Backtracking to the Age of Literature and Art

Chapter 687 On July 7, the sun is too big, so I can only stay at home and eat watermelon

Chapter 687 The sun is too big on July [-], so I can only stay at home and eat watermelon

After Spielberg left, Yu Dong called Jimmy and asked him to ask where the copyright of "Shrek" was, and if it was still there, he could buy it.

Jimmy is still in the United States, and it will take two days to arrive in Jinling.

He was about to have lunch when he suddenly received a call from Yu Dong. He was quite surprised. After the call was connected, he heard that Yu Dong was interested in "Shrek" and said with a smile: "My Dong, what are you thinking? How could the copyright of this comic still exist, it has been sold long ago."

Yu Dong hurriedly asked, "Who bought it? Can we buy it?"

"As long as you have enough money, of course you can buy it. Of course, if you want to buy "Shrek", if you do it well, you don't need to pay too much."

Yu Dong wondered, "How do you say that?"

Jimmy didn't rush to answer Yu Dong's question, but asked first, "Did Steven arrive in Jinling today? Did he call you?"

Yu Dong raised his eyebrows, "It's not just a phone call with me, he just left my place."

Jimmy laughed, "I said, why did you call me at night? It turned out that he was pestering me. This guy doesn't work overtime every day. It's not polite to ask others to work overtime... Let me tell you, " The copyright of Shrek is in Steven's own hands."

"His own hands?" Yu Dong raised his eyebrows.

"Yes, it's in his own hands, not in the hands of DreamWorks. As far as I know, he bought the film and television adaptation rights of this comic for seven or eight years."

Hearing that Jimmy said that it has been seven or eight years since Spielberg got the right to adapt, he frowned. Just now Spielberg told him that he has no other plans recently.

Either the plan didn't start because of something, or Spielberg didn't tell him the truth.

But there is no need for Spielberg to lie to him on this matter.

"How much do you know about "Shrek"?" Yu Dong asked again.

"I don't know much about it, but I heard that this plan has encountered many difficulties. I made a version before and it seems to be scrapped. Last time Steven talked about this, I was quite annoyed. It seems that there was a mistake in the decision-making. Also, they were supposed to be voiced by Farley, but Farley passed away last year."

"What kind of decision-making error exactly?" Yu Dong asked.

It is absolutely impossible for such an animated film to run aground because of the death of a voice actor. It must have encountered more difficult difficulties.

"I don't know the specifics. It should be related to technology. Are you particularly interested in the comic "Shrek"? If you are really interested, I will talk to Spielberg after I go to Jinling the day after tomorrow. Maybe there is a possibility of cooperation.”

Yu Dong nodded: "Alright."

When Jimmy said that Spielberg had already bought "Shrek", Yu Dong was quite disappointed, after all, such a good opportunity to miss out was gone.

But judging from what Jimmy said, there might be some hope.

"By the way, you just called to tell you something. In the morning, Michael Eisner told me that he will go to Jinling this year, but not too early. It should be No.11 to Jinling, NO. 12 stays for a day, and then NO.13 leaves."

Yu Dong nodded, "Very good, let's treat him well then."

Jimmy laughed and said, "I'm thinking now, is it because we gave him too high hopes? They didn't expect pirate movies to make money before, but after we cooperated, he told me about the cost and box office at least three times. This time he goes to Jinling, he will definitely talk to you about this matter."

Yu Dong said indifferently, "No matter whether his hopes are high or not, it will not change the result, and he will not increase the cost just because of his high hopes."

"It certainly won't."

"That's fine, we don't care what he thinks, just do our own thing."

"Okay, it's getting late, you can rest, we'll talk about it when I arrive the day after tomorrow."


After hanging up the phone, Yu Dong turned his chair and faced the floor-to-ceiling windows.

In the past year, the surroundings of the Deep Space Park have not been as desolate as before, but many of them are half-built buildings.

The talent apartment of Deep Space Company is also under construction, and it will be capped next year without any accidents, and it will be delivered the year after.

The talent apartment here has not been built yet, but the Jinling government over there has already thought ahead and took the lead in building a new Jinling Middle School sub-campus next to the Shenkong talent apartment, and it is about to start construction.

When the talent apartment is settled in a large scale, the Jinling Middle School sub-campus should also start recruiting students. By that time, many employees' children's education problems can be solved.

There is also the Olympic Sports Center, which has been discussed with the higher-ups before, and it was finally finalized some time ago.

In November, the Jinling Olympic Sports Center project officially applied for project approval.

Last month, Jinling issued an invitation letter for the selection of Jinling Olympic Sports Center design proposals to the world.

If all goes well, construction will start next fall, and after a construction period of about three years, the Olympic Sports Center will be officially delivered.

By that time, the area around the Deep Space Park should already be very prosperous.

After watching for a while, Yu Dong got up, it was already twelve o'clock, and he wanted to go home quickly.

When he got home, it was already 12:30, and the lights in the house were still on.

Yu Dong opened the door and went in, Cheng Yanqiu was still sitting on the sofa reading a book, the main room was a bit cold, she didn't turn on the air conditioner, she just put a blanket on her lap.

Hearing the sound of the door opening, Cheng Yanqiu put down his book and said with a smile, "You're back."

Yu Dong nodded, "Why are you still awake? It's already 12:30."

After receiving Spielberg's call, Yu Dong knew that he would not be able to go home for a while, so he called Cheng Yanqiu to let her go to bed early.

"It's not very sleepy. I thought I might fall asleep by reading a book on the sofa, but I haven't fallen asleep yet." As soon as he finished speaking, Cheng Yanqiu couldn't help yawning, and then said with a smile , "It's strange, I wasn't sleepy at first, but when I saw you back, I became sleepy all of a sudden."

"Then you carry it for a while, and I'll go soak my feet."

Cheng Yanqiu yawned and said, "Well, you go."

Yu Dong got some hot water by himself, ran to the bathroom to soak his feet, and said to Cheng Yanqiu while soaking, "You are going on stage tomorrow morning, and the two of us will get up at six o'clock."

"Well, I won't forget about that."

"I didn't say you forgot, I just wanted to say, you have to sleep well tonight, or you won't be in a good shape tomorrow."


"The hall will be closed for a few days before the next annual meeting, so that you will have time to rehearse."

"No, it's not a concert, and I can handle it without rehearsal."

"I heard that Xiao Zhou's mother is also here, so let's take her to Luoyuan for a sit down."


"Spielberg ran over suddenly today, and he only said half of the matter. I still don't know what he wants to say."


"He has a copyright in his hand, which I am very optimistic about. I wonder if there is any hope of cooperation." After Yu Dong finished speaking, he did not hear Cheng Yanqiu's response. He stretched his head and looked outside, only to see that Cheng Yanqiu was lying on his side. Fell asleep on the couch.

Yu Dong smiled and shook his head, wiped his feet clean, then picked up Cheng Yanqiu and went to the room.


The next morning, Yu Dong and his wife woke up at five o'clock. After making some breakfast, they went to the Deep Space Park.

When the two arrived at the place, it was seven o'clock, and the park had not yet opened for tourists, but there were already many people waiting at the gate.

Through the car window, looking at the long line at the door, Cheng Yanqiu sighed: "It's not easy to line up outside in such a cold day."

Yu Dong smiled and said, "You don't need to wait too long, the door will open in a while."

Then he asked the driver, "Did Assistant Hu tell you what happened to the other people?"

The driver replied with a smile: "Assistant Hu didn't say anything, but I heard from other people in the team that several guests have already arrived."


Yu Dong didn't ask who was there, because he would see them soon.

As soon as the car entered the park, Yu Dong and the others heard the sound of a piano coming from the music hall, only for a short period, and then it stopped abruptly, and then Yu Dong heard a murmur to himself, "Well, it's not bad, Not bad. Oh, the mic is on..."

Hearing this voice, Cheng Yanqiu said with a smile, "It should be Xiao Zhou."

"Well, it seems to be testing the sound, and it sounds like the sound effect is okay."

"It's okay."

The car quickly turned to the music hall, Jay Chou was standing on the stage, standing next to a piano, looking up and down.

This piano is Cheng Yanqiu's own. The music day needs a good piano, and it takes a lot of effort to adjust it from other places. The proprietress Cheng Yanqiu contributed her own piano.

After Yu Dong and the others got off the car, the busy staff saw the couple and greeted them one after another.

"Hi boss."

"Hi Boss Yu."

"Hello, Teacher Yu."

"Hello, lady boss."

"Hello, Teacher Cheng."

In deep space, Yu Dong and his wife did not have a fixed address, some called the boss, some called the teacher.

The staff's voice caught Jay Chou's attention. He stood beside the piano and raised his hand with Yu Dong and the others, but he didn't speak.

Instead, Yu Dong took the initiative to say, "It's quite early, Xiao Zhou."

"Well, come early, I want to try the equipment."

"How is the equipment? Is there anything that needs to be changed?"

"It's very good, there is no need to change it." Jay Chou looked at the piano in front of him again, with appreciation in his eyes.

In fact, this piano is not too expensive for Jay Chou's current status, but as far as Yu Dong knows, Jay Chou's money is controlled by his mother, I am afraid his mother will not let him spend millions to buy one Piano, at least not yet.

Cheng Yanqiu immediately noticed the way Jay Chou looked at the piano, walked up to the stage with a smile, sat down in front of the piano, and put his hands on the keys, a string of brisk notes jumped out.

"This piano, when it first came to my house, had a gorgeous tone and was very oppressive, but after playing it for a long time, it has become much gentler. This piano is not suitable for you, and it was given to me by my husband when he got married. gift, I cannot give it to you."

When Jay Chou heard the first half, he still wondered why the tone of this Steinway is so light and gentle. When he heard the second half, he quickly waved his hands and said, "I didn't want to..."

Before he finished speaking, he heard Cheng Yanqiu continue to say: "However, if you can release an album as wild and unconstrained as the first one next year, I will give you a piano like this one."


To be honest, if you say you don't want such a good piano, it must be a lie, but Jay Chou always feels that he shouldn't accept such an expensive gift.

Seeing Jay Chou's hesitation, Yu Dong smiled and said, "Why, are you not confident to release another album of acceptable quality?"

Jay Chou couldn't help but said, "Of course I'm confident."

"That's fine. Teacher Cheng doesn't often give gifts. You should cherish this opportunity."

Cheng Yanqiu couldn't help giving Yu Dong a blank look, "It sounds like I'm stingy."

"Not stingy, very generous." Yu Dong laughed, and then said to Cheng Yanqiu, "Since everyone has already sat down, let's play a song."

Cheng Yanqiu did not refuse, "What are you playing?"

Yu Dong thought for a while and said, "It's such a cold day, let's play a warm song like "July [-]nd, the sun is too big, we can only stay at home and eat watermelon"."

The sun is too big on July [-]nd...

Jay Chou on the side was stunned, he had no idea that there was a piano piece with this name in the world.

How to say this name... Well, it is more easy to understand, concise and to the point.

Even people who don't understand music can understand the emotion when they see this name, because the name has already been written.

Cheng Yanqiu smiled and clapped his hands, and then began to play the song "Eat Watermelon".

This piece of music was an etude that Cheng Yanqiu wrote casually when he was bored at home at the beginning of this summer. The tune is sometimes cheerful, sometimes enthusiastic, and sometimes very downcast.

Joyful and enthusiastic is because the flowers and leaves outside the window are luxuriant, and the chirping of insects and birds is interspersed with it. The whole world is full of vitality and makes people feel happy.

The loss is because the weather is too hot, but there is no way to be in such a vibrant world, wandering wantonly, and can only stay at home blowing a fan and eating watermelon, which is quite a rascal.

The song is not long, only about three minutes long, but it expresses a lot of things, it really makes people think of summer when they listen to it.

After playing the song, Yu Dong said with a smile, "After listening to this song, I feel much warmer."

"Poor mouth." Cheng Yanqiu gave Yu Dong a blank look, and then looked at Jay Chou, "Xiao Zhou, this name was given by your teacher Yu, and it has nothing to do with me."

Jay Chou scratched his head, "Actually, I think this name is pretty good."

Perhaps because he was worried that Yu Dong and the others would not believe it, he added, "Really."

Seeing him like this, Cheng Yanqiu couldn't help but burst out laughing, "Don't be nervous, actually I think the name is not bad, but he is easy to be complacent and can't boast."

Yu Dong laughed, "Okay, let Xiao Zhou practice for a while, we are here, he is not in the mood to prepare. Xiao Zhou, I will go in with Teacher Cheng, and you practice for a while."


Yu Dong walked off the stage hand in hand with Cheng Yanqiu, and just entered the music hall when he heard the sound of the piano behind him, Jay Chou was playing the song "Eating Habits".

"He can play it after listening to it once?" Yu Dong asked in surprise, "Isn't this very powerful?"

Cheng Yanqiu said with a smile: "It's quite powerful, but not too exaggerated. This shows that his audio-visual ability is relatively strong. One of the dozen students I teach can do this."

"Can you remember so many notes?"

"The progress of music is regular, and the rules are easier to find than the words and sentences in your literary creation. There is no need to memorize each sound." Halfway through the speech, Cheng Yanqiu shook his head, "Forget it, with you It's useless for people who don't even understand chords to say that."

Yu Dong twitched the corner of his mouth, he suddenly felt that it was a mistake to come to the music hall today.

If you don't come, why should you suffer such a great humiliation.

(End of this chapter)

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