Backtracking to the Age of Literature and Art

Chapter 655 The Kind Teacher Yu

Chapter 655 The Kind Teacher Yu
Some people say that Jinling has only two seasons, summer and other seasons.

This is somewhat exaggerated, but the summer in Jinling is indeed very long, even in September, it is still unbearably hot, especially for the students from the Northeast.

Wang Yang was lying on the desk, with his right face stuck to the desk, trying to cool his cheeks that were almost ripe with the slightly less hot desk. piece.

The chirping of cicadas and birds outside the window did not make him feel comfortable, but instead made him a little anxious.

However, what made him feel most anxious was not the chirping of cicadas and birds outside the window, but the two noisy ducks in the classroom.

"Who makes me love you?"

"it's me."

"Who makes you love me?"

"It's you."

Two boys, one named Deng Yu and the other named Zhao Di, were active members of the class.

Although the new semester has only started for a few days, these two people have already made a name for themselves in the Drama Department of Jinyi. Many people know that there are two live treasures from the 98 show, one surnamed Deng and the other surnamed Zhao.

Before the class bell rang, the two live treasures played flower jobs again and sang the love song "The Roof" duet.

This kid Deng Yu is good at imitating singers and singing. Now he imitated Zhang Xueyou's voice and sang "The Roof", which drew applause. Everyone felt very lively, only Wang Yang felt his head was about to explode.

He really didn't want to hear their voices again.

Suddenly, the voices of Deng Yu and Zhao Di stopped, and the booing students suddenly fell silent.

"Attend class!"

A loud "class" came, Wang Yang stood up quickly, bent down with his classmates and shouted: "Hello, teacher."

It was not the first time for the students performing at 98 to see Yu Dong. During their military training before, they could often see Yu Dong shuttling around the campus, but this was the first time Yu Dong taught them.

Standing on the stage, Yu Dong first looked around the classroom, and even took a special look at Deng Yu and Zhao Di.

He could hear clearly outside the classroom, it was these two boys who were singing "The Roof" duet just now.

After looking around the classroom, Yu Dong said with a half-smile: "If any of you want to go to the Vocal Music Department, just tell me, and I can transfer you there right now."

Deng Yu and Zhao Du knew that Yu Dong was talking about them, so they lowered their heads and dared not speak.

Although they didn't take Yu Dong's class, they had heard too much about Yu Dong's deeds.

I heard that their senior sister Yan Danchen was scolded and cried by Yu Dong on the road.

That's Yan Danchen. Since the broadcast of "Oolong Passing Love", Yan Danchen has become the dream goddess of teenagers.

Miao Pu, who was sitting in the front row, secretly glanced at Yu Dong, but she didn't dare to take a breath. She heard that Teacher Yu Dong hated students wearing revealing and inappropriate clothes, so she specially found a very conservative dress today. Put on.

Among the classmates, Miao Pu should be the biggest one.

Before coming to Jinyi, she was already well-known.

She comes from a family of Qin opera. She has performed on stage since she was four or five years old, participating in the famous play "Blessing". When she was a teenager, she won No.1 in the National Film and Television Performance Promotion Newcomer Contest and was named the Fourth Young Tsing Yi by the media.

In the past two years, she has successively filmed several films such as "White Horse Flying", and she has already become famous in the theater circle at a young age.

Both Chinese Opera and Yanjing Film Academy offered her olive branches, but she still chose Jinyi without much hesitation.

The competition between Jinyi in the past two years has been very fierce. Everyone knows the relationship between Yu Dong and Shen Kong, and also knows the relationship between Yu Dong and Jinyi.

Now that Deep Space is doing so well, as long as it enters Jinyi, it basically has one foot firmly into the film and television industry.

Hu Jing, Qin Yi, and Yan Danchen are real examples.

Yu Dong clicked Deng Yu and Zhao Di, and then looked at Miao Pu, who was a little surprised to see Miao Pu's clothes.

Miao Pu is also a celebrity now, but he didn't expect to dress so plainly, almost comparable to the cleaners in the school. He even saw a patch on Miao Pu's clothes.

Could it be that the fashion trend has gone so fast and patches have become fashionable?
Yu Dong didn't expect Miao Pu to dress like this because he was intimidated by his reputation, so he just glanced at it and said, "Everyone, the literary literacy course is not an important course. You are majoring in acting, so the requirements for you are natural." It cannot be compared with majors such as theater creation and directing. If this major has other heavy workloads, you can drop this course for a while and focus on other workloads.”

The students below were taken aback when they heard this.

Before they came here, they had heard that the literature classes in Jin Yi's acting major were no more interesting than those in the serious literature department, so they felt a little uneasy, but now they heard what Yu Dong said, and it seemed that they were not so strict. Well.

Deng Wei, who had lowered his head, heaved a sigh of relief. He had been worried about this before.

Before coming to Jinyi, he also studied acting for several years. Compared with other students, he has an advantage in majors, but he is afraid of majors such as literary literacy. Since Teacher Yu said that the requirements for literary literacy courses are not strict, then It will be easier in the future.

Seeing the relieved look of the students below, Yu Dong showed a kind smile.

"Everyone came to Jinling from all over the country, with different ages, backgrounds, and experiences. The so-called teaching students according to their aptitude, the first class, we don't do anything else, I will briefly understand your level, so that it will be convenient for you to target-teaching later. "

After finishing speaking, Yu Dong turned around and wrote a line on the blackboard: If I become a big star.

After finishing writing, Yu Dong turned around, "If I become a big star, of course, some of you are already stars and quite famous, but you might as well take a longer view."

Deng Yan raised his hand and said with a smile, "Teacher Yu, how big can you zoom in? Can I use you as a template?"

Yu Dong smiled and said, "I suggest you use actors or singers as templates, otherwise, you won't be able to substitute them in. You don't necessarily need to find a template. You can imagine freely. One day you will become the most powerful actor in the world. This kind of film award is soft, and there are more than [-] million movie fans all over the world, wherever you go, you will be greeted by a roaring crowd."

"If such a day came, how would you feel and what would you do? Write these down, at least [-] words."

"Five thousand words!"

Zhao Di exclaimed, "Teacher Yu, I have never written an article of more than a thousand words since I was a kid."

Yu Dong looked at Zhao Di with a smile: "I didn't have it before, but I have it after today. Just to remind you, this is a class assignment, and you still have more than three hours. I think some of you didn't bring pens and paper, it doesn't matter, I You can come and go as you please, and you can go back and get your pens and papers now."

"In addition, I would like to remind you that this class assignment will directly affect your grades in this course. If you fail my course, you will repeat the grade if you don't make up the exam or retake it. If you think Jin Yi is very Well, if you want to stay here for a few more years, this course can fully satisfy you.”

Afterwards, Yu Dong looked at his watch again, "If you keep looking at me with such cute eyes, I'm sure that you won't be able to complete the task before class ends at noon. Oh, and write quickly It doesn't matter, but don't write too sloppy, I am a person with dyslexia, if you write too scribbled, I may not be able to recognize it, and if I can't read the words, it's as if you didn't write it. "

After finishing speaking, Yu Dong sat down on the podium, took out a pen and paper and did his own thing.

The students in the audience were completely stunned.

One minute ago, they were still thankful that the course was not strict, but now they already felt a kind of ubiquitous pressure.

More than three hours, at least [-] words.

Zhao Di bit the tip of his pen, he hadn't written for a long time, let alone a [-]-word article, even if he was given a [-]-word article to copy for him, he wasn't sure if he could write in three hours. completed within.

Deng Yu next to him poked Zhao Di's arm, "Why are you in a daze, hurry up, you really want to repeat the grade."

Zhao Du sneaked a glance at Yu Dong on the podium, and said in a low voice: "The words of repeating the grade should be to scare us, it won't really make us repeat the grade, I haven't heard that the former senior sisters and seniors repeat the grade, you Look, aren't we all freshmen who just entered school this year?"

Deng Wei whispered, "Whether it's to scare us or not, just do it. Even if you don't repeat the grade, you will really make the teacher unhappy. Do you still want to film after graduation?"

Zhao Di twitched the corner of his mouth, "That's true, then I'll write it quickly."

"Yeah, hurry up and write."

Not far away, Wang Yang didn't hear the two of them muttering, and had already begun to write.

After Yu Dong came, the whole classroom became much quieter, which also made Wang Yang feel much more comfortable, and he was not as impatient as before.

There are also some students who didn’t bring paper and pens, but they don’t need to go back to get them. Even one among the students is enough.

After a while, the whole classroom fell silent, only the sound of the pen tip rustling on the paper remained.

Yu Dong first wrote the course record for a while, and then took out a stack of scripts to read, which was sent by Chen Weiwen.

Before the deep space annual meeting last year, Yu Dong called Li Hong and Chen Weiwen together to chat about idol dramas.

Later, Li Hong sent over the script of "The Love Song of the Stars and the Moon", but there was no movement from Chen Weiwen's side. It was not until two days ago that he sent over the script in front of him.

Chen Weiwen named this drama "In the Name of Love", and when he heard this name, the first thing that came to Yu Dong's mind was a TV series filmed by Neon a few years ago, called "In the Name of Love". "Under the Name" is also an idol drama.

So Yu Dong was still a little worried at the time, fearing that Chen Weiwen would learn from Neon.

It's okay to learn from others, but I'm afraid that if I learn too much, I will make a fuss in the future and things will not be easy to deal with.

After reading the script, Yu Dong felt relieved.

Chen Weiwen's "In the Name of Love" has nothing to do with Nihong's "In the Name of Love". Although they are both idol dramas, they are completely two types of stories.

The character structure of "In the Name of Love" is not complicated, with a total of six main characters.

Actor, heroine.The hero's rival in love, the heroine's rival in love.The hero's best friend, the heroine's best friend.

This role setting is completely standard for idol dramas.

The structure of the story is also very simple. The hero is a son of a rich family, but he has been weak and sick since he was a child. Once he went to the suburbs with family activities, and the seven-year-old hero was pushed off a cliff by a plotter and almost died.

Fortunately, the male protagonist was rescued by a little girl who lived nearby, and he survived in the end.

After waking up, the boy only remembered that the girl who rescued him wore a very special bracelet with a red star on it and iris flowers around it.

Later, the hero has been looking for the heroine who saved him, and finally found that special bracelet at the age of 26.

The owner of the bracelet is a girl, and she did live near the male protagonist Luoshan before. After asking, the girl also admitted this matter.

But in fact, this girl is not the girl who saved the male lead back then, but the girl in the male lead's company who fights with the male lead every day.

The girl wearing the bracelet is actually the heroine's neighbor. She knows what happened, and also knows that the girl was the heroine, but in order to get the hero, she concealed the whole thing and deliberately created conflicts between the hero and the heroine.


It's very bloody, very routine, even those idol dramas used these routines before, but it's different from Qiong Yao's drama, the relationship between the male and female protagonists is relatively simple, the male protagonist loves the female protagonist, and the female protagonist also loves the male protagonist, there's nothing wrong with it Unclear things.

Although some external influences made their love road not smooth, but their direction is the same.

The male protagonist has always liked the female protagonist in his heart, and he only has a mentality of repaying the second female protagonist, never saying that he has superfluous feelings.It's not like some male protagonists in some TV dramas now, but in later generations, they will look at a scumbag.

This kind of routine can go far and long.

Yu Dong nodded, and put down the script in his hand. Generally speaking, there is no problem with the script, as long as it is polished a little, the filming can start.

In fact, he does not have high requirements for the script of this kind of idol drama, and if it is generally passable, and there is enough conflict in the drama, he will arrange filming.

If you want to use idol dramas to capture the East Asian market, you can't demand too much quality, and you should go hand in hand with quality and quantity.

And people say that quantitative changes lead to qualitative changes, which is not without reason.

Even if Yu Dong is reborn, he can't be 100% sure that a certain TV series will definitely be liked by the audience, so it needs a process of trial and error.

Only by increasing the number can this trial and error process be shortened and domestic producers find a feasible path.

Moreover, Yu Dong never expected that all the TV series they produced could be exported abroad, so the quantity is needed to support it. As long as the quantity is reached, it will always create a flow of impressions.

If one hundred TV dramas are produced in China every year, ten of them are of high quality, and these ten TV dramas are exported to other countries, foreign audiences will also think that domestic dramas are of high standard.

They don't think that after these ten excellent TV dramas, there are still [-] TV dramas that are not of good quality. They only think that Chinese TV dramas, one popular and another, are of high quality.

(End of this chapter)

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