Chapter 659 Abuse of Employees
For the matter of the pendant, Jimmy talked with Motorola for seven or eight months, that is to say, when "Love Through Time and Space" first came out, Jimmy was already planning this matter.

But during this period of time, he never communicated with Yu Dong and the others, which shows how strict his mouth is.

In fact, it's not Jimmy's fault, because he didn't think it would end up like this at first.

At the beginning, Jimmy didn't propose the mode of attaching pendants. After all, Motorola had never done such a thing before.

The first thing Jimmy wanted to achieve was to make Hu Jing the spokesperson for Motorola in Asia.

But it was very difficult to talk about this matter. Motorola's attitude was very ambiguous. They didn't directly refuse, but they didn't agree, and they kept hanging.

Later, "Love Through Time and Space" became popular in China, and Motorola's attitude became more positive, but the conditions they gave were relatively general, and they were only willing to let Hu Jing be the spokesperson for China.

Seeing that the conditions were mediocre, Jimmy began to hang on to Motorola. The two sides struggled for more than half a year. Seeing that "Love Through Time and Space" was about to become popular in Asia and even broadcast in Europe and America, Motorola's attitude changed again.

In the end, Jimmy had a whimsy and asked Motorola to invite a virtual character to be the spokesperson, and the virtual character he said was naturally a "little playboy".

It is good for both Deep Space and Motorola to have "Little Playboy" as the spokesperson.

Motorola can earn the gimmicks, and Deep Space can develop the IP.

The two sides hit it off immediately, and then made a "Little Playboy" doll.

In the contract signed by the two parties, Deep Space had to shoot a cartoon for "Little Playboy", and the cost should not be less than 5000 million U.S. dollars, of which 1000 million U.S. dollars was paid by Motorola.

In other words, for this cooperation, Deep Space had a "debt" of 5000 million yuan on its head from the beginning.

But Jimmy doesn't care about these at all, because he is confident that he can earn the 4000 million US dollars in this transaction.

Motorola's upcoming flip phone, which is inexpensive and lightweight, is sure to be popular with consumers.

With Motorola's current market share, it is a sure thing that this phone will sell to tens of millions.

And every time they sell this mobile phone, they have to give Deep Space two dollars, which means that for this part of the cost alone, Deep Space can earn back at least 2000 million US dollars, and they can also get an additional 1000 US dollars from Motorola. million dollars.

Motorola's 1000 million US dollars is completely free. The only condition is that the production cost should not be lower than 5000 million US dollars.

If Motorola is featured in the script, they'll pay extra for the film's advertising.

In this way, the production cost of 5000 million can be easily collected.

Even if Deep Space didn’t earn 4000 million dollars from the “Little Game” pendant, they could still sell the film’s investment share. Based on Deep Space’s current reputation, they want to raise investment for the film, but it’s just a matter of moving their fingers.


"This little play animation movie requested by Motorola, you can do it."

After Jimmy told Yu Dong for a long time, he suddenly said this.

Yu Dong on the other end of the phone was taken aback, "For a long time, are you pulling coolies?"

Jimmy chuckled: "Don't say it so harshly, I've thought about it for you. Just now I asked you if you're busy recently. You said it's okay. Since you're relatively free recently, find something to do. "

Yu Dong gritted his teeth, "Fortunately, I'm relatively idle, so I put an equal sign in your mouth? We can't do this animation movie now, right?"

"It doesn't matter, we can produce a script, and the rest will be handed over to Lucas or DreamWorks, and then Disney will distribute it."

It was Jimmy's usual trick to throw money at things, and he always played it well.

Of course, compared with those who play with capital, Jimmy not only borrows chickens to lay eggs, he also has an old hen in his hands.

Yu Dong himself has the self-consciousness of being an old hen, he nodded and said: "In this case, I will try to write a script, this time I will slow down, and I will give you the outline of the script within two months."

"No problem." Hearing Yu Dong's promise, Jimmy laughed, "That's it, I'm quite busy here, I'll talk to you later."

Then the phone hung up directly.

Yu Dong has long been used to Jimmy's "killing the donkey", pouted, and hung up the phone.

Jimmy was in New York, so he called at night, while Jinling was still in the morning.

After eating breakfast, Yu Dong wandered to the office. Just as his butt was touching the bench, the phone on the desk rang.

Who will it be early in the morning?
Yu Dong frowned, picked up the phone, and a voice came from the other end of the phone: "Ahem, boss, good morning."

Hearing Yu Yu's voice, Yu Dong was a little surprised.

Yu Yu is a very straightforward person, he must have something to do when he calls early in the morning, and when he has something to do, he usually speaks directly, and he won't follow around around the corner like he is now.

And from Yu Yu's tone, Yu Dong clearly heard a sense of embarrassment.

"What's wrong? Is there something wrong with the company's business?"

"That's not true..." Yu Yu hesitated and said, "It's Xiao Zhou, he's in the hospital."

"Hospitalized?" Yu Dong raised his eyebrows, "What's going on?"

"It's too tired, and I haven't eaten much recently, and my body can't bear it anymore. The doctor said there's nothing serious, but I need to rest more. It's best not to work for a month or two."

"Too tired? What's wrong with him?"

"Isn't this going to release an album for him? During this period of time, he spent every day in the recording studio working on his demos. According to people in the company, he hasn't been home for a long time."

Hearing Yu Yue's words, Yu Dong scratched his head.

Could it be that the task I gave him was too heavy?
However, it should not be difficult for Jay Chou to produce more than a dozen demos in two months. As for this?
Although Yu Dong doesn't know how much Jay Chou has in stock now, but according to Jay Chou's current creative enthusiasm, it is impossible for him to be tired enough to be hospitalized if he can complete the demos of more than a dozen songs within two months.

"How many demos has he made?"

"Fifteen songs have been written, and five lyrics and music have been written, but they have not been recorded yet."

It's only been half a month, and the demos of a song are produced on average every day, which is completely beyond Yu Dong's imagination.

Although Yu Dong knows nothing about music, he also knows the difficulty of producing fifteen original song demos in fifteen days.

But why is this kid in such a hurry?

I clearly said that it is enough to make more than a dozen songs within two months, but this kid finished it in half a month. Even if he is in a hurry to release an album, he can't work so hard.

"Boss... Actually, it's my fault."

"Uh, what do you say?"

"That's right. At that time, in order to put a little pressure on Jay Chou, I changed the conditions to make more than 20 demos in one and a half months."

Yu Dong said strangely, "Even so, he wouldn't be able to work so hard, after all, there is still a month to go, and he is almost producing twenty songs."

"Boss, this is not over yet. I told Huang Zongliang this. Unexpectedly, he also wanted to put a little pressure on Zhou. He changed the condition to make 35 demos within a month."


Hearing Yu Yu's words, Yu Dong was speechless.

This Huang Zongliang is really messing around, he is also a serious producer, don't you know what is the concept of producing 35 song demos a month?

There is more than one song a day on average, how can ordinary people bear this intensity.

Of course, apart from worrying about Jay Chou's health, Yu Dong is also very concerned about the quality of the [-] songs that have already been written. He is very worried that the quality of the songs will decline because of Huang Zongliang's messing around.

"Help me send a message to Xiao Zhou, let him take a good rest recently, and don't worry about the album for the time being. In addition, send me all the fifteen demos he has made and the five songs with written lyrics and music. Come here."

Yu Yu nodded: "Okay, boss."

Yu Dong sighed again, and said with a bit of blame: "Yu Yu, Huang Zongliang didn't do it right, and you have a problem too. Didn't I talk about more than a dozen songs for two months? Why did I overweight it when I got to you?" More than 20 songs in one and a half months?"

Yu Yu said a little aggrieved: "Boss, didn't you tell me to be harsher and give me some pressure. Young people can only grow if they give some pressure. I'm not thinking about making his task a little heavier, that is, giving him pressure. I didn't expect that Huang Zongliang would continue to increase the price under this situation."

"Okay, okay, blame me. Fortunately, Xiao Zhou is fine this time, otherwise something really went wrong."

"Yeah, we can't afford it. His parents are very concerned about him. I also called them to express my apology and comfort them. They are also very good and understand. I’m afraid they will say that our company mistreats employees.”

Abusing employees... Yu Dong twitched his lips. He really didn't think about Jay Chou's parents. What he was thinking just now was that if Jay Chou's body was broken, he wondered if there would be another one like this in the future.

Some people say that the times make heroes, while others say that heroes make the times.

If this hero is gone, it is really unknown whether the current situation can create another hero.


Less than two days later, the demos of Jay Chou's fifteen songs and the five songs with written lyrics were delivered to Yu Dong's home.

Yu Liang also knew that Yu Dong paid more attention to this matter, so he specially asked someone to send him off quickly.

"I'll let it go."

Cheng Yanqiu took the tape to play, while Yu Dong flipped through the five songs that hadn't been recorded yet.

As soon as he saw the first song, Yu Dong narrowed his eyes, a familiar song title - Indian Turtle Dove.

Then there is the second song, the clock in the opposite direction.

The third song is black humor.

They are all very familiar songs, but he is not very familiar with the fourth and fifth songs.

One is "Winter People", and the other is "My Head Hurts".

Cheng Yanqiu put the tape into the recorder, pressed the start button, and then walked over, "How is it?"

Yu Dong smiled, "How can I understand, the most I can do is read the lyrics."

"I'll take a look."

Cheng Yanqiu took the notebook and read it seriously.

The sound of the tape turning in the tape recorder sounded for a while, and then was covered by a "woo".

Hearing the sound of "woo", Yu Dong immediately thought of "cute woman". In fact, he guessed correctly, the song being played is cute woman, but the lyrics are quite different from the original version.

This version of the lyrics is very simple, just a few words of "cute woman" over and over again, although it sounds very good, but it still lacks flavor.

After listening for a while, Yu Dong probably understood that the lyrics of "Lovely Woman" seemed to be written by Xu Ruoxuan, and Jay Chou didn't know Xu Ruoxuan at this point in time, so naturally there was no complete lyrics of "Lovely Woman".

But from another point of view, Jay Chou’s demo is quite complete, both the arrangement and vocals are almost done, even the lyrics, although the lyrics are different from Xu Ruoxuan’s version, the core lyrics have already appeared .

Yu Dong didn't get entangled in the lyrics of "Lovely Woman", but continued to listen carefully.

There are ten songs in total, seven of which are familiar to Yu Dong, namely "Lovely Woman", "Perfection", "Tornado", "Istanbul", "Bullfight", "Xingqing", and "Lady".

Among the seven songs, the lyrics of "Lovely Woman", "Istanbul" and "Tornado" are different from those of later generations, while the other capitals are the same.

In addition to these seven familiar songs, there are three songs that Yu Dong is not very familiar with, namely "Wind in the Ear", "Farewell without Saying Goodbye", and "Walk or Not".

These five unfamiliar songs are actually pretty good, but they don't sound so familiar.

After Cheng Yanqiu listened to all the songs, he gave a three-word evaluation: very special.

Then she pointed to Jay Chou's score and said, "The tonality and trend of these songs of his have their own routine, which is a very special routine. This is already his style. Especially this song "Lady", The tempo is very strange, but it doesn’t violate the harmony at all. For pop music, if it sounds strange but does not violate the harmony, I think it is successful. It is strange because it is special, and it does not violate the harmony because it sounds good and can make people If you remember good music, you must be successful.”

Yu Dong clicked on the five songs he hadn't heard before and asked, "What about these songs, how do you feel?"

"Very good, but the style is similar to that of Xingqing and Istanbul. It is impossible for an album to have this style. If I had to choose, I would definitely choose Xingqing, Istanbul. Well... it would be nice to change the lyrics."

Hearing his wife's evaluation, Yu Dong nodded. He was still hesitating whether to keep these few songs, but now it seems that he won't keep them.

"I see." Cheng Yanqiu continued, "If we make an album, put aside the five songs you just mentioned, and make an album with the other ten songs, and "The Roof" is the same as last time. Hu's "The End of the World" can also be included, so that the album will have twelve songs, which should be about the same."

Hearing that Cheng Yanqiu had already made up his mind, Yu Dong nodded, "Okay, you decide."

(End of this chapter)

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