Of course, the rest of the calls did not find Christopher Nolan, because the two brothers are still in the theme building at the moment.

The Nolan brothers, who had just watched a short film, were strolling in the aisle of the movie themed pavilion. Looking at the crowded theme pavilion, Jonathan Nolan said, "You should have brought Emma over, he and she Definitely love a scene like this.”

Christopher Nolan shook his head and said, "She needs to rest."

The Emma mentioned by Jonathan is Christopher's wife, Emma Thomas. The two are not only husband and wife, but also very close partners. Christopher's first feature film "Following" was produced by Emma Thomas.

It's just that Emma Thomas has just given birth to a child not long ago, and it is inconvenient to travel long distances to China now.

In fact, Christopher still hopes that his wife can come with him. As Jonathan said, Emma will definitely like the atmosphere of the Deep Space Movie Theme Pavilion very much.

They went to the super-large movie hall in the theme hall just now, because there were too many people, so they could only stand in the last row to watch the movie.

But even so, the effect of viewing movies is not comparable to that of ordinary theaters.

To be honest, Christopher Nolan was a little shocked by the huge IMAX theater in the theme hall. He even felt that the texture of "The Pianist on the Sea" held back the theater. Movies, that will fully show the temperament of the theater.

Perhaps, one day he will also have the opportunity to make such films.


The two brothers spent a day shopping in the theme pavilion, and almost watched all the entries.

By the time they got back to the hotel, they were exhausted.

After returning to the room, Jonathan Nolan went to the bed and let out a long sigh of relief, "It only takes a day for me to fall in love with this bed, and now no one can try to drag me out of this bed. "

Christopher Nolan sat on the sofa and said with a smile: "Actually, we can spend more time in other venues, after all, the entire Deep Space Short Film Contest will last for a week, and we have plenty of time to watch those participating films. "

Jonathan said with a smile: "I want to see the other short films that participated in the competition earlier, so that I can determine whether your "Antfly" can win the award."

"So what do you think now?"

"If I were a judge, I would definitely award the International Award to "Antfly". Among the other nine short-listed foreign language short films, there is no work that can catch people's eyes."

Christopher spread his hands and said, "Unfortunately, you are not a judge."

"Even if I'm not a judge, I still think..."

Before Jonathan finished speaking, the landline in the room rang. He glanced at the phone and said to his brother, "It may be from the front desk clerk. You can answer it."

Christopher sat on the sofa without moving, "You are closer."

"As I said, no one can drag me out of bed."

"You don't even have to get out of bed."

Seeing that Christopher was motionless, Jonathan could only turn sideways and pick up the phone, "Hello."

"Hello, is this Mr. Nolan?" A calm male voice came from the other side of the phone, speaking fluent English.

Jonathan raised his eyebrows and said with a smile, "Excuse me, which Mr. Nolan are you looking for?"

"Which... what I'm looking for is Christopher Nolan."

"Hold on."

Jonathan shook the phone at Christopher, "You have to get up from that leather couch under your ass now."


Christopher scratched his head, got up and came over to answer the phone, "Hi, I'm Christopher Nolan."

"Hello, Mr. Nolan, I am Yu Yu, the general manager of Deep Space China."

Jonathan next to him heard the voice on the phone, sat up all of a sudden, opened his eyes and asked, "Who did he say he was?"

Christopher was also agitated. He made a silence gesture to his brother, then adjusted his mood and said, "Hello, sir, what can I do for you?"

The margin on the other end of the phone smiled and said, "That's right, Mr. Nolan, we have seen your short film "Antfly" and thought it was very good, so we hope to buy the copyright of this short film."

Christopher Nolan wondered, "But, the judging work will start tomorrow."

"That's right, the judging work will start tomorrow, but our purchase of the copyright of "Antfly" has nothing to do with the short film competition itself, and will not affect the subsequent judging." Yu Yu smiled: "The decision to sell or not is up to you." You, you agree to sell, you don’t get an award for it, and you don’t agree to sell, you don’t lose an award for it.”

Christopher looked at Jonathan, he missed his wife Emma Thomas a little bit, and Emma was doing these things before.

After hesitating for a while, Christopher asked, "Can I think about it?"

The other end of the phone paused, and then asked, "Mr. Nolan, can I ask what your concerns are? If you have any demands, you can directly raise them, and we can discuss them."

Christopher didn't hide it either, and told the truth, "In general, my wife is responsible for this kind of thing."

Yu Yue raised his eyebrows, and he heard two important messages from Nolan's words.

First, Nolan is not a newcomer, he has encountered such things before.

Second, his work-related affairs are all helped by his wife, who is probably his agent.

"Is your wife your manager?" Yu Yu asked.

"That's not true. She's a producer."

"So that's the case. If it's convenient, can you give me her contact information, and I'll talk to her."

Christopher didn't hesitate at all, "Of course, the phone is..."


It was broad daylight in Britain at this time, and Emma Thomas was very happy when she learned that Deep Space Corporation was going to purchase the copyright of "Antfly", and she also participated in the production of this short film.

On the phone, Emma Thomas expressed her admiration for Deep Space Corporation, while at the same time constantly boasting about the talents of her husband Christopher Nolan.

Through Emma Thomas, Yu Yu finally knew that Christopher Nolan is indeed not a novice. The feature film "Following" directed by him has been released in April. Although the box office is not good, the response is not bad.

After all, this is a movie with a cost of only [-] US dollars, and the performance is already very good.

Amidst Emma Thomas' constant boasting, Yu Yu took advantage of the situation and proposed that he hoped to sign a brokerage contract with Christopher Nolan.

Emma Thomas didn't hesitate at all for the olive branch from Deep Space Company, she reached out and took it firmly, and she also sold one of their film production plans to Yu Yu by the way.

"In fact, several companies have been contacting us, hoping to cast Christopher's next film, but we have been hesitating. Because we hope to obtain a sum of money without being subject to too many constraints, affecting the film. production."

Yu Yu said with a smile: "Our Deep Space Company is very good at doing such things. Many people think that Deep Space likes to chase the box office and the market when investing in movies. But in fact, the market has never been our primary goal, otherwise we would have We’re not going to be casting breakthrough films like I’ve Lived for Tens of Thousand Years and buying Two Smoking Barrels, but we’re lucky that those movies are doing well.”

"In addition, we have also cast and filmed several films in China that are not competitive at the box office, such as "Mountain, Man, Dog" and "Little Tiger". You can learn about these by yourself."

Emma Thomas laughed, "Then I'll be blunt. Christopher's next movie is an adaptation of an unpublished novel by his brother Jonathan. The genre is thriller and suspense. The funding required is about 300 million to 900 million dollars." Between ten thousand dollars."

After listening to Emma Thomas, Yu Yu nodded, "The cost is not high, but we must see the script first. Did Mr. Nolan bring the script with him?"


Yu Yu smiled, carrying the script with him so far away, it seems that Christopher had an idea to find deep space investment.

The investment of US$300 million to US$900 million can only be regarded as a small project for Deep Space, and the idle funds of Deep Space Corporation have increased a lot recently.

The previous movie box office share has been recovered a lot, and Amazon's stock has also taken a lot of cash out, and it has not spent much money in the operation of the Deep Space Tribe.

"See if this works. Tomorrow, I will invite Mr. Christopher to meet our boss YU in the Deep Space Tower. Let the boss see his script, and the boss will decide whether to cast it or not."

"YU?!" Emma Thomas' tone was a little surprised, "Will he personally ask about such a small project?"

Unknowingly, Deep Space has become a behemoth in the entertainment industry, and Yu Dong, as the soul of Deep Space Company, Emma Thomas took it for granted that he would not interfere with such a small project with only a few million investment.

Although he made a big splash about her husband Christopher in front of Yu Yu, but she knew in her heart that Christopher was just a newcomer and didn't have the capital to attract Yu.

So, when Yu Yu said that she wanted YU to read the script in person, she was a little surprised.

However, what the margin said next surprised her even more.

"In fact, it was our boss's idea to buy the copyright of "Antfly" and sign Mr. Nolan. After seeing "Antfly", he admired the film very much."

Emma Thomas on the other end of the phone couldn't help but clenched her fists. She has always firmly believed that her husband is a very talented filmmaker.But in her own opinion, it is completely different from YU's approval.

That was YU, a person whose name alone was worth hundreds of millions of dollars.

A few days ago, Emma Thomas also read an article in the newspaper. The well-known film critic Romero said when referring to YU: Any Hollywood movie, as long as YU’s name appears in the screenwriter list, at least one box office. billion dollars.

Of course, this is just an exaggeration, because last year's "I Lived for Tens of Thousand Years" was written by YU, but the box office did not reach hundreds of millions.

Romero just wanted to express that YU has extraordinary box office appeal and market insights.

Anyway, no matter what, it is a very happy thing for Christopher to be appreciated by YU.

Moreover, the Nolan brothers themselves are loyal readers of YU. If Christopher knows that YU is a good movie, he will be very happy.

"Okay, Mr. Yu Liang, then I will contact you tomorrow."

"Okay, I'll take Mr. Nolan to our boss tomorrow morning, and wait until the afternoon, when it's dawn on your side, and we'll talk on the phone again."


Christopher Nolan is a typical British handsome guy, about the same height as Yu Dong, but a bit bigger than Yu Dong.

It may be that the Nolan he saw on TV before was all in his 50s and 29s, so when he saw the [-]-year-old Nolan in front of him, Yu Dong's first reaction was: how young.

And Nolan's first reaction when he saw Yu Dong was similar.

Although he had seen photos of YU, he realized that YU was so young when he saw the real person.

YU is two years older than him, but it seems that YU is only in his early 20s, as if Chinese men are not prone to aging.

Yu Dong looked at Nolan for a moment, then smiled and said, "I heard that you have a new movie plan?"

Nolan nodded, opened the briefcase he was carrying with him, and took out a stack of script scripts, "This is a script adapted from my brother Jonathan's novel "Death Warning."

"Death warning?" Yu Dong took over the script, "Has the novel been published yet?"

"not yet."

Yu Dong asked again, "Is the name of the movie the same as the name of the novel?"

"No, the movie is called Memento."

Yu Dong looked up at Nolan, with a smile flashing in his eyes, he didn't expect that what Nolan brought was "Memory Fragments".

"Memento" should be the real starting point for Nolan to start his career as a great director. This movie directly made him an eye-catching director in the industry.

Yu Dong has never paid attention to the box office of this movie, but with the reputation of this movie, if it can be completed within 900 million US dollars, it will definitely not lose money.

Seeing Yu Dong looking at himself, Nolan asked curiously, "Is there any problem? YU."

Yu Dong smiled and shook his head, "It's nothing, I was just thinking, your family is very interesting. I heard that your wife was the producer of your movie, and now your brother is the author and screenwriter of the original book. In this way, Your family can make a movie."

"My wife and I met because of movies."

"En." Yu Dong replied, and then began to read the script of "Memory Fragments".

After watching it for a while, Yu Dong found that the script of "Memory Fragments" was more laborious than the movie, the scene switching was too fast, and there was no background introduction, which would make people confused.

If Yu Dong hadn't seen the original film, he would have had to work hard to understand what the story was about.

However, with the blessing of the original film, Yu Dong browsed the script very quickly. Christopher, who was sitting opposite him, was stunned. He doubted whether Yu Dong could understand it after reading it so fast.

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