Chapter 675

"This kid is stunned."

Zhao Changtian sighed, "Before he said that he would quit his job to write full-time, and he wanted to experience it on the ground. I was relieved to see him excited, but I didn't expect it to be like this now."

Hearing Zhao Changtian's ambiguity, Yu Dong asked again, "What's going on?"

"It's like this. Didn't you Shenkong Chinese website publish a call for essays before, and I showed it to him... The novel has already been posted, but he didn't show it to me. From his appearance, the response to the novel is probably not very good. , so confidence was hit. This child is like this, he has not resisted pressure since he was a child, and his mind is fragile."

"Really? He also submitted an essay call. Do you know the name of the novel he submitted for?"

"I just don't know... I don't know much about the Internet. Can you find out who he is?"


In fact, knowing Zhao Yan's address, the background should be able to find out which account belongs to him, but Yu Dong still told Zhao Changtian that he couldn't, which directly dispelled his thoughts.

"Well, even if it is possible, I can't let you look for it, otherwise I won't have any trust in him. All right, since he hasn't looked for you, I won't bother you. When I have time to go back to Shanghai, Come to the Writers Association to have a look.”

Yu Dong rolled his eyes and asked again, "When did he start uploading articles, do you know?"

Zhao Changtian recalled it, and said, "It should be in the middle of May, and he told me specifically that I was reading the selection of the July issue."

"Mid-May..." Yu Dong was thoughtful.

"what happened?"

"Oh, it's nothing. I'll come back to Shanghai to find you when I have time."

"Well, then I'll sweep the couch and wait."


After hanging up the phone, Yu Dong ran to the study to turn on the computer.

He remembered that the article "The End of the Great Wall" about crossing thousands of mountains was uploaded in mid-May, which aroused some reverie in him.

Compared to Zhao Changtian, Yu Dong is more optimistic about Zhao Yan. He believes that Zhao Yan is talented in this area.

Since Zhao Yan participated in the essay solicitation so seriously, there should be no splashes at all, so Yu Dong thought of Guo Qianshan.

Guo Qianshan was the only one among the top ten in the first issue who did not sign a contract with Shenkong Company, and it seemed that the book was published in mid-May. There were too many coincidences, and Yu Dong had to think about it.

Turn on the phone, open the website, and find "The End of the Great Wall". Yu Dong looked at the publication time of Chapter 1 of this book, which was May [-]th.

That's right.

Yu Dong smiled, this Guo Qianshan might be Zhao Yan.

But what Yu Dong couldn't understand was, if Guo Qianshan was really Zhao Yan, since his grades were so good, why didn't he tell his father.

Although he didn't have much contact with him, Yu Dong could tell that Zhao Yan still wanted his father's approval very much. Why did he miss such a good opportunity?

And not only did he not tell his father, he didn't even contact the Deep Space Company. Is this kid so indifferent to fame and fortune?
After thinking about it, Yu Dong sent a private message to Guo Qianshan.

The two of them had actually sent private messages a long time ago, and it was Guo Qianshan who sent it on his own initiative.

At that time, "The End of the Great Wall" had just come out, and Yu Dong saw that there were relatively few comments in the comment section, and there were not many serious comments, so he sent some words of encouragement.

It happened that his comment was seen by Jin Kefan, and it was pushed to the Hunting Yudong group, which attracted the attention of many people. Since then, the book has started to improve.

Because of this, Guo Qianshan took the initiative to send a private message, thanking Yu Dong.

[Dong Yudao: Are you from Shanghai? 】

After the private message was sent, there was no immediate reply.

The current network environment is like this. Even instant messaging software like Dongdong is difficult to chat in real time, let alone this kind of private message on the site without special prompts.

Few people will stay in front of the computer all the time, let alone check their private messages all the time.

After half a day, Yu Dong put down his work and logged on to the Deep Space Chinese website again, and received a reply from Guo Qianshan.

[Guo Qianshan: Huh? (15:15:31)]

[Guo Qianshan: Why do you say I'm from Shanghai? (15:26:55)]

[Guo Qianshan: How do you know I'm from Shanghai? (15:55:21)]

[Guo Qianshan: Brother Dong, please reply, you can add me XXXXXXXXX. (16:15:22)]

A message from Yu Dong directly made Guo Qianshan nervous. Within an hour, four messages were sent one after another, one more urgent than the other.

At least he is from Shanghai, and now, the possibility of Zhao Yan after crossing Qianshan has increased again.

Since he reserved the Dongdong account, Yu Dong also added it.

This time, Guo Qianshan quickly approved the application for adding friends.

Before Dong Dong could speak, Guo Qianshan sent a message first.

[The world can't tolerate: Are you Brother Dong? 】

[1: Well, you are crossing thousands of mountains, right? 】

Yu Dong's Dongdong nickname is very simple, just a "1".

[The world can't tolerate: Hmm, Brother Dong, how do you know I'm from Shanghai? 】

[1: Is your surname Zhao? 】


Zhao Yan was dumbfounded when he saw the new news in the chat box.

He has always separated the online world from the real world, and the separation is very clear. He never thought that one day people on the Internet would know who he is in reality.

His mind was running fast, thinking about when he revealed his identity, who the other party was, and why he recognized him.

Is it Xiaopang, a junior high school classmate?When we met last time, we chatted a little more, and told the other party about writing a novel. Is it possible that Xiaopang went to find him after he went back?
Or the son of the neighbor's Aunt Wang's family?
That kid usually comes here to play, and he also knows about writing novels, but it’s not right. I heard from the people in the Hunting Yudong group that this Dong Yudao appeared on the Deep Space Chinese Network a long time ago, and he knows literature very well. Everyone guessed Old Dong was a professor of literature at a certain school, and neither of the two he had thought of just now met the qualifications.

After thinking for a long time, Zhao Yan didn't have any clue.

He tentatively asked a question.

[The world is not allowed: Excuse me, who are you? 】

[1: I am Yu Dong. 】

After the new news came out, Zhao Yan's eyelids twitched, he couldn't believe it, and he took a closer look. It was either Gan Dong, Qian Dong, or Yu Dong.

The other party said he was Yu Dong.

Zhao Yan felt that his butt could not sit still, so he stood up and paced back and forth in the room.

"He said he was Yu Dong, he said he was Yu Dong."

dong dong——

There was new news again, Zhao Yan hurried to read it.

[1: Zhao Yan, I'm calling your home now, you go and answer it. 】

Before Zhao Yan could react, the phone in the living room rang.

Zhao Yan ran out in a hurry, and answered the phone in a panic.

Zhao Changtian, who was rushing to answer the phone, looked at Zhao Yan's appearance and asked strangely, "Your phone number?"

Zhao Yan nodded: "Well, we made an appointment in Dongdong."


Hearing Zhao Yan's voice, Yu Dong smiled and said, "Are you so afraid that your father will know that you have crossed a thousand mountains?"

Zhao Yan looked in his father's direction, and said awkwardly, "Teacher Yu, I'm either afraid, or it's not time yet."

"What's not in time, can you tell me?" Yu Dong asked.

Zhao Yan bit his lip and hesitated for a while, finally nodded and said: "Actually, there is nothing that cannot be said..."


Although the two are only nine years apart, in Zhao Yan's heart, Yu Dong is his elder.

When Zhao Yan was only fifteen or sixteen years old, Yu Dong was already a famous writer and often walked around with his father.

But unlike other elders, Yu Dong is still young after all, so he should relax when talking to Yu Dong.

Especially after this incident, after Dong Yudao and Yu Dong reunited, Zhao Yan was more willing to talk to Yu Dong.Now in his heart, Yu Dong is Bole who is willing to support his younger generation, at least he specially encourages him in the comment section.

After listening to Zhao Yan's confession, Shi Dong couldn't help but sigh with emotion. The communication between their father and son was really inefficient at all.

Zhao Changtian felt that Zhao Yan was too lazy and fragile, and lacked perseverance when encountering things, but he still believed that his son was talented.

As for Zhao Yan, he felt that his father was too cruel and looked down on him.

It was the same this time, originally he had told his father very enthusiastically about uploading the novel, but Zhao Changtian acted very coldly, there was no extra words at all, let alone being happy for him.

So Zhao Yan held his breath and wanted to prove himself to his father, and the way he proved himself was to get 100 million likes.

Zhao Yan wanted encouragement, but Zhao Changtian just couldn't give him that.Zhao Changtian is a very typical traditional Chinese father, he is not willing to praise his children, let alone he doesn't think it is a great thing to upload a book.

He wrote so many articles by himself, and he didn't think there was anything.

Yu Dong thinks this father-son pair is quite interesting. His own father, Yu Hansheng, is not a very dignified father, and the relationship between father and son has been relatively harmonious since childhood.

"You think that your father doesn't really support your writing, so you want to use 100 million likes in exchange for your father's respect, is that right?"

Zhao Yan said coyly, "It's not in exchange for..."

Yu Dong laughed, "I think your father's evaluation of you is not wrong at all."

Zhao Yan couldn't help asking, "How does my dad evaluate me?"

"Your father said that you are a thin-skinned person with poor psychological endurance, and your ideas are easily influenced by others, and you are not firm enough."

This series of comments made Zhao Yan blush, and he wished he could find a crack in the ground.

But before he found the ground, Yu Dong continued, "However, your father also said that you are very talented, with unconstrained ideas and great potential in writing. If you can overcome your inner fragility, you will grow into an adult in the future." A fine writer."

Zhao Yan said in a daze, "Really?"

Yu Dong said with a smile, "Do it well, and don't set up obstacles for yourself in everything you do. You think it's a kind of transcendence to reach 100 million likes, but as someone who has experienced it, let me tell you that letting go of it is an achievement." A kind of transcendence. When letting go of it, you have also crossed a psychological barrier.”

Zhao Yan blinked, although what Yu Dong said was like a tongue twister, he understood the truth.

He swallowed, "Teacher Yu, I understand what you mean. You are trying to tell me that such illusory things as praise should not be what I pursue. When dealing with works, I should be loyal to my heart and not easily Because of external influences. What I often stubbornly want to overcome will eventually become a demon in my heart."

"You only understand half of it," Yu Dong said.

"Half? What about the other half?" Zhao Yan asked.

Yu Dong said angrily, "Hurry up and reply to the private message sent to you by the staff of the Deep Space Company, and then sign the contract. This is what the other half means. You are crazy, if you don't want to sign the contract, I will disqualify you now. The top ten will arrange physical publication, and the first print of No.1 is at least [-] copies, I don't think you care too much."

Zhao Yan was stunned. He didn't expect Yu Dong's change to be so fast. Just now, he was a life mentor who was deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. He cleared the clouds for him, and talked about signing the contract in a blink of an eye.

"Uh, sorry, sorry, I'll get in touch right away."

"Well, you contact first, I have something to tell you later, so let's just leave it at that."

"Okay, thank you Teacher Yu."

After Zhao Yan hung up the phone, he felt a lot more relaxed. As Yu Dong said, he did set up obstacles for himself before, so that he couldn't breathe.

He stood up and walked to the study. Zhao Changtian was reading the materials, when he heard the movement at the door, he turned his head to look.

"Is there something wrong?" Zhao Changtian asked.

Zhao Yan shook his head, then nodded again, "I want to tell you about my novel."


Zhao Changtian raised his eyebrows, turned sideways, looked at his son and waited for him to continue.

Zhao Yan took a deep breath: "My novel is called "The End of the Great Wall", and I won the first place in the "Escape" game essay contest on Shenkong Chinese website. Shenkong has already signed a contract with me. Next, they plan to cooperate with me. This book is published in physical form, and the first printing is at least [-] copies."

After Zhao Yan finished speaking in one breath, Zhao Changtian's expression froze for a moment, and then he said, "Not bad, not bad."

Although his father's reaction was still flat, Zhao Yan was not sad, at least what his father said was good.

"Then I'll go back to my room."


Zhao Changtian nodded, and then suddenly said: "You go to your mother and let her come back. Didn't she talk about wanting to eat in an old restaurant a few days ago? Let's go together today."


"You said that Qian Shan is the son of Editor-in-Chief Zhao?"

After hearing what Yu Dong said about Zhao Yan, Cheng Yanqiu was surprised, "I remember that the son of editor-in-chief Zhao is still in middle school."

Yu Dong laughed, "What year has it been? He has been working for a long time, and he is in his early twenties now."

"I was quite young at that age, but I didn't expect to be very experienced in writing books."

"After all, he is the son of editor-in-chief Zhao, so he has been deeply influenced by it, so it goes without saying that he has writing ability."

Cheng Yanqiu smiled and nodded, "Young people are getting more and more powerful now, this Zhao Yan. Xiao Zhou is even less than twenty,"

When Jay Chou was mentioned, Yu Dong asked, "How is his album going?"

(End of this chapter)

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