Backtracking to the Age of Literature and Art

Chapter 643 Chapter 640 You will be disappointed

Chapter 643 You Will Be Disappointed

In the afternoon, fewer readers came to participate in the book signing, so Yu Hua and the others took it easy and had time to rest occasionally.

Yu Dong supervised the work in the bookstore for a while, then left.

When he left, Mo Yan and Wang Xiaobo, who slept until noon, came slowly.

These two people didn't sign the contract today, they just came to see Yu Hua's work, so Yu Dong gave them the task of supervising, and they gladly accepted it.

Walking out of the bookstore, Yu Dong put on a peaked cap. He held a book signing just yesterday, so the probability of him being recognized on Michigan Avenue is quite high. Just in case, he put on a little disguise.

This afternoon, Cheng Yanqiu took Chen Hong, Fu Jing, the female family members, and Jessica to go shopping, and Yu Dong planned to follow.

They were in a nearby shopping mall, and Yu Dong found them easily.

After walking around with them for a while, no passer-by recognized Yu Dong, but Yu Dong himself was tired from running, and finally got permission from Cheng Yanqiu to go back to the hotel to catch up on sleep.

Sleeping in the hotel until 04:30 in the afternoon, Yu Dong was woken up by the ringing of the phone. It was Jimmy calling.


Hearing Yu Dong's voice, Jimmy said unexpectedly, "Are you sleeping?"

"Well, didn't you wake me up?" Yu Dong muttered angrily.

Jimmy smiled and said, "How could I have thought that you were still sleeping at four o'clock in the afternoon. Although I was very tired yesterday, I don't need to catch up on sleep until now."

"No, I woke up very early today, and I didn't come back to sleep until the afternoon after I was busy."

"Isn't Yu Hua and Bi Feiyu signing a contract this year? What are you busy with?" Jimmy asked suspiciously.

Yu Dongban sat up, took a sip of the water on the bedside table, "I'm busy with some unimportant things, why do you call me?"

"Leiner said he wanted to meet with me."

Yu Dong asked strangely, "Leiner? Didn't you say we will meet again in Los Angeles?"

The Reiner in Jimmy's mouth is Rob Reiner, who is also the director of "Pounding Heart" that was finally selected.

In the last life, Rob Reiner was the screenwriter and director of "Pounding Heart", and he adapted this novel into a movie.

This time, Yu Dong didn't deliberately look for him, but in the end he chose Rob Reiner as the most suitable, not only for Yu Dong, but also for Jimmy and the others. But Heartbeat".

What impresses Jimmy and the others is a written material of more than 100 pages prepared by Rob Reiner, which is thicker than the script of "Pounding Heart".

You know, when Rob Reiner was preparing this material, he only saw an outline of a movie script with less than a thousand words.

Yu Dong has also read the material. Rob Reiner does have a lot of ideas. Although it is very different from the finished product of the movie, he has indeed created a prototype. Heartbeat".

The movie "Pounding Heart" is not a high investment, only a few million dollars in total, and it is not a key plan of Deep Space Corporation, because the box office of this kind of movie is destined not to be too high.

When the audience walks into the cinema, they want to see big scenes and movies that can stimulate the senses, but movies like "Pounding Heart" seem too small and fresh.

It may get a lot of praise, but the box office has an upper limit. Even with the blessing of the name YU and the promotion of Deep Space, it is impossible to break through too much.

However, there is no need to be afraid of losing money in deep space. Some movies rely on box office to make money, but some movies do not. Movies like "Pounding Heart" do not need to rely on box office to make money.

Moreover, "Heartbeat" is not only as simple as making money for Shenkong, but also an important puzzle for Shenkong to build a brand.

"Reiner said that since you are in Chicago, he will come over so that you can communicate about the script in advance."

Hearing what Jimmy said, Yu Dong nodded: "That's fine, but it's just a hard work for him."

"What's the hard work, he's very energetic. He's probably going to arrive tomorrow morning, and you should get a call from him then."

"Okay, I'll wait for him at the bookstore tomorrow."

When Yu Dong was about to hang up and go back to sleep, Jimmy asked again: "How is the script of "Pirates of the Caribbean" going? Last time, didn't you say that it was almost finished?"

"Well, it's almost there. I'll show it to you in New York."

"Then it's been too long, how about this, when you go to Los Angeles, I will also go to Los Angeles, let's talk about the script face to face. Disney is also there, if possible, then we will go directly to their base camp , put it on the agenda."

"You're still in a hurry."

"Don't be in a hurry, there are a lot of plans on hand this year. By the way, I don't usually take care of Deep Space Music. I think you are very concerned about it. You should pay more attention to it at ordinary times."


"Yes, I know, you don't understand music, but Mrs. Cheng understands, let her pay more attention. I heard from Yu Yu that the young man you liked last time is doing well now? This is a good thing, let the boss lady do more Pay attention to this young man, maybe this young man will really develop in the future."

"I have paid close attention to it. Teacher Cheng has read all the songs he wrote for others. Before we came to the United States, she was still studying it."

"What about the research results?"

"The result of the research is that there is still a lot of potential to be tapped."

"Then dig it." Jimmy smiled, and said: "Two days ago Zhou Jianhui called me and told me about the company's work in the recent period. He went to Singapore a few days ago and found a little girl who is very Not bad, they are students from Chen Weisong's school."

Yu Dong on the other end of the phone raised his eyebrows, and the first name that came to his mind when he heard this was Sun Yanzi.

"Oh? Did you sign it?"

"No, the little girl is quite stubborn and insists on coming after finishing her studies. Zhou Jianhui also thinks highly of the little girl, and even agreed to her. The little girl has two years to graduate, so he said he would wait for the little girl for two years. Hearing what he said, I sent someone to sign a contract with the little girl."

"How did you sign it?" Yu Dong asked with a smile.

"It's simple, it's a normal brokerage agreement, but it will take effect after two years. There are also some financial assistance, but the other party seems to not pay much attention to financial assistance."

"Well, just sign it. Zhou Jianhui and Chen Weisong's vision should be fine."

"If I didn't believe in them, I wouldn't insist on asking them to come here. I'm not too worried about newcomers digging this area. The main thing is publishing. We will do the publishing ourselves."

"I don't understand even more about the release of this piece."

"It's fine if you don't understand. If you understand publishing, then there's nothing wrong with it... Okay, let's stop talking, see you back in Los Angeles."

Talking to Jimmy on the phone, Yu Dong sat on the bed and rubbed his face, but couldn't continue to sleep.

Looking at the time, it was almost five o'clock, he packed up and got up, ready to have a meal later.


The next day, Yu Dong was the same as yesterday, getting up early to wake up Mo Yan and Wang Xiaobo to sign the sale.

But when he knocked on the door, he learned that Mo Yan and Wang Xiaobo had gone to the bookstore before him.

Mo Yan's family members stood at the door and yawned: "Yu Hua and Teacher Bi came here to wake Guan Moye up before dawn, don't you know?"


Yu Dong rubbed his head, he really didn't know.What time is it? They went to the bookstore?

After a simple breakfast, Yu Dong rushed to the Amazon bookstore.

When he got there, it was only [-]:[-], and the Amazon Bookstore hadn't opened yet. There were eight people standing at the door, including four of Yu Hua and the others.

Mo Yan and Wang Xiaobo stood at the door, hunched their necks and chatted with the four readers who had lined up in advance, yawning while chatting.As for Yu Hua and Bi Feiyu, they looked at Mo Yan and Wang Xiaobo with smirks on their faces, as if their tricks had succeeded.

Seeing Yu Dong approaching, Yu Hua waved to him with a smile, "Member, let's go early today."

"Morning, the staff of the bookstore didn't come over early."

Bi Feiyu said with a smile: "Don't worry, we're here to supervise the work today, and we promise not to let the two of them be lazy."

When Wang Xiaobo and Mo Yan heard this, they didn't dare to say anything, they just pretended to chat with the readers seriously.

It’s just that Wang Xiaobo’s English is good, Mo Yan’s English is shit, he can’t understand it, and he can’t speak it out. He listened to Wang Xiaobo’s conversation with the readers, and nodded in a serious manner.

A reader saw Mo Yan nodding, thought Mo Yan could speak English, and told him something, but Mo Yan didn't panic, and nodded openly: "Yesi Yesi, very Yesi."


The bookstore opened at 07:30, Yu Dong watched Mo Yan and the others sign for a while, and suddenly received a call from an unknown person.

After getting connected, I realized that it was Rob Reiner who was already in Chicago, and asked where he was, and if it was convenient to meet, Yu Dong told Reiner the address.

Only ten minutes later, Rob Reiner arrived at the bookstore.

With Yu Dong's surprised expression, Rob Reiner explained: "I arrived in Chicago at night, and I found a hotel on Michigan Avenue."

Yu Dong nodded and led Rob Reiner up to the third floor.

Rob Reiner just passed fifty, with a Mediterranean sea on his head, and less hair around his face than a beard on his face

He is tall and slightly fat. He usually doesn't exercise much, but when he went up to the third floor, he started to pant.

"any drinks?"

"Water will do."

Yu Dong nodded, asked someone to pour a glass of water for Reiner, and then said with a smile, "Jimmy told me you were coming, I was quite surprised."

"I hope my coming doesn't disturb you."

"No, I also want to meet you sooner, but I would like to trouble you to go all the way. You have also read the complete script of the movie "Pounding Heart". What is your specific opinion?"

Reiner smiled and waved his hand: "I didn't come to you this time to ask for advice. The script of this movie does not need to be revised at all. I came this time to chat with you. , what do you think about the shooting, and the actors. I heard that this story has a prototype?"

"The prototype... I did find inspiration from the two children. Do you want to see the prototype and feel it?"

"I have this idea."

Yu Dong pondered, "It's not impossible to see the prototype, but you should be disappointed in the end."

"Why? Is it because they look too ordinary?"

"Not really." Yu Dong looked at his watch, "Well, they happen to be in Chicago, I asked them to come over, you have a look."

Hearing that the prototype is in Chicago, Reiner smiled in surprise: "Of course, it seems that I came on the right trip this time."

Yu Dong smiled and didn't say anything. In fact, even if Reiner doesn't come to Chicago, they will meet in Los Angeles later. If he wants to see Jessica and the others, he can still meet them.


Half an hour later, Cheng Yanqiu brought Jessica and Hardison to the Amazon bookstore.

Reiner was very surprised when he first saw Jessica. The little girl was so pretty, but soon he understood why Yu Dong said he would be disappointed.

This little girl is so good-looking, she is the type who feels beautiful at a glance, and the temperament of this girl is very rich, which is completely different from the characters in the script.

Seeing Leiner's eyes, Yu Dong knew what Leiner was thinking.

Yu Dong looked at Jessica and Hardison, who looked puzzled, and explained with a smile: "I wrote a script before, which has something to do with you. This movie will be directed by Reiner in the future, so he proposed to Meet you guys, find out how you feel about casting."

Originally, Yu Dong thought not to tell Jessica and the others about this, but now he has called people to the director, and there is no need to deliberately conceal it, so he explained to the door.

Hardison and Jessica looked at each other in surprise.

"Am I with him?" Jessica pouted, full of disgust.

Cheng Yanqiu on the side laughed secretly, Jessica is a stubborn girl.

Hardison heard that he was written into the script with Jessica. Although he didn't know what was written in the script, he was happy about it. At least he had more contact with Jessica.

Of course, neither of them actually thought that they were actually the hero and heroine in the story.

They didn't think about it, so Yu Dong didn't explain much. He prepared some signed books for Jessica and Hardison, and asked them to bring them back to Santa Monica this time.

After Jessica and the others left, Reiner said to Yu Dong, "You're right, she's really not suitable. But, did you really find inspiration from the two of them?"

"Really, it's just a few tweaks, the core of the story hasn't changed."

Reiner nodded: "I can understand why you have to make adjustments. Do you have any special requirements for casting?"

"There are no specific requirements. You are a professional, so you can choose with confidence."

"Then I'll try." Reiner smiled, then suddenly changed the topic and said, "Actually, I think some plots..."

Hearing Reiner's sudden mention of the plot, Yu Dong was taken aback for a moment. Just now Reiner clearly said that he would not give any comments on the script topic today, so he turned around and started talking about the script again.

Yu Dong couldn't help smiling, this Reiner likes to talk around corners.

Yu Dong was no stranger to this situation, and didn't take it seriously, and started chatting with Reiner about the script seriously.

Reiner has no complaints about the whole book. What he mentioned is in some small details, such as how many chickens the heroine has raised, and the other people don't even know if the eggs are hatching chickens. Is it a bit unrealistic...

In fact, as the director, Rob Reiner can completely modify these things according to his own opinions, but he still came all the way to discuss with Yu Dong.

Some things Yu Dong persisted and explained to Reiner, and some things Yu Dong felt that what Reiner said made sense, so he kindly asked him to change it.

The two chatted for nearly two hours, and at the end, when it was about to end, Reiner suddenly said: "YU, have you ever thought about writing it into a novel?"

 Thank you [Simplified] Big Brother for the 1500 reward
(End of this chapter)

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