Chapter 657 Good boss!
Yu Dong and Bi Feiyu, who had picked up the cart, met Feng Ming and Liu Changmin on the way, and helped them deliver supplies along the way.

Looking at the cart full of vegetable oil and rice, Feng Ming said with emotion, "These days are getting better and better. When we first started working, how could we dare to think about this life."

Liu Changmin nodded in agreement, "Our school has indeed developed very well in recent years."

"It's not just our school, everything is getting better and better now. Let's talk about Jinling, isn't it just approved to build the first subway line, and now it seems that the second subway line is being planned, starting from Shenzhen Empty park. Yu Yuanwai, as the boss of Deep Space, don’t you have any inside information?” Feng Ming looked at Yu Dong.

Yu Dong said with a smile: "I can only tell you that the transportation in the Deep Space Park will definitely develop, not only the transportation, but also life, commerce, and culture."

Liu Changmin said with a smile: "With your deep space park, I believe these things will definitely develop."

"That's right." Feng Ming also nodded, "Many people are saying that houses are going to be built in Hexi and sold, but they don't know if it's true or not."

"This must be true." Bi Feiyu said with a smile: "I am also looking at it. If I build a house by then, I will buy one if I can."

"It should be easy for you to buy, but it's hard for my family, and I don't know how much the house can sell for when it's built." Feng Ming said.

Liu Changmin said with a smile: "Don't worry, it's definitely not too expensive. Besides, you don't need a house to live in, so why bother?"

Hearing them chatting about the house, Yu Dong kept laughing but didn't participate.

Now people say that buying a house is not the same thing as before. After the housing reform policy came down, the concept of commercial housing suddenly became popular. Overnight, no matter whether you have money or not, everyone is talking about buying a house.

Of course, Yudong has no shortage of houses to live in. There are apartments near the school, old houses in Shanghai, and a yard in the suburbs, which is the Hexi that Feng Ming and the others just mentioned, and there is also a piece of land in the deep sky.

There are dormitories in the Deep Space Park, and many units are very spacious and can be used as a family.

However, Deep Space still took another piece of land in the surrounding area, preparing to build a talent apartment for employees who have made great contributions to the company.

In Yu Dong's current position, what needs to be considered is not his own housing problem, but the housing problem of other people.

To retain talents, high salaries are not enough, and the living problems of employees must also be solved.

If they can have a stable living environment in Jinling, they will naturally be able to stay.


In Baodao, Beishi, the newly renovated office, Zhou Jianhui listened to his assistant Chen Zhaoyun's report, and said with a smile: "Boss Yu and the others did this with us in mind, at least to send a signal to us that they will not easily interfere with my decision."

Chen Zhaoyun also laughed and said, "Indeed, if Boss Yu really wants to promote Jay Chou for his debut, I'm afraid we won't be able to refuse."

"To be honest, if they hadn't arranged for Alpha to go out independently to make a record for Jay Chou, even if the big boss didn't force me to do it, I would help. There is no need to offend the big boss because of such a trivial matter. But they are so optimistic about Jay Chou, I I still didn't expect that this young man is indeed talented, but his talent has not reached the point where he can cover up his image."

Speaking of this, Zhou Jianhui turned his chair and looked outside, "Our big boss is really good at writing scripts, but making music and managing singers is not very good."

"But isn't our lady boss a professional?"

"The proprietress is into classical music. It's not the same thing at all. I think the proprietress sees that Jay Chou has a background in classical music, so that's why she likes him."

"Well, it should be."

"Okay, this matter has nothing to do with us, just do your own thing. Remember to keep an eye on Sun Yanzi. Although the contract we signed will take effect in two years, you have to call her often to ask her attitude. People are always changing, maybe she will change her mind before graduation.”

"I understand. I will contact you every one or two months."

"Well, also, the Li family brothers should keep an eye on it. We are a cooperative relationship now, but they also have their own studio, so they may not be able to focus on this. Sun Yanzi is their student. I hope Before she debuts, the two of them will be able to write an album for Sun Yanzi."

Hearing Zhou Jianhui's words, Chen Zhaoyun curled his lips inwardly. Mr. Zhou also said that Boss Yu was too kind to the newcomers, but the situation with him was not much better.

It's just that Xia Tian went to Li Weisong's school and saw Sun Yanzi. Zhou Jianhui insisted on taking her under his command, and even asked the Li brothers to make an album for her in advance.

Let me ask, is there any newcomer in the world who can receive such treatment?
"Mr. Zhou, if there is nothing else, I will go out first."

"Well, go out and get busy."

After Chen Zhaoyun left, Zhou Jianhui looked out the window with a good mood.

At that time, Zhou Jianhui gave up Warner and chose to come to Deep Space Music. Zhou Jianhui was very entangled in his heart. In the end, Jimmy caught his mind and promised him a share to make the final decision.

But now it seems that his choice is completely correct. It is really a very comfortable thing for Yu Dong to work with the two bosses, Jimmy.

Especially this time, Yu Dong took good care of his emotions, not only asked his opinion in advance, but also found a way to get the best of both worlds, so as not to embarrass him.

Good boss!


Yu Dong, who was in a meeting with Yang Minru and Mo Lifeng, sneezed suddenly.

Mo Lifeng made a joke, "Teacher Yu, it must be that someone misses you."

Yu Dong rubbed his nose and said with a smile: "It's autumn, the air is slowly starting to dry, and the nose is a little itchy, let's continue, where did we just say?"

"I just talked about the combination of pictures and texts." Yang Minru said with a smile.

"Yes." Yu Dong nodded and continued: "This time, the combination of graphics and text is very important. Compared with text, patterns are more intuitive, especially when facing foreigners who do not understand Chinese, patterns are often more intuitive. Can convey information quickly. Teacher Yang, although our team is responsible for poetry annotations and not drawing pictures, I still hope that you can give some opinions to the art team from a professional perspective."

"Of course there is no problem. In fact, even if you don't say it, I still want to give my opinion. I don't want those beautiful sentences to be accompanied by pictures that are messy." Yang Minru said.

Mo Lifeng said with a smile: "Mr. Yang, don't worry about this. This time we are cooperating with the visual studio led by Mr. Liu Changmin of Jinyi. Because I am close, I have talked with Mr. Liu in advance. He is here. very insightful.”

"Really." Yang Minru looked at Yu Dong with great interest: "You know how to save money and gather Yan Normal University, Jinling University and Jinyi University together. How about this, tell us about the specific matters, we Flash on this..."

Seeing that Yang Minru was stuck, Yu Dong reminded, "Flash print."

"Yes, Flash Print, we don't know about this thing, and I'm afraid that the things we make are not suitable."

Yu Dong smiled and shook his head, "It doesn't matter, flash printing is a kind of fast printing business, except for speed and volume, there is no essential difference from ordinary printing."

"Since this is the case, then I won't think about it. Let's get to work quickly, which has been delayed for a long time."

Yang Minru took out a few pieces from the materials in front of him, "Before I came, I simply classified these poems according to time. Xiao Mo, we will divide the work. The five generations ago will be handed over to you, and the five generations ago will be handed over to you." Give it to me, if there is any uncertainty, we will study it together."

"Then how many other team members?" Mo Lifeng asked.

"Is anyone familiar with Song Ci?"

"There is one."

Yang Minru smiled and nodded, "Let that one stay with me."

Then she turned her head to look at Yu Dong again, "Yu Dong, what else do you have to explain?"

Yu Dong shook his head and said with a smile: "I'm relieved to leave this matter to you two. Teacher Yang has come from a long way, just stay in Jinling. If you need anything in life, you can find a spare or find me. "

"No, haven't you already arranged someone, I'm not too old to take care of myself."


Yang Minru's office is located in the Literature Theme Pavilion of the Theme Building. As soon as you walk out of the room, there are rows of bookshelves.

Today is Saturday, and the Literature Theme Pavilion is quite lively, with several people between every two rows of bookshelves.

Someone recognized Yu Dong and excitedly wanted to say hello loudly, but being surrounded by so many bookshelves, the voice would subside unconsciously.

If Yu Dong saw someone recognize him, he would smile and wave his hand.

When he was about to reach the elevator entrance, Yu Dong suddenly heard someone calling him in a low voice.

"Teacher Yu."

Yu Dong looked back, then smiled, "Choice Minister."

Xu Zechen stood by the wooden chair in the rest area, with a smile on his face that surrounded his bulbous nose, so bright that it was about to overflow.

Yu Dong was also very happy to see Xu Zechen. During the summer, Xu Zechen stayed in Jinyi's reception room for a long time. After Yu Dong came back from the United States, he also heard from Uncle Zhou that this kid would go to Jinyi every day until a few days before school started. Communication room.

Originally, Yu Dong also wanted to chat with Xu Zechen again, but he never had time. It was less than two weeks since the beginning of school, and he was so busy that he almost forgot about Xu Zechen.

"Reading?" Yu Dong asked.

Xu Zechen shook the "One Hundred Years of Solitude" in his hand, "Let's read the book."

Yu Dong smiled and waved to him: "Walk with me."

Xu Zechen seemed to be waiting for Dong's greeting, and before Yu Dong's voice fell, Xu Zechen had already answered "OK", and then walked towards Yu Dong.

When the elevator arrived, the two went downstairs together, and then took a walk in the deep space park.

At the door, many people greeted Yu Dong, and he kept responding.

When he arrived at a place with few people, Yu Dong smiled and asked Xu Zechen, "Are you still used to the new environment? How do you feel about your studies?"

Xu Zechen nodded, "I'm used to it. I've been in Jinling for a long time, and I don't feel that Jinling Normal School is special. As for the academics, the teachers here are naturally of a higher level, and the students' level is also high. I used to be in Huaiyin Normal School. I always felt that I am powerful enough, but only when I came here did I realize that there is a sky beyond the sky, and there are many days beyond the sky."

When Xu Zechen said this, Yu Dong deliberately observed his expression, and saw that he was only laughing at himself, not discouraged, so he smiled gratifiedly, "It's a good thing that you can understand this truth at this age. The gap in schoolwork makes up for it." It’s not difficult to get started, but it’s not easy to make up for the gap in mentality. Naturally, the teachers at Jinling Normal University are not low-level, as long as you follow behind and study hard, you will definitely improve.”

Hearing Yu Dong's words, Xu Zechen didn't respond, just kept his head down and didn't speak.

Seeing that he didn't speak, Yu Dong asked a little strangely, "What's wrong?"

Xu Zechen turned around suddenly, facing Yu Dong, and bent over at ninety degrees.

His sudden movement startled Yu Dong, and he quickly took a step back.

"What are you doing, kid!"

Xu Zechen still bent over and lowered his head, "Teacher Yu, can you accept me as a student?"

Yu Dong looked surprised: "Huh?"

"Since the last time I finished chatting with Jinyi, what you said at that time has been echoing in my mind, leading my soul to drift to another world. It was the same during the days at school. In class, I I still can't find the feeling of chatting with you that day, and I think that if I can worship you as my teacher, I will definitely learn more."

Yu Dong stared at the back of Xu Zechen's head and twitched the corners of his mouth. Xu Zechen is really a kid, he always likes to be nasty, and he even pulled out the word "soul".

In fact, out of selfishness, Yu Dong of course wants to accept Xu Zechen as a student, but this is a seedling of a grand slam of literary awards.

But to be honest, when Xu Zechen was an undergraduate, Yu Dong could still teach him something, and when Xu Zechen went to graduate school, there would be very few things he could teach him.

Adding up the two lives, Yu Dong has only been serious about learning for a few years, and now he is using his old books.

After pondering for a while, Yu Dong said: "Let's not talk about the apprenticeship. If you don't understand anything, you can go to Jinyi to find me at any time or sometimes you can come to the Deep Space Park...Give me the Star Card."

Xu Zechen didn't know why Yu Dong suddenly asked for his starry sky card, but he still took out his own starry sky card from his pocket.

After taking his Starry Sky Card, Yu Dong wrote down the serial number of his Starry Sky Card, then called Jiang Jie and asked Jiang Jie to add points to the card number.

"Temporarily charge ten thousand."

After making the phone call, Yu Dong handed the star card back to Xu Zechen who was already stunned, "These [-] points should be enough for you for a while."

Xu Zechen nodded numbly.

Isn't that right, if you stay in the theme building for [-] points a day, [-] points can be used for a year in a row.

Although Yu Dong didn't explicitly say that he was accepted as a student, this action already indicated that now is different from before.

God is pitiful, Xu Zechen wanted to worship Yu Dong as his teacher because he felt that Yu Dong was talented, and he didn't have the idea of ​​scoring points...

(End of this chapter)

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