Chapter 673 Special Edition

Yu Dong remembers the earliest Lianliankan he played, which should be a little bit three years ago. The reason why he can remember it so clearly is that at that time, the school was closed due to the epidemic, and he stayed at home and played a lot of Lianliankan. At that time, Bejeweled also just came out.

At that time, when everyone played games, they would buy pirated game discs in bookstores and street stalls. Lianliankan games had a small memory and were usually added to the discs of other games. That is to say, no matter what game you bought , there will be a Lianliankan in it, so it will spread quickly.

Yu Dong also couldn't remember what disc he bought and kept hidden in it.

At that time, Lianliankan used the pictures of the very popular "Pokémon" characters at that time.

The reason why the characters who can use Pokémon is of course because the producer wants to use the super high popularity of Pokémon to drive players to play this game.

However, if Deep Space makes this game, it will definitely not use the character pictures in Pokémon again.

On the one hand, it is impossible. Although copyright management is not strict now, a big company like Deep Space must be more sensitive than others when encountering this kind of problem, otherwise there will definitely be disputes in the future.Unless Deep Space paid Pokémon a copyright fee in advance, but obviously Yu Dong would not be willing.

On the other hand, I don't want to, Deep Space doesn't need the fame of Pokémon to attract people to play this game.

This game itself has the ability to attract players, and the addition of pictures is not necessary. Lianliankan in other later versions can also illustrate this problem.

What Yu Dong wanted was to use the communication ability of this game to promote the IP of Deep Space Company.

For example, the small game IP that is being developed in cooperation with Motorola recently, and the earliest set of big IP "Resident Evil" in deep space.

Another example is the mythical universe IP that Deep Space is about to develop with Disney. There are a lot of characters in it that can be used.

While using Lianliankan to promote these IPs, these IPs are also used to promote Lianliankan, which complement each other.


The next morning, Yu Dong went to the company again, this time in his own big office. Besides him, Yu Yu, the general manager of Deep Space China, Jiang Jie, the general manager of Deep Space Computer Network Co., Ltd., and Wang Jin, the person in charge of the Deep Space Visual Design Company, was also present.

On the other end of the phone, Jimmy, the general manager of Deep Space America, and Shinji Mikami, the general manager of Deep Space Game Software, attended the meeting.

After the call got through, I tried the sound quality and volume to make sure there was no problem, and said to Dong, "Boss, you can start now."

"Okay." Yu Dong nodded, and said into the phone: "Jimmy, Mikami, thank you for working overtime at night."

He uses Mandarin. The high-level meetings of Deep Space Corporation now use Mandarin. Anyway, the high-level executives must be able to speak Mandarin. For example, Campote of Deep Space Books has already mastered Chinese very fluently.

The king of Chu has a thin waist, and the palace is often starved to death. From ancient times to the present, it has always been effective. In deep space, the high-level people can speak Chinese, and the employees below naturally follow suit. They are very enthusiastic about learning Chinese.

"Boss, it's okay, it's not too late, we often work overtime until later than this."

Shinji Mikami's Mandarin is not as good as Campote's, but he can be heard clearly.

Jimmy smiled and said, "Mikami, are you complaining to me about being too tired at work, or are you asking the boss for credit?"

"I'm just reporting my work status to the boss." Shinji Mikami said solemnly.

"Haha, I'll ask Boss Ji to give you a salary increase later. Now let's finish the business quickly, so you can rest early. The main content of today's meeting, the margin should have been told to you, right?"

"I said it, but only half of it. He said that you have two ideas for new games, but he didn't tell me the specific ideas." Jimmy said.

"Well, I told him not to talk about it first, and I will explain it to you myself. These two games are not complicated, so I will give you a brief introduction. Let me talk about the first game first, Lianliankan. Just imagine it first. There is a ten-by-ten square matrix on the game screen, with a total of one hundred points, and each point has a tile on it. These soil blocks are opposite each other, and all the player has to do is..."

Yu Dong roughly explained the gameplay of Lianliankan, and after he finished speaking, Yu Donggang wanted to ask them if they understood, when Shinji Mikami's excited voice came from the phone, "Boss, this game is good !"

Shinji Mikami's sudden excitement shocked Yu Dong.

Of course, what was even more surprising was the margin on the side. After Yu Dong left yesterday, he thought about it for a long time, but he didn't want to understand what is so good about this game and why the boss pays so much attention to it. Seeing Shinji Mikami so excited now, he I can't figure it out even more, and I have doubts about my own cognition.

Before opening his mouth, Shinji Mikami continued: "Why are minesweeper games and Tetris so popular among players? The reason is very simple, that is, Xiao... Xiao..."

When Shinji Mikami's Mandarin was still not enough, Yu Dong reminded with a smile: "Eliminate?"

"That's right, that's right, elimination! Elimination can bring people psychological pleasure, and this pleasure is very direct. So, although this game is very simple, it will definitely attract players."

Yu Yu nodded thoughtfully. When Yu Dong demonstrated on the paper before, he just connected the graphics, but those graphics did not disappear. He didn't feel any pleasure.

Now that Shinji Mikami uses the analogy between minesweeping and Tetris, he understands a little bit.

Seeing that Shinji Mikami was so knowledgeable, Yu Dong laughed, "Mikami, would you like to hear about the second game I thought of?"

"of course."

"The second game is actually very similar to Lianliankan. It also connects the same graphics and then eliminates the graphics, but the difference is..."

Match games are always the same, and so are games like Bejeweled and Match [-].

After Yudong introduced the gameplay of the game, Shinji Mikami became even more excited, "This game is even better!"

Then he began to explain the reason, "Compared with Lianliankan, Xiaoxiaole is more playable, and the competition... is also more competitive. For example, Xiaoxiaole has more choices at the same time, and every choice It will also affect the next choice and directly affect the outcome of the game, but Lianliankan is more about testing eyesight than intelligence."

He originally wanted to use the competitive nature, but after thinking about it for a long time, he couldn't figure out what to say about the competitive nature.

"Also, Lianliankan is over after one round, but Xiaoxiaole can continue to play, making players more immersed in it."

Sure enough, he is a game expert. Yu Dong just talked about the gameplay, and he already understands it, and every sentence is on point.

Afterwards, Shinji Mikami laughed again, "Boss, I have a proposal. For Lianliankan and Xiaoxiaole, it is better to use zombies as tiles. When eliminating pictures, there is also a way to beat zombies." Pleasure kills two birds with one stone.”

Yu Dong couldn't help laughing, Shinji Mikami, in order to promote the "Resident Evil" led by him, even popped out idioms.

Jimmy also laughed, "Mikami, these two games haven't been finalized yet, so you're rushing to push "Resident Evil" up. Besides, this kind of puzzle game is faced by many people who are not familiar with it." It’s old people and children, so it’s inappropriate to use zombies as icons.”

"It doesn't matter, Jimmy, you can make multiple versions. The zombie version will be put in the horror version, and then some more cute versions will be made for children. Anyway, this kind of thing is not difficult to achieve technically."

Jimmy smiled and said, "I personally support your idea. The version of Zombies cannot be the main version, but it can be launched as a special version. Recently, our company is discussing with Sony about the joint development of the mythical universe, as well as Motorola's small version. Wanzi, these two should be placed in the main position. Then, the characters in the game "Escape" can also be made into a version."

Jimmy said everything Yu Dong wanted to say, and expanded it, adding "Escape" into it.

Jiang Jie suddenly clapped his hands in fear, and said excitedly: "I thought of an idea!"

Yu Dong turned to look at Jiang Jie, "What idea?"

Jiang Jie rubbed his head, "I suddenly thought of it. In fact, we can make a Chinese character version, which is to make different Chinese characters into tiles, and players can connect the same Chinese characters to complete the game."

Yu Yu nodded: "This idea is very good, but there is a problem, that is, the Chinese characters are not attractive enough, and it may not be used as the main version. And for the Chinese, this is too simple, we can read these Chinese characters as well It can be found, but it can be placed in Xiaoxiaole."

"It's not very simple. There are many Chinese characters that you can't tell the difference if you don't look carefully, such as Zi and Zi, Tian and Yao. For example, some radicals are different, such as Yang and Yang."

"Well, Jiang Jie's proposal is quite good. Of course, it can only be the same as zombies, not a mainstream version. After all, people's acceptance of pictures is different from text. Putting Chinese characters in the game is still a bit monotonous." Yu Dong looked at Jiang Jie with a smile: "That's right, keep up the good work."

Although Yu Dong thinks that the Chinese character version cannot be the mainstream, he is still very interested in this proposal. Regardless of whether it can become the mainstream or not, he will make this version, which may have a miraculous effect on promoting Chinese culture.

Shinji Mikami on the other side of the phone also smiled and said: "It's okay, take your time, I think the vitality of these two games will be very long-lasting, and there will be many opportunities to add what we want in the future."

"Well, that's the reason, but we still need to pay attention to these two projects. After all, they are too easy to copy. Don't end up making wedding dresses for others." Jimmy said.

"Of course."

Hearing them discuss copyright protection, Yu Dong didn't pay much attention to it, because he knew it was useless to pay attention to it. No matter how they protected it, there would still be a large number of similar games coming out in the future, and it would not be easy to sue for copyright infringement. .

And what they have to do is to let players get used to their version as soon as possible, and make a fuss about the game experience.

"Since you all think it's good, then these two plans will be handed over to you, Sanshang, you arrange someone to come up with a plan as soon as possible."

Shinji Mikami smiled and said, "No need to arrange someone, I will do it myself."

Jimmy joked: "Mikami, don't force yourself, don't tire yourself out."

"Not tired, not tired."

The matter of Lianliankan and Xiaoxiaole was quickly settled. In fact, even if Shinji Mikami was not so excited and supported, these two games would definitely be done.

Because the production difficulty of these two games is not very high, since the boss personally speaks, it is a smooth thing to make.

Of course, Shinji Mikami, the main person in charge, is also optimistic about this game, and will devote more energy to it in the future to make the game better.

Then the few people chatted again to see if they could diverge their thinking.

But after we didn't talk for long, Jimmy smiled and said: "Okay, okay, overseas calls are so expensive, we are a small start-up company like Deep Space, let's save as much as we can, if there is anything else to talk about, Either I go to China, or you come to the United States, let's talk face to face."

Yu Dong rolled his eyes, "You mean, air tickets are cheaper than phone bills?"

"Haha, it's getting late, Dong, I'm going to rest too."

Yu Dong looked at his watch, "What time is it, are you going to rest? You have something to do recently, right?"

"Haha, it's not a good thing for the boss to pay too much attention to the private life of his employees. I'll talk to you about this later, so hang up."

After finishing speaking, Jimmy hung up the phone.

Listening to the busy tone from the phone, Yu Dong smiled. He did hear that Jimmy had something going on recently, and he seemed to have a girlfriend.

Hearing this, Yu Dong was quite happy, otherwise Yu Dong was really worried that Jimmy had a problem with his orientation.

After Yu Yu hung up the phone here, Yu Dong looked at Wang Jin who had been silent all this time, "You have also recently designed a batch of mythical universe tiles, I guess they will be used later, as for the little playboy ...For the time being, don’t do it for now. Also, if you have spare capacity, design another batch of Chinese character blocks.”

Wang Jin nodded: "No problem, I'll start working on it when I get back."

"Well, when it's okay, you can contact Shinji Mikami more and communicate with him about your needs."

"Haha, I'm afraid Mr. Ji will say that the phone bill is too expensive."

Hearing Wang Jin's joke, Yu Dong and the others all laughed. Jimmy always likes him. They say that Deep Space Company is a small company. But in fact, let alone Deep Space America and Deep Space China. The following branches are already very strong.

The few companies currently owned by Deep Space Holdings are probably inferior to Deep Space Music and Deep Space Vision, but these two companies are also growing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Needless to say, Deep Space Music, with the addition of Zhou Jianhui and the music business of Deep Space Company, they have developed very fast.

As for deep space vision, just a few businesses given to them by the headquarters are enough to keep them busy.

(End of this chapter)

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