Chapter 690 Emergencies
Zhang Yimou arrived last night.

Originally, he would arrive in two days, but Yu Hua and Bi Feiyu kept urging him to come.

By the time he arrived, Yu Hua and Bi Feiyu had gone somewhere, leaving him alone in the empty room last night.

When he got up in the morning, he called Yu Hua and scolded Yu Hua.

Yu Hua on the other end of the phone smiled, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm going to make amends to you this afternoon, so you haven't had breakfast yet, so I'll treat you to breakfast."

"Would you like to come over and buy me breakfast?"

"The past will not pass, you go to the hotel restaurant, order whatever you want, and just charge it to my account."

Hearing this, Zhang Yimou wished he could go along the phone line and slap Yu Hua twice.

The breakfast in the hotel restaurant is free, keep a fart account.

After cursing and hanging up the phone, Zhang Yimou got up and went to the restaurant.

Because it was getting late and the meal time had passed, there were not many people in the restaurant. When I met a few acquaintances, they had almost eaten and had to go back.

When Zhang Yimou was about to eat, two foreigners came to the table next to him. Zhang Yimou glanced at it, then raised his eyebrows.

He knows these two foreigners, one is Matthew McConaughey, the protagonist of "Sniper Phone Booth", and the other is Johnny Depp, the protagonist of "Edward Scissorhands".

If it was normal, Zhang Yimou wouldn't watch it after just one glance, but because of "Golden Dreamland", he paid more attention to the two of them.

The plan of "Golden Dreamland" has been delayed for a long time.

After the script was finalized last year, Deep Space was ready to start the project. In the summer, Yu Dong was planning to take Zhang Yimou to New York to see the location, but later this matter was delayed, and the start of the film project was also delayed.

However, Deep Space was not in a hurry for this plan, because this year, Deep Space has already had many plans on hand.

Zhang Yimou's preparation is to go to New York to see the location after the Chinese New Year, and then decide on the role.

I really want to shoot, it is estimated that it will take another year.

But he himself is not in a hurry, because he still has a movie to shoot this year, which has already been decided.

Zhang Yimou paid more attention when he saw Matthew McConaughey and Johnny Depp because of the role to be determined.

It's just that Zhang Yimou's English is not good, and he can't understand what the two of them are talking about.He had met Matthew McConaughey before, more than once, because Matthew McConaughey had attended the Deep Space Annual Conference in the past two years.

Here, Matthew McConaughey chatted with Johnny Depp for a while, and also noticed that someone was looking at them. When he turned his head and looked at them, he showed a surprised expression, "Director Zhang, what a coincidence? "

Zhang Yimou was taken aback, and Matthew McConaughey actually spoke Chinese, and he spoke not badly.

Also, they were just nodding acquaintances before, and I didn't expect Matthew McConaughey to remember himself.

"Hello." Zhang Yimou replied with a smile.

Matthew McConaughey directly pulled Johnny Depp to stand up, and first introduced Zhang Yimou in Chinese, "Director Zhang, this is Johnny Depp, a very good actor."

Then he said to Johnny Depp in English, "Depp, this is the director of "To Live" and "Red Sorghum", Mr. Zhang."

Johnny Depp shook hands with Zhang Yimou, "Hello, Director Zhang, I like your movies very much."

This is not a polite remark. Depp has indeed watched "To Live". Someone recommended it to him before. The movie is very good, but Depp thinks that he should not have any intersection with directors like Zhang Yimou.

"Thank you." Zhang Yimou responded with a smile, and then asked the two of them, "Did you two arrive yesterday?"

Matthew McConaughey said with a smile: "I arrived at noon yesterday, and he arrived last night."

"Do you have any activities to participate in these two days?"

"No, I originally wanted to come over a few days in advance to take a look. Director Zhang, you should be able to tell that I am learning Mandarin recently, and coming a few days in advance can also improve my Mandarin level. As for Depp, he actually wanted to come. Check out the Deep Space Music Day scene."

"Oh? Mr. Depp is still interested in music?"

"Actually, he's pretty professional, he's been in a band before, he's a guitarist."

Zhang Yimou was quite surprised, "Then today's event is really suitable for him."

"What are you talking about?" Depp asked in English.

"I'm talking about you playing music."

"Is it?"

"of course."

Depp suddenly envied Matthew McConaughey. In a strange country, communicating with local people in the local language is a very powerful thing.

Speaking of it, Depp feels that more and more people around him are learning Chinese in the past two years, such as... such as Winona.

He watched the news some time ago, and Winona showed off her Chinese proficiency in the interview, and she spoke decently, but he couldn't tell her proficiency.

It is reasonable for Winona to learn Chinese. Since she starred in "Resident Evil", her relationship with Deep Space has become closer, and there will be many cooperations in the future.

Several people chatted for a while, and Matthew McConaughey asked Zhang Yimou: "Director Zhang, where are you going for a while, are you also going to the music hall?"

Zhang Yimou smiled and said, "I haven't decided yet."

"Would you like to come with us?" Matthew McConaughey invited.

Matthew McConaughey is actually being polite. After learning Chinese, he has also learned a lot of Chinese casual manners.

But what he didn't expect was that Zhang Yimou replied without any hesitation: "Of course, I'm thinking about where to go."


When Zhang Yimou and the others arrived at the Deep Space Park, Jay Chou had just started singing the second song.

Sitting in the car, Matthew McConaughey laughed: "It's already started."

The car bypassed the crowd and reached the side of the music hall, and the three came out from inside.

The staff suggested going to the second floor, which has a better view, but Johnny Depp preferred to be on the first floor. Looking at the back of Jay Chou on the stage, he said with a smile: "It feels very special to watch the performance from this angle. Who is this cool boy singing?"

Matthew McConaughey introduced him: "Jay, a young musician who is very popular in Asia recently, I heard that he is a student of Ms. Cheng."

"Ms. Cheng?"

"YU's wife."

"Oh, I know, she wrote the soothing piano piece in "Sea Pianist", right?"

"That's right." Matthew McConaughey nodded, and asked Depp again, "From the perspective of a professional musician, how is he?"

"I only listened to it for less than a minute, you should ask me later."

Zhang Yimou has been observing McConaughey and Depp from the sidelines. On the whole, McConaughey is more suitable to play the male lead of "Golden Dreamland". Compared with Depp, McConaughey now looks more down-to-earth.

In addition, McConaughey's Chinese is good, and it is still improving. If we cooperate in the future, it will be more convenient to communicate.

As for "Old Indian Turtledove" that Jay Chou was singing, Zhang Yimou found it a bit strange and not very pleasant to his ears.

In fact, Zhang Yimou has heard all of Jay Chou's songs. On the one hand, it is because of his relationship with Deep Space. On the other hand, he is also very willing to pay attention to what young people like today.

Even if he doesn't understand, he will try to understand, because he believes that it must be reasonable for Jay Chou's songs to be affirmed by Cheng Yanqiu and Yu Dong, and to be so popular with young listeners.

Looking at the lively scene, those young men and women stood under the stage, standing in the cold wind, cheering, shouting, and releasing their enthusiasm, all of which were for the young man on the stage.

"Director Zhang, Depp asked, is all domestic music of this type?" McConaughey asked.

Zhang Yimou shook his head with a smile, "No, this kind is quite special in China."

Although Zhang Yimou doesn't know much about music, he probably knows something popular in China these years.

The most popular rock music in the 90s should be rock music. Tang Dynasty, the three masters of Moyan, these people hold a concert wherever they go, the momentum will be bigger than before, and the audience will be even crazier.

However, in the past few years, rock and roll seems to have cooled down a bit, just like the literature and poetry of the 80s, after being brilliant, it began to slowly return to calm.As for what will happen next, Zhang Yimou doesn't know.

He can tell McConaughey and Depp not much, he can only say that Jay Chou's music is indeed not very common in China.

Depp nodded, "This is not the same as the Chinese music I understand."

McConaughey said with a smile: "Look carefully, listen carefully, and you will find that besides music, there are many things in China that are different from what you understand."

Depp nodded again, "For example, this park, this music hall, reveals a modern atmosphere everywhere. I don't know about other places, but Jinling is definitely not related to poverty, but I saw a lot of historical atmosphere along the way. The ancient architecture makes people feel very good.”


Zhou Jianhui, who was chatting with Yu Dong, accidentally caught a glimpse of Zhang Yimou standing outside the door, and asked in surprise, "That seems to be director Zhang Yimou?"

Yu Dong followed his gaze and saw that it was indeed Zhang Yimou, and there were two foreigners standing beside Zhang Yimou. Yu Dong recognized McConaughey and Depp at a glance.

Zhou Jianhui also recognized McConaughey: "The one next to Director Zhang seems to be Matthew McConaughey, the one in "Sniper Phone Booth"."

After finishing speaking, Zhou Jianhui smiled awkwardly. He almost forgot that "Sniping the Phone Booth" was written by Yu Dong, and Deep Space also participated in the production of the film.

Yu Dong smiled: "The other one is Johnny Depp."

"The protagonist of "Edward Scissorhands"?" Zhou Jianhui looked carefully, "He looks different from the one in the movie."

"Let's go over and say hello."

"Okay." Zhou Jianhui nodded, and Yu Dong's proposal was exactly what he wanted.

The two walked out, and Yu Dong said, "Why are you here?"

The three people who were watching the show turned their heads, and Zhang Yimou smiled and said, "You are also there. I happened to meet Matthew and the others, so we came to have a look together."

Matthew McConaughey also laughed: "Depp wanted to come to the show, so we came over."

"Mr. Depp, hello."

Because it was the first time they met, Yu Dong specially greeted Depp.

The two shook hands, and Yu Dong smiled and said, "Welcome to China."

Afterwards, he introduced the two parties. Zhou Zhaohui shook hands with them respectively, and they were regarded as acquaintances.

Yu Dong looked at the other side of the stage, then at this side, and said, "Although this place is behind the stage and blocked by the stage, there are still many audiences who can see this direction. If they notice, say Maybe you can't escape. Depp, your role as Edward has left a deep impression on the Chinese audience."

Depp looked indifferent, "It's okay, I don't look like Edward."

Matthew McConaughey also looked relaxed, "No, we have been standing here for a while, and no one has paid attention to us. At this distance, they can't even see what we look like."

However, before Matthew McConaughey's voice fell, there was a sudden exclamation at the scene.

This exclamation made Yu Dong startled, thinking that his crow's mouth was right, and someone really saw them.

A few people looked in the direction of the audience, and saw a pot of porridge suddenly in the middle of the front of the stage, and there was a whirlpool in the middle of the porridge, and in the middle of the whirlpool were three women wearing hats.

Seeing these three women wearing hats, Yu Dong immediately felt his sky cap was lifted by a gust of cold wind.

Although Hu Jing and the others changed their coats, hats, and scarves, Yu Dong recognized the three of them at a glance.

Seeing the three girls surrounded by the audience, Yu Dongqi didn't fight. He clearly warned them not to run around, don't run around, but the three girls just didn't listen, now it's all right , must have been discovered.

Jay Chou, who had just finished singing the second song on stage and was about to take a break, was a little confused by the sudden situation in the audience, holding the microphone at a loss what to do.

He thought he should say something, "Uh... this... everyone..."

After holding back for a long time, he couldn't hold back a complete sentence. He didn't even know who the three people in the audience were.

As if to answer Jay Chou's doubts, someone in the crowd shouted: "Little playboy!"

With this scream, the outside audience also knew what happened, and they all stepped on their feet to look inside.

Looking at the scene in front of him, Zhang Yimou turned his head to look at Yu Dong, and said confidently, "Yuanwai, you arranged this."


"That's what Jimmy arranged."

Yu Dong rolled his eyes, not wanting to talk to Zhang Yimou.

He now hopes that he or Jimmy arranged all this. If it was arranged by them, various protective measures must have been taken around, so that no accident will happen to Hu Jing and the others.

But now it's an unexpected situation, Hu Jing and the others are surrounded by a group of excited fans, no one knows what will happen.

After all, there were so many people present, even if nothing happened to Hu Jing and the others, Yu Dong was worried that accidents would happen to other audience members.

Seeing that the scene was about to get out of control, Yu Dong hurried to the director's room, picked up the microphone, and said to the staff, "Even Jay Chou's ears are back."

When the boss spoke, the staff dared not neglect, and quickly connected Jay Chou's ears.


(End of this chapter)

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