Backtracking to the Age of Literature and Art

Chapter 646 A guy who likes to whet your appetite

Chapter 646 A guy who likes to whet people's appetite
Although Reiner used Yu Dong's name, the matter finally came to fruition.

Seeing Yu Dong himself, Gong Youli dispelled all doubts, and when he heard that the movie Reiner mentioned was written by Yu Dong, he was even more excited: "In this way, will it be easy for me to sign in the future?" gone."

Seeing that Gong Youli's first reaction was to ask for an autograph in the future, Yu Dong and Leiner looked at each other and smiled.

"It's easy to talk about the signing." He smiled and said something to Gong Youli, and then Yu Dong looked at Gong Su'er again, "Little girl, what do you think, do you want to make a movie?"

Gong Suer blinked, looked at Yu Dong, and then at her father, "What kind of movie is it? I have a lot of roles in it. Will this movie be broadcast in theaters in the future? Can I go in and watch the movie with its ratings?" ? Am I playing a good guy?"

Yu Dong raised his eyebrows in surprise, he thought Gong Suer was quite mature just now, but he didn't expect her to be so mature.

Especially when compared with her father Gong Youli, it felt like Gong Youli didn't think as much about her daughter.

Moreover, these things that Gong Suer considered were all on point.

Reiner smiled and said to Gong Suer: "This is a movie about family and growth. You play the role of the heroine when she was young. The role is not too many, but it is very important. If there is no accident, this movie will be released in theaters." You can also go to the cinema to watch it. When the movie is released, we will give you and your family some tickets. Of course, if you have some friends who want to watch it, we can give you more tickets.”

"So, what I want to play is a very important but not very tiring role, is it?" Gong Su'er asked.

Reiner raised his eyebrows, "Your conclusion is right."

Gong Suer nodded her head, "I agree."

Although she nodded in agreement, Gong Youli reacted now, "Can we read the script first? Also, can you give us a little time to think about it, after all, this is the first time for us. "

Just now, Gong Youli's brain became hot when he saw Yu Dong, but now after Gong Su'er reminded him, he thought of many practical problems and began to think more.

Regarding this, Yu Dong expressed his understanding, "Of course, you really need to seriously consider this kind of thing. Although I really hope that Su Er can act in this movie, but at the same time, I also hope that you can think clearly. After that, her life will definitely change. I can't guarantee that this change will be good. Maybe this will be the only drama in her life. From then on, she will no longer set foot in the film and television industry, but it is also possible. Afterwards, she got involved with the film and television industry."

Gong Youli looked at Yu Dong gratefully, he could understand what Yu Dong meant.

Making a movie is indeed an easy task, but they need to consider the subsequent chain reactions. He really has to go home and discuss it with the child's mother.

Reiner said: "I'll show you a summary of the plot in a while, and then we will leave each other's contact information. I hope to get an answer within a week, is that okay?"

"No problem, one week is enough." Gong Youli said with a smile.


Hulk, the leader of Amazon's flash printing special team, looked at today's order summary with a look of surprise.

"Arthur, what's the situation, why are there so many customized Chinese ones today?"

After the 4000 million commemorative cards came out, there were quite a few customized cards with Chinese characters on them, but there had never been such a large number as today, and these Chinese characters were quite long, not just one or two words like before.

Arthur smiled and explained: "Because ancient Chinese poetry is popular on our website today."

"Why?" Hulk asked.

"Because YU gave a lot of special signatures when signing sales on Michigan Avenue, and these special signatures basically used ancient Chinese poems. Many people got the special signatures and couldn't understand them, so they ran to our flash-printed discussion area Speaking of this matter, many people helped explain these poems, and at the same time, it also made other people interested in these ancient Chinese poems. My girlfriend told me last night that she liked two lines of Chinese poems, and I didn’t know how to read them. , Anyway, it probably means that I want to be two birds in the sky, and I am willing to be two branches on the ground." Speaking of this, Arthur turned to look at the Chinese Tom in their group, "Tom, am I right? "

Tom laughed and said, "That's right. 'Lovebird' is a bird in ancient Chinese legend. This bird has only one eye and one wing. It must be male and female together to fly. 'Lianlizhi' means that two trees grow to the same size. Let’s go together, these two poems express the desire for beautiful love, which is very artistic.”

"Is that so? It's really beautiful." Hulk nodded.

Tom continued: "Ancient Chinese poetry likes to use allusions and symbols. There are so many words like lovebirds. You need to understand these things to appreciate many beautiful artistic conceptions. This is also the beauty of ancient Chinese poetry."

Hulk rolled his eyes, "Tom, how much do you know about ancient Chinese poetry?"

Tom said very modestly: "It's okay, I just know a little bit."

Hearing what Tom said, Hulk pulled a chair and sat down next to Tom, "Tom, I think this way, since there is some market for these ancient Chinese poems because of YU, we can take advantage of the popularity and continue to release them." More poetry cards."

Hulk pointed to the computer screen in front of them, "Although I don't understand these ancient Chinese poems, I can tell that the customers of these custom-made cards are too monotonous in the design of the cards, there are always only words and no pictures , there is no aesthetic feeling at all. If this is the case, the wave of enthusiasm brought about by YU will soon subside."

Tom looked at Hulk and asked, "Hulk, what do you mean?"

"What I mean is very simple. We take the initiative to select some poems with artistic conception, and then launch the package with pictures that match the artistic conception, so that more people can be attracted to customize cards. For example..."

"For example, what Arthur said just now, 'May I be a lovebird in the sky, and a twig in the earth'." Tom understood Hulk's meaning, and rubbed his hands excitedly, "We can match the card with a lovebird. With the picture of Lian Lizhi, you can also draw a couple, this card represents love. In addition to love, we can also design other cards with related themes such as family love and friendship.”

"That's right." Hulk clapped his hands, "That's what I mean, and the most important point is that we can ask YU to handwrite the version of these poems, so that readers can get YU's handwritten cards, Although it is printed, it is always more attractive than other fonts."

Arthur on the side also came over, "Also, this matter must be connected with other departments, so that they can take the opportunity to push books related to ancient Chinese poetry to the front page."


The plan to promote the card with the popularity of ancient Chinese poetry was quickly sent to Bezos' office.

Bezos couldn't help laughing when he saw the plan given by the flash printing task force.

He laughed for two reasons.

One is that the employees of the flash printing team are quite flexible in their minds, and the second is that although these employees are flexible in mind, their thinking is not open enough.

When Bezos saw this proposal, he was not concerned about the card at all, but the core business of Flash Printing Company.

Now, Amazon is cooperating with the flash printing company to make this commemorative card, just to promote the flash printing service, and in the future, the flash printing company will not be able to survive by printing these cards.

Flash Printing's main business is in personal book printing.

The so-called personal books actually have a wide range.

Some people have written a book by themselves, but they want to print it out and read it for themselves without publishing it.

There are also some people who take a lot of photos by themselves, and go to a photo studio to find someone to make a photo album, which is expensive. They can place an order through Amazon and the flash printing company will make their photos into a photo book for them. This part of the business will also be in the future of flash printing. one of its main businesses.

There are also some people who want some books but cannot buy them in bookstores, so they can also print them through flash printing.

These types of business are larger than the business of commemorative cards, and are closer to the lives of consumers, and they are also the core business of Shanyin Company.

As soon as Bezos saw the plan of the Flash Printing Task Force, he thought of one thing. If ancient Chinese poetry becomes popular, people want to know more about ancient Chinese poetry. It is impossible for them to read those bulky and obscure professional books. .

Instead of struggling to promote related books on the website, it is better for Amazon to do some simple editing and attract customers to print them into volumes.

For example, for the poem "I would like to be a lovebird in the sky, and I would like to be a Lianli branch in the earth", you can find relevant scholars to make a few pages of easy-to-understand introductions with pictures, and it is best to bring a little allusion.

If any customer is more interested in these two poems, he can place an order to print out these pages.

In the same way, other poems can do the same. At that time, customers can freely choose which poems to print out, bind them together, and make a personalized book.

In this way, customers can truly experience the charm of flash printing.

Flash printing is characterized by high customization and high degree of freedom.

If you want to do this, you must first do a good job in the software content.

Bezos immediately formed a plan in his mind. While promoting the theme cards of ancient Chinese poetry, he also found relevant professionals to make these software content. When the popularity gradually picked up, the service could be launched.

That afternoon, Bezos called Jimmy.

Jimmy was about to go to the airport to catch a plane to Los Angeles when Bezos called.

"Jeff, why are you calling me at this time." Jimmy looked at his watch, it was almost time to get off work.

Bezos said with a smile: "There is something to tell you, it has to do with flash printing."

Hearing that it was related to flash printing, Jimmy became interested.

The flash printing company co-founded with Ingram was also given high hopes by Jimmy.

Originally, Jimmy only wanted to sell favors to Ingram and ask Ingram to help him win Amazon, but then Ingram proposed to ask Deep Space to pay more funds and take more equity in order to tie up Deep Space.

Now Deep Space has more than 40.00% of the shares in Flash Printing, which is basically half split with Ingram.

After paying more, Jimmy hopes to get more from Flash Printing Company, which is why Amazon spares no effort to help promote it.

"I'll give you 15 minutes to tell me what's going on. I'm going to catch a plane later."

"Five minutes is enough." Bezos said with a smile, "YU sent out a lot of special autographs at the signing event in Chicago, and these special autographs were written on ancient Chinese poems, so many YU readers began to pay attention to China. Ancient poetry, today there are many orders for commemorative cards..."

Bezos told Jimmy the ins and outs of the matter concisely, and the whole process took only 2 minutes.

Jimmy nodded straight after listening, "Jeff, your idea is correct, we are taking this opportunity to promote the real core business of flash printing. You don't have to worry about the software content, just leave it to me , I will go to China to find some relevant experts, they are definitely qualified for this job.”

"I knew you must have a channel, so I'll wait for your good news."

"No problem." Jimmy looked at his watch, "There are still some things, I won't tell you, I'll give YU a call."

"it is good."

Here Jimmy hung up on Bezos, and quickly called Yu Dong again.

Yu Dong was chatting with Gong Youli and the others. After receiving Jimmy's call, he said with a smile, "Jimmy, your call just happened..."

But Jimmy interrupted him, "I have to catch a plane later. To make a long story short, you wrote those poems for the readers the day before yesterday. Do you remember?"

"Uh... probably remember, why did you suddenly ask this?"

"Why do you ask? Let's talk in detail after we meet in Los Angeles. Now you copy out all the poems you wrote and give them to me when you arrive in Los Angeles. Also, do you know any experts who are familiar with ancient literature?"

"You ask this..."

"My dear, you don't have much time, so don't ask any more questions."

Yu Dong curled his lips and said, "Many, such as Professor Yang Minru Yang who teaches classical literature in our school, and Professor Cheng Huichang from Jinling University. They are very good at studying classical literature, not to mention ancient poetry. But the two of them now They are all old and retired.”

"Can you get in touch with them?"

"Of course, what are you going to do?"

Jimmy said with a smile, "What am I going to do, you will know when we meet tomorrow. Okay, I won't tell you anymore, I have to catch a plane, see you tomorrow."

Before Dong could respond, a busy tone came from the phone, and Jimmy hung up the phone.

Looking at the mobile phone ringing in his hand, Yu Dong shook his head, and said to Gong Youli and the others, "A guy who likes to wow people."

(End of this chapter)

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