slapped the coffee table.

He used his strength to clap this one, and the sound was very loud, which frightened Ruan Zhigang for a moment.

After the filming, Yu Dong pointed to Ruan Xiaohu's nose and said, "Ruan Xiaohu, let me ask you, which one is the most important thing? Parents are the most important thing. Guarding, which one is the most important? Guarding the body is the most important. Not losing one's body... When Zengzi raises Zeng, there must be wine and meat... If Zengzi is like Zengzi, it can be said that he cultivates ambition. It is okay to treat relatives like Zengzi.”

Yu Dong first came with a long section of "Mencius", and Zhihu also said a lot, and then continued to sternly said: "An unfilial and moral person like you is not worthy of being my student, let alone writing articles. Just pack up your things today. , go back to my hometown with Brother Ruan, share the farming work for the family, and serve by my side."

Ruan Xiaohu raised his head in a daze, but before he could react, Ruan Zhigang quickly said, "Don't, don't, Teacher Yu, it's not that serious. I... I'm exaggerating, Xiaohu is still very good, treat me and him Brothers and brothers are very good."

"Before the house was built, although the money given was not enough, I didn't blame him. It was my third child who was too greedy. He insisted on ostentation. Originally, 3 yuan was enough, but in the end it was so much overspend."

"Also, Xiaohu brought a lot of things back last time, and also gave us some money. I was to blame for the blind date, and I looked at him with old eyes..."

Although he didn't understand what Yu Dong said before, he did understand when Ruan Xiaohu was told to leave later.Ruan Zhigang spoke quickly, making amends one by one for what he had just complained about Ruan Xiaohu.

Thanks to his good memory, he still remembered all of Ruan Xiaohu's reprimands.

Ruan Zhigang's reaction was entirely in Dong's expectation. He was biased and not out of his mind. He naturally knew what it would mean if Ruan Xiaohu was really expelled from the school by Yu Dong.

It means that Ruan Xiaohu's career will be severely damaged, the money he earns will be reduced, and the support for his family will be reduced...or it may not be as simple as reducing, but cut off at all. Everything is back to square one.

Yu Dongqing was clear about the calculations in Ruan Zhigang's mind.

Ruan Xiaohu was also surprised when he saw his father kept saying good things about him to the teacher.

Yu Dong suddenly scolded him just now, his first reaction was surprise, because this is not the teacher's style of doing things at all.

Even if the teacher believed what his father said, it would not be like this.

Now Ruan Xiaohu understood that the reason why the teacher did this was to get hold of his father, and this trick obviously worked. His father, who was still accusing him of crimes just now, suddenly began to try his best to defend him.

Ruan Xiaohu was still in a daze, Ruan Zhigang grabbed his arm, "Why are you so dazed, why don't you explain to your teacher quickly."

Yu Dong waved his hands with a serious expression: "Since Brother Ruan has already said so, I also believe it, but if you want to keep Jin Yi and stay with me, Xiao Hu, you must remember not to let me hear anything about you. negative news."

"Teacher Yu, don't worry, Xiaohu won't do it," Ruan Zhigang said.

Yu Dong looked at Ruan Xiaohu, then at Ruan Zhigang, and suddenly laughed, "Brother Ruan, don't blame me for being hard-hearted. I just can't rub the sand in my eyes. I took Xiaohu back then because he was pure-minded and had a good heart. A heart that seeks to improve."

"Yes, yes, Teacher Yu did the right thing. Strict teachers produce excellent students. Xiaohu's success is entirely due to Teacher Yu's education."

Seeing the smile on Yu Dong's face, Ruan Zhigang secretly heaved a sigh of relief. He really didn't expect that this famous writer could turn his face faster than he could turn a book.

It's no wonder that when mentioning the teacher, even if he is not in front of him, Xiaohu still looks respectful and respectful. It turns out that the teacher is usually so unpredictable.

In the play, "A companion is like a tiger", this little tiger is not bad with such a teacher.

(End of this chapter)

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